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Necromancy Combination Disciplines

Each combination discipline below requires Necromancy in addition to at least one other discipline. Each power lists its prerequisites alongside its effects.

All combination disciplines are considered rare and are Restricted for player characters unless approved by Admin.

Necromancy & Auspex

Name Prerequisites
Bloodied Hands Aura Perception & Insight
Charon's Oar Psychic Projection & Soul Stealing
Eyes of a Thousand Shades Ancestors' Vigilance & Compel Soul
Soul Separation Telepathy & Soul Judgment

Bloodied Hands

Requirements: Aura Perception & Insight

Death leaves a stain and you can see that stain with this power. By touching or perceiving a person near you, you may learn who they killed last by name and occupation, although any more information will require additional research.

Charon's Oar

Requirements: Psychic Projection & Soul Stealing

You may convert your body from a solid state to pure spirit, similar to the corpus of a Wraith; in this form, you immediately enter the Shadowlands and are able to explore and interact with them like any of the true dead. Other ghosts and spirits are likely to mistake you for one of them, although they may change their minds if you behave or speak strangely in front of them.

Eyes of a Thousand Shades

Requirements: Ancestors' Vigilance & Compel Soul

You may perceive through the senses of a nearby Wraith as if they were your own. You must be aware that the ghost is nearby in order to borrow its senses, and if it is unable to perceive for some reason, this power does not work. You retain your own senses as well, although some vampires find it difficult and distracting to attempt to perceive through two sets of senses at once.

Soul Separation

Requirements: Telepathy & Soul Judgment

You may rip the very soul out of a living thing, dragging it out as if it were an already dead ghost under your control. Once you do, you may devour it, gaining no blood sustenance but regaining all your Willpower in the process. The soul is completely destroyed, much as in diablerie, and the body it until recently lived in dies immediately.

Necromancy & Dominate

Name Prerequisites
Sharing the Master's Vigor Possession & Shambling Hordes

Sharing the Master's Vigor

Requirements: Possession & Shambling Hordes

When you raise zombies to serve you, you may use this power to grant them your physical disciplines; they have the same Celerity, Fortitude, and Potence powers you do (although in some cases they may not be relevant or may be difficult for them to use).

Necromancy & Obfuscate

Name Prerequisites
Unseen Spirit Hour of Death & Unseen Presence

Unseen Spirit

Requirements: Hour of Death & Unseen Presence

While ghosts are generally invisible to all but the most skilled magic-users and supernatural beings, they can see the physical world perfectly fine, provided they can peer across the shroud. With this power, you become as invisible to them as they usually are to you; ghosts and spirit creatures fail to see you, glossing right past you as they scan the real world, and automatically avoid you where necessary the same way that mortals might if you were concealed with Obfuscate.

Necromancy & Serpentis

Name Prerequisites
Leer of Hades Summon Soul & Enchanting Gaze
Sutekh Fathers Anubis Clutching the Shroud & Typhonic Avatar

Leer of Hades

Requirements: Summon Soul & Enchanting Gaze

By looking into their eyes, you may mark a living thing as yours, becoming a Wraith under your control as soon as they die. While you can obviously create Wraith servants fairly easily by using this power and then immediately killing the person you used it on, it can also be used to simply make sure that you don't lose track of particularly useful or beloved people who might die when you aren't looking.

Sutekh Fathers Anubis

Requirements: Clutching the Shroud & Typhonic Avatar

You may transform into a terrifying avatar of the Egyptian god Anubis, a massive cadaverous humanoid jackal with enormous teeth and claws. While in this form, you are almost impossible to kill or even injure, your flesh dead and expertly preserved against all dangers, and you are exceptionally strong and terrifying. Mortals and even lesser supernatural creatures who behold you either flee in an unreasoning panic or fall unconscious at the sight of you.

Necromancy, Mortis, & Thaumaturgy

Name Prerequisites
Blood Pearl Call the Homuncular Servant, Apprentice's Brooms, & Blood of Potency

Blood Pearl

Requirements: Call the Homuncular Servant, Apprentice's Brooms, & Blood of Potency

By concentrating some of your deathly vitae into a small area, you may solidify it into a beautiful blood-red gem of exceptional hardness. Any corpse into which this gem is placed (often by embedding it in the skull in place of the brain, but anywhere it won't fall out will do) rises as an obedient servant, similar to a Risen, dedicated to you and only you. If the gem is removed, the corpse collapses back into death flesh; if it is moved to another corpse, the original returns to death and the new one arises to serve you instead. If the gem is destroyed while still inside your servant, the servant becomes inanimate again instantly.

This power does not grant the resulting decaying servant any safety from the continuing march of rot and dessication, so most users of this power transfer their gem to a new servant on a semi-regular basis when the last one becomes too rotten to effectively serve them anymore. Alternatively, some use their other Mortis or Necromancy powers to preserve a particularly well-loved servant's body so that it can remain on duty indefinitely.

Combination Disciplines
Combination Disciplines Animalism Combination DisciplinesAuspex Combination DisciplinesCelerity Combination DisciplinesChimerstry Combination DisciplinesContinence Combination DisciplinesDaimonin Combination DisciplinesDementation Combination DisciplinesDominate Combination DisciplinesFlight Combination DisciplinesFortitude Combination DisciplinesKoldunism Combination DisciplinesMelpominee Combination DisciplinesMortis Combination DisciplinesMytherceria Combination DisciplinesNecromancy Combination DisciplinesNightmare Combination DisciplinesObeah Combination DisciplinesObfuscate Combination DisciplinesObtenebration Combination DisciplinesOgham Combination DisciplinesPotence Combination DisciplinesPresence Combination DisciplinesProtean Combination DisciplinesQuietus Combination DisciplinesSakti Pata Combination DisciplinesSerpentis Combination DisciplinesSublunario Combination DisciplinesTemporis Combination DisciplinesTenure Combination DisciplinesThanatosis Combination DisciplinesThaumaturgy Combination DisciplinesValeren Combination DisciplinesVicissitude Combination DisciplinesVisceratika Combination Disciplines