From DC by Night Wiki

Rarity describes how many of a given kind of creature or wielders of a certain type of power there are in the World of Darkness. Some creatures are legion, overrunning their respective parts of the world; others are tiny handfuls of almost mythic beings, considered extinct or even never to have existed at all.

There are four levels of rarity:

  • Common - creatures that are numerous and represent a large population or majority in the world. These are usually well-known, frequently encountered, and influential. There are typically between 200,000 and 250,000 of them in the world at any given time.
  • Uncommon - creatures that, while not everyday, are not unheard of. These are usually occasionally sighted creatures and chance encounters that characters may have heard of but not often seen in action. There are typically between 100,000 and 150,000 of them in the world at any given time.
  • Rare - creatures that are extremely strange and not well-known. Most characters may or may not have heard of these, depending on how much Lore they have, but they have most likely never encountered them. There are typically between 50,000 and 75,000 of them in the world at any given time.
  • Legendary - creatures that are so unknown as to be legends even to the supernatural. Most characters have never even heard of them, and those that have likely think they're extinct, fables, or exaggerations of something more mundane. There are typically between 1 and 10,000 of them in the world at any given time.

When it comes to powers, rarity instead represents how rare it is for that power to be used in global vampire society and whether or not its powers are recognized or widely understood. For example, while the Akunanse clan of Ghana is considered Uncommon and its members are occasionally sighted and spoken to by other vampires, their special discipline of Abombwe is considered Rare, since not only do they seldom demonstrate its use, but vampires from elsewhere in the world have very little chance of learning or using it.

While rarity isn't the be-all and end-all of character creation decisions, keep in mind that the rarer a creature, bloodline, power, or so on is, the less likely it is that it will be approved for play.






Vampire Clans and Bloodlines by Rarity



While Rare and Legendary disciplines are very unlikely to be approved, many of them are attached to a specific vampire clan or bloodline. If your character is from one of these backgrounds, they can learn their clan's specialized discipline regardless of its usual rarity.

Vampire Disciplines by Rarity