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Bloodlines Eloi
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Combination Disciplines Temporis Combination Disciplines
Rarity Legendary

Temporis is among the Disciplines least likely to be even suspected by vampires other than its users, and is perhaps one of the rarest in existence even for those that do know about it. Possessed only by the rare and elusive Eloi, it manipulates the flow of time itself, drawing on the supernatural power inherent in the undead to preserve themselves without age or decay to perform other effects that flout the natural laws of change and entropy.

Basic Powers

Time Attunement


You have an innately perfect time sense, allowing you to sense the passage of time perfectly down to fractions of a second no matter how confusing or distracting the situation. Your sense of time also allows you to recognize any disruptions in it, making it easy for you to identify any other uses of Temporis in your area.

Internal Recursion


You may force an enemy into a brief recurring loop of time, making them mentally repeat a single short action or period of time over and over again without realizing that they have experienced it before. This does not actually stop time, so it affects no one else and if they do or say anything, anyone else can easily see that they appear to be bizarrely repeating themself, and lasts for up to an hour or until the victim suffers any kind of pain or physical interruption. You may only trap someone in a generally benign or calm loop, and cannot use this power to cause anyone to repeat trauma or pain that would snap them out of it.

Recurring Contemplation


You may cause a victim to relive a recent memory and then continue to relive it, considering it over and over again ad infinitum without realizing that they never move on to other thoughts. This is purely mental and they do not physically do anything, appearing to be in deep contemplation unless they are startled or hurt, at which point they return to normal (although they may be confused about how much time has gone by). This power can be used to simply distract your victim, allowing you to get on with other things, but it can also be a pleasant experience if you allow them to relive a nice memory or a harrowing one if you force them to relive something traumatic.

Intermediate Powers



You may accelerate yourself in time so that you perceive everything around you happening in slow motion for the next thirty seconds (which, to you, can stretch to many minutes long). This allows you to take your time examining the area, looking for clues or making strategic decisions about what to do, before time resumes its normal flow around you.


Zombie's Curse


You may gain a considerable advantage by slowing someone else down in time; to them, it seems that the universe has suddenly and bizarrely sped up around them, while to everyone else they seem to have suddenly physically and mentally slowed to a crawl. This slowness lasts only for a single instant, but it's long enough for you (or anyone else) to take a single action or make a single statement without the victim having any hope of interrupting you.



You may briefly freeze time for everyone around you while remaining active yourself, causing a small "blip" and allowing you to appear to be in two places at once. Those affected are actually losing several seconds of time while you move normally, but cannot tell this except by reviewing later footage of events.

Subjective Suspension


You may suspend an inanimate object, no larger than you could carry yourself, outside of time completely; it ceases to change, decay, or be affected by anything around it while it is suspended, making bombs suddenly stop counting down toward explosion or frozen foods cease to melt in hundred-degree heat. The object remains suspended for a single day, but if it is touched or interacted with by anything that wasn't already touching it when it was suspended, it immediately returns to the normal flow of time and whatever normal behavior that involves.

Advanced Powers

Clotho's Gift


You may accelerate yourself in time, essentially making it possible for you to move, do, and experience things while the rest of the world continues its sluggish pace around you. This effectively allows you to act at speeds only comparable to those granted by the Celerity Discipline, but unlike Celerity, this also allows you to take more actions, including the use of other Disciplines, that Celerity cannot. Using other Disciplines while accelerating in time is dangerous and taxing to your physical body, however, and causes major injuries to you the longer you continue.

Elder Powers

Control Aging


You may literally control the process of aging in yourself or another person - not by actually affecting their physical body, but by slowing time around them so that it simply doesn't have as much time to decay as usual. You can use this power to add years to a mortal's life or take them away, to accelerate the need of a ghoul for sustaining blood, or to make a vampire resting in torpor stay there for much longer than they otherwise might.



You may see the future - not just a prophetic guess but truly what will happen next if you take a certain action. As soon as you do something, you may use this power to see what immediately effects it will have in the next few seconds, such as the response of an enemy to an attack, the response of an acquaintance to you saying something in particular, or even the way your attempt at a piece of art turns out.

Kiss of Lachesis


You may immediately progress or regress someone to a different age: you can cause a child to grow to an adult in the blink of an eye or an adult to regress back to an infant, setting the physical phase of anyone you wish ahead or back. While this power doesn't do much to most vampires, whose physical states seldom change based on time, it can cause massive changes to other, less timeless beings. This process does not add or subtract any additional understanding or experience from the person, only alter their physical body.

Cheat the Fates


You may fully leave the flow of time for the rest of the scene, viewing everyone as frozen while you ignore the time that continues to pass for them. This makes it very difficult for anyone to capture, injure, or even bother you if you don't wish them to; to them, you seem to have simply vanished when all you did was leave between one split second and another.

Domain of Evernight


While you must fear the sun like other vampires, you can simply avoid it by speeding up time for yourself, advancing from sunset one night to sunset the next without needing the daily sleep in between. Since you do not rest anywhere, you cannot be found or harmed, simply vanishing at the end of one night and reappearing at the beginning of the next. This does not actually prevent the time from passing for everyone else; you simply don't have to experience it with them.

Hall of Hades' Court


You may choose to alter the flow of time itself in an area of your choice; within that space, hours may pass as mere minutes or as days, depending on your whim. Once you have set the new timeflow in an area, it remains constant as long as you are alive, although you can choose to end the new flow at any time you wish.

Outside the Hourglass


You may now leave time entirely for as long as you wish; you no longer experience its passage, watching the rest of the world from the outside as if it were a suspended, unmoving eternity. You cannot interact with anyone or anything other than yourself (although you can take small items out of the flow of time with you if you wish), nor can you be in any way affected by anyone except yourself until you choose to go back into the world of the timebound.

Clio's Kiss


You may now travel into the past to bring something forward into the future; as long as you know the person or object you wish to retrieve, you may briefly vanish only to suddenly return with it in the present day. If you bring a person forward, they experience no time in between now and their original time, simply blinking and finding themself years later; in either case, the person or item you thieve from the past is by those in their time period believed to simply vanish into thin air with no explanation.

Pocket Out of Time


You may now move an entire area outside of time, dragging a whole warehouse, building, or forest clearing with you into a timeless space the same as Outside the Hourglass. Everyone and everything within this area can interact with one another, but not with the regular timebound world, and everyone in the regular world sees the area simply appear to vanish, all things and people within it simply vanishing. There is still a form of linear time within your pocket, which you set the rules of and which applies only to those inside it. While this power has a lot of uses, it is suspected that the vanishing of several of the True Brujah to unknown causes over the years may be a result of them using this power to set up untouchable retirement paradises and refuse ever to emerge from them again.

Rewind Time


You may move up to one day backward in time, inserting yourself into the events that happened in this area previously; those present have no idea you come from the future unless you tell them, and you can change things that have already happened. Vampires as a whole tend not to be inclined to speculate about things like linear timelines, so most users of this power just carry right on with their lives as usual afterward.

Temporal Understanding


While you can see the quick immediate consequences of your actions with Insight, you can use this power to see the long-term effects, up to several years in the future. You might be able to see the long-term consequences of major life decisions, such as moving, entering a new relationship, or killing an enemy, before your senses return to the present day so you can make your decision.

Summon History


With an enormous effort of will, you may drag a previous event or situation from the past into the future; a duel that took place years ago is suddenly unfolding in front of you, or the collapse of a house is occurring now rather than long before you could do anything to stop it. Those involved in the scene are not aware that they have been brought forward in time until you tell them or they figure it out for themselves; in the case of people who died in the past, they are now alive and active (if probably deeply confused).

Tangle Atropos' Hand


You may go back in time in the midst of combat, rewinding up to five rounds so that you can change the outcome of the fight. This is extremely exhausting, and you can only do so once per combat.

Important Things to Keep in Mind

No one who doesn't have Temporis is likely to know anything about it, with even the most wise and learned of elders unlikely to find out anything beyond the possible, rumored existence of it and its Eloi users. It is highly unlikely that anyone ever encounters it, and those who do are overwhelmingly likely not to have any idea what happened, since its effects are mostly invisible and unbelievable, and leave behind no trace.

Users of Temporis also have an additional danger to content with: the power does not mix well with Celerity, which likewise involves time by speeding up the vampire's thoughts and movement. Any vampire who attempts to use Celerity in conjunction with Temporis is likely to be torn apart by the stress of trying to push even an undead body beyond the limits of space and time.

Common Disciplines AnimalismAuspexCelerityDominateFortitudeObfuscatePotencePresence
Uncommon Disciplines AlchemyDementationNightmareObtenebrationProteanQuietusSerpentisVicissitude
Rare Disciplines AbombweCaimanChimerstryChinamasquaContinenceCountermagicFlightMelpomineeMengilaiMismiñaObeahOcelotlPraestantiaPukllanaSuccubismTezcatlValerenVisceratikaXuhuanYvate
Legendary Disciplines AyalalBardoBhumisparsaCarrefourDaimoninDeimosEmbrocationGetsumeiHypnagogiaKaiKamenKingjanMaleficiaMytherceriaNahdadNburuNepentheNereosNihilisticsOmaxacPukamaniRiftSakti PataSanguinusShihaiSpiritusStrigaSublunarioSuikastSunnikuseTemporisTenureThanatosisVitiateXinyao
Blood Sorcery AkhuAnarch SorceryDark ThaumaturgyDur-An-KiKoldunismMortisNahuallotlNecromancyOghamSadhanaSielanic SorcerySihrThaumaturgyVodounWanga