From DC by Night Wiki
Mytherceria Combination Disciplines

Each combination discipline below requires Mytherceria in addition to at least one other discipline. Each power lists its prerequisites alongside its effects.

All combination disciplines are considered rare and are Restricted for player characters unless approved by Admin.

Mytherceria & Dominate

Name Prerequisites
Dreamstalker Sleepwalker & Folderol


Requirements: Sleepwalker & Folderol

By touching your victim, you can cause the line between their dreams and their waking life to erode. The next night (or day, if they happen to be a vampire or otherwise nocturnal), their dreams follow them into waking, making them see things that aren't there and behave strangely as a result. Your victim still sees reality around them, but the haunting images and emotions of their dream color everything they experience.

Mytherceria & Obtenebration

Name Prerequisites
Sacrifice to Nightmare Faerie Ward & Arms of the Abyss

Sacrifice to Nightmare

Requirements: Faerie Ward & Arms of the Abyss

Attuned as you are by blood to creatures that are not and never have been human, you may call them up, delighting in the terrifying forces you unleash on the unsuspecting world. By luring a victim into a prepared room or subtly placing fairy wards around it while they are inside, you may create a zone where the walls between the mundane world, the Dreaming, and the Abyss become only shimmering suggestions instead of hard barriers. Drawn by your offer of a living being from the mundane world, the ancient powers of the depths of the Abyss or the bizarre wilds of the Dreaming pluck your victim right out of this world, never to be seen again (and presumably not likely to live very long).

Should you use this power and fail to provide a victim, or allow them to escape ahead of time, the entities from the vast beyond are prone to simply taking you instead; they see very little distinction between the tiny, incomprehensible creatures of the visible world. Folktales exist of canny vampires who managed to dart into the Dreaming to hide or use other powers to misdirect their pursuers, but these are most likely more wishful thinking than anything else.

Combination Disciplines
Combination Disciplines Animalism Combination DisciplinesAuspex Combination DisciplinesCelerity Combination DisciplinesChimerstry Combination DisciplinesContinence Combination DisciplinesDaimonin Combination DisciplinesDementation Combination DisciplinesDominate Combination DisciplinesFlight Combination DisciplinesFortitude Combination DisciplinesKoldunism Combination DisciplinesMelpominee Combination DisciplinesMortis Combination DisciplinesMytherceria Combination DisciplinesNecromancy Combination DisciplinesNightmare Combination DisciplinesObeah Combination DisciplinesObfuscate Combination DisciplinesObtenebration Combination DisciplinesOgham Combination DisciplinesPotence Combination DisciplinesPresence Combination DisciplinesProtean Combination DisciplinesQuietus Combination DisciplinesSakti Pata Combination DisciplinesSerpentis Combination DisciplinesSublunario Combination DisciplinesTemporis Combination DisciplinesTenure Combination DisciplinesThanatosis Combination DisciplinesThaumaturgy Combination DisciplinesValeren Combination DisciplinesVicissitude Combination DisciplinesVisceratika Combination Disciplines