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Dementation Combination Disciplines

Each combination discipline below requires Dementation in addition to at least one other discipline. Each power lists its prerequisites alongside its effects.

All combination disciplines are considered rare and are Restricted for player characters unless approved by Admin.

Dementation & Animalism

Name Prerequisites
Respite of Lucidity Drawing Out the Beast & The Haunting

Respite of Lucidity

Requirements: Drawing Out the Beast & The Haunting

You may reach within yourself and afflict even your own Beast with madness; you may choose one of your derangements and grant it to the Beast, making it a feature of the ravenous creature within. It no longer affects you consciously; instead, the derangement becomes wildly active whenever you Frenzy, causing your Beast's rampages to be very specific and targeted as it acts out those impulses or fears.

Dementation & Auspex

Name Prerequisites
Catch a Whiff of Madness Spirit Ties & The Haunting
Days of Passions Past Aura Perception & Eyes of Chaos
Maddening Halo Aura Perception & Eyes of Chaos
Madman's Quill Artist's Intent & Passion
Monkey's Paw The Spirit's Touch & Silence the Sane Mind
Nikolai Steen's Acuity Heightened Senses & Passion
Prophecy Telepathy & Eyes of Chaos
Random Patterns Aura Perception & The Haunting
Screams Made Real Telepathy & Voice of Madness
Sensory Overload Heightened Senses & Eyes of Chaos
Whispers of Loathing Ancestors' Insight & The Haunting

Catch a Whiff of Madness

Requirements: Spirit Ties & The Haunting

As long as you are in an area with a person, you can sense any mental instability they may have; whether a derangement, mental illness, or powerful emotional struggle, you sense it on them like a perfume. You do not learn exactly what their problem is, just that they have one and may be ripe for use of Dementation.

Days of Passions Past

Requirements: Aura Perception & Eyes of Chaos

Although the appearance of an aura changes over time depending on what a person's emotions and deeds, you can use this power to see what it may have looked like in the past. You see the person's aura as an average of what it most often looks like; common emotions, frequently active derangements, and so on become apparent even if they are not actually active at the moment.

Maddening Halo

Requirements: Aura Perception & Eyes of Chaos

You may inflict your own mental instability on others who intrude into you; whenever someone uses a supernatural power to perceive your aura, they are immediately affected by one of your derangements at random, which plagues them for the rest of the night.

Madman's Quill

Requirements: Artist's Intent & Passion

You may transcribe one of your derangements into a piece of artwork or a written work, causing anyone who reads or beholds it to be affected by the same condition. The derangement lasts only for a scene, but depending on what it is and how powerfully it affects them may still do a significant amount of traumatic damage.

Monkey's Paw

Requirements: The Spirit's Touch & Silence the Sane Mind

You may cause a person who is in the same scene with you to become fixated on an inanimate object, believing that it is the source of all their pain, problems, and distress. How they think the item has done this is up to them; some might see it as a symbolic item representing a great conspiracy, while others might believe the object itself is supernatural. This power's effects end if the object is fully destroyed.

Nikolai Steen's Acuity

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Passion

When you increase someone's emotional state with the Passion power, you may also use this to discover what derangements they have, recognizing their instability as the heightened emotional state affects them.


Requirements: Telepathy & Eyes of Chaos

Connected as you are to so many minds and secret visions through your powers, you can actually gain a glimpse of the true future. When you touch a person, you may use this power to see the most important thing that will happen to them in the next year, usually an emotionally laden or traumatic incident. You may use this power multiple times to find out more about a person, but it is extremely exhausting to use and most vampires cannot do so more than every so often.

Random Patterns

Requirements: Aura Perception & The Haunting

After you have fought with an enemy for at least a few rounds, you may recognize their patterns and add those to your own knowledge of probability. You anticipate what they are about to do next and may react before they successfully do it.

Screams Made Real

Requirements: Telepathy & Voice of Madness

You may reach into your victim's mind to activate and draw to the surface their greatest fears, reducing them to shrieking terror with only a touch or a look. Vampires and ghouls are likely to Frenzy if they are not very resistant to their Beasts, and even those who do not are horrified and shaken by the experience, believing for a split second that their worst fears are becoming reality before their eyes.

Sensory Overload

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Eyes of Chaos

By touching someone, you may grant them your Auspex powers - but with no control or ability to parse through them, resulting in a chaotic sensory overload that they have very little hope of managing. They are not actually harmed, but for the rest of the scene have great difficulty communicating or understanding what is going on around them, overwhelmed by far too much information from all their senses.

Whispers of Loathing

Requirements: Ancestors' Insight & The Haunting

By touching your victim, you cause them to hallucinate a mocking voice that criticizes and belittles them constantly, making fun of everything they do, commenting on their relationships, and constantly poking at their worst insecurities. There is no actual person there and your victim can never be sure of what they heard, but also cannot escape or outrun the voice while it plagues them for the rest of the night.

Dementation & Dominate

Name Prerequisites
Chaos Fold Voice of Madness & Conditioning
Do As I Say, Not As I Say Voice of Madness & Command
Malkav's Pavlovian Response The Haunting & Mesmerize
Phobic Affliction Eyes of Chaos & Brainwipe

Chaos Fold

Requirements: Voice of Madness & Conditioning

You may use this power to implant a derangement into your victim instead of a normal Dominate command; once you have done so, you may choose a trigger, some word, phrase, or event that will cause it to activate and begin to afflict them. The implanted derangement is permanent unless removed by another supernatural power, and can be retriggered as many times as the stimulus you set is inflicted on your victim. You need not have the derangement you give to them, although many users of this power prefer to inflict their own specific brand of suffering.

Do As I Say, Not As I Say

Requirements: Voice of Madness & Command

When you use Dominate to give your victim a command, you may say something completely different from the actual command you give them. Your victim is affected by whatever command you really gave, but baffled onlookers hear you tell them something completely different, making it possible to hide your commands or cause others to appear dangerous or unstable.

Malkav's Pavlovian Response

Requirements: The Haunting & Mesmerize

You may attach a certain emotion to a word of your choice, inflicting both on your victim with eye contact; once you have done so, any time they hear, read, or otherwise encounter that word, they are suddenly overwhelmed by the deisgnated emotion. They are likely to rationalize their feelings based on whatever is happening at the time, but if they cannot, your victims most likely just believe that they are suffering from a mental breakdown.

Phobic Affliction

Requirements: Eyes of Chaos & Brainwipe

You may speak to another person and threaten them with their greatest fear... but only they hear you do so. To everyone else, you appear to be having a normal conversation, while your victim hears you as a terrifying source of threatening danger. While this can often allow you to attempt to intimidate or get rid of rivals without tipping your hand, it has also been known to result in spectacular misfires when a person thus threatened decides to do something violent about it (apparently out of the blue!).

Dementation & Obfuscate

Name Prerequisites
Creepy Clown Coat Passion & Mask of a Thousand Faces
Rando Eyes of Chaos & Mask of a Thousand Faces
Vanishing Silence the Sane Mind & Cloak the Gathering

Creepy Clown Coat

Requirements: Passion & Mask of a Thousand Faces

You may melt away your true form, appearing to take on the shape of a humanoid representation of whatever your victim fears most in the world. If their fears are already humanoid - for example, a murderer stalking them or a clown with a butcher knife - you appear as a perfect example of them, while less concrete fears such as loss or humiliation may cause you to appear as a person who is best equipped to inflict these things on them. This power does not make you look like any specific person and cannot be used to impersonate anyone, but vampires using it have appeared to their hapless victims as everything from a burning human torch to a beggar who was once exactly as successful and important as the victim to a fleshcrafter with bones dripping from their fingers, and everything in between.


Requirements: Eyes of Chaos & Mask of a Thousand Faces

You may create a constantly shifting illusion that covers your face, making others never quite able to recognize you or even to be sure that you look the same from moment to moment. Random facial features, none of them of anyone in particular, cycle on and off your face automatically without you noticing; while others may find this disconcerting, it is a perfect way to prevent anyone from recognizing you after the fact.


Requirements: Silence the Sane Mind & Cloak the Gathering

You may inflict such a state of delirium on your victim that they fade temporarily out of apparent existence, retreating into the confused tangle of their mind. Your victim becomes massively confused and traumatized, experiencing an utter breakdown of reality that some survivors have described as "falling down the rabbit hole"; everyone else, meanwhile, sees them vanish from visible view, appearing to simply stop existing. They are of course actually still there, merely difficult to see due to the effects of your Obfuscate; they remain invisible until they either recover from the delirium at sunrise or are severely injured or killed (usually by accident, such as a building catching fire, since others cannot attack them while they can't find them). Those with sufficiently advanced Auspex or similar powers may be able to find your victim and interact with them, but doing so is likely to be very difficult while they remain in such a state of utter disorientation.

Dementation & Presence

Name Prerequisites
Haunting Seduction The Haunting & Awe

Haunting Seduction

Requirements: The Haunting & Awe

By touching your victim, you leave a lingering fascination with you behind; they find themself thinking about you all the time, slowly becoming more obsessed with you even if they have never really met or known you well. They are haunted by thoughts of your appearance and the idea of being with you in whatever way makes most sense for them, and for the rest of the night find it extremely difficult to do anything except attempt to find ways to get your attention or obsess over you in private. While this power wears off when the sun rises, it can often spark actual obsession in your victim, who may or may not want to let go of their now-entrenched perfect image of you.

Combination Disciplines
Combination Disciplines Animalism Combination DisciplinesAuspex Combination DisciplinesCelerity Combination DisciplinesChimerstry Combination DisciplinesContinence Combination DisciplinesDaimonin Combination DisciplinesDementation Combination DisciplinesDominate Combination DisciplinesFlight Combination DisciplinesFortitude Combination DisciplinesKoldunism Combination DisciplinesMelpominee Combination DisciplinesMortis Combination DisciplinesMytherceria Combination DisciplinesNecromancy Combination DisciplinesNightmare Combination DisciplinesObeah Combination DisciplinesObfuscate Combination DisciplinesObtenebration Combination DisciplinesOgham Combination DisciplinesPotence Combination DisciplinesPresence Combination DisciplinesProtean Combination DisciplinesQuietus Combination DisciplinesSakti Pata Combination DisciplinesSerpentis Combination DisciplinesSublunario Combination DisciplinesTemporis Combination DisciplinesTenure Combination DisciplinesThanatosis Combination DisciplinesThaumaturgy Combination DisciplinesValeren Combination DisciplinesVicissitude Combination DisciplinesVisceratika Combination Disciplines