From DC by Night Wiki

Death is not the end in the World of Darkness; for many, existence continues as a fleshless ghost. Ghosts are the souls of those who have died but refused to leave the world; incapable of interacting with the world of the living and in many cases even of seeing it clearly, they linger in the Underworld, a parallel dimension reigned over by the dead where they have their own societies, politics, and metaphysical concerns. Most ghosts are believed to be suffering from an unaddressed trauma or unfinished business in the human world, and as a result they are often highly concerned with finding a way to reach across the shroud and force the living world to remember or respond to them, even if only for a brief moment.


Wraiths are the ghosts of the unfulfilled dead who seek to either create new purpose in their afterlives or complete whatever injustice or failure in their lives is preventing them from moving on. Attached to the living world by fetters and part of a complex society that has been creating rules about death for millennia, they are organized into different guilds, each sharing roughly similar powers and outlook on their deathly condition.

AlchemistSmall.png ArtificerSmall.png ChanteurSmall.png
Alchemists Artificers Chanteurs
DroneSmall.png HarbingerSmall.png HaunterSmall.png MasquerSmall.png MnemoiSmall.png MonitorSmall.png OracleSmall.png
Drones Harbingers Haunters Masquers Mnemoi Monitors Oracles
PardonerSmall.png ProctorSmall.png PuppeteerSmall.png SandmanSmall.png SolicitorSmall.png SpookSmall.png UsurerSmall.png
Pardoners Proctors Puppeteers Sandmen Solicitors Spooks Usurers


Spectres are the dark mirrors of wraiths, tormented and uncontrolled ghosts whose humanity has eroded away and left behind only a ravening, monstrous spirit that seeks to harm and feed on others. Poltergeists, spirits that possess and kill, and the terrible denizens of haunted houses are all examples of classic spectres, beings of hate and pain that no longer remember anything but their suffering and desire to lash out as a result. It is possible for wraiths who lose their connection to their lives or emotions to become spectres; while it is technically possible for spectres to return to wraithhood, it is very unusual and usually requires an even that is massively meaningful to that particular ghost.

ApparitionSmall.png DoppelgangerSmall.png HaintSmall.png HekatonkhireSmall.png MalfeanSmall.png
Apparitions Doppelgangers Haints Hekatonkhire Malfeans
MortwightSmall.png NephwrackSmall.png NothingSmall.png PasiphaeSmall.png RisenSmall.png ShadeSmall.png StriplingSmall.png
Mortwrights Nephwracks Nothings Pasiphae Risen Shades Striplings

Damaged Spirits

Some ghosts have been so severely damaged, either by the ordeal of death and the harrows of the Underworld or by their fellow ghosts and supernatural beings, that they can no longer function. Many are barely aware of themselves as personalities anymore, and all of them behave repetitively and with little understanding of the consequences of their actions.

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Eunuchs Kuei

The World Beyond

The societies and even the worlds of ghosts are vast, unmapped, and possibly limitless; it is impossible to say how many kingdoms of the dead there are, isolated and uninterested in (or even unaware of) other parts of the Underworld. While the western world's necropoli and legions often consider themselves the most renowned and respected institutions among the departed, they represent only a very small and Euro-centric view of the great, teeming mass of the dead.

Various other creatures that are dead or close to death, such as vampires and mummies, are often easier for ghosts to attempt to get attention from or even interact with; however, since they are also more likely to have powers that allow them to do the same in return, most ghosts treat the undead with a healthy amount of suspicion and fear.