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Auspex Combination Disciplines

Each combination discipline below requires Daimonin in addition to at least one other discipline. Each power lists its prerequisites alongside its effects.

All combination disciplines are considered rare and are Restricted for player characters unless approved by Admin.

Daimonin & Animalism

Name Prerequisites
Command the Swarm Bound Famulus & Fear of the Void Below

Command the Swarm

Requirements: Bound Famulus & Fear of the Void Below

Like the whispered stories of medieval Demons, you may control and work through vermin, specifically insects. Not only may you designate a swarm of insects and experience through their senses, using them as spies and infiltrators, but you may also use your Daimonin powers through them on anything in their area, all the while in a completely different location.

Daimonin & Auspex

Name Prerequisites
Blessing's Warning Aura Perception & Sense the Sin

Blessing's Warning

Requirements: Aura Perception & Sense the Sin

You are able to instinctively sense holy powers in your immediate area; holy relics, people with True Faith, powers granted to mortals or magic-users by the divine, followers of powerfully religious morality paths, and gods themselves if you are unlucky enough to be anywhere near one. Depending on your inclination, you can successfully avoid dangerous holy power or seek them out in the hopes of learning more or becoming purified.

Daimonin & Obfuscate

Name Prerequisites
I am Legion Conflagration & Unseen Presence
Veil the Sin Fear of the Void Below & Unseen Presence

I Am Legion

Requirements: Conflagration & Unseen Presence

You may open yourself up to demonic possession, allowing a minor Demon to infest your body and speak through you for the rest of the scene. While the demon remains inside you, you remain conscious and aware but cannot take any actions or speak. The demon may in turn do anything it likes, which often means causing mischief, intentionally traumatizing others, or creating traps; while it remains within you, it may also speak to others, and it is constrained to tell the truth when it does. Of course, it is still a demon, so while everything it says is technically true (and therefore will not cause anyone using supernatural powers to recognize a lie), it is likely to be misleading, confusing, or obfuscating on purpose.

Most onlookers are unaware that you have become possessed, up to a certain point, unless the demon decides to inform them, something that most of them do not do as they find it more entertaining to let people blame you for their misdeeds. Those using the Auspex discipline or similar powers see a shimmering and terrifying aura of darkness woven through your own aura, while those who know you particularly well may notice the chang ein your behavior and mannerisms, although not necessarily correctly guess what is happening.

Veil the Sin

Requirements: Fear of the Void Below & Unseen Presence

You may erase one of your own memories, only to return it in place again a moment later, essentially allowing you to re-experience it again for the first time. Many vampires use this power to comfort themselves with past happy memories or relive their most glorious victories, but it can also be used to replay memories over and over in the hopes of learning new information or noticing new details.

Daimonin & Obtenebration

Name Prerequisites
Fires of the Abyss Conflagration & Arms of the Abyss
Soul Stain Fear of the Void Below & Shroud of Night

Fires of the Abyss

Requirements: Conflagration & Arms of the Abyss

By simultaneously calling upon the fires of the Pit and the blackness of the Abyss, you may wreath the Arms of the Abyss you call up in terrible dark flame, inflicting aggravated damage and potentially driving vampires into Rötschreck.

Soul Stain

Requirements: Fear of the Void Below & Shroud of Night

By standing briefly in your victim's shadow, you may give it a voice, making it capable of whispering all your victim's darkest desires in their ear as they go about their normal business. Your victim is unaware that they are not simply having these thoughts themself, often leading to them beginning to give in to their continual dark urges over time. The shadow continues to whisper in their ear until the sun rises.

Daimonin & Presence

Name Prerequisites
Lesser Rite of Summoning Condemnation & Entrancement

Lesser Rite of Summoning

Requirements: Condemnation & Entrancement

You may summon an actual Demon to bargain with, calling them up with the power of your commitment. Depending on the user, this is considered either one of the most potent of vampiric powers, allowing you to reach for the kind of awesome forces that the undead normally simply cannot dream about, or one of the most dangerous, as Demons all have their own agendas and may or may not be pleased by you dragging them into your space to make demands of them. Legends abound of vampires who used this power without having something appropriate to offer the Demon in exchange for its help, only to mysteriously never be heard from again.

Daimonin & Temporis

Name Prerequisites
Bulgroth's Exquisite Torture Conflagration & Zombie's Curse

Bulgroth's Exquisite Torture

Requirements: Conflagration & Zombie's Curse

By intentionally warping your victim's sense of the passage of time, you create an experience that seems to last forever, causing whatever pain or torture you inflict on them to seem to stretch into infinity even if it lasts for only a minute or two. Most victims of this power go mad, attempting suicide, attacking their tormentors with no regard for their safety, or being weighed down by too many permanent derangements to function any longer.

Combination Disciplines
Combination Disciplines Animalism Combination DisciplinesAuspex Combination DisciplinesCelerity Combination DisciplinesChimerstry Combination DisciplinesContinence Combination DisciplinesDaimonin Combination DisciplinesDementation Combination DisciplinesDominate Combination DisciplinesFlight Combination DisciplinesFortitude Combination DisciplinesKoldunism Combination DisciplinesMelpominee Combination DisciplinesMortis Combination DisciplinesMytherceria Combination DisciplinesNecromancy Combination DisciplinesNightmare Combination DisciplinesObeah Combination DisciplinesObfuscate Combination DisciplinesObtenebration Combination DisciplinesOgham Combination DisciplinesPotence Combination DisciplinesPresence Combination DisciplinesProtean Combination DisciplinesQuietus Combination DisciplinesSakti Pata Combination DisciplinesSerpentis Combination DisciplinesSublunario Combination DisciplinesTemporis Combination DisciplinesTenure Combination DisciplinesThanatosis Combination DisciplinesThaumaturgy Combination DisciplinesValeren Combination DisciplinesVicissitude Combination DisciplinesVisceratika Combination Disciplines