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Animalism Combination Disciplines

Each combination discipline below requires Animalism in addition to at least one other discipline. Each power lists its prerequisites alongside its effects.

All combination disciplines are considered rare and are Restricted for player characters unless approved by Admin.

Animalism & Auspex

Name Prerequisites
Beast's Communion Quell the Beast & Ancestors' Insight
Call Upon the Blood Quell the Beast & Spirit Ties
Legion Dominion & Share the Senses
Mind of the Wilds Beckoning & Telepathy
Read the Winds Subsume the Spirit & Psychic Projection
Seek the Brahmin Quell the Beast & Ancestors' Insight
Test the Road Child of the Night & Sense Vibrations

Beast's Communion

Requirements: Quell the Beast & Ancestors' Insight

The Beast within every vampire is seldom seen, usually buried beneath the vampire's dominant personality or screaming an ravening in the throes of a Frenzy, but you can draw it forth in order to communicate directly with it. By touching someone (including yourself, if you wish), you draw the Beast to the surface and give it an understandable human voice; the vampire (or ghoul) affected becomes semi-catatonic, recognizing and remembering what is happening but only able to observe while the Beast speaks instead. You may converse with the Beast as long as you wish (although it is likely not to care about or even understand especially human or complex ideas), but while it is ascendant, its owner is in a heightened state of sensitivity and much more likely to Frenzy than they would normally be.

This power is generally used sparingly to discover a person's secret drives or what they might have done in a Frenzy they have forgotten; the Beast does not appreciate being told to withdraw again when you are finished, causing many uses of this power to automatically end in bloodshed.

Call Upon the Blood

Requirements: Quell the Beast & Spirit Ties

You may recognize the Beast in those around you, even if they are doing their best to hide it. Once this power is used, for the rest of the scene you see the Beast of each person who possesses one, as if their face were slightly transparent, revealing the monster within. This allows you to easily see at a glance who has a Beast and who does not, although no one else is able to see the same information while you do.


Requirements: Dominion & Share the Senses

You may drink an animal's blood to forge a connection between all members of that species and you; while you still gain no sustenance from the bestial blood, all creatures of that species within ten miles send you mental flashes from their perceptions, effectively giving you miles of senses far beyond your current location. These are not always coherent or understandable without some effort (after all, animals do not think like humans or vampires and often have senses that you may not), but you can also choose a specific animal whose perceptions you have shared to directly perceive through, getting more specifics as if you were there firsthand. If you are peering through a specific animal, you may also choose to let another being who meets that animal perceive you within it, which typically results in terror and confusion. The heightened senses remain for the rest of the scene.

Mind of the Wilds

Requirements: Beckoning & Telepathy

By sharing the senses of small local animals, you may gain an understanding of the area in which they live in a small area (for example, a square mile of forest, or a few blocks of a city) for a scene. All the small creatures in the area feed their tiny senses into your brain without knowing it, telling you the state of their environment; you know as soon as they do when there is a fire, flood, or other disaster; poisons or toxins affecting the environment; or intruder creatures that do not normally live there. You only learn the state of things, not exactly why or what happened - most small animals are just as clueless about the source of a poison or the history of a wagon coming through their home as they would be about advanced astrophysics.

Read the Winds

Requirements: Subsume the Spirit & Psychic Projection

Like Mind of the Wilds, this power allows you to automatically share the senses of all animals in the area, but you now oversee a much more massive range and gain much more complex and detailed information from creatures of all sizes and intellects within it. For the rest of the scene, you know about anything significant that happens anywhere an animal can perceive it.

Seek the Brahmin

Requirements: Quell the Beast & Ancestors' Insight

You may recognize the social pecking order of any group of living or undead creatures, recognizing the structure of a wolf pack, the leader of a flock of geese - or even who is considered a class above who else in a group of more complicated human beings or vampires. You can recognize who is the most respected, strongest, and/or most deferred to in a group, and if there are multiple important persons in a group recognize each of them as a cut above the others. This does not tell you why or how these people are considered above others, only that they are.

Test the Road

Requirements: Child of the Night & Sense Vibrations

By simply speaking to another vampire for more than five minutes, you gain insight into their Beast and the morals that help control it. You learn not only what morality path the vampire has but what rating on it they have, which you experience as a sense of how committed to it they are and its effect on their unruly Beast.

Animalism & Chimerstry

Name Prerequisites
Bird in Ear Beckoning & Fata Morgana
Mask of Cathay Song of Serenity & Apparition

Bird in Ear

Requirements: Beckoning & Fata Morgana

You may place a small auditory illusion (such as a simple message, phrase, or voicelike sound) in the mouth of a small animal (typically a bird, but mice, bats, and other creatures small enough to fit in your hand are also options). Once you have done so, the animal repeats that noise to every human being it interacts with. While most vampires with this power use it to send covert messages by sending their small familiars to a specific person, it can also be used to spread widespread messages, cause distractions, or unsettle enemies by plaguing them with inexplicably talking animals.

Mask of Cathay

Requirements: Song of Serenity & Apparition

You may appear in every way to be one of the Kuei-Jin, the undead rulers of Asia; anyone perceiving you is fooled, and even powers such as Auspex do not reveal your ruse unless their users are more powerful than you are. This power does not give you any information about what a Kuei-Jin might do or say, nor does it help you with social interactions with other Kuei-Jin; combined with the fact that vampires may attempt to murder you if they recognize you as their ancestral enemy, this power is generally more useful as an emergency disguise than a long-term persona.

Animalism & Daimonin

Name Prerequisites
Command the Swarm Bound Famulus & Fear of the Void Below

Command the Swarm

Requirements: Bound Famulus & Fear of the Void Below

Like the whispered stories of medieval Demons, you may control and work through vermin, specifically insects. Not only may you designate a swarm of insects and experience through their senses, using them as spies and infiltrators, but you may also use your Daimonin powers through them on anything in their area, all the while in a completely different location.

Animalism & Dementation

Name Prerequisites
Respite of Lucidity Drawing Out the Beast & The Haunting

Respite of Lucidity

Requirements: Drawing Out the Beast & The Haunting

You may reach within yourself and afflict even your own Beast with madness; you may choose one of your derangements and grant it to the Beast, making it a feature of the ravenous creature within. It no longer affects you consciously; instead, the derangement becomes wildly active whenever you Frenzy, causing your Beast's rampages to be very specific and targeted as it acts out those impulses or fears.

Animalism & Dominate

Name Prerequisites
Aspect of the Beast Song of Serenity & The Forgetful Mind
Chaining the Beast Quell the Beast & Command
Leader of the Pack Song of Serenity & Mesmerize

Aspect of the Beast

Requirements: Song of Serenity & The Forgetful Mind

You may force your victim to behave as if they were a specific animal of your choice for the rest of the scene; those told they are dogs become faithful and easily excited, those told they are horses easily frightened and likely to run from danger, and so on and so forth. This power does not give your victim any abilities they would not normally have, such as being able to fly or breathe water; if they feel the need to do these things, they do their best approximation of it but cannot be pushed to do anything that would actually kill them.

Chaining the Beast

Requirements: Quell the Beast & Command

You are especially attuned to the Beast and may use Dominate powers on a vampire or ghoul that is currently in a Frenzy. Not only do the powers work, but they are more effective on the Beast than they would be on the vampire itself, allowing you to use Dominate on those of one lower generation than you normally could.

Leader of the Pack

Requirements: Song of Serenity & Mesmerize

By walking among a group of animals, you may choose one to implant a command into; once you do, all the other animals of the same species in that group follow that command as if you had used it on them as well, trusting the one you have designated their leader to take them in the right direction. All the usual restrictions of commanding animals apply.

Animalism & Fortitude

Name Prerequisites
Alpha Glint Subsume the Spirit & Fortify the Inner Facade
Beast's Vigor Quell the Beast & Defy Bane
Claw Immunity Obedience & Resistance
King of the Beasts Subsume the Spirit & Mettle
Reason's Salon Subsume the Spirit & Mettle
Scourge the Thrall Subsume the Spirit & Draught of Endurance
Steal the Terrible Swiftness Beckoning & Endurance
Undying Familiar Obedience & Mettle
Wintering Subsume the Spirit & Mettle

Alpha Glint

Requirements: Subsume the Spirit & Fortify the Inner Facade

You may cow an animal into immediate submission with a single look or growl; you reveal your Beast to it, terrifying it into becoming your willing servant. The animal spends the rest of the scene behaving as a submissive version of its species normally would, deferring to you as its leader; if it is an animal that has no or few social instincts, it still cowers in your general area and tries to please you, although what it does is likely to be a guess at best.

Beast's Vigor

Requirements: Quell the Beast & Defy Bane

By touching a living animal, you may exchange some of your vitality with it; you may transfer your injuries to it while taking in its health, closing them on your own body. An animal that receives your wounds dies instantly if you inflict aggravated damage on it, and within a few minutes if you inflict lethal damage and do not immediately follow up with appropriate medical care; if you transfer bashing damage, the creature may survive as long as it is an injury it normally could have lived through (for example, a dog can survive the trauma of being hit by a baseball bat, but a mouse probably cannot). If the animal lives, it may heal these wounds, albeit as slowly and difficultly as any other living animal.

Claw Immunity

Requirements: Obedience & Resistance

Animals simply cannot harm you anymore; you have such specific resistances to them that teeth, claws, fangs, venom, crushing coils, or any other attack made by a normal animal bounces right off of you, completely ineffective. Supernatural animals, such as ghoul animals or Bygones, are not affected by this power (nor are creatures that resemble but are not animals, like shapeshifters).

King of the Beasts

Requirements: Subsume the Spirit & Mettle

When you summon an animal with Beckoning or a similar power, you may also grant it some of your supernatural resistance to injury. It gains any Fortitude powers you have up through the second level and retains them until you release it or it leaves your immediate area.

Reason's Salon

Requirements: Subsume the Spirit & Mettle

By spreading your blood around a building or small area, you can create a zone in which no one can Frenzy this scene while within its boundaries; the Beast simply cannot rise enough to force its way past the dominant personality of the vampire or ghoul it lives within. Any disciplines that intentionally provoke Frenzy also fail unless their user has more in that discipline than you do Animalism.

Scourge the Thrall

Requirements: Subsume the Spirit & Draught of Endurance

By touching one of your own ghouls, you may exchange health, inflicting your wounds on the ghoul as they disappear from yourself. Aggravated wounds are likely to kill ghouls very quickly or to cause permanent damage even if they do not, but theoretically the ghoul may heal any other kind or amount of damage that does not kill them outright, provided they have appropriate medical care (and vitae from you).

Steal the Terrible Swiftness

Requirements: Beckoning & Endurance

You may steal the travel fortitude of a swift creature such as a horse or a deer; by touching it, you gain its powerful running abilities and may travel at up to twenty miles per hour over land under only your own power. You only remain this fast while you do not stop running; as soon as you do, you return to your normal speed.

Undying Familiar

Requirements: Obedience & Mettle

Although you still cannot truly Embrace an animal, you can create a ghoul animal so powerful that there is very little difference. By killing an animal and filling it with your blood, it arises again as an immortal servant; it is permanently bloodbound to you and has twice the ability of a normal ghoul to retain blood and learn disciplines. Like all other animal ghouls, the longer it lives, the more prone it is to strange mutations and changes to its temperament.


Requirements: Subsume the Spirit & Mettle

You may secrete blood in your body for later use, giving you the ability to enter long periods of hibernating torpor but still awaken yourself with reasonable power and energy. You may voluntarily enter torpor; while you are in this state, small pockets of blood in your body are preserved, allowing you to awaken later at will with as much blood as you fell asleep with. You may also use this power if you suspect you are about to be knocked into torpor by injuries or supernatural powers, but if you do, it retains only a single trait of blood - just enough to wake up again later.

Animalism & Obfuscate

Name Prerequisites
Animal Magnetism Subsume the Spirit & Mask of a Thousand Faces
The Beast's Own Child of the Night & Unseen Presence
Bestial Presence Quell the Beast & Mask of a Thousand Faces
Brute Cannot BEtray Subsume the Spirit & Unseen Presence
Cloak the Beast Drawing Out the Beast & Mask of a Thousand Faces
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing Song of Serenity & Unseen Presence
Wolf's Lament Feral Whispers & Unseen Presence

Animal Magnetism

Requirements: Subsume the Spirit & Mask of a Thousand Faces

You have such animal charisma and rough-edged charm that others instinctively like or respect you, even if they know nothing else about you. For the rest of the scene, you are considered interesting, noteworthy, or important by everyone else around you, both humanoid and animal (similar to the Presence power of Awe).

The Beast's Own

Requirements: Child of the Night & Unseen Presence

You may choose a single species of animal and project an aura of similar instincts, behaviors, and appearance; once you do, members of that species no longer respond to you with terror as they do to all other vampires. Most vampires use this power to avoid notice while sneaking through areas with a lot of animals that might become upset, such as farms or kennels, but it can also be used for short periods of time to make animal companionship an option for the undead.

Bestial Presence

Requirements: Quell the Beast & Mask of a Thousand Faces

Any group of vampires risks Frenzy with so many Beasts in a small space, but you can connect all those disparate Beasts into a single monolithic hive mind, a primal Beast that each and every vampire (and ghoul) in the area can feel. This huge conglomerate Beast is extremely difficult to resist; especially sensitive or edgy vampires may Frenzy immediately, and even the most serene and in-control are likely to find themselves punchy and on-edge, easily frightened or provoked to anger for the rest of the scene. Those who leave the area take their Beasts with them and return to their normal state, and their departure weakens the gestalt Beast (although several people may need to leave before it makes an appreciable difference to those affected).

Brute Cannot Betray

Requirements: Subsume the Spirit & Unseen Presence

If you use this power while you are possessing an animal, you completely conceal your presence within it by melding your Beast with its animal consciousness. You cannot be detected inside the animal in any way, even by the most powerful of Auspex or Thaumaturgy powers or by other supernatural abilities.

Cloak the Beast

Requirements: Drawing Out the Beast & Mask of a Thousand Faces

You may mask your soul for a single night, making anyone with the supernatural ability to pry see your morality path as whatever path and rating you choose. This is taxing, however; when you awaken the next night, you gain a temporary derangement for that night as your Beast snaps back from the unnatural shape.

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Requirements: Song of Serenity & Unseen Presence

As long as you have used Animalism to control any animal, you may also now use your Obfuscate powers to hide or obscure them. You may use any Obfuscate power that is relevant, but if the animal leaves your immediate area, it returns to its usual appearance.

Wolf's Lament

Requirements: Feral Whispers & Unseen Presence

Like a real wolf, you may howl messages to the sky in their secret language; when you do, other, real wolf packs (and even possibly local shapeshifters) pick up the message and howl it as well, allowing you to send messages via relay over vast distances.

Animalism & Ogham

Name Prerequisites
Deity Among Beasts Feral Whispers & Consecrate the Grove

Deity Among Beasts

Requirements: Feral Whispers & Consecrate the Grove

You may appear as an irresistible force of nature to an animal of your choice, which responds to you as if you were an unstoppable power that is socially above them in whatever hierarchy they have (a queen to bees, an alpha to wolves, and so on). The animal treats you with deference and will attempt to do its best to defend you from danger and keep you pleased for the rest of the night.

Animalism & Potence

Name Prerequisites
Feral Imbuing Subsume the Spirit & Might
Power Animal Song of Serenity & Prowess

Feral Imbuing

Requirements: Subsume the Spirit & Might

As in Power Animal, you can give an animal you are currently controlling your Potence, but now you may empower them up to the fifth level, creating terrifying juggernauts with powers far beyond what any mortal creature should ever possess.

Power Animal

Requirements: Song of Serenity & Prowess

As long as you have used Animalism to bend an animal to your will, you may also use this power to grant them some of your supernatural strength. They gain all your Potence powers up through the second level, which remain for the rest of the scene or until you choose to revoke them.

Animalism & Presence

Name Prerequisites
Aura of Accursed Rage Quell the Beast & Dread Gaze
Command the Wary Beast Obedience & Mesmeric Taint
Mortal Terror Quell the Beast & Dread Gaze
Swarm Control Subsume the Spirit & Awe

Aura of Accursed Rage

Requirements: Quell the Beast & Dread Gaze

You may extend your Beast into your aura for the scene, projecting its wild malice to even the most insensitive other people around you; all vampires and ghouls become far more prone to Frenzy while in your presence.

Command the Wary Beast

Requirements: Obedience & Mesmeric Taint

You may touch or make eye contact with an animal and control it with a little more finesse; you may choose to either fill it with terror, causing it to flee and avoid all humanoid contact for the rest of the night, or to make it more compliant, making it much easier to use Animalism powers or even mortal taming techniques on it.

Mortal Terror

Requirements: Quell the Beast & Dread Gaze

Your intimidating gaze can move beyond merely frightening or cowing your victim and directly to instilling inescapable terror. By making eye contact with someone, you instantly inflict Rötschreck on them. (Needless to say, non-vampires are not affected by this power.)

Swarm Control

Requirements: Subsume the Spirit & Awe

You may control all of your ghouls collectively, creating a powerfully loyal swarm of bodies that will give up their lives for you without a second thought. Whether your ghouls were once humans, animals, or even more exotic creatures, they become a single linked hive mind with you as their center, allowing you to direct them as a unit. Anyone who tries to take control of them from you is immediately savagely attacked by the ghouls, who enter rage Frenzy at the attempt to sever them from you. You must remain conscious to control your ghouls, and they are released from the hive mind at the end of the night when you fall into your daily torpor.

Animalism & Protean

Name Prerequisites
Bear's Skin Beckoning & Shape of the Beast
Beast Meld Quell the Beast & Adaptation
Beloved Pet Subsume the Spirit & Metamorphosis
Call the Wild Hunt Drawing Out the Beast & Metamorphosis
Enhance the Wild Ride Subsume the Beast & Shape of the Beast
Ennoia's Mastery Feral Whispers & Earth Meld
Loki's Gift Subsume the Beast & Metamorphosis
Revoke the Gift of Adam Subsume the Beast & Shape of the Beast
Shared Entombment Subsume the Beast & Earth Meld
Shared Strength Song of Serenity & Feral Claws
Spirit Tracking Beckoning & Feral Claws
Suck It Up Drawing Out the Beast & Feral Claws
Undiminished Rage Bound Famulus & Eyes of the Beast
Unholy Skies Subsume the Beast & Metamorphosis

Bear's Skin

Requirements: Beckoning & Shape of the Beast

When you enter a Frenzy, you may choose to shift into the form of a huge, terrible dire bear (similar to one of the Gurahl, although no one should make such a comparison to their faces). As long as you remain in Frenzy, you rampage as a massive bear-like monstrosity with increased strength and endurance, making you even more dangerous than usual.

Beast Meld

Requirements: Quell the Beast & Adaptation

You may meld yourself with a mortal animal, creating a new, permanent conglomerate creature of your choice. The range of options is almost limitless: hundreds of insects melded into your flesh to create multi-faceted eyes, predators merged with you to give you fur, claws, and muscle in your build, gills and fins gained from melding with an aquatic creature, or truly alien and hideous creatures that look only vaguely humanoid. The animal's consciousness is also added to yours (although it is unlikely to understand what is happening), and over time will be subsumed into your mind, resulting in a slightly more animalistic personality. Your mass increases to the appropriate combined mass of both you and the animal.

Once melded with, you cannot remove the animal alive again; if you want to rid yourself of it, you can, but the result is a twitching, swiftly dying mess of animal flesh.

Beloved Pet

Requirements: Subsume the Spirit & Metamorphosis

When an animal dies, you may reanimate it as a semi-living creature loyal to yourself, a cross somewhere between the poisoned live state of a Revenant and the true death of a Risen. The animal loses any disciplines it may have gained from being a ghoul and becomes extremely hardy and difficult to kill; it has to be fully burnt, liquified, or torn into multiple pieces to stop it from healing itself and returning to your side again.

Call the Wild Hunt

Requirements: Drawing Out the Beast & Metamorphosis

When you are in danger of Frenzy, you may instantly distribute the rage of your Beast to those bound to you instead; all ghouls bound to you immediately Frenzy instead, leaving you free to remain clear-headed and lowering the chance that anything else will be able to make you Frenzy again later tonight. If your ghouls are all already in Frenzy, this power cannot be used; you need at least one of them to be able to receive your Beast.

Enhance the Wild Ride

Requirements: Subsume the Beast & Shape of the Beast

When you possess an animal with Subsume the Beast or a similar power, you may now allow it to use all of your disciplines; ordinary housecats become terrifying juggernauts with Potence and crawling sewer rats become irresistible with Presence, or any other powers you may possess and choose to use. The animal can only use your disciplines while you remain inside it.

Ennoia's Mastery

Requirements: Feral Whispers & Earth Meld

You automatically shapeshift slightly to adapt to your environment, unconsciously growing fur when you are cold, gaining additional eyelids to deal with harsh light, or anything else that might be appropriate. This power can only make small adaptive adjustments - it cannot grow wings, limbs, or anything else that constitutes a major change. You may reverse this power's effects with Willpower, clearing away all your automatic adaptations; if you do, you return to your original unadapted form, although this power will just begin to adapt you again as soon as the sun sets the next night.

Loki's Gift

Requirements: Subsume the Beast & Metamorphosis

As long as you have tasted an animal's blood, you may transform into an exact copy of it, making you able to change into exotic creatures or impersonate beloved pets and prize stallions. You can only transform into that creature on the same night that you taste the animal's blood.

Revoke the Gift of Adam

Requirements: Subsume the Beast & Shape of the Beast

By feeding a mortal your blood, you may forcibly and permanently change them into an animal. The mortal must actually ingest your blood, and you can only transform them into an animal that you personally can change your shape into, making wolf and bat familiars the most common result.

Shared Entombment

Requirements: Subsume the Beast & Earth Meld

When you sink into the earth with Earth Meld, you may use this power to take someone with a direct blood tie to you - a mortal child or grandchild, a vampire childe, or a bound ghoul - with you into the ground. They remain there safe and unconscious with you for as long as you remain underground, and do not require food, water, or breath during this time. When you rise back up from the ground, they automatically arise with you; you cannot leave them behind.

Shared Strength

Requirements: Song of Serenity & Feral Claws

You may spur on an animal mount to incredible speeds and effort by feeding it some of your blood; once you have done so, it responds to you with preternatural understanding, requiring no tack or controls to know what you want to do and keep you mounted on it. Your sympathetic rapport with the animal remains for as long as it has your blood in its system; if it runs out, you must use this power again to restore the bond.

Spirit Tracking

Requirements: Beckoning & Feral Claws

You may follow the trail of an enemy or creature by reading the vibrations it leaves behind in the spirit world; no amount of non-supernatural interference can throw you off the track while you instinctively sense the marks left behind by its passing. You do not gain any knowledge of exactly what it's doing, nor where it is going or why; you are simply unstoppable when it comes to following it.

Suck It Up

Requirements: Drawing Out the Beast & Feral Claws

By touching spilled blood, you may draw it instantly into your body as if you had drunk it, allowing you to not only easily clean up crime scenes but also feed on the sly without having to reveal yourself. This power acts in every way as if you had actually drunk the blood; if the blood came from a vampire, you will become bloodbound to them, while any bloodborn drugs or diseases contained within it will still affect you as usual.

Undiminished Rage

Requirements: Bound Famulus & Eyes of the Beast

When you are about to enter Rötschreck, you may use this power to instead enter a rage frenzy, allowing you to turn your instinctive flight from danger into an aggressive attack against your enemies.

Unholy Skies

Requirements: Subsume the Beast & Metamorphosis

As long as you can perceive the sky (even if only through a window or skylight), you may summon a flock of screaming, swarming birds of whatever kind is appropriate for the area. The birds converge on your location, divebombing anything over three feet tall that moves and generally causing befoulment and cacophonous noise throughout the area. Your flock ignores you, neither helping nor harming you, unless you use further powers on them; if you do not, they leave at the end of the scene or when you choose to release them.

Animalism & Vicissitude

Name Prerequisites
Birth the Vozhd Eye of the Szlachta & Graft Life to Life
Unchain the Wrathful Beast Drawing Out the Beast & Horrid Form

Birth the Vozhd

Requirements: Eye of the Szlachta & Graft Life to Life

You may create one of the terrible Vozhd, the monstrous titans of flesh that famously serve Clan Tzimisce in their reign of terror over their ancestral lands. By combining at least fifteen ghouls, which you reduce down to a hideous pool of blood and flesh, you can reshape them into whatever monstrous Vozhd shape you choose, giving the resulting creature whatever arms, armor, size, and outlandish features you can come up with. The resulting creature is bloodbound to you like any other ghoul, but most users of this power are especially careful to make sure it never goes hungry or wanting lest it ever get the idea of turning its formidable powers against them.

Unchain the Wrathful Beast

Requirements: Drawing Out the Beast & Horrid Form

You may not only remove your Beast, forcing it into your victim so that they instantly Frenzy, but also cause it to warp their body into a monstrous parody of a human being (similar to the effects you can achieve with Horrid Form). They remain in this hideous shape for as long as the Frenzy lasts; should they survive to return to normal, they also revert to their usual shape, although this is often not enough to stop others from coming after what they perceive as a dangerous monster. As with Drawing Out the Beast, you must touch or make eye contact with your victim after they finish frenzying to regain your Beast, and are unable to spend Willpower until you do. (Alternatively, your Beast snaps back into you automatically if your victim is killed while in possession of it.)

Animalism, Auspex, & Nightmare

Name Prerequisites
Learn Bane Sense the Beast, Aura Perception, & Face of the Beast

Learn Bane

Requirements: Sense the Beast, Aura Perception, & Face of the Beast

You may reach into the depths of the Beast's mind by looking into someone's eyes, learning their greatest fears and the dangers that keep them awake at night. You automatically learn their clan disadvantage (which may also tell you their clan, if you recognize it) and any fear-based derangements, as well as their greatest personal fear (although not the context to know why they are afraid of it or what they have experienced before).

Animalism, Auspex, & Obfuscate

Name Prerequisites
The Herd's Measure Discerning Palate, Heightened Senses, & Unseen Presence

The Herd's Measure

Requirements: Discerning Palate, Heightened Senses, & Unseen Presence

Whenever you are in a large crowd of people, you may learn their general mood and how they are likely to react to outside stimuli. In groups of vampires, this includes knowing whether the group as a whole is likely to Frenzy; in groups of mortals, it not only tells you their general mood but also whether or not the group is, as a majority, ill, drugged, or under the effects of a supernatural power. You learn only what is happening to the group, not where it came from or who may have done it.

Animalism, Celerity, & Potence

Name Prerequisites
Vermin Flood Unliving Hive, Swiftness, & Might

Vermin Flood

Requirements: Unliving Hive, Swiftness, & Might

You may summon every vermin in the area to swarm over the area around you, picking it clean in a vicious flood of destruction: living things are assaulted by swarms of rats, insects, bats, and so on, forced to fight them off just to survive, while buildings are destroyed at the foundation and plants picked bare down to the roots. This is an obvious breach of the Masquerade, so incautious uses are likely to cause immediate lashback from any Camarilla vampires who suspect you.

Animalism, Dominate, & Protean

Name Prerequisites
Man to Beast Sense the Beast, Brainwipe, & Earth Meld

Man to Beast

Requirements: Sense the Beast, Brainwipe, & Earth Meld

By touching a person, you cause them to descend to the mental level of an animal, losing all impulses except the instinctual drives to eat, sleep, and procreate, and responding with animal ferocity when frightened or cornered. Your victim must be of a lower generation than yourself, as with all Dominate powers; once controlled, they remain in this state until the end of the night unless you choose to restore their senses to them.

Animalism, Fortitude, & Protean

Name Prerequisites
Protect the Herd Feral Whispers, Resilience, & Shape of the Beast

Protect the Herd

Requirements: Feral Whispers, Resilience, & Shape of the Beast

You may protect a small group of people or animals from danger. As long as the group remains inside an enclosed area (buildings work fine, but fenced-in outdoor areas or natural caves or burrows are also useful) and you remain there with them, predatory animals automatically avoid the area and natural disasters tend to find any possible path around it rather than threatening those within. This power can only protect the group from natural dangers and cannot prevent supernatural creatures or dangers from entering the area. You can only protect those who remain in the protected area with you; if they leave, they are vulnerable, and if you leave, everyone is at the mercy of the world again.

Combination Disciplines
Combination Disciplines Animalism Combination DisciplinesAuspex Combination DisciplinesCelerity Combination DisciplinesChimerstry Combination DisciplinesContinence Combination DisciplinesDaimonin Combination DisciplinesDementation Combination DisciplinesDominate Combination DisciplinesFlight Combination DisciplinesFortitude Combination DisciplinesKoldunism Combination DisciplinesMelpominee Combination DisciplinesMortis Combination DisciplinesMytherceria Combination DisciplinesNecromancy Combination DisciplinesNightmare Combination DisciplinesObeah Combination DisciplinesObfuscate Combination DisciplinesObtenebration Combination DisciplinesOgham Combination DisciplinesPotence Combination DisciplinesPresence Combination DisciplinesProtean Combination DisciplinesQuietus Combination DisciplinesSakti Pata Combination DisciplinesSerpentis Combination DisciplinesSublunario Combination DisciplinesTemporis Combination DisciplinesTenure Combination DisciplinesThanatosis Combination DisciplinesThaumaturgy Combination DisciplinesValeren Combination DisciplinesVicissitude Combination DisciplinesVisceratika Combination Disciplines