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Mortis Combination Disciplines

Each combination discipline below requires Mortis in addition to at least one other discipline. Each power lists its prerequisites alongside its effects.

All combination disciplines are considered rare and are Restricted for player characters unless approved by Admin.

Mortis & Auspex

Name Prerequisites
Awaken the Slumbering Curse Ancestors' Insight & Gift of Life
Clarity of Emptiness Heightened Senses & Cold of the Grave
Corpse Projection Spirit Travel & Vigor Mortis

Awaken the Slumbering Curse

Requirements: Ancestors' Insight & Gift of Life

By touching a ghoul, you can cause the vampiric blood within them to activate, dragging them ever closer to death even while they remain technically alive. They immediately gain all the negatives of the vampiric condition: they are horribly harmed by sunlight, subject to Rötschreck, crave blood at all times, and suffer from a slowed-down pulse and breath such that only a trained medical professional can tell they are still alive. They also gain the clan disadvantage of their domitor's clan. They remain in this state for several days, with those with higher Humanity returning to normal more quickly than others.

Clarity of Emptiness

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Cold of the Grave

You may briefly detach yourself from your emotions, making all feelings and even your greatest passions seem distant and unimportant. Thus freed, you can think more clearly and use mental disciplines more easily for the rest of the scene.

Corpse Projection

Requirements: Spirit Travel & Vigor Mortis

You may reanimate any corpse you know exists and possess it from a distance, with no need to ever go near the actual location of the body. Once arisen, the corpse is fully possessed by you and acts much like one of the Risen; you may see through its perceptions (such as they are; many corpses may no longer have functioning sensory organs) and use it to do anything it is physically capable of. You may continue to possess the body until the sun rises, while your own body remains in stasis as it does any other time you project your spirit out of it.

Mortis & Fortitude

Name Prerequisites
Aegis of Entropy Defy Bane & Destroy the Husk
Blessed Resilience Repair the Undead Flesh & Gift of the Corpse

Aegis of Entropy

Requirements: Defy Bane & Destroy the Husk

You may let all the festering rot in your undead body that you normally keep at bay with sheer force of will out to harry your enemies. Whenever anyone strikes you with any kind of weapon or object, that object immediately begins to decay at an accelerated rate; swords rust and wooden bats grow mold and turn to mush. This does not apply to anyone who hits you bare-handed, and it cannot help you against projectiles - while rotting a bullet or arrow may make it easier to get it out of you later, it does not prevent you from being hit in the first place.

Blessed Resilience

Requirements: Repair the Undead Flesh & Gift of the Corpse

You may regrow any limb you lose within seconds, forgoing the need for a long and blood-costly convalescence period; additionally, if you still have the severed limb, you can just slap it back in place and use it as if nothing had ever happened to it. You cannot use this power to add limbs to yourself that did not originally belong to you, and if you do regrow a limb, you can no longer reattach the old one even if you find it.

Mortis & Potence

Name Prerequisites
Fountain of Ill Humours Dark Humours & Might

Fountain of Ill Humours

Requirements: Dark Humours & Might

You may boil the poisonous humours and biles within you and spit them at your enemies, creating a diseased sputum that not only burns on contact but immediately infects them with a random blood-borne disease if it touches bare flesh. These poisons have no effect on you, even if someone smears them back on your flesh.

Mortis, Fortitude, & Potence

Name Prerequisites
Effigy of the Sculpted Tomb Mettle, Rigor Mortis, & Might

Effigy of the Sculpted Tomb

Requirements: Mettle, Rigor Mortis, & Might

You may harden your flesh into a state similar to a mummified or preserved corpse, becoming shiny and unnatural-looking; when you do, you become more difficult to injure, as well as appearing convincingly like a corpse if you wish to impersonate one.

Mortis, Necromancy, & Thaumaturgy

Name Prerequisites
Blood Pearl Call the Homuncular Servant, Apprentice's Brooms, & Blood of Potency

Blood Pearl

Requirements: Call the Homuncular Servant, Apprentice's Brooms, & Blood of Potency

By concentrating some of your deathly vitae into a small area, you may solidify it into a beautiful blood-red gem of exceptional hardness. Any corpse into which this gem is placed (often by embedding it in the skull in place of the brain, but anywhere it won't fall out will do) rises as an obedient servant, similar to a Risen, dedicated to you and only you. If the gem is removed, the corpse collapses back into death flesh; if it is moved to another corpse, the original returns to death and the new one arises to serve you instead. If the gem is destroyed while still inside your servant, the servant becomes inanimate again instantly.

This power does not grant the resulting decaying servant any safety from the continuing march of rot and dessication, so most users of this power transfer their gem to a new servant on a semi-regular basis when the last one becomes too rotten to effectively serve them anymore. Alternatively, some use their other Mortis or Necromancy powers to preserve a particularly well-loved servant's body so that it can remain on duty indefinitely.

Combination Disciplines
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