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A clan is a large group of vampires who share a significant number of powers, weaknesses and strengths, and unique features that distinguish them from other vampires. A vampire's clan is set in stone when they are Embraced and usually matches their sire's. A bloodline is similar to a clan, but has far fewer members, making them less of a power when it comes to territory disputes and political arguments.

Most clans loosely align with a sect; they may have members who are in other sects, but the majority of them are likely to stick together, and some clans are considered "founders" of a sect, which usually means most of their members are in agreement with its goals. Some clans may be primarily aligned with one sect, but appear in smaller numbers in others (in this case, the lists below place each clan under the sect in which they have the most members). The exception to this are the Anarchs, who as a very young sect with a very open mission statement are willing to accept members from any clan or bloodline as long as they do their part.

Ashirra Clans

The Middle Eastern sect of the Ashirra is similar to the Anarchs in that it accepts members from various clans, leaving only the Assamites as the core clan that manages most of the major influence in organizing and coordinating its activities.


Camarilla Clans

The clans of the Camarilla are European in origin and are the most widespread in the Western world, although their assumption that they are the unquestioned masters of the planet is more than a little amusing to their powerful brethren in other parts of the world.

BrujahSmall.png CappadocianSmall.png
Brujah Cappadocians
LasombraAntiSmall.png MalkaviansSmall.png NosferatuSmall.png ToreadorSmall.png TremereSmall.png TzimisceAntiSmall.png VentrueSmall.png
Malkavians Nosferatu Toreador Tremere Tzimisce

Cradle of Civilization Clans

The vampires of the Cradle of Civilization hail from the fertile lands of Mesopotamia and claim to be the oldest clans in existence, with strange regal powers and an unshakable belief in their own superiority to all other beings living and undead.

AkhudSmall.png AnnunakuSmall.png EnSmall.png IltaniSmall.png IshtarriSmall.png NadituSmall.png
Akhud Annunaku En Iltani Ishtarri Naditu

Drowned Legacy Clans

The Drowned Legacies are the clans of South America, many of them extremely elusive after millennia of learning how to vanish into their jungle homes and move unseen among their eclectic populace; they are by far the most insular and suspicious clans on the whole, with few connections to even their closest neighbors, the Teteoh.

AerqicSmall.png KalkuSmall.png KaraiPyhareSmall.png LostundoSmall.png PishtacoSmall.png UnhudoSmall.png
Ærquic Kalku Karai Pyhare Lostundo Pishtaco Unhudo

Independent Clans

The Independent clans share a common theme of striking out on their own and rejecting the restrictions and cruelties of the other clans. The Followers of Set come originally from northern Africa, where they have been engaged in hostilities with several Laibon clans, while the Giovanni are a young clan established in the fourteenth century, Les Gens Libres are vampires descended from enslaved people and fiercely independent of every power structure, even younger and the Gangrel and Salubri, each considered descendended from some of the oldest bloodlines in the world, remain solo largely due to their refusal to follow the laws of other sects.

SetitesSmall.png GangrelSmall.png GiovanniSmall.png LesGensLibresSmall.png SalubriSmall.png
Followers of Set Gangrel Giovanni Les Gens Libres Salubri

Jati Clans

The clans of the Jati were originally based in India and south Asia, although they have since spread worldwide, and are often concerned more with their ancestral war against the Kuei-Jin than with the machinations of other vampires.

CandaBhanuSmall.png KinnareeSmall.png RakshasaSmall.png RavnosSmall.png
Canda Bhanu Kinnaree Rakshasa Ravnos

Laibon Clans

The Laibon clans are spread throughout Africa and often remain there due to their folkloric connection to their ancestral lands; members tend to be fairly thinly spread and unlikely to congregate, making it likely to encounter pockets of individual clans more than large groups of members of several.

Akunanse Bak-Ra
GuruhiSmall.png KinyonyiSmall.png LygosSmall.png NagloperSmall.png OseboSmall.png ShangoSmall.png XiDunduSmall.png
Guruhi Kinyonyi Lygos Naglopers Osebo Shango Xi Dundu

Quiet Nations Clans

The clans of the Quiet Nations are more numerous than those outside the sect realize, often intentionally hiding their existence from the colonizing European clans and other invaders to their territory.

AhchinkxatSmall.png BaykoshSmall.png LepweokanSmall.png MaxinkwelesewakanSmall.png UtluntaSmall.png
Ahchinkxat Baykosh Lëpweokàn Maxinkwelësëwakàn U'tlun'ta

Sabbat Clans

While there are a few actual clans among the Sabbat, the bulk of their numbers are made up of antitribu, vampires of the dominant European clans who eschew their clan's usual values and powers for their own versions.

AssamiteAntiSmall.png BrujahAntiSmall.png LasombraSmall.png MalkavianAntiSmall.png
Lasombra Malkavian
NosferatuAntiSmall.png SalubriAntiSmall.png SerpentoftheLightSmall.png ToreadorantiSmall.png TremereAntiSmall.png TzimisceSmall.png VentrueAntiSmall.png
of the Light
Tzimisce Ventrue

Shining Kingdom Clans

The clans of the Shining Kingdoms are few but substantial, with numerous members and powerful influence in the area that forces even other supernatural creatures to consider and negotiate with them.

AswangSmall.png JiangShiSmall.png PenanggalanSmall.png
Aswang Jiang Shi Penanggalan

Teteoh Clans

The clans of the Teteoh are still active but have few members remaining due to the deaths of many of their elders in the first clash with invading Europeans; those that remain are intensely secretive and often consider hostility toward non-Teteoh clans a virtue.

CeceyaSmall.png CipactliSmall.png TitlacauanSmall.png
Ceceya Cipactli Titlacauan

Other Clans

The two clans below emerged from Australia some thousands of years ago, but due to their disinterest in interacting with most global vampire politics and their isolated continent, they are not affiliated formally with any sect and are among the rarest vampires to encounter outside of their homeland.

JharanaSmall.png NhangSmall.png
Jharana Nhang

The Clanless

Those unfortunate vampires who, due to some trick of the blood, are not able to gain the features of their sire's clan are referred to as Clanless. Such groups are usually not organized even loosely and suffer from various social and physiological disabilities when interacting with any vampire with an established clan.

AbominationSmall.png CaitiffSmall.png DhampirSmall.png MaegharSmall.png PanderSmall.png ThinBloodedSmall.png TwiceCursedSmall.png
Abominations Caitiff Dhampir Maeghar Panders Thin-Blooded Twice-Cursed

See Also


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