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Flight Combination Disciplines

Each combination discipline below requires Flight in addition to at least one other discipline. Each power lists its prerequisites alongside its effects.

All combination disciplines are considered rare and are Restricted for player characters unless approved by Admin.

Flight & Auspex

Name Prerequisites
Aerial Surveillance Telepathy & Sky Leap

Aerial Surveillance

Requirements: Telepathy & Sky Leap

While flying, you may use this power to extend your senses into all those you pass above, effectively allowing you to perceive everything happening on the ground along your route. This power is excellent for scouting and investigation, but can often be disorienting as it requires a vampire to be simultaneously perceiving through dozens of different minds at once.

Flight & Potence

Name Prerequisites
The Shoulders of Atlas Sky Leap & Might

The Shoulders of Atlas

Requirements: Sky Leap & Might

While you are flying, you may now carry significantly more weight, even to the point of defying the apparent laws of physics. As long as you can lift something standing, you can take it into the air with you.

Flight & Protean

Name Prerequisites
Roc Wind Speed & Metamorphosis


Requirements: Wind Speed & Metamorphosis

You may transform temporarily into a massive winged monster, an exaggerated version of what humans think of when considering an airborne danger. You are hideous and fearsome to behold, often capable of routing enemies simply by showing up, and you gain claws and teeth to match along with your wings. The transformation lasts until the next sunrise.

Flight & Visceratika

Name Prerequisites
Falconer's Dive Lift Off & Armor of Terra
Shockwave Heaven Walk & Armor of Terra

Falconer's Dive

Requirements: Lift Off & Armor of Terra

You may reshape yourself mid-flight to become more aerodynamic, allowing you to strike your enemies from above with deadly force. You cause significantly worse injury as you hurtle down out of the sky into your victim's body.


Requirements: Heaven Walk & Armor of Terra

You may use the force of your flight to create a resounding sonic boom, bursting eardrums, breaking glass, and causing significant confusion and pain to anyone caught in the blast radius. Most victims without Fortitude will suffer damage and temporary loss of hearing when in open areas, but causing such a noise in a confined space can cause permanent damage.

Flight, Fortitude, & Potence

Name Prerequisites
Nosedive Lift Off & Mettle & Might


Requirements: Lift Off & Mettle & Might

You may divebomb an enemy, using your flight momentum to land on them like a very literal ton of bricks. When you impact something with this power while flying, your opponent is struck by the full force of your flight and weight at once, and likely to take considerably more damage than they would have if they had simply been punched.

Combination Disciplines
Combination Disciplines Animalism Combination DisciplinesAuspex Combination DisciplinesCelerity Combination DisciplinesChimerstry Combination DisciplinesContinence Combination DisciplinesDaimonin Combination DisciplinesDementation Combination DisciplinesDominate Combination DisciplinesFlight Combination DisciplinesFortitude Combination DisciplinesKoldunism Combination DisciplinesMelpominee Combination DisciplinesMortis Combination DisciplinesMytherceria Combination DisciplinesNecromancy Combination DisciplinesNightmare Combination DisciplinesObeah Combination DisciplinesObfuscate Combination DisciplinesObtenebration Combination DisciplinesOgham Combination DisciplinesPotence Combination DisciplinesPresence Combination DisciplinesProtean Combination DisciplinesQuietus Combination DisciplinesSakti Pata Combination DisciplinesSerpentis Combination DisciplinesSublunario Combination DisciplinesTemporis Combination DisciplinesTenure Combination DisciplinesThanatosis Combination DisciplinesThaumaturgy Combination DisciplinesValeren Combination DisciplinesVicissitude Combination DisciplinesVisceratika Combination Disciplines