From DC by Night Wiki
Clans Tremere
Bloodlines Xotoli
Sects Camarilla, Teteoh
Rituals Thaumaturgy Rituals
Combination Disciplines Thaumaturgy Combination Disciplines
Rarity Uncommon

The sorcerous magics of Thaumaturgy are practiced only by a few select undead magicians, who guard their secrets with a zeal that they match only with their desire to master every wizardly power possible in their vampiric existences. Its foundation is based in drawing power from the inherent supernatural strength of Kindred blood, which fuels all their rituals and rites and remains a subject for endless study. Unlike most other disciplines, Thaumaturgy is always growing as its practitioners develop new powers, research tirelessly to find new ways to impose their will upon the world, and invent new rituals with new effects.

The only group that is widespread in its use of Thaumaturgy is Clan Tremere, who descend from mortal mages who chose to transform themselves into vampires and begin to draw power from themselves instead of the universe, but even they do not share their powers with other clans without an extremely good reason. Other clans and bloodlines may have a rare thaumaturge here and there, but there simply aren't very many of them in existence, and none who are willing to freely share their secrets.

Thaumaturgy is divided into a number of paths, each of which specializes in a specific kind of magic. There are three more common Thaumaturgy paths, six uncommon ones, fifteen rare ones, and those remaining are so unusual as to approach legendary. Almost all beginning thaumaturges start by learning the Path of Blood, unless they happen to have one of the very rare teachers who specializes in something else.

Common Thaumaturgy Paths

LureOfFlamesSmall.png MovementOfTheMindSmall.png PathOfBloodSmall.png
Lure of Flames Movement of the Mind Path of Blood
Lure of Flames allows a thaumaturge to wield the powers of fire against their foes. Movement of the Mind allows a thaumaturge to move items and even people with telekinesis. The Path of Blood allows a thaumaturge to learn from and weaponize the blood in a person's body.

Uncommon Thaumaturgy Paths

AlchemyThaumSmall.png ElementalMasterySmall.png PathOfConjuringSmall.png
Alchemy Elemental Mastery Path of Conjuring
Alchemy allows a thaumaturge to transmute items into different states. Elemental Mastery allows a thaumaturge to gain control over inanimate objects. The Path of Conjuring allows a thaumaturge to conjure things from thin air.
PathOfCorruptionSmall.png PathOfTechnomancySmall.png WeatherControlSmall.png
Path of Corruption Path of Technomancy Weather Control
The Path of Corruption allows a thaumaturge to change and confuse others' minds. The Path of Technomancy allows a thaumaturge to magically interact with machines. Weather Control allows a thaumaturge to control the very weather itself.

Rare Thaumaturgy Paths

BiothaumaturgySmall.png FauxPathSmall.png FocusedMindSmall.png
Biothaumaturgy The Faux Path The Focused Mind
Biothaumaturgy allows a thaumaturge to alter and animate living things. The Faux_Path allows a thaumaturge to create convincing illusions of magical effects. The Focused Mind allows a thaumaturge to change the mental strength of their own and others' minds.
100px HandsOfDestructionSmall.png HearthPathSmall.png
The Green Path Hands of Destruction The Hearth Path
The Green_Path allows a thaumaturge to control and communicate with plants. Hands of Destruction allows a thaumaturge to destroy things with a mere touch. The Hearth Path allows a thaumaturge to have fine control over their haven and its contents.
MasteryOfTheMortalShellSmall.png NeptunesMightSmall.png OneiromancySmall.png
Mastery of the Mortal Shell Neptune's Might Oneiromancy
Mastery of the Mortal Shell allows a thaumaturge to affect a person's physical body processes. Neptune's Might allows a thaumaturge to control bodies of water. Oneiromancy allows a thaumaturge to use dreams to learn and carry information.
PathOfCursesSmall.png PathOfMarsSmall.png PathOfMercurySmall.png
Path of Curses Path of Mars Path of Mercury
The Path of Curses allows a thaumaturge to curse enemies with debilitating problems. The Path of Mars allows a thaumaturge to increase their skills in battle. The Path of Mercury allows a thaumaturge to teleport short distances.
PathOfTheBloodsCurseSmall.png PathOfTheLevinboltSmall.png PathOfTransmutationSmall.png
Path of the Blood's Curse Path of the Levinbolt Path of Transmutation
The Path of the Blood's Curse allows a thaumaturge to affect the normal workings of a vampire's body. The Path of the Levinbolt allows a thaumaturge to control electrical energy. The Path of Transmutation allows a thaumaturge to change the physical state of objects.
SpiritManipulationSmall.png TransitusVelociterSmall.png VineOfDionysusSmall.png
Spirit Manipulation Transitus Velociter Vine of Dionysus
Spirit Manipulation allows a thaumaturge to interact with the spirit world. Transitus Velociter allows a thaumaturge increase the speed of groups of people. The Vine of Dionysus allows a thaumaturge to affect others with feelings of intoxication.

Legendary Thaumaturgy Paths

GeomancyPathSmall.png GiftOfMorpheusSmall.png PathOfShadowcraftingSmall.png
The Geomancy Path Gift of Morpheus The Path of Shadowcrafting
The Geomancy Path allows a thaumaturge to bless or curse people with skill and resistance to dangers. Gift of Morpheus allows a thaumaturge to manipulate sleep and dreams. The Path of Shadowcrafting allows a thaumaturge the manipulate light and shadow.
PathOfWardingSmall.png PerdoMagicaSmall.png PowerOfTheMirrorSmall.png
The Path of Warding Perdo Magica Power of the Mirror
The Path of Warding allows a thaumaturge to protect areas from invasion. Perdo Magica allows a thaumaturge to counter the spells of other magic-users. Power of the Mirror allows a thaumaturge to manipulate and act through reflections.
PreyOnTheSoulsFearSmall.png RegoMagicaSmall.png RegoMentemSmall.png
Prey on the Soul's Fear Rego Magica Rego Mentem
Prey on the Soul's Fear allows a thaumaturge to wield fear against their enemies. Rego Magica allows a thaumaturge to create new Thaumaturgy paths. Rego Mentem allows a thaumaturge to summon spirits to do their bidding.
SpiritThaumaturgySmall.png VideoPellisSmall.png
Spirit Thaumataurgy Video Pellis
Spirit Thaumaturgy allows a thaumaturge to control and interact with spirits. Video Pellis allows a thaumaturge to read mysteries and even the future.

Important Things to Keep in Mind

There are numerous, numerous different paths of Thaumaturgy, focused on everything from nature manipulation to pyromagics to curses to modern technological spells, and it would be impossible to list them all here. Most practitioners use the powers above, but if you feel that your character needs something else, contact Admin.

Technically, there is no such thing as an elder Thaumaturgy power; there doesn't need to be, as the elder mages of the undead spend their time literally inventing new spells and abilities based on their own personal preferences and requirements. The spectrum of possibilities is so vast that no really accurate guess about what "powers" they have can be made; suffice it to say that a sufficiently determined elder thaumaturge can probably find a way to do whatever it is that they want to.

Common Disciplines AnimalismAuspexCelerityDominateFortitudeObfuscatePotencePresence
Uncommon Disciplines AlchemyDementationNightmareObtenebrationProteanQuietusSerpentisVicissitude
Rare Disciplines AbombweCaimanChimerstryChinamasquaContinenceCountermagicFlightMelpomineeMengilaiMismiñaObeahOcelotlPraestantiaPukllanaSuccubismTezcatlValerenVisceratikaXuhuanYvate
Legendary Disciplines AyalalBardoBhumisparsaCarrefourDaimoninDeimosEmbrocationGetsumeiHypnagogiaKaiKamenKingjanMaleficiaMytherceriaNahdadNburuNepentheNereosNihilisticsOmaxacPukamaniRiftSakti PataSanguinusShihaiSpiritusStrigaSublunarioSuikastSunnikuseTemporisTenureThanatosisVitiateXinyao
Blood Sorcery AkhuAnarch SorceryDark ThaumaturgyDur-An-KiKoldunismMortisNahuallotlNecromancyOghamSadhanaSielanic SorcerySihrThaumaturgyVodounWanga