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Dominate Combination Disciplines

Each combination discipline below requires Dominate in addition to at least one other discipline. Each power lists its prerequisites alongside its effects.

All combination disciplines are considered rare and are Restricted for player characters unless approved by Admin.

Dominate & Animalism

Name Prerequisites
Aspect of the Beast Song of Serenity & The Forgetful Mind
Chaining the Beast Quell the Beast & Command
Leader of the Pack Song of Serenity & Mesmerize

Aspect of the Beast

Requirements: Song of Serenity & The Forgetful Mind

You may force your victim to behave as if they were a specific animal of your choice for the rest of the scene; those told they are dogs become faithful and easily excited, those told they are horses easily frightened and likely to run from danger, and so on and so forth. This power does not give your victim any abilities they would not normally have, such as being able to fly or breathe water; if they feel the need to do these things, they do their best approximation of it but cannot be pushed to do anything that would actually kill them.

Chaining the Beast

Requirements: Quell the Beast & Command

You are especially attuned to the Beast and may use Dominate powers on a vampire or ghoul that is currently in a Frenzy. Not only do the powers work, but they are more effective on the Beast than they would be on the vampire itself, allowing you to use Dominate on those of one lower generation than you normally could.

Leader of the Pack

Requirements: Song of Serenity & Mesmerize

By walking among a group of animals, you may choose one to implant a command into; once you do, all the other animals of the same species in that group follow that command as if you had used it on them as well, trusting the one you have designated their leader to take them in the right direction. All the usual restrictions of commanding animals apply.

Dominate & Auspex

Name Prerequisites
Chain of Slavery Sense Vibrations & Mesmerize
Chain the Enlightened Spirit Travel & Chain the Psyche
Exegesis Telepathy & Sleepwalker
Eye of Shiva Telepathy & Murmur of the False Will
Hive Nexus Gestalt Telepathy & Conditioning
Measure the Will Aura Perception & Mesmerize
Message in a Bottle Incriminating Evidence & Brainwipe
Mind's Eye Telepathy & The Forgetful Mind
Mood Shift Sense Vibrations & Rationalize
Seek the Brahmin Ancestors' Insight & Command
Sound of a Breaking Oath Telepathy & Conditioning
Spectral Puppeteer Psychic Projection & Possession
Syncope Telepathy & Mesmerize
Telepathic Comman Telepathy & Command
Touch of Deprivation Telepathy & Brainwipe

Chain of Slavery

Requirements: Sense Vibrations & Mesmerize

You may perceive the connections between a puppetmaster and their victims; by touching or making eye contact with someone, you may not only recognize any Dominate powers that are currently active in them but also gain a fleeting glimpse of the vampire who placed them there. You gain only a brief impression of the dominator themself, with no further information unless you use other powers or skills to find out more.

Chain the Enlightened

Requirements: Spirit Travel & Chain the Psyche

While Mages are extremely difficult for even elder vampires to control due to their access to powerful cosmic forces, this power allows you to do so with a combination of bloodbonding and Dominate. A mage subjected to this becomes an enthralled familiar, essentially a ghoul that retains their magical powers and can use them in their new master's service. Other Mages, needless to say, are not under your control, and too much time spent with them may result in them realizing what is happening and attempting to rescue their fellow.


Requirements: Telepathy & Sleepwalker

You may fall into a volutary torpor, during which you are semi-conscious; although you cannot move or do anything, you are lucid enough to know that you are in torpor and think coherently while you lie sleeping. You may use Auspex and Presence powers while in torpor, although not any that require you to actually move or interact with others, and you may awaken voluntarily any time you wish. This power is especially useful for those who use it to appear dead to mortal observers, or who wish to lull enemies into a false sense of security.

Eye of Shiva

Requirements: Telepathy & Murmur of the False Will

You may reach into your victim's mind and learn the action they are most filled with guilt over; you then inflict it on them, forcing them to relive the experience and over and over for the rest of the scene. Your victim need not remember or care about the experience before this; after all, plenty of people are unaware of how deeply they feel about something they have buried in their past.

Hive Nexus Gestalt

Requirements: Telepathy & Conditioning

You may create a true hive mind from yourself and others who have the same power, becoming interlinked and permanently aware of one another; you share thought telepathically as easy as communicating in person, know when others in the gestalt are injured or distressed, and hear one anothers' thoughts as if they were your own. You must have at least two other people to use this power, and any members of the hive who die immediately fall out of the link, which breaks if only one person remains. This is among the rarest of powers and is seldom seen in spite of being built from common disciplines; it is simply almost unheard of not only for multiple vampires to choose the exact same powers but then to also consent to let others read allt heir darkest secrets.

Measure the Will

Requirements: Aura Perception & Mesmerize

By touching or making eye contact with someone, you may learn how much Willpower they normally have (at maximum, although you also get a vague impression of how exhausted they currently are).

Message in a Bottle

Requirements: Incriminating Evidence & Brainwipe

You may implant a secret message in someone, which even they do not know is present; the message remains fully sealed in their mind until they meet with a person you designate, at which point they give the message to them and promptly forget about it again. Your messenger never has any knowledge of the message's contents (unless, of course, you or the receipient tell them later).

Mind's Eye

Requirements: Telepathy & The Forgetful Mind

Although users of Auspex can often gain glimpses of their victims' memories by encouraging them to think through them, this power allows you to experience someone's memory as if it were happening directly to you. Every detail and thought they had now happens to you as well, allowing you not only to have intimate details of the situation but also to know exactly how it affected the person you have borrowed the memory from.

Mood Shift

Requirements: Sense Vibrations & Rationalize

With a single sentence, touch, or suggestion, you may change your victim's mood. You can only nudge the mood in the right direction, not force it full-blown on the other person; for example, you can make someone feel a little more frightened or a little less angry, but cannot force a happy partygoer to suddenly collapse in overwhelming sorrow.

Seek the Brahmin

Requirements: Ancestors' Insight & Command

You may recognize the social pecking order of any group of living or undead creatures, recognizing the structure of a wolf pack, the leader of a flock of geese - or even who is considered a class above who else in a group of more complicated human beings or vampires. You can recognize who is the most respected, strongest, and/or most deferred to in a group, and if there are multiple important persons in a group recognize each of them as a cut above the others. This does not tell you why or how these people are considered above others, only that they are.

Sound of a Breaking Oath

Requirements: Telepathy & Conditioning

When someone breaks a promise made to you, you instinctively and automatically feel it. How it manifests is different for each vampire - some hear the sound of breaking glass, others feel a painful sting - but whatever it is, it tells you who has broken their word to you and which promise it was, although not any information about what they actually did or why.

Spectral Puppeteer

Requirements: Psychic Projection & Possession

You may leave your body behind and possess even another vampire - at least, for a very brief period of time. You must be able to perceive the vampire you wish to possess in the area, and once you have leaped into them have only a few precious seconds to control their actions before their foreign Beast expels you again.


Requirements: Telepathy & Mesmerize

By making eye contact with a vampire, you may suddenly drop their mind into a dormant state as if they were in torpor, lasting for only a few seconds but more than long enough to severely disorient them. The vampire affected falls to the ground and is insensible for a few seconds before awakening again, and is likely to be confused and have difficulty remembering what is going on. Being attacked while in this state immediately snaps them out of it, or they return to their senses on their own after a few moments.

Telepathic Command

Requirements: Telepathy & Command

You may use Dominate without even speaking your commands aloud; as long as you fulfill all other criteria, a simple look, gesture, or silent decisions is enough to make those you control spring into action.

Touch of Deprivation

Requirements: Telepathy & Brainwipe

By touching your victim, you may shut down one of their senses, fully preventing it from sending any input whatsoever to their brain. The sense remains absent for the rest of the scene. This power is obviously very useful for incapacitating enemies or torturing victims, but it can also be used to help allies who are in pain or overwhelmed by sensory input.

Dominate & Celerity

Name Prerequisites
Shout Alacrity & Mesmerize


Requirements: Alacrity & Mesmerize

You may use your Dominate powers at high speed by shouting loudly toward your victim; while others hear a wordless shout of anger or distress, they hear the full command and are bound to obey it the same as if they had been told so more classically. This power requires a loud shout and cannot be used at lower volumes, and you must still follow the other rules of Dominate in order to be effective.

Dominate & Dementation

Name Prerequisites
Chaos Fold Voice of Madness & Conditioning
Do As I Say, Not As I Say Voice of Madness & Command
Malkav's Pavlovian Response The Haunting & Mesmerize
Phobic Affliction Eyes of Chaos & Brainwipe

Chaos Fold

Requirements: Voice of Madness & Conditioning

You may use this power to implant a derangement into your victim instead of a normal Dominate command; once you have done so, you may choose a trigger, some word, phrase, or event that will cause it to activate and begin to afflict them. The implanted derangement is permanent unless removed by another supernatural power, and can be retriggered as many times as the stimulus you set is inflicted on your victim. You need not have the derangement you give to them, although many users of this power prefer to inflict their own specific brand of suffering.

Do As I Say, Not As I Say

Requirements: Voice of Madness & Command

When you use Dominate to give your victim a command, you may say something completely different from the actual command you give them. Your victim is affected by whatever command you really gave, but baffled onlookers hear you tell them something completely different, making it possible to hide your commands or cause others to appear dangerous or unstable.

Malkav's Pavlovian Response

Requirements: The Haunting & Mesmerize

You may attach a certain emotion to a word of your choice, inflicting both on your victim with eye contact; once you have done so, any time they hear, read, or otherwise encounter that word, they are suddenly overwhelmed by the deisgnated emotion. They are likely to rationalize their feelings based on whatever is happening at the time, but if they cannot, your victims most likely just believe that they are suffering from a mental breakdown.

Phobic Affliction

Requirements: Eyes of Chaos & Brainwipe

You may speak to another person and threaten them with their greatest fear... but only they hear you do so. To everyone else, you appear to be having a normal conversation, while your victim hears you as a terrifying source of threatening danger. While this can often allow you to attempt to intimidate or get rid of rivals without tipping your hand, it has also been known to result in spectacular misfires when a person thus threatened decides to do something violent about it (apparently out of the blue!).

Dominate & Fortitude

Name Prerequisites
Denial of Aphrodite's Favor The Forgetful Mind & Fortify the Inner Facade
Ignore Command & Endurance
Immutable Mind Cloud Memory & Endurance
Indomitable Aura The Forgetful Mind & Mettle
The Knight's Example Mesmerize & Mettle
Stalwart Servant The Forgetful Mind & Endurance

Denial of Aphrodite's Favor

Requirements: The Forgetful Mind & Fortify the Inner Facade

Your resistance extends to your mind as well, making it very difficult to influence you from the outside. Others can now only successfully use Presence on you if they are of lower generation than you are, the same as Dominate.


Requirements: Command & Endurance

This power allows you to designate a single action as one that you will never commit - and then keep that promise, no matter who uses what powers to try to force you. The action must be specific - "I will not commit murder" is too general, but "I will not murder my brother James" works - and cannot be used to avoid other commands on a technicality.

Immutable Mind

Requirements: Cloud Memory & Endurance

Vampires who know intimately how easy it is for Dominate to erase memories can use this power to avoid having the same thing happen to them. Whenever someone attempts to erase or alter your memory supernaturally (whether you know about it or not), you may use this power to prevent them from doing so.

Indomitable Aura

Requirements: The Forgetful Mind & Mettle

You may exude an aura of your general toughness and physical power, so potent that others who see you are frightened of you on sight, seeing you as an undefeatable bully or an impervious monster. Anyone of a higher generation than yourself simply cannot attack you, and if forced to by being backed into a corner or grabbed fail completely to deal any damage to you, no matter how strong they normally are. Others who see vampires using this power have reported almost visual hallucinations, seeing them as having skin made of stone, or growing larger or heavier, even though your shape does not actually change.

The Knight's Example

Requirements: Mesmerize & Mettle

Your refusal to give up and powerful leadership skills inspire everyone around you to strive for the same. As long as you remain conscious and moving, anyone in the same scene with you feels inspired to try to do the same, gaining your basic levels of Fortitude.

Stalwart Servant

Requirements: The Forgetful Mind & Endurance

For a single scene, you may grant your basic Fortitude powers to all ghouls who are bound to you, giving your servants more ability to survive even when you cannot be there with them. You may use this power no matter where you are or how far away your ghouls are, but you cannot single any of them out; either they all gain your supernatural hardiness, or none of them do.

Dominate & Mytherceria

Name Prerequisites
Dreamstalker Sleepwalker & Folderol


Requirements: Sleepwalker & Folderol

By touching your victim, you can cause the line between their dreams and their waking life to erode. The next night (or day, if they happen to be a vampire or otherwise nocturnal), their dreams follow them into waking, making them see things that aren't there and behave strangely as a result. Your victim still sees reality around them, but the haunting images and emotions of their dream color everything they experience.

Dominate & Necromancy

Name Prerequisites
Sharing the Master's Vigor Possession & Shambling Hordes

Sharing the Master's Vigor

Requirements: Possession & Shambling Hordes

When you raise zombies to serve you, you may use this power to grant them your physical disciplines; they have the same Celerity, Fortitude, and Potence powers you do (although in some cases they may not be relevant or may be difficult for them to use).

Dominate & Nightmare

Name Prerequisites
Aversion Curse Rationalize & Dread
Rumor of Dread The Forgetful Mind & Dread

Aversion Curse

Requirements: Rationalize & Dread

You may inflict a specific phobia on your victim by making eye contact, causing them to suddenly feel overwhelming terror at the prospect of encountering it and utter panic if it confronts them. This phobia may be attached to anything reasonable, although most vampires simply use it to instill fear of themselves as an expedient way of getting rid of people.

Rumor of Dread

Requirements: The Forgetful Mind & Dread

By whispering a fearful rumor in one or two peoples' ears, you can cause an anxiety to sweep through an entire crowd, making everyone afraid of your suggestion. Whether it's a suggestion that the building is unsafe and liable to collapse on everyone or a fear that a new infectious plague is among them, everyone believes it for at least the rest of the night, and is likely to spread it even beyond your normal area of effect.

Dominate & Obfuscate

Name Prerequisites
Gimme Fifty Rationalize & Hidden Killer
Ignore Me Rationalize & Unseen Presence
Mortal Skin The Forgetful Mind & Mask of a Thousand Faces
Smiling Jack's Trick The Forgetful Mind & Mask of a Thousand Faces
Unseen Master Possession & Unseen Presence
Whispers in the Dark The Forgetful Mind & Hidden Killer

Gimme Fifty

Requirements: Rationalize & Hidden Killer

Although you can already use Conditioning to control your minions, you can now also affect them more subtly. Instead of creating mindless drones incapable of interpreting or building on your orders, you can condition others into being loyal to you and your orders but still capable of thinking for themselves.

Ignore Me

Requirements: Rationalize & Unseen Presence

Instead of bothering with controlling another person, you can simply command them to ignore you; once you have, they completely fail to register you, ignoring you as if you are not there. They retain nothing you do or say, and if others do interact with you mentally rationalize those interactions to make sense if you were not presence.

Mortal Skin

Requirements: The Forgetful Mind & Mask of a Thousand Faces

Although you are still among the undead, this power can allow you to appear otherwise; for the rest of the night, you appear to others to have body heat, a pulse, and normal living human color, allowing you to remain human-looking without having to continually spend blood to do so.

Smiling Jack's Trick

Requirements: The Forgetful Mind & Mask of a Thousand Faces

You can borrow another vampire's appearance, instantly swapping appearance with one other vampire who is in the same scene with you. Observant onlookers can of course guess who is who based on where you were originally standing, but it is more than easy to cause enough confusion to successfully keep anyone from being able to recognize who is who under the disguise.

Unseen Master

Requirements: Possession & Unseen Presence

This power allows you to possess others undetected; you cannot be recognized while within someone you are using Dominate on, not even with powers such as Auspex, unless the person looking is significantly more powerful than you are.

Whispers in the Dark

Requirements: The Forgetful Mind & Hidden Killer

You may now use Dominate powers on others while fully hidden with Obfuscate; they hear your whispers, urging them to action, but are not able to recognize where they came from or who spoke them. Others neither see nor hear you when you give commands in this way, making it seem that your victims are acting of their own accord.

Dominate & Obtenebration

Name Prerequisites
Echo of the Subtle Vizier Mesmerize & Nocturne
Eminence of Shade Possession & Tenebrous Form
Shadow Mark The Forgetful Mind & Shadowstep
Shroud of Absence The Forgetful Mind & Arms of the Abyss
Witness of Ahriman The Forgetful Mind & Arms of the Abyss

Echo of the Subtle Vizier

Requirements: Mesmerize & Nocturne

Instead of using your Dominate powers directly on your victim, you may whisper them to their shadow, which you must be in the same room with. When you do so, the command is implanted and will release to affect them in the timeframe you choose; technically you can even set commands that do not take hold for many days, weeks, or months, the longer time period making it even more difficult to recognize where or when the command came from.

Eminence of Shade

Requirements: Possession & Tenebrous Form

By converting into your Tenebrous Form and pouring yourself down your victim's throat, you may possess them the way you do with Possession, except that you do not need to leave your currently incorporeal body behind. While you possess your victim, they appear to have fathomlessly deep black eyes that are all pupil, and anyone who looks into their mouth or other orifices will see the same. Unlike Possession, this power can also possess vampires, who are just as unable to resist the flood of darkness as any mortal.

Shadow Mark

Requirements: The Forgetful Mind & Shadowstep

If you have someone currently under your control via Dominate, you may use this power to step directly from your own shadow into theirs, no matter how far away they are or in what location. This power can allow you to travel long distances quickly and easily, but is also dangerous, as you have no idea what else is happening at your thrall's location and may appear in the middle of a dangerous situation.

Shroud of Absence

Requirements: The Forgetful Mind & Arms of the Abyss

You may shroud an area no larger than an average living room in impenetrable darkness, not just physically but mentally. When you do, others become simply incapable of looking at the area or noticing anything that is happening within it; it might as well not exist. No one can enter the area by accident, automatically navigating around it without noticing, and anyone forced into it immediately leaves again without quite realizing why.

Witness of Ahriman

Requirements: The Forgetful Mind & Arms of the Abyss

By touching your victim, you may inflict a terrible awareness of the void upon them. For the rest of the night, they see the shadows around them twisting and moving subtly of their own accord, and even in bright areas keep seeing writhing shadow at the edge of their vision.

Dominate & Potence

Name Prerequisites
Blink Command & Prowess
Chain of Command The Forgetful Mind & Prowess
Empower Minion The Forgetful Mind & The Give-and-Take
The Knight's Example Mesmerize & Might
Mind Strike Mesmerize & Might
Unbridled Force Mesmerize & Puissance


Requirements: Command & Prowess

You may inflict a physical command on someone else no matter where they are in relation to you or whether or not you can make eye contact; all they have to do is hear your voice. It must be a command that results in a simple physical action - for example, "climb the wall" or "punch that guy" - but can be relayed over the phone or otherwise from a distance if they cannot naturally hear you.

Chain of Command

Requirements: The Forgetful Mind & Prowess

You may set your Dominate commands so that they activate later - not with a trigger, but at a time of your choosing, such as a week from now or at precisely midnight tomorrow. They otherwise work exactly the same and have the same requirements as usual.

Empower Minion

Requirements: The Forgetful Mind & The Give-and-Take

While someone is under your control via Dominate, you may use this power to grant them the same Potence powers you have, making them able to act on your behalf with all your usual power. As soon as they are no longer under your control, this power ceases to have any effect; otherwise they retain your strength for the rest of the scene.

The Knight's Example

Requirements: Mesmerize & Might

Your refusal to give up and powerful leadership skills inspire everyone around you to strive for the same. As long as you remain conscious and moving, anyone in the same scene with you feels inspired to try to do the same, gaining your basic levels of Potence.

Mind Strike

Requirements: Mesmerize & Might

You may actively attack others with the power of your mind alone, dealing them damage simply by looking into their eyes as if you had struck them. You deal as much damage as if you'd struck them a single time with your full Potence.

Unbridled Force

Requirements: Mesmerize & Puissance

You are simply so overwhelmingly strong and have such force of personality that the two fuse, allowing you to perform physical actions from anywhere in the scene; you can move, push, pull, attack, or otherwise physically touch things without needing to be anywhere near them. You must still have your hands free in order to make the same motions as you otherwise would, and you must use your full strength, meaning that it is much easier to shove and smash things than to gently move them aside.

Dominate & Presence

Name Prerequisites
Approximation of Loyalty Absolute Consumption & Majesty
Aura of Inescapable Truth Conditioning & Summon
Bliss Brainwipe & Entrancement
Distant Friend Murmur of the False Will & Summon
Lifesong Trance & Awe
Moment of Grace Conditioning & Entrancement
Reluctant Performance Artist The Forgetful Mind & Entrancement
Stunning Awe Mesmerize & Lingering Kiss
True Tongue Murmur of the False Will & The Look
Veridical Tongue Slavish Devotion & The Pledge

Approximation of Loyalty Absolute

Requirements: Consumption & Majesty

You may turn even someone who has never tasted a single drop of your blood into your enthralled servant with this power, which inflicts the equivalent of a three-point blood bond on them at a single touch and moment of eye contact. They act in every way as if fully smitten with and loyal to you for the rest of the night, after which their senses (but not the memories of their feelings while under your control) return to normal.

Aura of Inescapable Truth

Requirements: Conditioning & Summon

You may use this power to create an aura of shining truth and inescapable judgment around you; for the rest of the scene, everyone in close proximity to you finds it completely impossible to lie. They can still hide things by failing to mention them or distracting people onto another topic, but anything communicated (whether aloud by speech, written, or through supernatural powers) must be only the truth.


Requirements: Brainwipe & Entrancement

When you are about to enter a Frenzy, you may concentrate on your best memories, remembering moments of joy, comfort, or success in the past in order to push the Beast back and remain in your right mind. You can only use this power to avoid a Frenzy once per night.

Distant Friend

Requirements: Murmur of the False Will & Summon

You may use your Presence powers on someone but seal them so that they only activate later - specifically, when they talk about you, at which point they suddenly feel them again. This power is most often used to make sure that your friends and followers remain glowing about you even when you are not around, but can also be used in conjunction with fear-inspiring powers to punish anyone who dares speak about you when not in your presence.


Requirements: Trance & Awe

By hearing a single sentence spoken by a person, you can determine their Demeanor with perfect accuracy.

Moment of Grace

Requirements: Conditioning & Entrancement

You may temporarily reach into your victim's soul and change their priorities to become holy and just, forcing their morality path to change from whatever is now to the Road of Heaven. This change lasts only for the rest of the evening, but shrewd vampires have used it to show their subjects a better way and have a higher than usual success rate when it comes to convincing them to make the change on a more permanent basis.

Reluctant Performance Artist =

Requirements: The Forgetful Mind & Entrancement

By touching a person, you cause them to suddenly become the center of attention in the current scene; everyone is suddenly fascinated by them and wants to interact with them, no matter what they were doing or how much they try to avoid being noticed. Other major effects like disasters or explosions will still take the focus off of them, but it takes a lot.

Stunning Awe

Requirements: Mesmerize & Lingering Kiss

You may bring the full power of your personality to bear against your victim, causing them to feel such mingled fascination and fear of you that they are momentarily stunned. They can take no actions but stare at you, hanging on your every word or action, for the next several minutes before foggily returning to their senses.

True Tongue

Requirements: Murmur of the False Will & The Look

With a single look, you may ask a question and cause your victim to become completely incapable of lying (or refusing) when they answer it. Of course, they can still try to leave things out, but most people afflicted by this power find themselves just blurting out the answer without even having time to struggle with it.

Veridical Tongue

Requirements: Slavish Devotion & The Pledge

Similar to True Tongue, you can cause your victim to become incapable of lying to anyone for the rest of the scene. They can only speak the truth as they know it (although they are still fully capable of being wrong about things), and can only avoid the truth by remaining silent.

Dominate & Protean

Name Prerequisites
The Hidden Master Consumption & Phocidaean Webbing

The Hidden Master

Requirements: Consumption & Phocidaean Webbing

When you are inside a vehicle, you can control it by literally sinking into its frame, becoming one with it the same way you might with the earth. You may drive it around from the inside, sensing instinctively what is touching it and where its path needs to go, but you are unable to do anything else or to perceive anything that is not inside or on the surface of the vehicle while you do so. At the end of the scene, you are ejected from the vehicle, which is human-made and not nearly as welcoming as the comforting earth.

Dominate & Thaumaturgy

Name Prerequisites
Theft of Will The Forgetful Mind & Theft of Vitae

Theft of Will

Requirements: The Forgetful Mind & Theft of Vitae

When you witness someone else using power from Thaumaturgy, you may hijack control of it, keeping it active but changing what it does and redirecting its effects toward yourself as you choose. Any beneficial effects the power might have now apply to you instead of the original caster.

Dominate & Vicissitude

Name Prerequisites
Conquering Blood Possession & Bloodform

Conquering Blood

Requirements: Possession & Bloodform

By converting into your Bloodform and pouring yourself down your victim's throat, you may possess them the way you do with Possession, except that you do not need to leave your currently incorporeal body behind. While you possess your victim, they appear to have fathomlessly deep black eyes that are all pupil, and anyone who looks into their mouth or other orifices will see the same. Unlike Possession, this power can also possess vampires, who are just as unable to resist the flood of darkness as any mortal.

Dominate, Animalism, & Protean

Name Prerequisites
Man to Beast Sense the Beast, Brainwipe, & Earth Meld

Man to Beast

Requirements: Sense the Beast, Brainwipe, & Earth Meld

By touching a person, you cause them to descend to the mental level of an animal, losing all impulses except the instinctual drives to eat, sleep, and procreate, and responding with animal ferocity when frightened or cornered. Your victim must be of a lower generation than yourself, as with all Dominate powers; once controlled, they remain in this state until the end of the night unless you choose to restore their senses to them.

Combination Disciplines
Combination Disciplines Animalism Combination DisciplinesAuspex Combination DisciplinesCelerity Combination DisciplinesChimerstry Combination DisciplinesContinence Combination DisciplinesDaimonin Combination DisciplinesDementation Combination DisciplinesDominate Combination DisciplinesFlight Combination DisciplinesFortitude Combination DisciplinesKoldunism Combination DisciplinesMelpominee Combination DisciplinesMortis Combination DisciplinesMytherceria Combination DisciplinesNecromancy Combination DisciplinesNightmare Combination DisciplinesObeah Combination DisciplinesObfuscate Combination DisciplinesObtenebration Combination DisciplinesOgham Combination DisciplinesPotence Combination DisciplinesPresence Combination DisciplinesProtean Combination DisciplinesQuietus Combination DisciplinesSakti Pata Combination DisciplinesSerpentis Combination DisciplinesSublunario Combination DisciplinesTemporis Combination DisciplinesTenure Combination DisciplinesThanatosis Combination DisciplinesThaumaturgy Combination DisciplinesValeren Combination DisciplinesVicissitude Combination DisciplinesVisceratika Combination Disciplines