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Auspex Combination Disciplines

Each combination discipline below requires Auspex in addition to at least one other discipline. Each power lists its prerequisites alongside its effects.

All combination disciplines are considered rare and are Restricted for player characters unless approved by Admin.

Auspex & Animalism

Name Prerequisites
Beast's Communion Quell the Beast & Ancestors' Insight
Call Upon the Blood Quell the Beast & Spirit Ties
Legion Dominion & Share the Senses
Mind of the Wilds Beckoning & Telepathy
Read the Winds Subsume the Spirit & Psychic Projection
Seek the Brahmin Quell the Beast & Ancestors' Insight
Test the Road Child of the Night & Sense Vibrations

Beast's Communion

Requirements: Quell the Beast & Ancestors' Insight

The Beast within every vampire is seldom seen, usually buried beneath the vampire's dominant personality or screaming an ravening in the throes of a Frenzy, but you can draw it forth in order to communicate directly with it. By touching someone (including yourself, if you wish), you draw the Beast to the surface and give it an understandable human voice; the vampire (or ghoul) affected becomes semi-catatonic, recognizing and remembering what is happening but only able to observe while the Beast speaks instead. You may converse with the Beast as long as you wish (although it is likely not to care about or even understand especially human or complex ideas), but while it is ascendant, its owner is in a heightened state of sensitivity and much more likely to Frenzy than they would normally be.

This power is generally used sparingly to discover a person's secret drives or what they might have done in a Frenzy they have forgotten; the Beast does not appreciate being told to withdraw again when you are finished, causing many uses of this power to automatically end in bloodshed.

Call Upon the Blood

Requirements: Quell the Beast & Spirit Ties

You may recognize the Beast in those around you, even if they are doing their best to hide it. Once this power is used, for the rest of the scene you see the Beast of each person who possesses one, as if their face were slightly transparent, revealing the monster within. This allows you to easily see at a glance who has a Beast and who does not, although no one else is able to see the same information while you do.


Requirements: Dominion & Share the Senses

You may drink an animal's blood to forge a connection between all members of that species and you; while you still gain no sustenance from the bestial blood, all creatures of that species within ten miles send you mental flashes from their perceptions, effectively giving you miles of senses far beyond your current location. These are not always coherent or understandable without some effort (after all, animals do not think like humans or vampires and often have senses that you may not), but you can also choose a specific animal whose perceptions you have shared to directly perceive through, getting more specifics as if you were there firsthand. If you are peering through a specific animal, you may also choose to let another being who meets that animal perceive you within it, which typically results in terror and confusion. The heightened senses remain for the rest of the scene.

Mind of the Wilds

Requirements: Beckoning & Telepathy

By sharing the senses of small local animals, you may gain an understanding of the area in which they live in a small area (for example, a square mile of forest, or a few blocks of a city) for a scene. All the small creatures in the area feed their tiny senses into your brain without knowing it, telling you the state of their environment; you know as soon as they do when there is a fire, flood, or other disaster; poisons or toxins affecting the environment; or intruder creatures that do not normally live there. You only learn the state of things, not exactly why or what happened - most small animals are just as clueless about the source of a poison or the history of a wagon coming through their home as they would be about advanced astrophysics.

Read the Winds

Requirements: Subsume the Spirit & Psychic Projection

Like Mind of the Wilds, this power allows you to automatically share the senses of all animals in the area, but you now oversee a much more massive range and gain much more complex and detailed information from creatures of all sizes and intellects within it. For the rest of the scene, you know about anything significant that happens anywhere an animal can perceive it.

Seek the Brahmin

Requirements: Quell the Beast & Ancestors' Insight

You may recognize the social pecking order of any group of living or undead creatures, recognizing the structure of a wolf pack, the leader of a flock of geese - or even who is considered a class above who else in a group of more complicated human beings or vampires. You can recognize who is the most respected, strongest, and/or most deferred to in a group, and if there are multiple important persons in a group recognize each of them as a cut above the others. This does not tell you why or how these people are considered above others, only that they are.

Test the Road

Requirements: Child of the Night & Sense Vibrations

By simply speaking to another vampire for more than five minutes, you gain insight into their Beast and the morals that help control it. You learn not only what morality path the vampire has but what rating on it they have, which you experience as a sense of how committed to it they are and its effect on their unruly Beast.

Auspex & Celerity

Name Prerequisites
Cowboy Shot Heightened Senses & Swiftness
Eyes of Blades Sense Vibrations & Swiftness
Eyes of the Beast Heightened Senses & Alacrity
Focused Reflexes Telepathy & Fleetness
Hand of the Master Artisan Heightened Senses & Alacrity
Preternatural Instinct Telepathy & Alacrity
Quick Sight Heightened Senses & Swiftness
Quickened Instinct Sense Vibrations & Swiftness
Unassailable Parry The Spirit's Touch & Flower of Death

Cowboy Shot

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Swiftness

Harnessing both supernatural speed and clarity of thought, you may shoot as perfectly accurately as if you were standing in a firing range even if you are running, riding a vehicle or mount, being shaken around, or otherwise in an unstable situation.

Eyes of Blades

Requirements: Sense Vibrations & Swiftness

You may enter a trance in which you focus on nothing but attacks coming your way from an enemy; you cannot attack in return, but while you remain in this state, you are able to parry attacks from up to five enemies at once, making it impossible to gang up on you.

Eyes of the Beast

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Alacrity

You are impossible to gang up on; when you use this power, you can respond to every opponent in a violent situation as if they were the only one, seeming to preternaturally respond in time for each blow or attack.

Focused Reflexes

Requirements: Telepathy & Fleetness

You may attune yourself to an enemy's most minute movements and patterns, learning their reflexes almost as well as you know your own. You can mirror their movements perfectly or react to their attacks as if you knew they were coming.

Hand of the Master Artisan

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Alacrity

You are so physically adept that you can create a work of art at high speed, completing a complex sculpture, intricate novel, or beautiful painting in only a few moments where it would normally take hours, weeks, or even longer. The artwork is exactly as perfect as you would normally be able to create at a more average speed.

Preternatural Instinct

Requirements: Telepathy & Alacrity

You may dodge and avoid dangers that you have no way of knowing are coming, almost as if predicting the future; whether it's a sniper on a rooftop or a falling tree heading for your roof, you sense the danger in time to just barely avoid it. This does not tell you what was about to happen, nor what did happen if you avoid it but do not see the results; all you know is that something endangered you.

Quick Sight

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Swiftness

You may restrict your perceptions and enter "bullet time", seeing quickly-traveling objects such as missiles, insects, or flying debris as though it were moving at a more leisurely pace. Time does not truly slow down, but your perceptions and thoughts speed up enough for you to respond as if it had.

Quickened Instinct

Requirements: Sense Vibrations & Swiftness

With this power, you are almost impossible to ambush; whenever an enemy attempts to attack you from stealth, you respond with honed reflexes and they must deal with you as if you had known the attack was coming ahead of time.

Unassailable Parry

Requirements: The Spirit's Touch & Flower of Death

You may use this power to parry quick-moving projectiles with any appropriate shield, weapon, or item; arrows, bullets, thrown knives, or flying belief are all too slow to avoid you being able to bat them aside. You may also parry with your bare hands, but are likely to suffer injury if you do so (unless you have preternatural toughness of some kind, of course).

Auspex & Chimerstry

Name Prerequisites
Heart's Desire Telepathy & Fata Morgana
Nightmare Curse Telepathy & Horrid Reality

Heart's Desire

Requirements: Telepathy & Fata Morgana

You may cause an illusion to appear of someone's greatest desire; no matter how deeply buried or powerfully repressed, it appears to them as if it were real and brings all their emotional investment with it. You do not know what this illusion will be of before you use this power, but can try to learn about your victim once they are confronted with it.

Nightmare Curse

Requirements: Telepathy & Horrid Reality

You may create an illusion of someone's greatest fear, instantly terrifying them. You have no control over how they react to the source of their terror, nor do you know what it will be before using this power, but once you've created it are likely to gain insight not only into what frightens your victim but also how they react when seriously stressed out.

Auspex & Daimonion

Name Prerequisites
Blessing's Warning Aura Perception & Sense the Sin

Blessing's Warning

Requirements: Aura Perception & Sense the Sin

You are able to instinctively sense holy powers in your immediate area; holy relics, people with True Faith, powers granted to mortals or magic-users by the divine, followers of powerfully religious morality paths, and gods themselves if you are unlucky enough to be anywhere near one. Depending on your inclination, you can successfully avoid dangerous holy power or seek them out in the hopes of learning more or becoming purified.

Auspex & Dementation

Name Prerequisites
Catch a Whiff of Madness Spirit Ties & The Haunting
Days of Passions Past Aura Perception & Eyes of Chaos
Maddening Halo Aura Perception & Eyes of Chaos
Madman's Quill Artist's Intent & Passion
Monkey's Paw The Spirit's Touch & Silence the Sane Mind
Nikolai Steen's Acuity Heightened Senses & Passion
Prophecy Telepathy & Eyes of Chaos
Random Patterns Aura Perception & The Haunting
Screams Made Real Telepathy & Voice of Madness
Sensory Overload Heightened Senses & Eyes of Chaos
Whispers of Loathing Ancestors' Insight & The Haunting

Catch a Whiff of Madness

Requirements: Spirit Ties & The Haunting

As long as you are in an area with a person, you can sense any mental instability they may have; whether a derangement, mental illness, or powerful emotional struggle, you sense it on them like a perfume. You do not learn exactly what their problem is, just that they have one and may be ripe for use of Dementation.

Days of Passions Past

Requirements: Aura Perception & Eyes of Chaos

Although the appearance of an aura changes over time depending on what a person's emotions and deeds, you can use this power to see what it may have looked like in the past. You see the person's aura as an average of what it most often looks like; common emotions, frequently active derangements, and so on become apparent even if they are not actually active at the moment.

Maddening Halo

Requirements: Aura Perception & Eyes of Chaos

You may inflict your own mental instability on others who intrude into you; whenever someone uses a supernatural power to perceive your aura, they are immediately affected by one of your derangements at random, which plagues them for the rest of the night.

Madman's Quill

Requirements: Artist's Intent & Passion

You may transcribe one of your derangements into a piece of artwork or a written work, causing anyone who reads or beholds it to be affected by the same condition. The derangement lasts only for a scene, but depending on what it is and how powerfully it affects them may still do a significant amount of traumatic damage.

Monkey's Paw

Requirements: The Spirit's Touch & Silence the Sane Mind

You may cause a person who is in the same scene with you to become fixated on an inanimate object, believing that it is the source of all their pain, problems, and distress. How they think the item has done this is up to them; some might see it as a symbolic item representing a great conspiracy, while others might believe the object itself is supernatural. This power's effects end if the object is fully destroyed.

Nikolai Steen's Acuity

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Passion

When you increase someone's emotional state with the Passion power, you may also use this to discover what derangements they have, recognizing their instability as the heightened emotional state affects them.


Requirements: Telepathy & Eyes of Chaos

Connected as you are to so many minds and secret visions through your powers, you can actually gain a glimpse of the true future. When you touch a person, you may use this power to see the most important thing that will happen to them in the next year, usually an emotionally laden or traumatic incident. You may use this power multiple times to find out more about a person, but it is extremely exhausting to use and most vampires cannot do so more than every so often.

Random Patterns

Requirements: Aura Perception & The Haunting

After you have fought with an enemy for at least a few rounds, you may recognize their patterns and add those to your own knowledge of probability. You anticipate what they are about to do next and may react before they successfully do it.

Screams Made Real

Requirements: Telepathy & Voice of Madness

You may reach into your victim's mind to activate and draw to the surface their greatest fears, reducing them to shrieking terror with only a touch or a look. Vampires and ghouls are likely to Frenzy if they are not very resistant to their Beasts, and even those who do not are horrified and shaken by the experience, believing for a split second that their worst fears are becoming reality before their eyes.

Sensory Overload

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Eyes of Chaos

By touching someone, you may grant them your Auspex powers - but with no control or ability to parse through them, resulting in a chaotic sensory overload that they have very little hope of managing. They are not actually harmed, but for the rest of the scene have great difficulty communicating or understanding what is going on around them, overwhelmed by far too much information from all their senses.

Whispers of Loathing

Requirements: Ancestors' Insight & The Haunting

By touching your victim, you cause them to hallucinate a mocking voice that criticizes and belittles them constantly, making fun of everything they do, commenting on their relationships, and constantly poking at their worst insecurities. There is no actual person there and your victim can never be sure of what they heard, but also cannot escape or outrun the voice while it plagues them for the rest of the night.

Auspex & Dominate

Name Prerequisites
Chain of Slavery Sense Vibrations & Mesmerize
Chain the Enlightened Spirit Travel & Chain the Psyche
Exegesis Telepathy & Sleepwalker
Eye of Shiva Telepathy & Murmur of the False Will
Hive Nexus Gestalt Telepathy & Conditioning
Measure the Will Aura Perception & Mesmerize
Message in a Bottle Incriminating Evidence & Brainwipe
Mind's Eye Telepathy & The Forgetful Mind
Mood Shift Sense Vibrations & Rationalize
Seek the Brahmin Ancestors' Insight & Command
Sound of a Breaking Oath Telepathy & Conditioning
Spectral Puppeteer Psychic Projection & Possession
Syncope Telepathy & Mesmerize
Telepathic Command Telepathy & Command
Touch of Deprivation Telepathy & Brainwipe

Chain of Slavery

Requirements: Sense Vibrations & Mesmerize

You may perceive the connections between a puppetmaster and their victims; by touching or making eye contact with someone, you may not only recognize any Dominate powers that are currently active in them but also gain a fleeting glimpse of the vampire who placed them there. You gain only a brief impression of the dominator themself, with no further information unless you use other powers or skills to find out more.

Chain the Enlightened

Requirements: Spirit Travel & Chain the Psyche

While Mages are extremely difficult for even elder vampires to control due to their access to powerful cosmic forces, this power allows you to do so with a combination of bloodbonding and Dominate. A mage subjected to this becomes an enthralled familiar, essentially a ghoul that retains their magical powers and can use them in their new master's service. Other Mages, needless to say, are not under your control, and too much time spent with them may result in them realizing what is happening and attempting to rescue their fellow.


Requirements: Telepathy & Sleepwalker

You may fall into a volutary torpor, during which you are semi-conscious; although you cannot move or do anything, you are lucid enough to know that you are in torpor and think coherently while you lie sleeping. You may use Auspex and Presence powers while in torpor, although not any that require you to actually move or interact with others, and you may awaken voluntarily any time you wish. This power is especially useful for those who use it to appear dead to mortal observers, or who wish to lull enemies into a false sense of security.

Eye of Shiva

Requirements: Telepathy & Murmur of the False Will

You may reach into your victim's mind and learn the action they are most filled with guilt over; you then inflict it on them, forcing them to relive the experience and over and over for the rest of the scene. Your victim need not remember or care about the experience before this; after all, plenty of people are unaware of how deeply they feel about something they have buried in their past.

Hive Nexus Gestalt

Requirements: Telepathy & Conditioning

You may create a true hive mind from yourself and others who have the same power, becoming interlinked and permanently aware of one another; you share thought telepathically as easy as communicating in person, know when others in the gestalt are injured or distressed, and hear one anothers' thoughts as if they were your own. You must have at least two other people to use this power, and any members of the hive who die immediately fall out of the link, which breaks if only one person remains. This is among the rarest of powers and is seldom seen in spite of being built from common disciplines; it is simply almost unheard of not only for multiple vampires to choose the exact same powers but then to also consent to let others read allt heir darkest secrets.

Measure the Will

Requirements: Aura Perception & Mesmerize

By touching or making eye contact with someone, you may learn how much Willpower they normally have (at maximum, although you also get a vague impression of how exhausted they currently are).

Message in a Bottle

Requirements: Incriminating Evidence & Brainwipe

You may implant a secret message in someone, which even they do not know is present; the message remains fully sealed in their mind until they meet with a person you designate, at which point they give the message to them and promptly forget about it again. Your messenger never has any knowledge of the message's contents (unless, of course, you or the receipient tell them later).

Mind's Eye

Requirements: Telepathy & The Forgetful Mind

Although users of Auspex can often gain glimpses of their victims' memories by encouraging them to think through them, this power allows you to experience someone's memory as if it were happening directly to you. Every detail and thought they had now happens to you as well, allowing you not only to have intimate details of the situation but also to know exactly how it affected the person you have borrowed the memory from.

Mood Shift

Requirements: Sense Vibrations & Rationalize

With a single sentence, touch, or suggestion, you may change your victim's mood. You can only nudge the mood in the right direction, not force it full-blown on the other person; for example, you can make someone feel a little more frightened or a little less angry, but cannot force a happy partygoer to suddenly collapse in overwhelming sorrow.

Seek the Brahmin

Requirements: Ancestors' Insight & Command

You may recognize the social pecking order of any group of living or undead creatures, recognizing the structure of a wolf pack, the leader of a flock of geese - or even who is considered a class above who else in a group of more complicated human beings or vampires. You can recognize who is the most respected, strongest, and/or most deferred to in a group, and if there are multiple important persons in a group recognize each of them as a cut above the others. This does not tell you why or how these people are considered above others, only that they are.

Sound of a Breaking Oath

Requirements: Telepathy & Conditioning

When someone breaks a promise made to you, you instinctively and automatically feel it. How it manifests is different for each vampire - some hear the sound of breaking glass, others feel a painful sting - but whatever it is, it tells you who has broken their word to you and which promise it was, although not any information about what they actually did or why.

Spectral Puppeteer

Requirements: Psychic Projection & Possession

You may leave your body behind and possess even another vampire - at least, for a very brief period of time. You must be able to perceive the vampire you wish to possess in the area, and once you have leaped into them have only a few precious seconds to control their actions before their foreign Beast expels you again.


Requirements: Telepathy & Mesmerize

By making eye contact with a vampire, you may suddenly drop their mind into a dormant state as if they were in torpor, lasting for only a few seconds but more than long enough to severely disorient them. The vampire affected falls to the ground and is insensible for a few seconds before awakening again, and is likely to be confused and have difficulty remembering what is going on. Being attacked while in this state immediately snaps them out of it, or they return to their senses on their own after a few moments.

Telepathic Command

Requirements: Telepathy & Command

You may use Dominate without even speaking your commands aloud; as long as you fulfill all other criteria, a simple look, gesture, or silent decisions is enough to make those you control spring into action.

Touch of Deprivation

Requirements: Telepathy & Brainwipe

By touching your victim, you may shut down one of their senses, fully preventing it from sending any input whatsoever to their brain. The sense remains absent for the rest of the scene. This power is obviously very useful for incapacitating enemies or torturing victims, but it can also be used to help allies who are in pain or overwhelmed by sensory input.

Auspex & Flight

Name Prerequisites
Aerial Surveillance Telepathy & Sky Leap

Aerial Surveillance

Requirements: Telepathy & Sky Leap

While flying, you may use this power to extend your senses into all those you pass above, effectively allowing you to perceive everything happening on the ground along your route. This power is excellent for scouting and investigation, but can often be disorienting as it requires a vampire to be simultaneously perceiving through dozens of different minds at once.

Auspex & Fortitude

Name Prerequisites
Break Connection Heightened Senses & Fortify the Inner Facade
Gargoyle's Vigilance Heightened Senses & Mettle
The Illness Unveiled Aura Perception & Shared Strength
Lessons in the Steel Heightened Senses & Resilience
Martyr's Resilience Telepathy & Shared Strength
Unflinching Eye Heightened Senses & Endurance

Break Connection

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Fortify the Inner Facade

By touching someone who is bloodbound to another, you may temporarily sever that bond, restoring their free will and emotions as they were before the bond was created. This can only break a bond to someone that you know this person is bound to, and the bond is only released for a single scene before reasserting itself again at full force. In the rare case that someone chose voluntarily to be bloodbound, this power cannot sever that intentional bond without their permission.

Gargoyle's Vigilance

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Mettle

As long as you are in your haven (or somewhere you have chosen to rest for the night), you may use this power to gain an intimate psychic knowledge of it, knowing immediately if anything changes or anyone attempts to enter. You must remain completely still while using this power; doing anything else splits your focus too much to maintain your awareness.

The Illness Unveiled

Requirements: Aura Perception & Shared Strength

By simply glancing at someone, you can diagnose all illnesses and injuries they suffer from with perfect accuracy; even more impressive, you can then lend them some of your stamina, healing many of those illnesses as if they had never been. You cannot heal supernaturally inflicted wounds or deformities (such as the effects of Thanatosis or Vicissitude), but everything else is fair game.

Lessons in the Steel

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Resilience

When someone strikes you, you may take the hit at full force, allowing them to injure you in order to analyze your opponent's greatest strengths. Once you have done so, their blows only hurt you about half as much for the rest of the scene, as you now know exactly how to counter and avoid them.

Martyr's Resilience

Requirements: Telepathy & Shared Strength

You may protect your thralls from danger; when anyone who is bloodbound to you is injured, you may use this power to absorb the wound instead, protecting your more fragile servants from injuries that might severely harm them but are less than important to you.

Unflinching Eye

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Endurance

You are no longer at risk of being overwhelmed by too much stimuli when you use Heightened Senses; you can parse even the cacophony of a crowded nightclub or screaming mob down to the smallest detail.

Auspex & Melpominee

Name Prerequisites
Tune Out Aura Perception & Phantom Speaker

Tune Out

Requirements: Aura Perception & Phantom Speaker

You may completely quiet background noise around you, hushing the area so that everything is muffled but your voice. This power can create hushed concert halls and transcendant experiences even in the middle of busy clubs, although it doesn't actually hide loud noises or prevent people from having conversations, just dampen down how much they affect your performance.

Auspex & Mortis

Name Prerequisites
Awaken the Slumbering Curse Ancestors' Insight & Gift of Life
Clarity of Emptiness Heightened Senses & Cold of the Grave
Corpse Projection Spirit Travel & Vigor Mortis

Awaken the Slumbering Curse

Requirements: Ancestors' Insight & Gift of Life

By touching a ghoul, you can cause the vampiric blood within them to activate, dragging them ever closer to death even while they remain technically alive. They immediately gain all the negatives of the vampiric condition: they are horribly harmed by sunlight, subject to Rötschreck, crave blood at all times, and suffer from a slowed-down pulse and breath such that only a trained medical professional can tell they are still alive. They also gain the clan disadvantage of their domitor's clan. They remain in this state for several days, with those with higher Humanity returning to normal more quickly than others.

Clarity of Emptiness

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Cold of the Grave

You may briefly detach yourself from your emotions, making all feelings and even your greatest passions seem distant and unimportant. Thus freed, you can think more clearly and use mental disciplines more easily for the rest of the scene.

Corpse Projection

Requirements: Spirit Travel & Vigor Mortis

You may reanimate any corpse you know exists and possess it from a distance, with no need to ever go near the actual location of the body. Once arisen, the corpse is fully possessed by you and acts much like one of the Risen; you may see through its perceptions (such as they are; many corpses may no longer have functioning sensory organs) and use it to do anything it is physically capable of. You may continue to possess the body until the sun rises, while your own body remains in stasis as it does any other time you project your spirit out of it.

Auspex & Necromancy

Name Prerequisites
Bloodied Hands Aura Perception & Insight
Charon's Oar Psychic Projection & Soul Stealing
Eyes of a Thousand Shades Ancestors' Vigilance & Compel Soul
Soul Separation Telepathy & Soul Judgment

Bloodied Hands

Requirements: Aura Perception & Insight

Death leaves a stain and you can see that stain with this power. By touching or perceiving a person near you, you may learn who they killed last by name and occupation, although any more information will require additional research.

Charon's Oar

Requirements: Psychic Projection & Soul Stealing

You may convert your body from a solid state to pure spirit, similar to the corpus of a Wraith; in this form, you immediately enter the Shadowlands and are able to explore and interact with them like any of the true dead. Other ghosts and spirits are likely to mistake you for one of them, although they may change their minds if you behave or speak strangely in front of them.

Eyes of a Thousand Shades

Requirements: Ancestors' Vigilance & Compel Soul

You may perceive through the senses of a nearby Wraith as if they were your own. You must be aware that the ghost is nearby in order to borrow its senses, and if it is unable to perceive for some reason, this power does not work. You retain your own senses as well, although some vampires find it difficult and distracting to attempt to perceive through two sets of senses at once.

Soul Separation

Requirements: Telepathy & Soul Judgment

You may rip the very soul out of a living thing, dragging it out as if it were an already dead ghost under your control. Once you do, you may devour it, gaining no blood sustenance but regaining all your Willpower in the process. The soul is completely destroyed, much as in diablerie, and the body it until recently lived in dies immediately.

Auspex & Obfuscate

Name Prerequisites
Anticipatory Locution Ancestors' Insight & Mask of a Thousand Faces
Anticipatory Visage Ancestors' Insight & Mask of a Thousand Faces
Army of One Ancestors' Insight & Vanish from the Mind's Eye
Blood Apocrypha Heightened Senses & Cloak of Shadows
I Know An Ear for Lies & Unseen Presence
Liberated Mind Heightened Senses & Mask of a Thousand Faces
Masque of Judas Telepathy & Mask of a Thousand Faces
Occulted Spirit Psychic Projection & Unseen Presence
Psychic Double Psychic Projection & Hidden Killer
Slenderman Incriminating Evidence & Unseen Presence
Telepathic Network Telepathy & Mask of a Thousand Faces
Veil the Sin Sense Vibrations & Unseen Presence

Anticipatory Locution

Requirements: Ancestors' Insight & Mask of a Thousand Faces

As with Anticipatory Visage below, you can automatically impersonate someone who another person expects to be in your location, but now can also make reasonably good guesses on instinct about what they should sound like or might say. You still have no knowledge of these things before you do them, and still have no idea who you are impersonating unless you can glean clues from the conversation without giving the game away.

Anticipatory Visage

Requirements: Ancestors' Insight & Mask of a Thousand Faces

When you encounter another person, you may use this power to immediately appear to be whatever person they most expected to be there. They see you as someone they would not be surprised to encounter and respond accordingly for the rest of the scene. Although this power can give you the ability to avoid being caught somewhere you shouldn't be, it does not tell you who you look like or how they would behave, which can make pulling the ruse off for long difficult.

Army of One

Requirements: Ancestors' Insight & Vanish from the Mind's Eye

You may appear to be accompanied by a large group of allies; when you use this power, you project an image into the minds of those who see you, who fill in the blanks with mediocre, semi-faceless people they would expect to see with you in this place and time. There is no actual illusion at play, but people automatically move out of the way and react to your intimidating force anyway. You do not necessarily know what others are seeing when this power is used, but you can assume they see you as either a leader or an important member of the group. Anyone who tries to interact with the unreal images of people believes that they do so, but they do not actually affect anything.

Blood Apocrypha

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Cloak of Shadows

You may embed a secret message in your very blood, a single sentence, thought, emotion, or memory; when you do, the next person who drinks from you receives that message immediately. While this power can be difficult to use among vampires, who are reasonably worried about blood bonds, it is often used to pass secret messages to trusted ghoul servants.

I Know

Requirements: An Ear for Lies & Unseen Presence

With a single look or innocuous gesture, you can cause someone to suddenly believe that you know one of their deep dark secrets, something they would hate for others to discover. You do not actually learn any secrets with this power, but most people will immediately attempt to deal with the danger of their secret being revealed, which may allow you to find out what it is. Even if you don't, you may be able to leverage your social power over them for fear of unspoken blackmail.

Liberated Mind

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Mask of a Thousand Faces

When others attempt to Dominate you and fail, this power allows you to give the person who tried to Dominate you the impression that they succeeded; as long as you don't do anything that blatantly prove otherwise, they believe that they have bent you to their will.

Masque of Judas

Requirements: Telepathy & Mask of a Thousand Faces

You may briefly reach into someone's mind in order to draw an image of a person that they care about to the surface, taking on that appearance even if you have no idea who they are. You do not learn anything about that person without prying further, so it may be difficult to effectively impersonate them, but you may gain an emotional advantage as they respond to you as if to a beloved loved one or best friend.

Occulted Spirit

Requirements: Psychic Projection & Unseen Presence

When you leave your body to travel without one, you may use this power to make yourself undetectable, even to those who would normally be able to see your spirit form. Auspex, Thaumaturgy, and other supernatural powers cannot perceive you; even Wraiths and other spirit creatures see you only as a watery shadow.

Psychic Double

Requirements: Psychic Projection & Hidden Killer

When you project yourself out of your body with Psychic Projection or other similar powers, you may use this power to allow your astral form to interact with others as if it were solid. Those without supernatural sensing powers have no idea you are not actually physically present, and while you cannot actually injure anyone in this state, they still feel pain as if you did, unable to tell the difference until you vanish and they realize they are unhurt. You also cannot be injured, but if you are "hurt" enough that your physical body would have died or fallen unconscious, you are instead returned immediately to your body.


Requirements: Incriminating Evidence & Unseen Presence

With this power, you become impossible to record even with the most sophisticated technology. Any photograph, film, digital recording, or other form of recording your appearance shows only a vaguely humanoid blur, not clear enough to recognize your identity.

Telepathic Network

Requirements: Telepathy & Mask of a Thousand Faces

You may use this power to create a permanent linked network of at least two vampires, each of which can send out simple mental messages that are heard by all the others (for example, "I am being attacked" or "I have found something important here"). This connection is permanent unless you fall into torpor or die, but if you wish to add anyone else to your network, you must use this power again to do so. Those connected cannot communicate secretly without all hearing it, and they can permanently sever themselves from the network any time they choose; if they do, everyone else in the network immediately notices their absence.

Veil the Sin

Requirements: Sense Vibrations & Unseen Presence

You may erase one of your own memories, only to return it in place again a moment later, essentially allowing you to re-experience it again for the first time. Many vampires use this power to comfort themselves with past happy memories or relive their most glorious victories, but it can also be used to replay memories over and over in the hopes of learning new information or noticing new details.

Auspex & Obtenebration

Name Prerequisites
Clarity of Emptiness Heightened Senses & Shroud of Night
Gazing into the Abyss Heightened Senses & Shroud of Night
Shadow Looking Glass Telepathy & Shroud of Night
Shadowed Eyes Share the Senses & Arms of the Abyss

Clarity of Emptiness

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Shroud of Night

You may briefly detach yourself from your emotions, making all feelings and even your greatest passions seem distant and unimportant. Thus freed, you can think more clearly and use mental disciplines more easily for the rest of the scene.

Gazing into the Abyss

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Shroud of Night

You may use this power to recognize the true darkness of the Abyss; you automatically recognize whether shadows in your area are natural or come from the Abyss, most likely as a result of someone using Obtenebration.

Shadow Looking Glass

Requirements: Telepathy & Shroud of Night

You may use shadows as your senses; as long as there is a shadow in the same area with you, you may project your senses into it, leaving your actual body quiescent and mostly unaware of what is happening around it. While you sense through the shadow, you may not only perceive everything in the area with perfect clarity, you can also transfer your perceptions to other shadows that are within the same area, potentially traveling long distances to gather information without ever leaving your location.

Shadowed Eyes

Requirements: Share the Senses & Arms of the Abyss

By touching your victim, you may blind them, drawing black shadows of impentetrable darkness over their eyes for the rest of the night. Not only do they become completely blind if they weren't already, but they appear monstrous to others, who see them as having solid black eyes. The shadows continue to afflict your victim for the rest of the night and disappear at sunrise (assuming that they survive that long while blinded and forced to be a living breach of the Masquerade).

Auspex & Potence

Name Prerequisites
Pulse of Undeath Heightened Senses & Prowess
Séance The Spirit's Touch & Might
Shatter the Shroud Aura Perception & Prowess

Pulse of Undeath

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Prowess

You may read any person you perceive to gauge their supernatural strength; you immediately learn whether they have any supernatural physical powers, and if they are a vampire or ghoul also learn what physical disciplines they have (Celerity, Fortitude, or Potence). You do not learn exactly which powers they have, but the more powerful they are in a given physical area, the more intensely you will recognize their strength.


Requirements: The Spirit's Touch & Might

If you have an active Fetter belonging to a ghost of any kind,you may use it to ceremonially call them into the corporeal world, causing them to manifest tangibly where even those with no supernatural senses can perceive them. The ghost becomes capable of clearly perceiving, interacting with, and affecting the mortal world around you for the rest of the scene, and you in turn can speak to and even physically fight them if you wish, although "killing" a ghost in this condition will simply force it to become unmaterialized again.

Shatter the Shroud

Requirements: Aura Perception & Prowess

When you successfully use Auspex to see through any supernatural illusion or obscurement (for example, powers from Chimerstry or Obfuscate), you may use this power to violently shatter it, making the truth visible to everyone nearby rather than only yourself.

Auspex & Presence

Name Prerequisites
Bloody Tandem Telepathy & Entrancement
Command from Afar Telepathy & Summon
Diplomat's Boon Share the Senses & Majesty
Divine Aura Aura Perception & Entrancement
Enhance Sensation Spirit Ties & Entrancement
The Glory of Ra Psychic Projection & Majesty
Honeyed Words Sense Vibrations & Awe
Impeccable Manners Sense Vibrations & Awe
Mover and Shaker Sense Vibrations & Entrancement
The Shadow's Revelation The Spirit's Touch & Entrancement
Soul Painting Telepathy & The Look
Sound of a Breaking Oath Telepathy & Summon
Under the Skin Spirit Ties & Mesmeric Taint

Bloody Tandem

Requirements: Telepathy & Entrancement

You may create a temporary close bond with another vampire, gaining an innate ability to sense their presence, feel their emotions, and connect with them on a spiritual level. For the rest of the scene, the two of you are as close as twins, bosom friends, or soulmates.

Command from Afar

Requirements: Telepathy & Summon

You may use your Telepathy and other relevant Auspex powers to communicate with anyone who is bloodbound to you, no matter how far away they are or what they are doing. The more closely they are bound to you, the more easily and clearly you can communicate from afar.

Diplomat's Boon

Requirements: Share the Senses & Majesty

With this power, you always know exactly what to say to get the reaction you want; whether you want someone to fly into a rage, break down in tears, or listen to you with new respect, you instinctively know what to say and blurt it out instantly when you use this power. Keep in mind that you do not know what you will say before you do, and that even if you get the response you want from a certain interaction, others may react differently if they are within earshot.

Divine Aura

Requirements: Aura Perception & Entrancement

You may project your unearthly allure into your very psychic presence; anyone who reads your aura (whether via a supernatural power or because they happen to be a creature that can do so naturally) is immediately affected as if by the Entrancement power.

Enhance Sensation

Requirements: Spirit Ties & Entrancement

By touching your victim, you cause all their senses to immediately turn up to a high level, becoming unbearably acute and swamping them with input; even normally comfortable noises or touches may be overwhelming, and even mild pain reduces them to screaming agony. Physical sensation isn't the only kind you increase, either; you also heighten their emotions, making them much more likely to lash out, break down, or enter Frenzy. Your victim remains thus overstimulated for the rest of the scene.

The Glory of Ra

Requirements: Psychic Projection & Majesty

Although as a vampire you still cannot truly go out in the sun without being destroyed, you can fool others into thinking that you can with this power, which allows you to psychically project yourself out of your body and into the world while you sleep during the day. Your projected self is visible to others and can converse with and even touch them - or at least, they think it can, their minds filling in what it would feel like if your psychic body were actually solid. Vampires with this power use it to masquerade as humans by appearing during daylight hours, or sometimes even to terrify other vampires with their apparent incredible power to resist the sun.

Honeyed Words

Requirements: Sense Vibrations & Awe

No matter what you actually say, with this power others hear you saying exactly what they want to hear, automatically relaxing and viewing you as doing what they want you to do. Your words cannot carry any important content such as secrets or demands, simply make you sound like the person your audience would most like to spend time with or thinks is behaving most appropriately or pleasurably.

Impeccable Manners

Requirements: Sense Vibrations & Awe

You may use this power and touch a person to attune yourself to their emotions; for the rest of the scene, you read their mood in real time, automatically recognizing subjects that would offend them or behavior that they would dislike before you do it so that you appear perfectly faultless in manners and comportment.

Mover and Shaker

Requirements: Sense Vibrations & Entrancement

As long as you spend at least ten minutes with a group of people, you may use this power to cause them to automatically respect and like you more, making them inclined to trust you even if they have no other reason to do so.

The Shadow's Revelation

Requirements: The Spirit's Touch & Entrancement

By touching an inanimate object, you may attach a specific, powerful emotion to it. The next person to touch that object not only feels that emotion overwhelmingly, but alsof eels compelled to tell you a specific memory they associate with that emotion, unsure why except that they feel they will be unburdened by doing so. If you fail to be in the area when someone touches the object, that person is freed from the need to tell you anything. Although this power can provide useful information and personal history without being detected, it also risks possible Frenzy if a vampire or ghoul who touches the object is overwhelmed or especially affected by a given emotion.

Soul Painting

Requirements: Telepathy & The Look

You can implant not only emotion but true psychic experience in your artwork. When you create a piece of visual art - paintings, sculpture, mosaics, or any other kind of physical art that can be perceived - of a person, you implant a bit of their actual soul in it, causing anyone who views it to fall into a trance wherein they learn about that person. The artwork is imbued with their morality path, Nature, derangements, and personality, all of which the viewer experiences as powerful emotions that make them feel they have almost been inside the subject of the painting.

Sound of a Breaking Oath

Requirements: Telepathy & Summon

When someone breaks a promise made to you, you instinctively and automatically feel it. How it manifests is different for each vampire - some hear the sound of breaking glass, others feel a painful sting - but whatever it is, it tells you who has broken their word to you and which promise it was, although not any information about what they actually did or why.

Under the Skin

Requirements: Spirit Ties & Mesmeric Taint

You may use this power to size someone up, learning their greatest physical weaknesses and causing them to suddenly become apparent to all around you. You can then attack these weak points if you wish (or just let everyone else do it, now that you've revealed where they are).

Auspex & Protean

Name Prerequisites
See the Reflected Form Aura Perception & Metamorphosis
Shattered Fog Heightened Senses & Mist Form

See the Reflected Form

Requirements: Aura Perception & Metamorphosis

You know transformation and can see its tell-tale signs in others. Whenever you use this power, you automatically see a glimpse of the true form of any transformed supernatural being, from those resculpted with Vicissitude or Protean to the original form of a shapeshifter to even stranger powers that come from other beings. This power can only glimpse the true form behind actual shapeshifting; it cannot see through illusions or mentally clouding effects that do not actually change someone's physical form.

Shattered Fog

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Mist Form

Whenever someone strikes you, you may use this power to instantly transform into your Mist Form, returning to your solid shape a second later after the attack has passed harmlessly through the mist.

Auspex & Quietus

Name Prerequisites
Baal's Sight Aura Perception & Baal's Caress
Draught of the Soul Telepathy & Blood Sweat
Eyes of Alamut Telepathy & Truth of Blood
Truth of Blood Ancestors' Insight & Dagon's Call

Baal's Sight

Requirements: Aura Perception & Baal's Caress

You may infuse your very eyes with your sorcerous blood, giving you both permanent bloodshot eyes but also the permanent ability to see spirits around you. This includes any kind of being that is in the area but not physically manifested, including ghosts, spirit travelers using Auspex, Thaumaturgy, or traveling through the Umbra, and even some kinds of fairy creatures.

Draught of the Soul

Requirements: Telepathy & Blood Sweat

The heinous crime of diablerie always allows a vampire to consume another's soul, but with this power you can also consume some of their mind. You gain some of the diablerized vampire's knowledge, skills, and memories, preserving a portion of them in yourself before the rest is irrevocably destroyed.

Eyes of Alamut

Requirements: Telepathy & Truth of Blood

By touching a living being, you may place a tiny mark of your blood in their skin, only the size of the tip of your finger; as long as they remain thus marked, you may at any time perceive through their senses, experiencing what they do without their knowledge no matter where they are or how far away from your location. While you use their senses, your own become dulled, making it difficult to notice anything around you that is not especially loud, painful, or shocking. The mark can be washed away, but only if the person who bears it does so intentionally; it cannot be accidentally removed.

Truth of Blood

Requirements: Ancestors' Insight & Dagon's Call

By ingesting a little bit of someone's blood, you become attuned to their true self; while you gain a blood bond to them, you also gain the ability to always know when they are lying, and furthermore to know what the actual truth of any lie they tell you is without having to be told.

Auspex & Serpentis

Name Prerequisites
Weigh the Heart Spirit Ties & Cheat the Scale of Anubis

Weigh the Heart

Requirements: Spirit Ties & Cheat the Scale of Anubis

Once you have removed someone's heart (either gently with Serpentis or the more old-fashioned way), you may stroke and handle it to learn the secrets of their inner soul. You immediately learn your victim's Nature, any derangements they may have, and information about their greatest passions and the sins about which they feel most guilty. Of course, this information may be more or less useful depending on who you use this power on and whether they're still alive at the end of it.

Auspex & Temporis

Name Prerequisites
Hindsight The Spirit's Touch & Time Attunement
Quicksilver Contemplation Aura Perception & Lapse


Requirements: The Spirit's Touch & Time Attunement

By touching an inanimate object, you may reveal its history - not only seeing it yourself as you might with The Spirit's Touch, but also making it visible like a shimmering mirage to anyone else in the area who cares to look. You replay the object's history at high speed from creation to the present day, focusing primarily on anything significant that may have involved it.

Quicksilver Contemplation

Requirements: Aura Perception & Lapse

You may slow time to a virtual standstill for your mental processes only, allowing you to spend as much time considering your next move as you wish. You can consider, meditate, philosophize, or any other mental activity (including mental disciplines such as Auspex, although they may or may not be able to work well when everyone else is not moving at the same speed as your thoughts) for as long as you wish before returning to the real flow of time. Once you do, you can act again, but you also think at your usual speed.

Auspex & Thaumaturgy

Name Prerequisites
Animus Ligature Aura Perception & A Taste for Blood
Blood Sight Aura Perception & A Taste for Blood
Draught of the Soul Telepathy & Cauldron of Blood
Name of the Fallen Spirit Ties & A Taste for Blood
Scent of Caine Aura Perception & A Taste for Blood
Thaumaturgical Sight Aura Perception & A Taste for Blood

Animus Ligature

Requirements: Aura Perception & A Taste for Blood

In addition to the usual information you glean from Aura Perception, you may now also see deep and important attachments between people, which appear as red flares in their aura. This includes blood bonds, sworn oaths (that are meaningful or enforced on you), deeply-held codes of honor, soulmates and spirit companions, and the True Love and True Faith merits.

Blood Sight

Requirements: Aura Perception & A Taste for Blood

As long as you gain a sample of someone's blood, you can learn their specific supernatural qualities. This might include a vampire's generation, a Mage's Arete, pure bloodlines among Changelings and shapeshifters, supernatural ancestry in mortals, and so on.

Draught of the Soul

Requirements: Telepathy & Cauldron of Blood

The heinous crime of diablerie always allows a vampire to consume another's soul, but with this power you can also consume some of their mind. You gain some of the diablerized vampire's knowledge, skills, and memories, preserving a portion of them in yourself before the rest is irrevocably destroyed.

Name of the Fallen

Requirements: Spirit Ties & A Taste for Blood

As long as you have a piece of a dead person - a bit of ash, a bone, a splash of blood - you can identify who they were, learning their name, the kind of being they were, and approximately where they came from. You do not gain any other information, but this power usually provides enough leads to investigate through other methods.

Scent of Caine

Requirements: Aura Perception & A Taste for Blood

When you use this power, you become immediately aware of any creatures that contain or use vampiric vitae in your immediate area; this includes vampires, ghouls, revenants, and any other stranger creatures that might have been created from vampiric blood or powers. You cannot necessarily tell them apart, but you can tell which creatures contain more vitae than others.

Thaumaturgical Sight

Requirements: Aura Perception & A Taste for Blood

When you use Aura Perception, you can now see users of blood sorcery, marked by pulsing bloody veins in their auras. In addition to knowing exactly who uses blood sorcery, you also know which kind they practice, allowing you to tell who has access to more strange and unusual powers. In the past, this power has been frequently used by members of Clan Tremere to identify rival magicians or users of forbidden magics to hunt them down, but it can also be used for pure information-gathering, or even to seek out someone with other powers to help you.

Auspex & Valeren

Name Prerequisites
Eye of Unforgiving Heaven Telepathy & Armor of Caine's Fury
Glare of Lies An Ear for Lies & Sense Cycle

Eye of Unforgiving Heaven

Requirements: Telepathy & Armor of Caine's Fury

You may concentrate the terrible scorching power of the sun, firing a beam of actual sunlight from the third eye in your forehead; it is as lethally dangerous to vampires as natural sunlight. You cannot see or interact with the sunlight itself, and must spend Willpower every time you allow this powerful and dangerous energy to pour through your undead body.

Glare of Lies

Requirements: An Ear for Lies & Sense Cycle

You automaticaly sense whether or not someone is lying - and so does everyone else. If someone lies to your face, they light up as if from within, becoming suddenly visible to everyone. Your victim can still avoid the truth without setting this power off, and they only light up if they intentionally lie, not if they just happen to be wrong about something.

Auspex & Vicissitude

Name Prerequisites
Ears of the Bat Heightened Senses & Malleable Visage
Enhance Sensation Spirit Ties & Fleshcraft
The False Drink Heightened Senses & Inner Mastery
Record Sensation Share the Senses & Fleshcraft
See the True Shape Aura Perception & Fleshcraft

Ears of the Bat

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Malleable Visage

You may grow your ears to become large and sensitive enough to take advantage of echolocation. As long as you are in a space where sound can reasonably bounce off something, you can triangulate your position and what is around you without having to see or touch anything else.

Enhance Sensation

Requirements: Spirit Ties & Fleshcraft

By touching your victim, you cause all their senses to immediately turn up to a high level, becoming unbearably acute and swamping them with input; even normally comfortable noises or touches may be overwhelming, and even mild pain reduces them to screaming agony. Physical sensation isn't the only kind you increase, either; you also heighten their emotions, making them much more likely to lash out, break down, or enter Frenzy. Your victim remains thus overstimulated for the rest of the scene.

The False Drink

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Inner Mastery

Whenever you drink blood from another, you may choose to hide it in a secret compartment in your bones shaped for this purpose; if you do, you gain no sustenance from it, but it also cannot bloodbond you, making you capable of cheerfully drinking from a vampire as many times as you like while suffering no ill effects. The compartmentalized blood is expelled while you sleep, usually in the form of a thick, viscous bleeding from your pores. While most vampires use this power to trick others into thinking they are in their thrall, you can also later decide to ingest the blood you have secreted away if it is still there, giving you the option of deciding whether the situation is enough of an emergency to risk the loss of your free will.

Record Sensation

Requirements: Share the Senses & Fleshcraft

You may record a physical sensation - anything from the ecstasy of lovemaking to the agony of torture - and store it in the muscle memory of a person you touch (this can include yourself). You may replay it at any time by touching that person and using this power, causing them to immediately experience the sensation anew as if it were the first time. This embedded sensation memory remains permanently, and others with Vicissitude can also activate it if they wish (although they would have to know it was there first).

See the True Shape

Requirements: Aura Perception & Fleshcraft

You are such a master at the reshaping of flesh that you can see the signs of it and assess what a person used to look like before they were used. You can automatically see a person's original shape, appearance, or unmodified face - not only what they might have looked like before tattoos, piercings, or surgeries, but even what they looked like before supernatural powers such as Protean or Vicissitude changed their form.

Auspex & Visceratika

Name Prerequisites
Cousins in Clay Aura Perception & Whispers of the Chamber
Stone Sight Heightened Senses & Whispers of the Chamber

Cousins in Clay

Requirements: Aura Perception & Whispers of the Chamber

You are able to sense the presence of other beings that inhabit stone and structure. By spending time in silent contact with a building or area, you become aware of any spirits, including ghosts, Inanimae and caern spirits, that may be influencing it. You may perceive and interact with the spirits (although you cannot physically attack or injure them) for as long as you remain in the area.

Stone Sight

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Whispers of the Chamber

You may see through solid stone as though it were glass, watching whatever happens on the other side as easily as if you were standing there. This power does not grant you other senses, so you may miss important details if you cannot hear a conversation or smell a scent, but it moves with you; wherever you go for the rest of the scene, solid stone remains transparent to you. This power can only look through actual stone, not metal alloys, wood, or any other substance, and thus is easier to use in older buildings or natural caves than in modern ones.

Auspex, Animalism, & Nightmare

Name Prerequisites
Learn Bane Sense the Beast, Aura Perception, & Monstrous Countenance

Learn Bane

Requirements: Sense the Beast, Aura Perception, & Face of the Beast

You may reach into the depths of the Beast's mind by looking into someone's eyes, learning their greatest fears and the dangers that keep them awake at night. You automatically learn their clan disadvantage (which may also tell you their clan, if you recognize it) and any fear-based derangements, as well as their greatest personal fear (although not the context to know why they are afraid of it or what they have experienced before).

Auspex, Animalism, & Obfuscate

Name Prerequisites
The Herd's Measure Discerning Palate, Heightened Senses, & Unseen Presence

The Herd's Measure

Requirements: Discerning Palate, Heightened Senses, & Unseen Presence

Whenever you are in a large crowd of people, you may learn their general mood and how they are likely to react to outside stimuli. In groups of vampires, this includes knowing whether the group as a whole is likely to Frenzy; in groups of mortals, it not only tells you their general mood but also whether or not the group is, as a majority, ill, drugged, or under the effects of a supernatural power. You learn only what is happening to the group, not where it came from or who may have done it.

Auspex, Celerity, & Fortitude

Name Prerequisites
Eye for the Weakness of Steel Heightened Senses, Alacrity, & Unswayable Mind
Guardian Vigil Heightened Senses, Alacrity & Unswayable Mind

Eye for the Weakness of Steel

Requirements: Heightened Senses, Alacrity, & Unswayable Mind

You know instinctively where to strike; with this power, you automatically know exactly where the weakest spot, the least powerful armor, or the already-bleeding wound is so that you can strike with maximum efficiency.

Guardian Vigil

Requirements: Heightened Senses, Alacrity & Unswayable Mind

With this power, you may enter a quiet, trancelike state, meditating on nothing and responding to nothing as you extend your senses throughout the area. As long as you do not move or do anything else, you have a heightened ability to recognize and react to things; you may react to any change in your environment more swiftly than even Celerity would normally allow you to do. Once you have moved, used a power, or otherwise stopped focusing on your senses, this power's effects end.

Auspex, Celerity, & Obfuscate

Name Prerequisites
Doubletalk An Ear for Lies, Alacrity, & Silence of Death


Requirements: An Ear for Lies, Alacrity, & Silence of Death

You may speak one sentence "underneath" another, with only those you intend hearing the second one. Everyone else hears only the first sentence, but the person you choose gains the secret knowledge of the second, hearing both and instinctively knowing that this is a message meant only for them. Others with enough heightened senses to hear the second sentence experience it only as meaningless placeholder syllables such as "um" or "oh".

Auspex, Obfuscate, & Presence

Name Prerequisites
Ward the Soul's Sanctity Sense Vibrations, Mask of a Thousand Faces, & Entrancement

Ward the Soul's Sanctity

Requirements: Sense Vibrations, Mask of a Thousand Faces, & Entrancement

When someone makes a direct attempt to control your mind via supernatural means (for example, the Dominate discipline), you may not only duck their influence but turn it back upon them, leveraging the force of your own personality to reflect the same force upon your attacker. They are immediately affected by the power as if they had used it on themself, or if it has no effect when used on themself, simply appears not to work. In addition, the aggressor is affected by your powerful Presence as if they were under the effects of Awe toward you.

Auspex, Fortitude, & Valeren

Name Prerequisites
The Bloodsoaked Saint's Resurrection Spirit Travel, Defy Bane, & Heaven's Gate

The Bloodsoaked Saint's Resurrection

Requirements: Spirit Travel, Defy Bane, & Heaven's Gate

You may defy true death itself with this power. As long as you have a piece of a dead person's earthly remains - a bone, a vial of blood, even some of their ashes - you may resurrect them, returning them to their mortal existence as it was on the point of death. This power cannot restore vampires to true life (they just come back as vampires again), but it removes all existing illnesses and injuries upon resurrection.

Auspex, Obfuscate, & Vicissitude

Name Prerequisites
Soul Decoration Aura Perception, Mask of a Thousand Faces, & Bone Craft

Soul Decoration

Requirements: Aura Perception, Mask of a Thousand Faces, & Bone Craft

By touching another person, you may reach into their very soul, reshaping their aura just as you shape flesh. You may change its colors (and thus the apparent emotion the person projects), conceal derangements or the marks of diablerie or place them there even if they do not match the person's history, and otherwise make them appear to be any kind of being in any state you wish. The changes to the aura remain for one full year, after which the person's actual effects on their own aura begin to slowly return it to normal.

Auspex, Potence, & Presence

Name Prerequisites
Charm the Dead Telepathy, Might, & Majesty

Charm the Dead

Requirements: Telepathy, Might, & Majesty

With this power you may make yourself temporarily irresistible to ghosts; any dead spirits in the area gravitate toward you, fascinated by your strange and powerful aura. Those who come into the area with you can be affected by your Presence powers (whether you know they are there or not) and will act accordingly, and any ghost that manifests itself before you can be physically attacked and consumed just as if it were a mortal. If you do consume a ghost, you gain no sustenance but learn the details of their lives, deaths, and what they've been up to lately beyond the shroud.

Combination Disciplines
Combination Disciplines Animalism Combination DisciplinesAuspex Combination DisciplinesCelerity Combination DisciplinesChimerstry Combination DisciplinesContinence Combination DisciplinesDaimonin Combination DisciplinesDementation Combination DisciplinesDominate Combination DisciplinesFlight Combination DisciplinesFortitude Combination DisciplinesKoldunism Combination DisciplinesMelpominee Combination DisciplinesMortis Combination DisciplinesMytherceria Combination DisciplinesNecromancy Combination DisciplinesNightmare Combination DisciplinesObeah Combination DisciplinesObfuscate Combination DisciplinesObtenebration Combination DisciplinesOgham Combination DisciplinesPotence Combination DisciplinesPresence Combination DisciplinesProtean Combination DisciplinesQuietus Combination DisciplinesSakti Pata Combination DisciplinesSerpentis Combination DisciplinesSublunario Combination DisciplinesTemporis Combination DisciplinesTenure Combination DisciplinesThanatosis Combination DisciplinesThaumaturgy Combination DisciplinesValeren Combination DisciplinesVicissitude Combination DisciplinesVisceratika Combination Disciplines