From DC by Night Wiki
Nightmare Combination Disciplines

Each combination discipline below requires Nightmare in addition to at least one other discipline. Each power lists its prerequisites alongside its effects.

All combination disciplines are considered rare and are Restricted for player characters unless approved by Admin.

Nightmare & Celerity

Name Prerequisites
Freeze Bones Swiftness & Mortal Fear
Hint of Fear Swiftness & Dread
Shivers Swiftness & Dread

Freeze Bones

Requirements: Swiftness & Mortal Fear

By touching your victim, you cause them to feel the terrible creeping cold of the grave, turning their skin cloudy or blue, locking their joints from the brittle cold, and even forming icicles on their extremities. They do not suffer any actual damage, but they are unable to move for several minutes while they attempt to thaw out, and they cannot use disciplines during this time as their blood is literally frozen almost solid.

Hint of Fear

Requirements: Swiftness & Dread

You no longer need to attempt to frighten others; when anyone attacks or attempts to attack you, they are automatically afflicted by the Dread power, causing them to at the very least be startled and pause. While very hardy enemies may come back for more anyway, many who are not fully committed to the task may just rethink attacking you completely in favor of fleeing into the night.


Requirements: Swiftness & Dread

You may inflict horrible, body-wracking shivers on a person with a simple touch, causing them to be unable to do or say anything coherent while their teeth chatter, their joints snap, and their body shakes as if frozen by mortal cold or caught in the grip of a powerful anxiety. They are still aware and may still use disciplines, but cannot make any physical actions or speak out loud for several minutes.

Nightmare & Dominate

Name Prerequisites
Aversion Curse Rationalize & Dread
Rumor of Dread The Forgetful Mind & Dread

Aversion Curse

Requirements: Rationalize & Dread

You may inflict a specific phobia on your victim by making eye contact, causing them to suddenly feel overwhelming terror at the prospect of encountering it and utter panic if it confronts them. This phobia may be attached to anything reasonable, although most vampires simply use it to instill fear of themselves as an expedient way of getting rid of people.

Rumor of Dread

Requirements: The Forgetful Mind & Dread

By whispering a fearful rumor in one or two peoples' ears, you can cause an anxiety to sweep through an entire crowd, making everyone afraid of your suggestion. Whether it's a suggestion that the building is unsafe and liable to collapse on everyone or a fear that a new infectious plague is among them, everyone believes it for at least the rest of the night, and is likely to spread it even beyond your normal area of effect.

Nightmare & Fortitude

Name Prerequisites
Dauntless Spirit Unswayable Mind & Monstrous Countenance
Sun's Brutal Dreamscape Mettle & Mortal Fear

Dauntless Spirit

Requirements: Unswayable Mind & Monstrous Countenance

You are much more difficult to affect with the powers of Nightmare; any that you have yourself simply do not work on you unless used by someone more powerful than you are, and the effects of higher levels are lessened slightly (although still very uncomfortable to live through).

Sun's Brutal Dreamscape

Requirements: Mettle & Mortal Fear

The greatest fear of most vampires is the sun itself, and with this power you can briefly survive it, albeit at a terrible price. If you suffer damage from sunlight, you may use this power to transfer that damage to another vampire that you personally know, causing them to wake shrieking from their daylight sleep as their flesh boils. This power can only be used once per night, and it cannot automatically kill the vampire that you transfer your pain to, who falls into torpor if they sustain too much injury from it. While this power can certainly be used for torture and attempted assassination, it is very dangerous to do so - once you've used it once for the night, you must find cover or meet the same fate as the sunlight begins to burn into you.

Nightmare & Obfuscate

Name Prerequisites
Pass into Yesteryear Monstrous Countenance & Vanish from the Mind's Eye
Repulsive Mien Dread & Vanish from the Mind's Eye
Wraith's Presence Monstrous Countenance & Mask of a Thousand Faces

Pass into Yesteryear

Requirements: Monstrous Countenance & Vanish from the Mind's Eye

You may force your thralls to become as much hidden monsters lurking in the darkness as you are. By feeding someone your blood, you may use this power to cause them to begin fading from the memories of those they have met; even close friends and family members gradually forget that they ever existed, completely forgetting them within a week. Any artifacts proving their existence, such as photographs or childhood mementos, are mysteriously misplaced, destroyed, defaced, or simply seem to belong to someone else or have been left behind by mistake.

Repulsive Mien

Requirements: Dread & Vanish from the Mind's Eye

This power allows you to magnify the worst things others think about you; whether they are afraid you are unstable, think you are deceitful, or fear the diseases or derangements you carry, they suddenly see what seems to be irrefutable evidence on you of the truth of their assumptions but suddenly realize that it is worse than they ever thought. Most victims of this power are terrified into avoiding you completely, although some may instead attempt to murder you or seek to curry favor to keep your displeasure away from them. Nothing they suspect about you needs to actually be true; no matter how different their assumptions are from the truth, they still see confirmation that they are right.

Wraith's Presence

Requirements: Monstrous Countenance & Mask of a Thousand Faces

You may hide someone other than yourself and cause them to appear to be elsewhere instead, creating a perfect active illusion of them that moves and behaves as they do. Anyone who cannot see through your powers not only believes the double is real but also has no idea where the original is; as long as they do not do anything that would normally break Obfuscate cover, they remain hidden for the rest of the scene. The illusiory double can be attacked or even "killed"; if it is, the real thing remains hidden until later, making it easy to trick an enemy into thinking they have completed an assassination while their target remains very much alive.

Nightmare & Potence

Name Prerequisites
Shadow Heart Dread & Might

Shadow Heart

Requirements: Dread & Might

By lashing out, shrieking, or otherwise startling or frightening an attacker, you cause them to miss their attempt to stake you by just a hair. Although the stake may still injure you, they miss the heart and you remain active and able to do things; it is up to you whether you want to retaliate, or else play dead and wait to see what they intended to do with you once you were immobilized.

Nightmare & Presence

Name Prerequisites
Churchtower Gaze Monstrous Countenance & Awe
Cross-Contamination Dread & The Look
Crush of Years Shatter the Mind & Mesmeric Taint
Eye Catcher Dread & Celebrity
Feed the Hungry Eyes Shatter the Mind & Entrancement
Prince's Wrath Mortal Fear & Majesty
Wet Dream Dread & Lingering Kiss
Whisper Campaign Shatter the Mind & Summon
Witch Lights Dread & Disquieting Mien

Churchtower Gaze

Requirements: Monstrous Countenance & Awe

You may rally or rout a huge group of people - everyone who can see you, in fact. Everyone who is able to perceive you is either overawed, inclined to listen to and support you, or terrified, making them want to get away from your location as quickly as possible. You must choose one of these two modes and cannot do both at once.


Requirements: Dread & The Look

You may add the fear of your Nightmare powers to the fascination of your Presence; you exude a fascination that causes everyone around you to pay attention to you, but it is also fundamentally unsettling, making them uncomfortable and worried and causing them to be worse at resisting any social or mental powers used on them.

Crush of Years

Requirements: Shatter the Mind & Mesmeric Taint

You may release the sudden recognition of the weight of all the years you have lived on those around you; everyone who can perceive you suddenly feels the terrifying weight of eternity descend upon them, driving them to hopelessness and horror. The older you are and the more years you have lived, the more powerful this effect; young vampires may only be able to upset those who see them, but elders can cause everyone around them to suddenly succumb to unbelievable existential ennui.

Eye Catcher

Requirements: Dread & Celebrity

As soon as you use this power, you become irresistibly interesting to everyone who sees you; everyone remembers what you do, say, and how your mood seems to be in full, perfect detail for the rest of the scene, even if they are normally forgetful or would not find you especially remarkable. This power does not tell anyone any information they could not glean about you from observing; it only causes them to be unable to forget anything about you.

Feed the Hungry Eyes

Requirements: Shatter the Mind & Entrancement

By touching your victim, you can inflict the full weight of the expectations and judgment of others on them - every person whose opinion has ever mattered to them, every expectation they have ever felt pressured to fulfill, and so on. This sudden weight of peer pressure allows you to make suggestions that they almost cannot refuse, reshaping them into a new role that matches their heightened sense of how important it is not to disappoint you (and everyone else). They feel this overwhelming pressure for the rest of the scene, although many are so affected that they may continue to worry about it long after.

Prince's Wrath

Requirements: Mortal Fear & Majesty

You may choose any place that you have full control over - whether you are the Prince or Archbishop of the area, built it or own it, were granted Domain, or otherwise have ascendant power there - and fill it suddenly with your presence, overwhelming those there even when you are not personally present. Everyone within that area (about the size of a large room) is suddenly afflicted by the Mortal Fear and Majesty powers simultaneously, as well as feeling the ground shake beneath their feet and blood appear to leak through the walls. Most invaders subjected to this treatment simply flee, but those who remain are likely to be impaired or even helpless until you break the spell.

Wet Dream

Requirements: Dread & Lingering Kiss

By touching your victim, you can cause them to have powerful, intoxicating dreams when they next sleep; these dreams are both pleasurable, satisfying deep urges and secret wishes, and also distressing, making the dreamer feel shame and fear in case anyone ever finds out. Once they wake up, they desperately want to be around you, subconsciously recognizing you as the source of the dreams, but are not consciously aware of this or able to blame you for them (even if you happened to star in them).

Whisper Campaign

Requirements: Shatter the Mind & Summon

You may whisper a few words in a few ears and completely change the reputation of one hapless victim; you can grant them fame, give them terrible notoriety, convince people of their innocence or guilt, or make others think of them as a saint or a monster. The most famous a person is, the more difficult it is to change their reputation. Once you have used this power, the reputation in question is again subject to whatever forces might change peoples' perceptions, although your influence probably lingers in public memory for quite a while.

Witch Lights

Requirements: Dread & Disquieting Mien

You may fill an area with haunting sensory hallucinations, making it appear to be haunted; distant sounds, cold spots, floating lights and mists, strange smells, footsteps, and any other classical signs of haunting afflict those in the area. Anyone who does not have powerful Auspex or similar powers is unable to tell that these manifestations are not real, although those with skill in Necromancy may be bewildered by the fact that the activity doesn't seem to be coming from the true dead.

Nightmare & Protean

Name Prerequisites
Foul Grave Monstrous Countenance & Dolphin's Unsight
Wretched Bite Eye of the Beast & Earth Meld

Foul Grave

Requirements: Monstrous Countenance & Dolphin's Unsight

You may exude an unsettling, disturbing aura while you rest for the day, making the area where you sleep seem dangerous and unfit for habitation. Others who enter the area are inclined to leave immediately, feling unease and fear although they cannot necessarily say why, forced to guess from their environment. The area of your aura radiates to about the size of a large room, so others may still be able to spend time relatively unbothered in other areas of the building, nearby graves, or even right over you if you happen to be sleeping far enough beneath the ground with Earth Meld.

Wretched Bite

Requirements: Eye of the Beast & Earth Meld

You may fill your mouth with fangs - literally, giving you multiple rows of nightmare teeth, each many inches long. In addition to giving yourself a tooth-lined maw, these new teeth are also foul and likely to cause infections where you bite, and your jaw becomes much more powerful, making it almost impossible to dislodge you once you sink your nest of teeth into flesh.

Nightmare, Animalism, & Auspex

Name Prerequisites
Learn Bane Sense the Beast, Aura Perception, & Monstrous Countenance

Learn Bane

Requirements: Sense the Beast, Aura Perception, & Face of the Beast

You may reach into the depths of the Beast's mind by looking into someone's eyes, learning their greatest fears and the dangers that keep them awake at night. You automatically learn their clan disadvantage (which may also tell you their clan, if you recognize it) and any fear-based derangements, as well as their greatest personal fear (although not the context to know why they are afraid of it or what they have experienced before).

Nightmare, Fortitude, Potence, & Protean

Name Prerequisites
Terrible Flesh Resilience, Monstrous Countenance, Prowess, & Metamorphosis

Terrible Flesh

Requirements: Resilience, Monstrous Countenance, Prowess, & Metamorphosis

Most vampires don't grow as they get older... but you do. Far from the natural growth of a living thing, you grow in size and monstrousness as the years go by, becoming taller, wider, and more obviously inhuman as you go. This power is extremely terrifying for others (and an obvious breach of the Masquerade), but those who have mastered it can be so prodigiously huge and physically powerful that even elders hesitate to argue with them about their decisions.

Combination Disciplines
Combination Disciplines Animalism Combination DisciplinesAuspex Combination DisciplinesCelerity Combination DisciplinesChimerstry Combination DisciplinesContinence Combination DisciplinesDaimonin Combination DisciplinesDementation Combination DisciplinesDominate Combination DisciplinesFlight Combination DisciplinesFortitude Combination DisciplinesKoldunism Combination DisciplinesMelpominee Combination DisciplinesMortis Combination DisciplinesMytherceria Combination DisciplinesNecromancy Combination DisciplinesNightmare Combination DisciplinesObeah Combination DisciplinesObfuscate Combination DisciplinesObtenebration Combination DisciplinesOgham Combination DisciplinesPotence Combination DisciplinesPresence Combination DisciplinesProtean Combination DisciplinesQuietus Combination DisciplinesSakti Pata Combination DisciplinesSerpentis Combination DisciplinesSublunario Combination DisciplinesTemporis Combination DisciplinesTenure Combination DisciplinesThanatosis Combination DisciplinesThaumaturgy Combination DisciplinesValeren Combination DisciplinesVicissitude Combination DisciplinesVisceratika Combination Disciplines