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Potence Combination Disciplines

Each combination discipline below requires Potence in addition to at least one other discipline. Each power lists its prerequisites alongside its effects.

All combination disciplines are considered rare and are Restricted for player characters unless approved by Admin.

Potence & Animalism

Name Prerequisites
Feral Imbuing Subsume the Spirit & Might
Power Animal Song of Serenity & Prowess

Feral Imbuing

Requirements: Subsume the Spirit & Might

As in Power Animal, you can give an animal you are currently controlling your Potence, but now you may empower them up to the fifth level, creating terrifying juggernauts with powers far beyond what any mortal creature should ever possess.

Power Animal

Requirements: Song of Serenity & Prowess

As long as you have used Animalism to bend an animal to your will, you may also use this power to grant them some of your supernatural strength. They gain all your Potence powers up through the second level, which remain for the rest of the scene or until you choose to revoke them.

Potence & Auspex

Name Prerequisites
Pulse of Undeath Heightened Senses & Prowess
Séance The Spirit's Touch & Might
Shatter the Shroud Aura Perception & Prowess

Pulse of Undeath

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Prowess

You may read any person you perceive to gauge their supernatural strength; you immediately learn whether they have any supernatural physical powers, and if they are a vampire or ghoul also learn what physical disciplines they have (Celerity, Fortitude, or Potence). You do not learn exactly which powers they have, but the more powerful they are in a given physical area, the more intensely you will recognize their strength.


Requirements: The Spirit's Touch & Might

If you have an active Fetter belonging to a ghost of any kind,you may use it to ceremonially call them into the corporeal world, causing them to manifest tangibly where even those with no supernatural senses can perceive them. The ghost becomes capable of clearly perceiving, interacting with, and affecting the mortal world around you for the rest of the scene, and you in turn can speak to and even physically fight them if you wish, although "killing" a ghost in this condition will simply force it to become unmaterialized again.

Shatter the Shroud

Requirements: Aura Perception & Prowess

When you successfully use Auspex to see through any supernatural illusion or obscurement (for example, powers from Chimerstry or Obfuscate), you may use this power to violently shatter it, making the truth visible to everyone nearby rather than only yourself.

Potence & Celerity

Name Prerequisites
Burning Wrath Rapidity & Vigor
Burrow Swiftness & Might
Husk Alacrity & Prowess
Leaps and Bounds Swiftness & Soaring Leap
Quicken the Slumbering Vitae Swiftness & Might
Stone Cling Cat's Grace & Prowess
Sudden Strength Alacrity & Prowess

Burning Wrath

Requirements: Rapidity & Vigor

You may concentrate the burning intensity of your blood into your blows, causing incredible pain and damage to those you strike. For the rest of the scene, your body parts are alive with crackling hot-blooded energy; your attacks deal aggravated damage, ripping through flesh and bone like tissue paper and utterly destroying anything that was designed to withstand less than a missile strike.


Requirements: Swiftness & Might

You may quickly and easily burrow into the earth (or similar substances, such as sand, ice, snow, or mud; you cannot burrow into solid stone, metal, or other hard substances), creating a short tunnel and a resting place large enough for your body. While most vampires use this power in order to have an emergency escape from the rising sun, it is also popular as a form of predation, allowing you to pop out of the ground and drag your unsuspecting prey underneath it with you.


Requirements: Alacrity & Prowess

With this power, you may instantly suck your prey dry of blood in a matter of less than ten seconds, causing them to crumble into a dessicated husk in your hands. While this power instantly kills mortals, it does not necessarily do the same to vampires, and if you wish to commit diablerie, you must pause and do so at the normal speed after you have fully exsanguinated your victim.

Leaps and Bounds

Requirements: Swiftness & Soaring Leap

While most vampires are capable of impressive physical feats of strength if they put their mind to it, you can now jump unbelievable distances, such as from the top of one skyscraper to another or into a low-flying helicopter from the ground. Obviously, this power constitutes a massive breach of the Masquerade if not used judiciously.

Quicken the Slumbering Vitae

Requirements: Swiftness & Might

By removing some of your blood and storing it in a non-leaking container, you may preserve it, making it impossible for it to rot or turn to dust no matter how long it remains there. While this power is usually used in order to transport blood to ghouls or other thralls to keep blood bonds intact, it can also be used to create caches of blood that can be hidden and consumed later, allowing you to make sure you always have a backup plan in case the worst happens.

Stone Cling

Requirements: Cat's Grace & Prowess

As long as your limbs remain attached, you can use this power to climb any natural surface, even one that would normally be too smooth to find purchase one. Vertiginous cliffsides, ancient ironwood trees, and yawning mountains are all as easy to climb as if they had ladder rungs carved into them. You may also climb buildings that are largely constructed of these materials (for example, wood or stone houses), but the more modern technology and plastic or metal is involved, the harder it becomes.

Sudden Strength

Requirements: Alacrity & Prowess

With this power, you may use your Celerity to exaggerate your Potence, becoming briefly stronger than even the strongest of other vampires. Instead of moving any faster, all the force that would have gone to your speed is applied to your strength, essentially making you as slow as a human but twice as strong as you would otherwise be.

Potence & Dominate

Name Prerequisites
Blink Command & Prowess
Chain of Command The Forgetful Mind & Prowess
Empower Minion The Forgetful Mind & The Give-and-Take
The Knight's Example Mesmerize & Might
Mind Strike Mesmerize & Might
Unbridled Force Mesmerize & Puissance


Requirements: Command & Prowess

You may inflict a physical command on someone else no matter where they are in relation to you or whether or not you can make eye contact; all they have to do is hear your voice. It must be a command that results in a simple physical action - for example, "climb the wall" or "punch that guy" - but can be relayed over the phone or otherwise from a distance if they cannot naturally hear you.

Chain of Command

Requirements: The Forgetful Mind & Prowess

You may set your Dominate commands so that they activate later - not with a trigger, but at a time of your choosing, such as a week from now or at precisely midnight tomorrow. They otherwise work exactly the same and have the same requirements as usual.

Empower Minion

Requirements: The Forgetful Mind & The Give-and-Take

While someone is under your control via Dominate, you may use this power to grant them the same Potence powers you have, making them able to act on your behalf with all your usual power. As soon as they are no longer under your control, this power ceases to have any effect; otherwise they retain your strength for the rest of the scene.

The Knight's Example

Requirements: Mesmerize & Might

Your refusal to give up and powerful leadership skills inspire everyone around you to strive for the same. As long as you remain conscious and moving, anyone in the same scene with you feels inspired to try to do the same, gaining your basic levels of Potence.

Mind Strike

Requirements: Mesmerize & Might

You may actively attack others with the power of your mind alone, dealing them damage simply by looking into their eyes as if you had struck them. You deal as much damage as if you'd struck them a single time with your full Potence.

Unbridled Force

Requirements: Mesmerize & Puissance

You are simply so overwhelmingly strong and have such force of personality that the two fuse, allowing you to perform physical actions from anywhere in the scene; you can move, push, pull, attack, or otherwise physically touch things without needing to be anywhere near them. You must still have your hands free in order to make the same motions as you otherwise would, and you must use your full strength, meaning that it is much easier to shove and smash things than to gently move them aside.

Potence & Flight

Name Prerequisites
The Shoulders of Atlas Sky Leap & Might

The Shoulders of Atlas

Requirements: Sky Leap & Might

While you are flying, you may now carry significantly more weight, even to the point of defying the apparent laws of physics. As long as you can lift something standing, you can take it into the air with you.

Potence & Fortitude

Name Prerequisites
Body of Will Fortify the Inner Facade & Prowess
Brace for Impact Resistance & Might
Iron Muscles Endurance & Prowess
Juggernaut's Gait Aegis & Vigor
The Rejected Malady Endurance & Might
The Rod of Raw Rending Endurance & Prowess

Body of Will

Requirements: Fortify the Inner Facade & Prowess

You have such a powerful force of will that this power allows you to simply refuse to be affected by injuries, even major ones. No matter how you are injured or how severely, you can still use your body as normal; somehow you can still run on a mangled leg, climb with broken fingers, and perceive with burnt-out eyes. Your ability to push your body beyond its normal limits lasts only for the scene, after which you are likely to collapse as everything catches up at once.

Brace for Impact

Requirements: Resistance & Might

Whenever you are about to be injured by something that would damage your whole body at once - for example, being hit by a car or in the path of an explosion - you can hunker down and brace yourself, taking far less damage as you spread it out carefully over your whole frame.

Iron Muscles

Requirements: Endurance & Prowess

Your strength is such that you can channel it into survival in an emergency. When you are about to be knocked unconscious or killed, you may use this power to avoid taking any damage; however, once you have done so, you cannot use your Potence powers for the rest of the scene.

Juggernaut's Gait

Requirements: Aegis & Vigor

You may with a great effort of will simply say no to any and all damage coming your way. For one round of combat (or ten seconds of non-combat) only, you simply cannot be harmed - attacks don't hurt you, fire doesn't faze you, and even any pain you normally might have from illnesses or old wounds disappears. This requires enormous effort and can only be done once in a great while.

The Rejected Malady

Requirements: Endurance & Might

You are capable of isolating harmful outside agents and expelling them harmlessly from your body. Whenever there is an outside substance in your system that might sicken you - poisoned or diseased blood, a foreign drug, a bloodborne illness, and so on - you may vomit it out as a thick black bile, keeping the rest of your bloodstream pure and useable.

The Rod Raw Rending

Requirements: Endurance & Prowess

There is no such thing as armor that can keep you out; no matter how well-crafted or thick, this power allows you to immediately punch right through any armor, shield, or other barrier expressly designed to protect people from attack. You cannot actually injure your foe while you're busy breaking through, and this power can only be used on armors that are not supernatural in origin.

Potence & Mortis

Name Prerequisites
Fountain of Ill Humours Dark Humours & Might

Fountain of Ill Humours

Requirements: Dark Humours & Might

You may boil the poisonous humours and biles within you and spit them at your enemies, creating a diseased sputum that not only burns on contact but immediately infects them with a random blood-borne disease if it touches bare flesh. These poisons have no effect on you, even if someone smears them back on your flesh.

Potence & Nightmare

Name Prerequisites
Shadow Heart Dread & Might

Shadow Heart

Requirements: Dread & Might

By lashing out, shrieking, or otherwise startling or frightening an attacker, you cause them to miss their attempt to stake you by just a hair. Although the stake may still injure you, they miss the heart and you remain active and able to do things; it is up to you whether you want to retaliate, or else play dead and wait to see what they intended to do with you once you were immobilized.

Potence & Obfuscate

Name Prerequisites
Forbidden Zone Cloak the Gathering & Vigor

Forbidden Zone

Requirements: Cloak the Gathering & Vigor

You may pour all your physical strength into your powers of concealment, creating an area that is not only difficult to perceive but actually impossible to enter. For the rest of the night, an area no larger than a small room gains such powerful wards that others literally cannot physically enter it unless they are stronger than you are.

Potence & Obtenebration

Name Prerequisites
Dark Steel Arms of the Abyss & Vigor

Dark Steel

Requirements: Arms of the Abyss & Vigor

Your Arms of the Abyss are now even stronger and more dangerous; when you manifest them, they are as difficult to break or resist as if they were made of tempered steel.

Potence & Presence

Name Prerequisites
Cult of Personality The Give and Take & Summon
Esprit de Corps Puissance & Majesty
Inspire Greatness Might & Entrancement
The Iron Glare Vigor & Entrancement
Iron Heart The Give and Take & Entrancement
The Knight's Example Might & Celebrity
Night Life Prowess & Awe
Righteous Gaze Brutal Feed & The Look

Cult of Personality

Requirements: The Give and Take & Summon

You overwhelm the weaker minds around you, exuding a powerful attractive force that makes everyone with less Presence than you suddenly affected as if you had used Entrancement on each of them. They respond exactly the same way as a normal use of Entrancement, and it lasts for the rest of the episode.

Esprit de Corps

Requirements: Puissance & Majesty

Your presence grants a powerful freedom from fear to all around you; everyone who can perceive you becomes completely immune to fear, whether from natural or supernatural sources as long as you remain conscious and in the area. Any supernatural powers that would inflict fear on any of them are held in abeyment, but if you leave the area, they suddenly snap into place, making your presence the only thing protecting your followers. Your aura of fearlessness lasts for the rest of the scene, or until you end it early.

Inspire Greatness

Requirements: Might & Entrancement

You are an exemplary leader; by touching someone, you can push them to the greatest heights they are capable of, completing whatever task they are currently involved in with flying colors (or at least the most success it is actually possible for them to have). They can do nothing else but work on the task you set them; if they stop, are prevented, or switch to doing something else, this power ceases to have any effect.

The Iron Glare

Requirements: Vigor & Entrancement

By making a powerful physical display of your strength, you may intimidate everyone in the area into becoming subservient to you; smashing, pulling, or moving something not only affects everyone as if you had used the Awe power, but also makes it impossible for anyone to attack you for the rest of the scene unless backed into a corner or otherwise forced to.

Iron Heart

Requirements: The Give and Take & Entrancement

You instinctively fight off supernatural attempts to manipulate you; whenever anyone tries to use a supernatural mind- or emotion-controlling power on you, you may use this power to simply ignore it as long as the person using it does not have more of that discipline or equivalent than you have Presence.

The Knight's Example

Requirements: Might & Celebrity

Your refusal to give up and powerful leadership skills inspire everyone around you to strive for the same. As long as you remain conscious and moving, anyone in the same scene with you feels inspired to try to do the same, gaining your basic levels of Potence.

Night Life

Requirements: Prowess & Awe

By drinking some of a mortal's blood, you may allow yourself to experience life as vividly as when you were alive for a short period of time. Not only do you appear alive, with warm skin and normal bodily functions, but you can do other things normally barred to you, such as facing fire without fear or even eating solid food. This power lasts only for a single night, and while it allows you to briefly counterfeit life, it isn't the real thing; you still have to vomit up any food you ate later when you return to your normal state.

Righteous Gaze

Requirements: Brutal Feed & The Look

By making eye contact with someone, you may extend your force directly into their mind, causing them to reel from the mental impact as if you had personally struck them. The more they diverge from your morality path, the more painful the result, as your supernatural strength channels into your spiritual power to punish anyone too different from you.

Potence & Protean

Name Prerequisites
Blood Thorns Might & Feral Claws

Blood Thorns

Requirements: Might & Feral Claws

You may create sharp, deadly clots from your own blood, resembling thorns or blades; whenever you wish, you may cause them to erupt out of your skin so that you can hurl them at high speed at your enemies. These thorns deal lethal damage and turn back into blood after they have been hurled, although they cannot cause a blood bond by seeping into your enemy's flesh.

Potence & Serpentis

Name Prerequisites
Cobra's Kiss Might & Skin of the Adder

Cobra's Kiss

Requirements: Might & Skin of the Adder

You may turn your existing vampiric fangs into hollow venom-filled ones like a snake's. Your blood creates venom to fill them and anyone you bite is afflicted by burning poisonous pain; mortals die in screaming agony within a few minutes unless they are given an anti-venom, and even supernatural beings are debilitated by the pain and weakness it causes. Your fangs return to normal at the end of the scene.

Potence & Temporis

Name Prerequisites
Jackhammer Punch Might & Internal Recursion

Jackhammer Punch

Requirements: Might & Internal Recursion

When you strike an enemy bare-handed, you may concentrate past punches into your attack, hitting your foe as if you had done so several times at the exact same moment. This single attack is far more powerful than even your usual Potence could achieve and has been known to splinter bones and even rip right through an enemy's frame.

Potence & Vicissitude

Name Prerequisites
Flaying Touch Might & Fleshcraft

Flaying Touch

Requirements: Might & Fleshcraft

You may rip your victim's skin off their body as easily as touching them, causing immense pain and leaving behind raw exposed flesh. While this only does a little bit of actual physical damage to your victim, it is incredibly painful, not to mention horrifying; mortals can survive with proper medical care, but even supernatural creatures are horrified by the sheer hideousness of your attack. You may rip off up to two feet of skin at a time, so while you cannot rip a person's entire skin off in one shot, you can skin their entire back or limbs at once. Once removed, the skin can be grown back (either quickly by supernatural creatures or slowly via grafts and regeneration by mortals).

Potence, Animalism, & Celerity

Name Prerequisites
Vermin Flood Unliving Hive, Swiftness, & Might

Vermin Flood

Requirements: Unliving Hive, Swiftness, & Might

You may summon every vermin in the area to swarm over the area around you, picking it clean in a vicious flood of destruction: living things are assaulted by swarms of rats, insects, bats, and so on, forced to fight them off just to survive, while buildings are destroyed at the foundation and plants picked bare down to the roots. This is an obvious breach of the Masquerade, so incautious uses are likely to cause immediate lashback from any Camarilla vampires who suspect you.

Potence, Auspex, & Presence

Name Prerequisites
Charm the Dead Telepathy, Might, & Majesty

Charm the Dead

Requirements: Telepathy, Might, & Majesty

With this power you may make yourself temporarily irresistible to ghosts; any dead spirits in the area gravitate toward you, fascinated by your strange and powerful aura. Those who come into the area with you can be affected by your Presence powers (whether you know they are there or not) and will act accordingly, and any ghost that manifests itself before you can be physically attacked and consumed just as if it were a mortal. If you do consume a ghost, you gain no sustenance but learn the details of their lives, deaths, and what they've been up to lately beyond the shroud.

Potence, Celerity, & Fortitude

Name Prerequisites
Blood Propulsion Alacrity, Endurance, & Prowess

Blood Propulsion

Requirements: Alacrity, Endurance, & Prowess

This power allows you to spit out a propulsive jet of your own blood, powerful enough to knock someone over or push you several yards away. Since this power does not directly harm your enemies (although it may inconvenience them and ruin their clothes), it is most often used for vampires who are floundering in deep water or floating in vacuum and need a way to push themselves in the right direction.

Potence, Celerity, & Presence

Name Prerequisites
The Wish Swiftness, Might, & Summon

The Wish

Requirements: Swiftness, Might, & Summon

With this power, you may grant someone the incredible powers of your vampiric body... only to demand a great price of them in return. By simply touching a willing subject, you may grant them all of your Celerity and Potence abilities for the next 72 hours; they have all the same physical skills you do, although they may need to learn how to use them on the fly. In return, at the end of this time they return to normal and are immediately summoned back to you, enthralled as if by a full blood bond for a period of one year. Many vampires take this opportunity to institute an actual blood bond or turn them into a ghoul while their servant has no ability to refuse them, although some feel that it is only honorable to accept the single year of service.

You may only use this power on someone who understands what they are agreeing to and is not coerced into it by you in any way; threats, physical force, or trickery will still grant your subject your powers briefly, but will fail to make them beholden to you afterward. Once you have successfully gained the servitude of your subject, they are essentially incapable of disobeying you - in fact, they don't even want to try to disobey you in most cases - and behave in general as if you were the center of their universe.

Potence, Flight, & Fortitude

Name Prerequisites
Nosedive Lift Off & Mettle & Might


Requirements: Lift Off & Mettle & Might

You may divebomb an enemy, using your flight momentum to land on them like a very literal ton of bricks. When you impact something with this power while flying, your opponent is struck by the full force of your flight and weight at once, and likely to take considerably more damage than they would have if they had simply been punched.

Potence, Fortitude, & Mortis

Name Prerequisites
Effigy of the Sculpted Tomb Mettle, Rigor Mortis, & Might

Effigy of the Sculpted Tomb

Requirements: Mettle, Rigor Mortis, & Might

You may harden your flesh into a state similar to a mummified or preserved corpse, becoming shiny and unnatural-looking; when you do, you become more difficult to injure, as well as appearing convincingly like a corpse if you wish to impersonate one.

Potence, Fortitude, & Obfuscate

Name Prerequisites
Mark of Shadows Mettle, Unseen Presence, & Might

Mark of Shadows

Requirements: Mettle, Unseen Presence, & Might

By marking an inanimate object no larger than a breadbox with a little blood, you may hide it from view, making it impossible for others without Auspex or similar powers to see it even when it is right in front of them. The object remains hidden for the rest of the night, even if you leave the area, and becomes visible again only when the sun rises.

Potence, Fortitude, & Protean

Name Prerequisites
Bones of the Mountain Resilience, Uncanny Grip, & Metamorphosis
Force of Nature Resistance, Might, & Metamorphosis

Bones of the Mountain

Requirements: Resilience, Uncanny Grip, & Metamorphosis

You may literally transform your flesh into actual natural stone, making you into an animated statue. Any Fortitude or Potence powers you have already activated remain so for the rest of the scene, requiring no further blood, and any attack you make against anyone else deals lethal damage. If you are knocked unconscious or into torpor in this state, you automatically use the Earth Meld power if you are in an area that you can do so.

Force of Nature

Requirements: Resistance, Might, & Metamorphosis

You now have fluid control over all your shapeshifting powers; you may use your Protean powers instantly and repeatedly, as well as moving your physical skills around (for example, choosing to become slower in order to be stronger, or vice versa). You must still spend blood to activate your powers; you can simply do so instantly with a thought, making you terrifyingly changeable in a split second.

Potence, Fortitude, & Visceratika

Name Prerequisites
I Am the Keystone Mettle, Might, & Bond with the Mountain

I Am the Keystone

Requirements: Mettle, Might, & Bond with the Mountain

Like a keystone supporting a building, you are sensitive to exactly what physical stresses are on you and where your skills are best used. You may redistribute your Fortitude and Potence powers for the rest of the scene, choosing to exchange one for the other at the same level as much as you wish; once you have made these choices, your new powerset persists for the rest of the scene, allowing you to suddenly become a dangerous juggernaut or an impervious guardian well beyond your normal capabilities.

Potence, Fortitude, Nightmare, & Protean

Name Prerequisites
Terrible Flesh Resilience, Monstrous Countenance, Prowess, & Metamorphosis

Terrible Flesh

Requirements: Resilience, Monstrous Countenance, Prowess, & Metamorphosis

Most vampires don't grow as they get older... but you do. Far from the natural growth of a living thing, you grow in size and monstrousness as the years go by, becoming taller, wider, and more obviously inhuman as you go. This power is extremely terrifying for others (and an obvious breach of the Masquerade), but those who have mastered it can be so prodigiously huge and physically powerful that even elders hesitate to argue with them about their decisions.

Combination Disciplines
Combination Disciplines Animalism Combination DisciplinesAuspex Combination DisciplinesCelerity Combination DisciplinesChimerstry Combination DisciplinesContinence Combination DisciplinesDaimonin Combination DisciplinesDementation Combination DisciplinesDominate Combination DisciplinesFlight Combination DisciplinesFortitude Combination DisciplinesKoldunism Combination DisciplinesMelpominee Combination DisciplinesMortis Combination DisciplinesMytherceria Combination DisciplinesNecromancy Combination DisciplinesNightmare Combination DisciplinesObeah Combination DisciplinesObfuscate Combination DisciplinesObtenebration Combination DisciplinesOgham Combination DisciplinesPotence Combination DisciplinesPresence Combination DisciplinesProtean Combination DisciplinesQuietus Combination DisciplinesSakti Pata Combination DisciplinesSerpentis Combination DisciplinesSublunario Combination DisciplinesTemporis Combination DisciplinesTenure Combination DisciplinesThanatosis Combination DisciplinesThaumaturgy Combination DisciplinesValeren Combination DisciplinesVicissitude Combination DisciplinesVisceratika Combination Disciplines