From DC by Night Wiki

A bloodline is a small group of vampires who share a significant number of powers, weaknesses and strengths, and unique features that distinguish them from other vampires, but which does not have enough members to form a true clan. A vampire's bloodline is set in stone when they are Embraced and usually matches their sire's. A bloodline is similar to a clan, but has far fewer members, making them less of a power when it comes to territory disputes and political arguments.

Most bloodlines loosely align with a sect; they may have members who are in other sects, but the majority of them are likely to stick together. Some bloodlines are so small or obscure that they are considered Independents almost by default, as the sects they could join would have to find out they even exist before they could begin considering them for membership.

Ashirra Bloodlines

AzerkatilSmall.png CourtiersSmall.png KinSlayerSmall.png MagiSmall.png NomadSmall.png VizierSmall.png
Azerkatil Courtiers Kin-Slayers Magi Nomads Viziers

Camarilla Bloodlines

CarrierSmall.png EloiSmall.png GargoyleSmall.png LamiaSmall.png
Carriers Eloi Gargoyles Lamiae

Cradle of Civilization Bloodlines

AnvariSmall.png NepheshimSmall.png QedeshahSmall.png
Anvari Nepheshim Qedeshah

Independent Bloodlines

AnankeSmall.png ApollinaireSmall.png BaaliSmall.png
Ananke Apollinaire Baali
ChildrenofOsirisSmall.png DaughterofCacophanySmall.png DraculSmall.png DunsirnSmall.png GlyconiteSmall.png GorgonSmall.png KhaibitSmall.png
of Osiris
of Cacophony
Dracul Dunsirns Glyconites Gorgons Khaibit
KoldunSmall.png LhiannanSmall.png MarinerSmall.png NephilimSmall.png NictukuSmall.png NoiadSmall.png PisanobSmall.png
Kolduns Lhiannan Mariners Nephilim Nictuku Noiades Pisanobs
PutanescaSmall.png RosseliniSmall.png SamediSmall.png TaifaSmall.png TelyavSmall.png ViperSmall.png ZoidionSmall.png
Putanesca Rosselini Samedi Taifa Telyavs Vipers Zoidones

Jati Bloodlines

AmaraHavanaSmall.png AnavashraSmall.png DaityaSmall.png DanavaSmall.png MayarapSmall.png NagarajaSmall.png PhuriDaeSmall.png
Amara Havana Anavashra Daitya Danava Mayarap Nagaraja Phuri Dae

Laibon Bloodlines

AdroanziSmall.png AnubiSmall.png
Adroanzi Anubi
BonsamSmall.png DamballahnSmall.png ImpunduluSmall.png MlaWatuSmall.png NkuluZaoSmall.png RamangaSmall.png UsiriSmall.png
Bonsam Damballahns Impundulu Mla Watu Nkulu Zao Ramanga Usiri

Quiet Nations Bloodlines

BekaakSmall.png BohagandeSmall.png StaAuSmall.png
Bekaak Bohagande Sta-Au

Sabbat Bloodlines

AngellisAterSmall.png AzanealiSmall.png BloodBrotherSmall.png CoyoteSmall.png HarbingerofSkullsSmall.png KiasydSmall.png VolgirreSmall.png
Angellis Ater Azaneali Blood Brothers Coyotes Harbingers
of Skulls
Kiasyd Volgirre

Shining Kingdoms Bloodlines

AndaSmall.png BurakuminSmall.png BushiSmall.png
Anda Burakumin Bushi
GakiSmall.png KuufukujiSmall.png MatasunthaSmall.png SotohaSmall.png TianpanSmall.png WuZaoSmall.png XiaoSmall.png
Gaki Kuufukuji Matasuntha Sotoha Tianpàn Wu Zao Xiao

Teteoh Bloodlines

CihuateteoSmall.png CoconehPochtliSmall.png CuetlachtliSmall.png MalintzinSmall.png NahualliSmall.png TlaciqueSmall.png XotoliSmall.png
Cihuateteo Coconeh
Cuetlachtli Malintzin Nahualli Tlacique Xotoli

See Also


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