From DC by Night Wiki
Combination Disciplines

Combination disciplines are highly specialized powers created by using two different disciplines simultaneously, creating a new effect that neither could have achieved alone. Unlike normal disciplines, they are typically only a single power with very specific requirements rather than a set of related powers. They require a long period of time to be designed and developed, and most are created among the members of a specific clan, all of whom can be assumed to use roughly the same disciplines and have similar interests.

Each of the pages below lists all combination disciplines that use that discipline as a base; due to the nature of combination disciplines, this means they will appear in more than one place.

AnimalismSmall.png AuspexSmall.png CeleritySmall.png
Animalism Auspex Celerity
ChimerstrySmall.png ContinenceSmall.png DaimoninSmall.png DementationSmall.png DominateSmall.png FlightSmall.png FortitudeSmall.png
Chimerstry Continence Daimonin Dementation Dominate Flight Fortitude
KoldunismSmall.png MelpomineeSmall.png MortisSmall.png MytherceriaSmall.png NecromancySmall.png NightmareSmall.png ObeahSmall.png ObfuscateSmall.png
Koldunism Melpominee Mortis Mytherceria Necromancy Nightmare Obeah Obfuscate
ObtenebrationSmall.png OghamSmall.png PotenceSmall.png PresenceSmall.png ProteanSmall.png QuietusSmall.png SaktiPataSmall.png SerpentisSmall.png
Obtenebration Ogham Potence Presence Protean Quietus Sakti Pata Serpentis
SublunarioSmall.png TemporisSmall.png TenureSmall.png ThanatosisSmall.png ThaumaturgySmall.png ValeranSmall.png VicissitudeSmall.png VisceratikaSmall.png
Sublunario Temporis Tenure Thanatosis Thaumaturgy Valeren Vicissitude Visceratika

Combination disciplines are difficult to learn and even those who have the required disciplines separately are unlikely to learn any. All combination disciplines are must be approved by the Admin and are generally given only to characters who have been played for a notable amount of time.