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Clans None
Bloodlines Mayarap
Sects Jati
Rituals None
Combination Disciplines None
Rarity Rare

The serpentine Mayarap believe themselves to be in the process of escaping the shackles of crude physical existence, and the discipline of Bhumisparsa, which protects them seemingly magically from calamities and injuries that should strike them dead, is one of their greatest pieces of evidence. Whether it's due to supernatural interference, finely honed reflexes, or the enlightened freedom from the world the Mayarap claim, its powers are unusual and coveted, including as they do the abilities to ignore dangers and become supernally impervious to pain and injury of the body.

Basic Powers

Unshackle from Flesh


You may shut down your body's ability to send pain signals, becoming free of feeling any pain for injuries, illnesses, or other maladies that you may have. This does not heal or fix any problems, but prevents you from feeling pain or being slowed down or hampered by suffering. You may choose at any point to return to feeling pain if you wish.

Escape the Beast


With a powerful effort of will, you may refuse to feel hunger for the remainder of the night; you feel no keen desires, from addiction to drugs to sexual urges and even up to the normal irresistible lure of blood, during this time, and cannot be forced into a hunger Frenzy in any way. You may still enter Frenzy from fear, rage, or other normal triggers that are not related to hunger.

Intermediate Powers

Weathered Cliffs

By opening yourself up to the truth of the fleeting and unreal nature of the universe, you can avoid being harmed by a single incident or blow that would otherwise have hurt you. You may only use this power to avoid injuries that are not intentional attacks, such as harm from falling rocks or accidental electrocution, and you must see the danger coming; anything that takes you by surprise will strike before this power can be used. This power only protects you from a single impact or injury, and large-scale events such as explosions or avalanches may require multiple uses of it to deal with the many injuries they inflict.

Waters of Eternity


By separating the crude unreal matter of your body from your spiritual essence, you can prevent your vitae from being infused with your undead power; you may cause any blood you see shed from your own body to become incapable of creating or renewing a blood bond, no matter how potent it would normally be.

Advanced Powers

Master of Stillness


Even intentional attempts by others to harm you now fail, as you may simply refuse to be struck by any intentional attack that you see coming in advance. Only surprise attacks land; all others seem to mysteriously miss or rebound with absolutely no effect.

Transcend the Shell


You know that the body is only a shell containing the true essence of the spirit, and as a result you can ignore the tenuous connection between them for a while. You may simply ignore your injuries, no matter how severe, as long as you are still technically alive; blood loss that would have incapacitated you, decapitation that should have destroyed you, or even extensive burns that should have put you into torpor still affect you, but you remain as strong and capable of taking actions as you would be uninjured, and no matter how many times you are killed, you can continue to keep going as long as your body parts technically work. Your supernatural toughness lasts until the end of the scene, when your injuries all assert themselves again in full force (which, in especially dire circumstances, might result in immediate fall into torpor or even death).

Elder Powers

Harnessed Consciousness


Time and physicality are arbitrary constructions of the mind, and you are able to shrug away their influence, feeling no need to sleep during the enforced daytime slumber of all other vampires. You may use this power to stay awake as long as you like; however, every day that you do not sleep is deferred until the power's effects end, at which point you must sleep the requisite number of days and nights consecutively in order to recover.

Tranquil Garden


As you refuse to be affected by violence, so now you can also refuse to allow it in your vicinity. All living and undead beings within twenty yards of you become incapable of violence in word or deed, returning to normal as soon as they move far enough away from you. Especially powerful supernatural beings may be able to commit violence with a great effort of will, but even this becomes impossible if there happens to be more than one Bhumisparsa user wielding this power near them at the same time.

Unshakable Awareness


You no longer need to recognize an incoming attack or physical danger in order to avoid it with Bhumisparsa powers.

Ascendant Form


You may now briefly become a being of pure spirit, blurring the lines between soul and matter. In this state, you cannot be touched or touch others in any way; you appear similar to the popular idea of a ghost, fully visible and able to speak but completely intangible to all physical substances. You may use any powers that do not require a physical body, and can still perceive everything you normally would; at the end of the scene, you return to your usual physical form.

Splendid Sanctuary


You may make all of form and reality near you malleable, refusing to allow one solid form to intrude upon another; nothing within twenty yards of you for the rest of the scene can be injured or damaged in any way, with all attempts simply bafflingly sliding off or failing to land as intended.



Such is your ability to escape the bonds of the material world that you can even ignore the most terrible banes of the vampiric condition for a short period of time. You may endure flames or even sunlight that should burn you for a few precious moments, allowing you to escape deadly traps unscathed or appear awe-inspiringly holy to those who expect to watch your demise.

Important Things to Keep in Mind

The powers of Bhumisparsa allow a vampire to ignore the complaints of their physical form... but they also make it very easy to accidentally become permanently separated from it. Being incapable of feeling pain often makes wielders injure themselves more severely, due to failing to notice when they cause themselves damage, while feeling no hunger has caused more than one unwary user of such powers to run dry without realizing it and slip into torpor during daylight hours. Even elder powers that allow vampires to avoid sleeping or suffering injury often have a hidden cost, and those who survive to use these powers for more than a few years tend to be those who are most sparing and carefully calculated about when and how they do.

Common Disciplines AnimalismAuspexCelerityDominateFortitudeObfuscatePotencePresence
Uncommon Disciplines AlchemyDementationNightmareObtenebrationProteanQuietusSerpentisVicissitude
Rare Disciplines AbombweCaimanChimerstryChinamasquaContinenceCountermagicFlightMelpomineeMengilaiMismiñaObeahOcelotlPraestantiaPukllanaSuccubismTezcatlValerenVisceratikaXuhuanYvate
Legendary Disciplines AyalalBardoBhumisparsaCarrefourDaimoninDeimosEmbrocationGetsumeiHypnagogiaKaiKamenKingjanMaleficiaMytherceriaNahdadNburuNepentheNereosNihilisticsOmaxacPukamaniRiftSakti PataSanguinusShihaiSpiritusStrigaSublunarioSuikastSunnikuseTemporisTenureThanatosisVitiateXinyao
Blood Sorcery AkhuAnarch SorceryDark ThaumaturgyDur-An-KiKoldunismMortisNahuallotlNecromancyOghamSadhanaSielanic SorcerySihrThaumaturgyVodounWanga