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Fortitude Combination Disciplines
Fortitude & Animalism Fortitude & Auspex Fortitude & Celerity Fortitude & Chimerstry Fortitude & Dominate Fortitude & Koldunism Fortitude & Mortis Fortitude & Nightmare Fortitude & Obeah Fortitude & Obfuscate Fortitude & Obtenebration Fortitude & Potence Fortitude & Presence Fortitude & Protean Fortitude & Quietus Fortitude & Thanatosis Fortitude & Thaumaturgy Fortitude & Valeren Fortitude & Vicissitude Fortitude & Visceratika
Fortitude, Animalism, & Protean Fortitude, Auspex, & Celerity Fortitude, Celerity, & Valeren Fortitude, Celerity, & Potence Fortitude, Flight, & Potence Fortitude, Mortis, & Potence Fortitude, Obfuscate, & Potence Fortitude, Potence, & Protean Fortitude, Potence, & Visceratika
Fortitude, Nightmare, Potence, & Presence

Each combination discipline below requires Fortitude in addition to at least one other discipline. Each power lists its prerequisites alongside its effects.

All combination disciplines are considered rare and are Restricted for player characters unless approved by Admin.

Fortitude & Animalism

Name Prerequisites
Alpha Glint Subsume the Spirit & Fortify the Inner Facade
Beast's Vigor Quell the Beast & Defy Bane
Claw Immunity Obedience & Resistance
King of the Beasts Subsume the Spirit & Mettle
Reason's Salon Subsume the Spirit & Mettle
Scourge the Thrall Subsume the Spirit & Draught of Endurance
Steal the Terrible Swiftness Beckoning & Endurance
Undying Familiar Obedience & Mettle
Wintering Subsume the Spirit & Mettle

Alpha Glint

Requirements: Subsume the Spirit & Fortify the Inner Facade

You may cow an animal into immediate submission with a single look or growl; you reveal your Beast to it, terrifying it into becoming your willing servant. The animal spends the rest of the scene behaving as a submissive version of its species normally would, deferring to you as its leader; if it is an animal that has no or few social instincts, it still cowers in your general area and tries to please you, although what it does is likely to be a guess at best.

Beast's Vigor

Requirements: Quell the Beast & Defy Bane

By touching a living animal, you may exchange some of your vitality with it; you may transfer your injuries to it while taking in its health, closing them on your own body. An animal that receives your wounds dies instantly if you inflict aggravated damage on it, and within a few minutes if you inflict lethal damage and do not immediately follow up with appropriate medical care; if you transfer bashing damage, the creature may survive as long as it is an injury it normally could have lived through (for example, a dog can survive the trauma of being hit by a baseball bat, but a mouse probably cannot). If the animal lives, it may heal these wounds, albeit as slowly and difficultly as any other living animal.

Claw Immunity

Requirements: Obedience & Resistance

Animals simply cannot harm you anymore; you have such specific resistances to them that teeth, claws, fangs, venom, crushing coils, or any other attack made by a normal animal bounces right off of you, completely ineffective. Supernatural animals, such as ghoul animals or Bygones, are not affected by this power (nor are creatures that resemble but are not animals, like shapeshifters).

King of the Beasts

Requirements: Subsume the Spirit & Mettle

When you summon an animal with Beckoning or a similar power, you may also grant it some of your supernatural resistance to injury. It gains any Fortitude powers you have up through the second level and retains them until you release it or it leaves your immediate area.

Reason's Salon

Requirements: Subsume the Spirit & Mettle

By spreading your blood around a building or small area, you can create a zone in which no one can Frenzy this scene while within its boundaries; the Beast simply cannot rise enough to force its way past the dominant personality of the vampire or ghoul it lives within. Any disciplines that intentionally provoke Frenzy also fail unless their user has more in that discipline than you do Animalism.

Scourge the Thrall

Requirements: Subsume the Spirit & Draught of Endurance

By touching one of your own ghouls, you may exchange health, inflicting your wounds on the ghoul as they disappear from yourself. Aggravated wounds are likely to kill ghouls very quickly or to cause permanent damage even if they do not, but theoretically the ghoul may heal any other kind or amount of damage that does not kill them outright, provided they have appropriate medical care (and vitae from you).

Steal the Terrible Swiftness

Requirements: Beckoning & Endurance

You may steal the travel fortitude of a swift creature such as a horse or a deer; by touching it, you gain its powerful running abilities and may travel at up to twenty miles per hour over land under only your own power. You only remain this fast while you do not stop running; as soon as you do, you return to your normal speed.

Undying Familiar

Requirements: Obedience & Mettle

Although you still cannot truly Embrace an animal, you can create a ghoul animal so powerful that there is very little difference. By killing an animal and filling it with your blood, it arises again as an immortal servant; it is permanently bloodbound to you and has twice the ability of a normal ghoul to retain blood and learn disciplines. Like all other animal ghouls, the longer it lives, the more prone it is to strange mutations and changes to its temperament.


Requirements: Subsume the Spirit & Mettle

You may secrete blood in your body for later use, giving you the ability to enter long periods of hibernating torpor but still awaken yourself with reasonable power and energy. You may voluntarily enter torpor; while you are in this state, small pockets of blood in your body are preserved, allowing you to awaken later at will with as much blood as you fell asleep with. You may also use this power if you suspect you are about to be knocked into torpor by injuries or supernatural powers, but if you do, it retains only a single trait of blood - just enough to wake up again later.

Fortitude & Auspex

Name Prerequisites
Break Connection Heightened Senses & Fortify the Inner Facade
Gargoyle's Vigilance Heightened Senses & Mettle
The Illness Unveiled Aura Perception & Shared Strength
Lessons in the Steel Heightened Senses & Resilience
Martyr's Resilience Telepathy & Shared Strength
Unflinching Eye Heightened Senses & Endurance

Break Connection

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Fortify the Inner Facade

By touching someone who is bloodbound to another, you may temporarily sever that bond, restoring their free will and emotions as they were before the bond was created. This can only break a bond to someone that you know this person is bound to, and the bond is only released for a single scene before reasserting itself again at full force. In the rare case that someone chose voluntarily to be bloodbound, this power cannot sever that intentional bond without their permission.

Gargoyle's Vigilance

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Mettle

As long as you are in your haven (or somewhere you have chosen to rest for the night), you may use this power to gain an intimate psychic knowledge of it, knowing immediately if anything changes or anyone attempts to enter. You must remain completely still while using this power; doing anything else splits your focus too much to maintain your awareness.

The Illness Unveiled

Requirements: Aura Perception & Shared Strength

By simply glancing at someone, you can diagnose all illnesses and injuries they suffer from with perfect accuracy; even more impressive, you can then lend them some of your stamina, healing many of those illnesses as if they had never been. You cannot heal supernaturally inflicted wounds or deformities (such as the effects of Thanatosis or Vicissitude), but everything else is fair game.

Lessons in the Steel

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Resilience

When someone strikes you, you may take the hit at full force, allowing them to injure you in order to analyze your opponent's greatest strengths. Once you have done so, their blows only hurt you about half as much for the rest of the scene, as you now know exactly how to counter and avoid them.

Martyr's Resilience

Requirements: Telepathy & Shared Strength

You may protect your thralls from danger; when anyone who is bloodbound to you is injured, you may use this power to absorb the wound instead, protecting your more fragile servants from injuries that might severely harm them but are less than important to you.

Unflinching Eye

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Endurance

You are no longer at risk of being overwhelmed by too much stimuli when you use Heightened Senses; you can parse even the cacophony of a crowded nightclub or screaming mob down to the smallest detail.

Fortitude & Celerity

Name Prerequisites
Forced March Swiftness & Mettle
Hair Trigger Swiftness & Unswayable Mind
The Seventh Brother Swiftness & Aegis
Spontaneous Ignition Fleetness & Endurance

Forced March

Requirements: Swiftness & Mettle

You are capable of tirelessly covering freakishly long distances on foot. As long as you do not stop moving and remain on foot instead of using a vehicle or mount, you can move for hours at a time at Swiftness speed, never paying to use your Celerity powers again unless you stop or decide to go even faster. This power stops working if you are forcibly prevented from continuing onward or pause to rest or do something else, but you can still make brief pauses (less than thirty seconds) to plan ahead or look for directions.

Hair Trigger

Requirements: Swiftness & Unswayable Mind

You become preternaturally steady and calm in moments of great crisis and violence; you cannot be interfered with when attacking someone, whether by being tackled, injured, shot, or having someone attempt to take your weapon away. They can still do all these things, but doing so does not prevent the attack you are currently making from happening first.

The Seventh Brother

Requirements: Swiftness & Aegis

Where the joints are some of the most vulnerable parts of most bodies, yours are completely impervious to harm. It is simply impossible to dismember any of your limbs; arms and legs (and, should you have them, tails, wings, or tentacles) can be injured but never fully removed from your body while you still live, clinging tenaciously on to allow you to heal them back into fighting shape. You can still be beheaded, unfortunately, but every other part of your body refuses to discorporate.

Spontaneous Ignition

Requirements: Fleetness & Endurance

By touching your victim and vibrating so swiftly that it is invisible to the naked eye, you excite their atoms and cause them to burst into flame. They are afflicted by an equivalent amount of fire as if their arm had been doused in kerosene and lit; it can be extinguished like any other fire, but since vampires are inherently flammable, tragedy may be inevitable if it is not put out quickly. As with all times they experience the sudden fear of fire, if you use this on a vampire they are likely to immediately succumb to Rötschreck. (You personally do not catch fire, but there is no guarantee that you won't trigger your own Rötschreck if you aren't careful.)

Fortitude & Chimerstry

Name Prerequisites
Craft Ephemera Horrid Reality & Fortify the Inner Facade
Eventide Strength Apparition & Unswayable Mind
Sympathetic Agony Fata Morgana & Resistance
Waking Dream Ignis Fatuus & Unswayable Mind

Craft Ephemera

Requirements: Horrid Reality & Fortify the Inner Facade

Your illusions are infused with a little of your own personal resistance to the outside world; they become much harder to dispel or disbelieve, even when they depict clearly outlandish things, and those with supernatural powers of insight such as Auspex must also be more powerful than usual in order to see through them to the other side.

Eventide Strength

Requirements: Apparition & Unswayable Mind

Most illusions created with Chimerstry vanish at dawn, tied to your vampiric strength ebbing during the day, but you can use this power to fortify them. Illusions created with this power can not only remain active while you are unconscious, but they can actually appear in full sunlight during the day.

Sympathetic Agony

Requirements: Fata Morgana & Resistance

By touching a wound, either your own or someone else's, you may cause the person who inflicted it to feel the agony of it instead of the person who is actually injured. You do not gain any knowledge of who perpetrated the injury (although if they're in the same room with you, their reaction is likely to be a major clue), but they are affected by this power no matter where they are or how far away. The pain of the wound remains shifted to its creator for the rest of the scene.

Waking Dream

Requirements: Ignis Fatuus & Unswayable Mind

While others can be fooled by your illusions, you generally can't be... unless you have this power. While you are still aware of which of your creations are simple illusions, you can now interact with and use them as if they were real, allowing you to make a bucket you can successfully fill with water and carry to a new destination or to drink an endless succession of mai tais conjured from your imagination.

Fortitude & Dominate

Name Prerequisites
Denial of Aphrodite's Favor The Forgetful Mind & Fortify the Inner Facade
Ignore Command & Endurance
Immutable Mind Cloud Memory & Endurance
Indomitable Aura The Forgetful Mind & Mettle
The Knight's Example Mesmerize & Mettle
Stalwart Servant The Forgetful Mind & Endurance

Denial of Aphrodite's Favor

Requirements: The Forgetful Mind & Fortify the Inner Facade

Your resistance extends to your mind as well, making it very difficult to influence you from the outside. Others can now only successfully use Presence on you if they are of lower generation than you are, the same as Dominate.


Requirements: Command & Endurance

This power allows you to designate a single action as one that you will never commit - and then keep that promise, no matter who uses what powers to try to force you. The action must be specific - "I will not commit murder" is too general, but "I will not murder my brother James" works - and cannot be used to avoid other commands on a technicality.

Immutable Mind

Requirements: Cloud Memory & Endurance

Vampires who know intimately how easy it is for Dominate to erase memories can use this power to avoid having the same thing happen to them. Whenever someone attempts to erase or alter your memory supernaturally (whether you know about it or not), you may use this power to prevent them from doing so.

Indomitable Aura

Requirements: The Forgetful Mind & Mettle

You may exude an aura of your general toughness and physical power, so potent that others who see you are frightened of you on sight, seeing you as an undefeatable bully or an impervious monster. Anyone of a higher generation than yourself simply cannot attack you, and if forced to by being backed into a corner or grabbed fail completely to deal any damage to you, no matter how strong they normally are. Others who see vampires using this power have reported almost visual hallucinations, seeing them as having skin made of stone, or growing larger or heavier, even though your shape does not actually change.

The Knight's Example

Requirements: Mesmerize & Mettle

Your refusal to give up and powerful leadership skills inspire everyone around you to strive for the same. As long as you remain conscious and moving, anyone in the same scene with you feels inspired to try to do the same, gaining your basic levels of Fortitude.

Stalwart Servant

Requirements: The Forgetful Mind & Endurance

For a single scene, you may grant your basic Fortitude powers to all ghouls who are bound to you, giving your servants more ability to survive even when you cannot be there with them. You may use this power no matter where you are or how far away your ghouls are, but you cannot single any of them out; either they all gain your supernatural hardiness, or none of them do.

Fortitude & Koldunism

Name Prerequisites
Komnenos' Honor Defy Bane & Heed the Hellbound Heart

Komnenos' Honor

Requirements: Defy Bane & Heed the Hellbound Heart

You may call upon the powers of the planet to which you are so closely tied to help keep you focused and virtuous. By drawing a sigil in blood on your flesh, you become more easily able to resist any temptations that would threaten your morality path, and even if you do make a mistake, you become less likely to lose a dot of your path in the process. The sigil lasts for one year, after which is must be renewed; it cannot be erased by accident, but an enemy who knows what it is could scrub or scourge it off you if they were determined to.

Fortitude & Mortis

Name Prerequisites
Aegis of Entropy Defy Bane & Destroy the Husk
Blessed Resilience Repair the Undead Flesh & Gift of the Corpse

Aegis of Entropy

Requirements: Defy Bane & Destroy the Husk

You may let all the festering rot in your undead body that you normally keep at bay with sheer force of will out to harry your enemies. Whenever anyone strikes you with any kind of weapon or object, that object immediately begins to decay at an accelerated rate; swords rust and wooden bats grow mold and turn to mush. This does not apply to anyone who hits you bare-handed, and it cannot help you against projectiles - while rotting a bullet or arrow may make it easier to get it out of you later, it does not prevent you from being hit in the first place.

Blessed Resilience

Requirements: Repair the Undead Flesh & Gift of the Corpse

You may regrow any limb you lose within seconds, forgoing the need for a long and blood-costly convalescence period; additionally, if you still have the severed limb, you can just slap it back in place and use it as if nothing had ever happened to it. You cannot use this power to add limbs to yourself that did not originally belong to you, and if you do regrow a limb, you can no longer reattach the old one even if you find it.

Fortitude & Nightmare

Name Prerequisites
Dauntless Spirit Unswayable Mind & Monstrous Countenance
Sun's Brutal Dreamscape Mettle & Mortal Fear

Dauntless Spirit

Requirements: Unswayable Mind & Monstrous Countenance

You are much more difficult to affect with the powers of Nightmare; any that you have yourself simply do not work on you unless used by someone more powerful than you are, and the effects of higher levels are lessened slightly (although still very uncomfortable to live through).

Sun's Brutal Dreamscape

Requirements: Mettle & Mortal Fear

The greatest fear of most vampires is the sun itself, and with this power you can briefly survive it, albeit at a terrible price. If you suffer damage from sunlight, you may use this power to transfer that damage to another vampire that you personally know, causing them to wake shrieking from their daylight sleep as their flesh boils. This power can only be used once per night, and it cannot automatically kill the vampire that you transfer your pain to, who falls into torpor if they sustain too much injury from it. While this power can certainly be used for torture and attempted assassination, it is very dangerous to do so - once you've used it once for the night, you must find cover or meet the same fate as the sunlight begins to burn into you.

Fortitude & Obeah

Name Prerequisites
Vital Fluids Resilience & Corpore Sano

Vital Fluids

Requirements: Resilience & Corpore Sano

You are capable of regenerating yourself with pure will, even eschewing the usual need for additional blood to repair damage to your undead body. You may regain one point of blood every hour for the rest of the night, provided that blood was spent to heal injuries; blood spent for anything else cannot be regained this way.

Fortitude & Obfuscate

Name Prerequisites
Elemental Stoicism Armored Flesh & Vanish from the Mind's Eye
Exquisite Corpse Resilience & Mask of a Thousand Faces
Flesh Wound Mettle & Mask of a Thousand Faces

Elemental Stoicism

Requirements: Armored Flesh & Vanish from the Mind's Eye

Not only are you nearly indestructible even when faced with the terrors of flame and the sun, but you can also share that toughness with others. Anyone you touch gains some of your resistance against fire and sunlight for the rest of the scene; if you let go of them, they immediately revert to their own survival methods.

Exquisite Corpse

Requirements: Resilience & Mask of a Thousand Faces

When you take damage, you can use this power to simply fail to be visibly affected in any way; no wounds open on your flesh, no bruises mar your skin, and even severed limbs appear to remain where they are supposed to be. You still suffer the effects of your injuries fully, but others see you as apparently impossible to hurt and react accordingly.

Flesh Wound

Requirements: Mettle & Mask of a Thousand Faces

Once you have used this power, nothing can change your appearance - not injuries, not wind or rain, not a change of clothes, not even ten tons of sewage poured directly over you. You remain exactly as you were when this power was used to everyone else's perceptions, only revealing the marks of your activities when the scene ends.

Fortitude & Obtenebration

Name Prerequisites
Armor of the Abyss Resilience & Arms of the Abyss
Bagman's Shelter Defy Bane & Nocturne
Vicente de las Navas de Tolosa's Holy Shield Unswayable Mind & Shroud of Night

Armor of the Abyss

Requirements: Resilience & Arms of the Abyss

You may create armor for yourself from the pure darkness of the void, surrounding you in a suit of shifting shadows that absorb impacts and foul weapons. While you are not completely impervious from harm, you are as protected as you would be if you were wearing head-to-toe armor of the most powerful metal alloy.

Bagman's Shelter

Requirements: Defy Bane & Nocturne

If you are caught outside when the sun is about to rise, you can use this power to create a temporary safe haven; you may thicken the darkness in a semi-shaded or inadequate shelter (for example, a bus station or a factory with holes in the room) to keep you protected from the sun. As long as you remain within the very small area you have created, you are safe from sunlight, although anyone who shines direct light into it (for example, by opening a door) will still cause you to suddenly begin to burn. This power ceases to operate if you leave the area for any reason; otherwise, it lasts for one day.

Vicente de las Navas de Tolosa's Holy Shield

Requirements: Unswayable Mind & Shroud of Night

You are especially impervious to the influence of the wicked; you gain additional resistance to powers that are expressly evil or corrupting, as well as taking less damage if attacked by explicitly evil beings such as Demons or vampires who practice Daimonin or similarly evil disciplines and morality paths.

Fortitude & Potence

Name Prerequisites
Body of Will Fortify the Inner Facade & Prowess
Brace for Impact Resistance & Might
Iron Muscles Endurance & Prowess
Juggernaut's Gait Aegis & Vigor
The Rejected Malady Endurance & Might
The Rod of Raw Rending Endurance & Prowess

Body of Will

Requirements: Fortify the Inner Facade & Prowess

You have such a powerful force of will that this power allows you to simply refuse to be affected by injuries, even major ones. No matter how you are injured or how severely, you can still use your body as normal; somehow you can still run on a mangled leg, climb with broken fingers, and perceive with burnt-out eyes. Your ability to push your body beyond its normal limits lasts only for the scene, after which you are likely to collapse as everything catches up at once.

Brace for Impact

Requirements: Resistance & Might

Whenever you are about to be injured by something that would damage your whole body at once - for example, being hit by a car or in the path of an explosion - you can hunker down and brace yourself, taking far less damage as you spread it out carefully over your whole frame.

Iron Muscles

Requirements: Endurance & Prowess

Your strength is such that you can channel it into survival in an emergency. When you are about to be knocked unconscious or killed, you may use this power to avoid taking any damage; however, once you have done so, you cannot use your Potence powers for the rest of the scene.

Juggernaut's Gait

Requirements: Aegis & Vigor

You may with a great effort of will simply say no to any and all damage coming your way. For one round of combat (or ten seconds of non-combat) only, you simply cannot be harmed - attacks don't hurt you, fire doesn't faze you, and even any pain you normally might have from illnesses or old wounds disappears. This requires enormous effort and can only be done once in a great while.

The Rejected Malady

Requirements: Endurance & Might

You are capable of isolating harmful outside agents and expelling them harmlessly from your body. Whenever there is an outside substance in your system that might sicken you - poisoned or diseased blood, a foreign drug, a bloodborne illness, and so on - you may vomit it out as a thick black bile, keeping the rest of your bloodstream pure and useable.

The Rod Raw Rending

Requirements: Endurance & Prowess

There is no such thing as armor that can keep you out; no matter how well-crafted or thick, this power allows you to immediately punch right through any armor, shield, or other barrier expressly designed to protect people from attack. You cannot actually injure your foe while you're busy breaking through, and this power can only be used on armors that are not supernatural in origin.

Fortitude & Presence

Name Prerequisites
Enfeebling Aura Endurance & Daunt
Give 'Em Hell Unswayable Mind & Entrancement
Inspire Greatness Mettle & Mesmeric Taint
King of the Hill Mettle & Dread Gaze
The Knight's Example Mettle & Celebrity
Rallying Blood Awe & Celebrity
Rescue Beacon Unswayable Mind & Summon
Retaliatory Terror Endurance & Dread Gaze
Stalwart Heart Unswayable Mind & Daunt
Toughest SOB in the Room Mettle & Celebrity

Enfeebling Aura

Requirements: Endurance & Daunt

By touching your victim, you may cause them to become so overwhelmed that they become weaker and clumsier in your presence. You may choose to sacrifice as many Presence powers as you wish; when you do, your victim cannot use an equivalent number of Celerity, Fortitude, or Potence powers (in any combination you choose) for the rest of the scene. You also may not use the Presence powers you sacrificed. When the scene ends, everyone returns to their usual capabilities.

Give 'Em Hell

Requirements: Unswayable Mind & Entrancement

By giving a rousing and encouraging speech to a group of people, you whip them up into a courageous semi-frenzy, becoming dedicated to your cause and without fear when it comes to giving it their all. They cannot be affected by any Nightmare powers or by any Presence powers that inspire fear (unless used by you), and are so courageous that none of them will give up, retreat, or give up information under torture for the rest of the night.

Inspire Greatness

Requirements: Mettle & Mesmeric Taint

You are an exemplary leader; by touching someone, you can push them to the greatest heights they are capable of, completing whatever task they are currently involved in with flying colors (or at least the most success it is actually possible for them to have). They can do nothing else but work on the task you set them; if they stop, are prevented, or switch to doing something else, this power ceases to have any effect.

King of the Hill

Requirements: Mettle & Dread Gaze

No matter who or what hits you or how hard, you simply cannot be knocked off your feet; as long as you are alive and conscious, you remain standing and cannot be pushed, picked up, or knocked down by any force. This does not prevent you from suffering damage, just from being removed from where you have chosen to plant yourself.

The Knight's Example

Requirements: Mettle & Celebrity

Your refusal to give up and powerful leadership skills inspire everyone around you to strive for the same. As long as you remain conscious and moving, anyone in the same scene with you feels inspired to try to do the same, gaining your basic levels of Fortitude.

Rallying Blood

Requirements: Awe & Celebrity

By touching someone and demanding that they snap out of it, you can immediately countermand the effects of any power that inflicts fear (for example, Nightmare or Presence, or even stranger powers from other supernatural creatures). You can only prevent the fear from affecting them, not any other effects the power might have, and nothing prevents aggressors from using fear-mongering powers on them again (although nothing is stopping you from removing them again, either).

Rescue Beacon

Requirements: Unswayable Mind & Summon

Whenever you are staked or injured badly enough to fall into torpor, you may use this power to send out an alert to everyone who is bloodbound to you; they all suddenly realize that you are in danger and have an approximate idea of where you are, allowing them to attempt a rescue as quickly as possible.

Retaliatory Terror

Requirements: Endurance & Dread Gaze

You may imbue a wound in your body with the terror and pain of its infliction; anyone who looks at this wound is immediately affected by unreasonable fear, much like the Dread Gaze power, and forced to flee the vicinity.

Stalwart Heart

Requirements: Unswayable Mind & Daunt

You may project an aura of unassailability, preventing others from attempting to control your mind. Anyone who wants to attempt to use any mind- or emotion-effecting power on you must spend Willpower before they can do so.

Toughest SOB in the Room

Requirements: Mettle & Celebrity

Your sheer physical indestructibility intimidates others into listening to you; when you use this power, the more injured you are, the more easily your Dominate and Presence powers can overwhelm others who are awed by the amount of damage you can take and just keep on giving orders.

Fortitude & Protean

Name Prerequisites
22 Solid Mettle & Feral Claws
Badger's Hide Endurance & Shape of the Beast
Fenrir's Talons Mettle & Feral Claws
Partial Transformation Endurance & Shape of the Beast
Regeneration Resistance & Metamorphosis
Rhino's Hide Mettle & Shape of the Beast
Rime of Salt Mettle & Feral Claws
Sanguinary Expulsion Mettle & Earth Meld
Shatterproof Resistance & Earth Meld
Stone Meld Mettle & Earth Meld
Torpid Hibernation Defy Bane & Earth Meld
Unnatural Contortion Endurance & Metamorphosis
Vitae Bloat Endurance & Phocidaean Webbing
Yielding Soil Mettle & Earth Meld

22 Solid

Requirements: Mettle & Feral Claws

Your flesh is solid and difficult to harm, even if it is not true earth; for a single turn, you can automatically cause any lethal damage you take to be downgraded to bashing instead, costing no blood to do so.

Badger's Hide

Requirements: Endurance & Shape of the Beast

You are impervious to most blades and other edged weapons, which cannot penetrate your skin; for the rest of the scene, blades simply cannot cut you. You can still be beaten to death with a sword (although it may take longer than usual) or any blunt instrument, and you can still be harmed by acid, fire, or other dangerous subjects; you just simply cannot be cut.

Fenrir's Talons

Requirements: Mettle & Feral Claws

You may now grow talons that dwarf those of any other vampire or any natural creature: they can be up to six inches long and are all but indestructible. These talons deal aggravated damage and remain in place of your normal fingers for the rest of the scene.

Partial Transformation

Requirements: Endurance & Shape of the Beast

This power allows you to pause in the middle of your usual transformation into an animal, taking on only a single feature of it to use with your otherwise humanoid body. Popular choices include a wolf's nose for scent-tracking or a bat's wings for gliding, although those who can transform into less common animals may have access to even weirder options.


Requirements: Resistance & Metamorphosis

You may spend blood to heal a single point of aggravated damage instantly, the same as you normally can lethal or bashing damage. You must spend far more blood than you would for lesser wounds, but are not forced to wait to heal them slowly over time.

Rhino's Hide

Requirements: Mettle & Shape of the Beast

You may grow a thick, leathery hide approximately an inch thick, which slides over and insulates your regular skin. You become much more difficult to hurt with anything except for fire or sunlight, which burn through the extra skin as easily as usual. Because the grown skin is noticeably thick, bumpy, and unnatural, this power often constitutes a Masquerade breach when used around mortals.

Rime of Salt

Requirements: Mettle & Feral Claws

When you grow Feral Claws or otherwise gain animal teeth or talons, you can imbue them with the salts of your body; anyone you strike with them is afflicted with searing agony as you quite literally fill the wound with salt. Supernatural beings become less capable, struggling to fight on through the pain, while any mortals who manage to survive your assault simply collapse screaming.

Sanguinary Expulsion

Requirements: Mettle & Earth Meld

When you drink blood, you may choose whether or not to actually allow it into your system; if you choose not to, it remains sequestered in your body and can be vomited up later, failing to create a blood bond or inflict any bloodborne illness on you. You cannot drink any other blood until you vomit it out, however; if you ingest that, it will automatically ingest the previous blood along with it.


Requirements: Resistance & Earth Meld

When you are struck by an attack or missile (intentional or otherwise), you spread the impact throughout your whole body, preventing it from breaking the skin at the point it struck you. You are still hurt by the impact, but it causes less injury, and more importantly does not spill any of your blood.

Stone Meld

Requirements: Mettle & Earth Meld

Just as you can sink into the earth with Earth Meld, you can now sink into solid stone, making mountainsides and rocky gorges just as safe for you to rest in. The stone must be large enough to contain your body to sink into it, but you can also meld with areas that have a mix of stones and earth without needing to worry about avoiding obstacles. This power can only allow you to sink into actual stone; humanmade substances such as brick or concrete are still impenetrable to you.

Torpid Hibernation

Requirements: Defy Bane & Earth Meld

You may place yourself in torpor and set a mental timer, automatically awakening later at a time of your choosing. You must decide when you want to awake (which can be any time including "tomorrow" and "fifty years from now") and cannot change this decision after you fall unconscious. You can still be awoken early by others in the normal way (although they'll have to find you first).

Unnatural Contortion

Requirements: Endurance & Metamorphosis

You may concentrate in order to contort your body into truly horrifying shapes, including but not limited to reversing your joints, folding your spine in half, and otherwise completely defying normal bodily shapes. Most vampires use this to escape from confinement or sneak into locked areas to prey on those within, but theoretically it could also be used for more cosmetic changes. You must use a tremendous amount of will to contort, and once you stop focusing on it, your body snaps back into its normal shape.

Vitae Bloat

Requirements: Endurance & Phocidaean Webbing

By allowing your body to bloat up to an inflated state, you can store more blood in it than you would normally be able to, becoming quite literally stuffed to the gills. Your actual body does not change mass, simply being contorted and blown up by the amount of blood within it.

Yielding Soil

Requirements: Mettle & Earth Meld

Instead of melding with the rock and stone beneath you, you may sink into it while retaining your physical form, walking or swimming through it as if you were aboveground. You still cannot pass through any substance you already couldn't, but you retain the useful features of your hands, mouth, or any other body part that might help you.

Fortitude & Quietus

Name Prerequisites
Blood Tempering Mettle & Blood Agony

Blood Tempering

Requirements: Mettle & Blood Agony

By bathing an object in your blood, you can make it permanently much more durable, shrugging off impacts or scratches and becoming extremely difficult for anyone without supernatural strength (or an equivalent, like a backhoe) to damage or break.

Fortitude & Thanatosis

Name Prerequisites
Grisly Gris-Gris Mettle & Putrefaction

Grisly Gris-Gris

Requirements: Mettle & Putrefaction

By making a small fetish or item from your own flesh - necklaces or bracelets with a tiny shared of bone in them are popular, but anything that you can reasonable fashion should work - you can grant its wearer a little of your supernatural toughness. They gain one additional Fortitude power beyond what they already have, which activates automatically whenever relevant while they wear the gris-gris. Your bone, skin, or other body piece that is used to make the fetish does not decay or turn to dust once removed from you, but if it is destroyed, this power ceases to function as well. This power does nothing for anyone who has equivalent or greater Fortitude to yours.

Fortitude & Thaumaturgy

Name Prerequisites
Sanguinary Expulsion Mettle & Blood of Potency

Sanguinary Expulsion

Requirements: Mettle & Blood of Potency

When you drink blood, you may choose whether or not to actually allow it into your system; if you choose not to, it remains sequestered in your body and can be vomited up later, failing to create a blood bond or inflict any bloodborne illness on you. You cannot drink any other blood until you vomit it out, however; if you ingest that, it will automatically ingest the previous blood along with it.

Fortitude & Valeren

Name Prerequisites
Penitent Resilience Resistance & Armor of Caine's Fury

Penitent Resilience

Requirements: Resistance & Armor of Caine's Fury

You may perform the most coveted of forbidden activities: you may walk in the daylight without dying (or at least, without dying right away). When you would take damage from sunlight, you instead burn an entire point of blood; only when you have run out of blood to spend do you begin to burn. This power does not protect you from Rötschreck, but as long as you can stand seeing the sun, you can do so for short periods of time.

Fortitude & Vicissitude

Name Prerequisites
Wound Sculpting Resilience & Fleshcraft

Wound Sculpting

Requirements: Resilience & Fleshcraft

Although this power cannot prevent you from taking damage, it allows you to immediately close any wounds you have, flowing your flesh over cuts, scrapes, and bullet wounds automatically as soon as you take them. This prevents you from losing precious blood, and can also often intimidate opponents who are terrified to see that you are apparently impossible to injure.

Fortitude & Visceratika

Name Prerequisites
Carry the Mountain's Burden Resilience & Armor of Terra
Masterwork Replica Defy Bane & Bond with the Mountain
Weather the Storm Mettle & Bond with the Mountain

Carry the Mountain's Burden

Requirements: Resilience & Armor of Terror

You may harden your skin into liquid living stone, becoming incredibly difficult to injure with anything but actual high-level construction equipment or missiles. Your Armor of Terra becomes twice as effective for the rest of the scene.

Masterwork Replica

Requirements: Defy Bane & Bond with the Mountain

You may create an exact replica of yourself when you are in contact with stone or similar substances, drawing it up to perfectly encase you like a second skin. As long as you do not move, you are fully protected from sunlight and fire, neither of which can penetrate the protective shell; you can even sleep through the day in such a position without fear as long as nothing destroys the building or stone. If you wish, when you awake you may leave the ston copy in place as a permanent fixture; it will endure as long as the material it is made from would, and you can even use it as a convenient cocoon again in the future.

Weather the Storm

Requirements: Mettle & Bond with the Mountain

If you have previously bled on a stone or building surface, you may cause it to take damage in your stead, passing your wounds into its surface. Doing so inflicts just as much damage as the vampire using this power would have taken, so minor impacts may only cause cosmetic damage while more advanced attacks can cause significant problems or even destroy the edifice completely.

Fortitude, Animalism, & Protean

Name Prerequisites
Protect the Herd Feral Whispers, Resilience, & Shape of the Beast

Protect the Herd

Requirements: Feral Whispers, Resilience, & Shape of the Beast

You may protect a small group of people or animals from danger. As long as the group remains inside an enclosed area (buildings work fine, but fenced-in outdoor areas or natural caves or burrows are also useful) and you remain there with them, predatory animals automatically avoid the area and natural disasters tend to find any possible path around it rather than threatening those within. This power can only protect the group from natural dangers and cannot prevent supernatural creatures or dangers from entering the area. You can only protect those who remain in the protected area with you; if they leave, they are vulnerable, and if you leave, everyone is at the mercy of the world again.

Fortitude, Auspex, & Celerity

Name Prerequisites
Eye for the Weakness of Steel Heightened Senses, Alacrity, & Unswayable Mind
Guardian Vigil Heightened Senses, Alacrity & Unswayable Mind

Eye for the Weakness of Steel

Requirements: Heightened Senses, Alacrity, & Unswayable Mind

You know instinctively where to strike; with this power, you automatically know exactly where the weakest spot, the least powerful armor, or the already-bleeding wound is so that you can strike with maximum efficiency.

Guardian Vigil

Requirements: Heightened Senses, Alacrity & Unswayable Mind

With this power, you may enter a quiet, trancelike state, meditating on nothing and responding to nothing as you extend your senses throughout the area. As long as you do not move or do anything else, you have a heightened ability to recognize and react to things; you may react to any change in your environment more swiftly than even Celerity would normally allow you to do. Once you have moved, used a power, or otherwise stopped focusing on your senses, this power's effects end.

Fortitude, Auspex, & Valeren

Name Prerequisites
The Bloodsoaked Saint's Resurrection Spirit Travel, Defy Bane, & Heaven's Gate

The Bloodsoaked Saint's Resurrection

Requirements: Spirit Travel, Defy Bane, & Heaven's Gate

You may defy true death itself with this power. As long as you have a piece of a dead person's earthly remains - a bone, a vial of blood, even some of their ashes - you may resurrect them, returning them to their mortal existence as it was on the point of death. This power cannot restore vampires to true life (they just come back as vampires again), but it removes all existing illnesses and injuries upon resurrection.

Fortitude, Celerity, & Potence

Name Prerequisites
Blood Propulsion Alacrity, Endurance, & Prowess

Blood Propulsion

Requirements: Alacrity, Endurance, & Prowess

This power allows you to spit out a propulsive jet of your own blood, powerful enough to knock someone over or push you several yards away. Since this power does not directly harm your enemies (although it may inconvenience them and ruin their clothes), it is most often used for vampires who are floundering in deep water or floating in vacuum and need a way to push themselves in the right direction.

Fortitude, Flight, & Potence

Name Prerequisites
Nosedive Mettle, Lift Off, & Might


Requirements: Mettle, Lift Off, & Might

You may divebomb an enemy, using your flight momentum to land on them like a very literal ton of bricks. When you impact something with this power while flying, your opponent is struck by the full force of your flight and weight at once, and likely to take considerably more damage than they would have if they had simply been punched.

Fortitude, Mortis, & Potence

Name Prerequisites
Effigy of the Sculpted Tomb Mettle, Rigor Mortis, & Might

Effigy of the Sculpted Tomb

Requirements: Mettle, Rigor Mortis, & Might

You may harden your flesh into a state similar to a mummified or preserved corpse, becoming shiny and unnatural-looking; when you do, you become more difficult to injure, as well as appearing convincingly like a corpse if you wish to impersonate one.

Fortitude, Obfuscate, & Potence

Name Prerequisites
Mark of Shadows Mettle, Unseen Presence, & Might

Mark of Shadows

Requirements: Mettle, Unseen Presence, & Might

By marking an inanimate object no larger than a breadbox with a little blood, you may hide it from view, making it impossible for others without Auspex or similar powers to see it even when it is right in front of them. The object remains hidden for the rest of the night, even if you leave the area, and becomes visible again only when the sun rises.

Fortitude, Potence, Protean

Name Prerequisites
Bones of the Mountain Resilience, Uncanny Grip, & Metamorphosis
Force of Nature Resistance, Might, & Metamorphosis

Bones of the Mountain

Requirements: Resilience, Uncanny Grip, & Metamorphosis

You may literally transform your flesh into actual natural stone, making you into an animated statue. Any Fortitude or Potence powers you have already activated remain so for the rest of the scene, requiring no further blood, and any attack you make against anyone else deals lethal damage. If you are knocked unconscious or into torpor in this state, you automatically use the Earth Meld power if you are in an area that you can do so.

Force of Nature

Requirements: Resistance, Might, & Metamorphosis

You now have fluid control over all your shapeshifting powers; you may use your Protean powers instantly and repeatedly, as well as moving your physical skills around (for example, choosing to become slower in order to be stronger, or vice versa). You must still spend blood to activate your powers; you can simply do so instantly with a thought, making you terrifyingly changeable in a split second.

Fortitude, Potence, & Visceratika

Name Prerequisites
I Am the Keystone Mettle, Might, & Bond with the Mountain

I Am the Keystone

Requirements: Mettle, Might, & Bond with the Mountain

Like a keystone supporting a building, you are sensitive to exactly what physical stresses are on you and where your skills are best used. You may redistribute your Fortitude and Potence powers for the rest of the scene, choosing to exchange one for the other at the same level as much as you wish; once you have made these choices, your new powerset persists for the rest of the scene, allowing you to suddenly become a dangerous juggernaut or an impervious guardian well beyond your normal capabilities.

Fortitude, Nightmare, Potence, & Protean

Name Prerequisites
Terrible Flesh Resilience, Monstrous Countenance, Prowess, & Metamorphosis

Terrible Flesh

Requirements: Resilience, Monstrous Countenance, Prowess, & Metamorphosis

Most vampires don't grow as they get older... but you do. Far from the natural growth of a living thing, you grow in size and monstrousness as the years go by, becoming taller, wider, and more obviously inhuman as you go. This power is extremely terrifying for others (and an obvious breach of the Masquerade), but those who have mastered it can be so prodigiously huge and physically powerful that even elders hesitate to argue with them about their decisions.

Combination Disciplines
Combination Disciplines Animalism Combination DisciplinesAuspex Combination DisciplinesCelerity Combination DisciplinesChimerstry Combination DisciplinesContinence Combination DisciplinesDaimonin Combination DisciplinesDementation Combination DisciplinesDominate Combination DisciplinesFlight Combination DisciplinesFortitude Combination DisciplinesKoldunism Combination DisciplinesMelpominee Combination DisciplinesMortis Combination DisciplinesMytherceria Combination DisciplinesNecromancy Combination DisciplinesNightmare Combination DisciplinesObeah Combination DisciplinesObfuscate Combination DisciplinesObtenebration Combination DisciplinesOgham Combination DisciplinesPotence Combination DisciplinesPresence Combination DisciplinesProtean Combination DisciplinesQuietus Combination DisciplinesSakti Pata Combination DisciplinesSerpentis Combination DisciplinesSublunario Combination DisciplinesTemporis Combination DisciplinesTenure Combination DisciplinesThanatosis Combination DisciplinesThaumaturgy Combination DisciplinesValeren Combination DisciplinesVicissitude Combination DisciplinesVisceratika Combination Disciplines