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Scenes with Angelique Stravinsky

The scenes below are presented in chronological order within each chronicle, or in order of writing if they do not fit within a game's chronology. Links are provided to the beginning of the thread or document. Content warnings indicate sensitive subjects that may be discussed or situations that may arise within the scene.

Angelique Stravinsky appears in the DC Chronicle chronicle, the Milan Chronicle, and in Alternate Universes.

DC by Night

November 2015

Scene Title Summary Characters Warnings
Assemble the Players Chas hosts a high-class dance party for all comers Angelique Stravinsky, Chas Voyager, Claire McGill, Cynthia Black, Edward Walker, Ginevra Bianchi, Helena Taylor, Jacque Beaumont, Jeffrey Union, Lily Trevelyan, Veronica Hancock Content Warnings
Contact: Jean Claude Danut Angelique and Jean Claude become best gossip friends Angelique Stravinsky, Jean Claude Danut None
When the Cat's Away... Angelique tells Ginevra unwelcome gossip about Jacque Angelique Stravinsky, Bella, Ginevra Bianchi, Maeve Glaistig Content Warnings
Mental Illness, Mind Control
La Vie d'une Rose Angelique and Jacque go on a date that ends badly Angelique Stravinsky, Jacque Beaumont Content Warnings
Mind Control, Sexual Harassment
Paper Faces Jacque and Maeve attend a Toreador salon Angelique Stravinsky, Chas Voyager, Jacque Beaumont, Maeve Glaistig, Peter Dorfman None
Face to Face Angelique and Tatsuya go on a date Angelique Stravinsky, Tatsuya Yukimura None
Regrets of the Dying Everyone attending Limbo regrets their lives Angelique Stravinsky, Chas Voyager, Danny Wheyton, Dorian Adams, Ginevra Bianchi, Helena Taylor, Hope Gutierrez, Jacque Beaumont, Jonathan Stewart, Kevin Canterbury, Lily Trevelyan, Maeve Glaistig, Sean Fallon, Tatsuya Yukimura Content Warnings
Ableism, Mental Illness, Mind Control, Racism
Letter: Angelique to Jean Claude Angelique tattles on Jacque to Jean Claude Angelique Stravinsky None
A Midwinter Night's Tale The city's inhabitants have a dance party and meet-and-greet Angelique Stravinsky, Bjorn Garinson, Casper Iversson, Cassandra, Chas Voyager, Cohn Rose, Cynthia Black, Edward Walker, Ginevra Bianchi, Helena Taylor, Hope Gutierrez, Jacque Beaumont, James van Dorn, Jeffrey Union, Kevin Canterbury, Maeve Glaistig, Rachel Evans, Tatsuya Yukimura, Victor Carewe Content Warnings
Ableism, Mind Control, Misogyny, Racism

December 2015

Scene Title Summary Characters Warnings
In Want Of The Limbo audience is afflicted by lust, leading to indiscretions, assignations, and murder Ali Cord, Amos, Andres Lund, Angelique Stravinsky, Bjorn Garinson, Casper Iversson, Cassandra, Chas Voyager, Cynthia Black, Delia Chambers, Edward Walker, Ginevra Bianchi, Jacque Beaumont, Jonathan Stewart, Maeve Glaistig, Marcus Vitel, Melissa, Norman Haynes, Philippos de Grecia, Pieter Van Reise, Sean Fallon Content Warnings
Ableism, Body Horror, Death, Dubious Consent, Gore, Homophobia, Mind Control, Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, Transphobia
Phone Call: Jean Claude to Angelique Jean Claude threatens Jacque for the theft Angelique Stravinsky, Jacque Beaumont, Jean Claude Danut Content Warnings
Domestic Abuse, Self-Harm
Heed the Spark or Dread the Fire Jean Claude sends Jacque Aristide's head in a box Angelique Stravinsky, Aristide Telios, Chas Voyager, Ginevra Bianchi, Jacque Beaumont, Leopold Mountbatten, Marco Endicott, Penelope Page, Veronica Hancock Content Warnings
Death, Gore, Torture
Lost and Found The New York Ventrue contingent arrives and Ian causes a scene at Limbo upon discovering that Maeve is alive Andres Lund, Angelique Stravinsky, Bjorn Garinson, Casper Iversson, Chas Voyager, Edward Walker, Eidolon, Evelyn Summerfield, Ginevra Bianchi, Helena Taylor, Hope Gutierrez, Ian Kross, Jackson Trapp, Jacque Beaumont, Jimmy Francetti, Jonathan Stewart, Maeve Glaistig, Marcus Aurelius, Marcus Vitel, Olivia Roth, Pieter Van Reise, Samantha Gunnarsson, Sean Fallon Content Warnings
Ableism, Domestic Abuse, Dubious Consent, Gaslighting, Mental Illness, Mind Control, Misogyny, Violence
Letter: Angelique to Jean Claude Angelique reports to Jean Claude about Ian assaulting Jacque Angelique Stravinsky Content Warnings
See the Children Run Philippos wins the neonate competition at the Prince's court Andres Lund, Angelique Stravinsky, Art Morgan, Bjorn Garinson, Casper Iversson, Chas Voyager, Colin Thomas, Cynthia Black, Edward Walker, Evelyn Summerfield, Ginevra Bianchi, Glenn Courier, Helena Taylor, Hope Gutierrez, Jacque Beaumont, Jessica Hoeven, Jimmy Francetti, Lily Trevelyan, Maeve Glaistig, Marcus Aurelius, Marcus Vitel, Monica Black, Olivia Roth, Philippos de Grecia, Raven Dante Content Warnings
Ableism, Body Horror, Mind Control, Misogyny
One Big Happy Family Angelique and Chas talk about taking sides in the Toreador feud Angelique Stravinsky, Chas Voyager None
Wild Wonder The Limbo performance is interrupted by the reappearance of an injured but living Colin Angelique Stravinsky, Bjorn Garinson, Casper Iversson, Chas Voyager, Colin Thomas, Cynthia Black, Edward Walker, Ginevra Bianchi, Ian Kross, Jackson Trapp, Jimmy Francetti, Maeve Glaistig, Matilda Green, Monica Black, Raven Dante Content Warnings
Ableism, Mental Illness, Mind Control, Misogyny, Substance Abuse, Violence

January 2016

Scene Title Summary Characters Warnings
Sisters Before Misters Angelique enlists Ginevra to help get Chason's cane from Jacque Angelique Stravinsky, Ginevra Bianchi Content Warnings
Death, Mind Control
All the Right People Angelique asks Marcus to Chas' next party Angelique Stravinsky, Edward Walker, Marcus Aurelius Content Warnings
Putting on the Ritz Chas holds a 1920s theme party with old friends, old enemies, and accidental ghosts Angelique Stravinsky, Casper Iversson, Chas Voyager, Ian Kross, Jackson Trapp, Jacque Beaumont, Jimmy Francetti, Maeve Glaistig, Marcus Aurelius, Rachel Evans, Rosalina de Leon, Tisis Content Warnings
Misogyny, Substance Abuse, Violence

February 2016

Scene Title Summary Characters Warnings
Bombshells Angelique and Vanessa go dancing Angelique Stravinsky, Vanessa Keasley Content Warnings
The Ransacking of the Russian Rose Bjorn visits Angelique with amorous intentions Angelique Stravinsky, Bjorn Garinson Content Warnings
Ableism, Body Horror, Domestic Abuse, Gore, Mind Control, Misogyny, Violence
Be of Good Cheer Colin and Maeve perform at Limbo and everyone is overcome by joyous abandon Angelique Stravinsky, Astrid Ivarsdottir, Bjorn Garinson, Casper Iversson, Cassandra, Chas Voyager, Colin Thomas, Cynthia Black, Damien Campbell, Delia Chambers, Edward Walker, Ginevra Bianchi, Helena Taylor, Ian Kross, Jacque Beaumont, Maeve Glaistig, Marcus Vitel, Monica Black, Octavian Markham, Philippos de Grecia, Pieter Van Reise, Rachel Evans, Rob Amblin, Rosalina de Leon, Scott Levin, Stephen Norton, Tatsuya Yukimura, Vanessa Keasley, Violet Delacroix Content Warnings
Ableism, Animal Cruelty, Dubious Consent, Mental Illness, Mind Control, Misogyny, Racism, Substance Abuse, Violence
Boonbreaker Angelique and Maeve discuss boons owed to Casper Angelique Stravinsky, Maeve Glaistig Content Warnings
Mind Control
The Guilty Ones Attendees at Limbo drown in guilty suffering while Rosalina dramatically breaks the news about Casper to everyone Angelique Stravinsky, Art Morgan, Chas Voyager, Cohn Rose, Cynthia Black, Delia Chambers, Dorian Adams, Edward Walker, Georgette Lawrence, Ginevra Bianchi, Gino Mantinelli, Helena Taylor, Ian Kross, Jacque Beaumont, James van Dorn, Jameson, Jimmy Francetti, Maeve Glaistig, Marcus Aurelius, Marcus Vitel, Mimi Rosano, Monica Black, Octavian Markham, Olivia Roth, Philippos de Grecia, Rachel Evans, Raven Dante, Rob Amblin, Rosalina de Leon, Tatsuya Yukimura, Vanessa Keasley, Victor Carewe, Violet Delacroix, Wayland Smith Content Warnings
Ableism, Animal Cruelty, Body Horror, Gore, Mind Control, Misogyny, Racism, Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, Substance Abuse, Violence
Mandated Corporate Fun Marcus hosts a family karaoke night Angelique Stravinsky, Ginevra Bianchi, Ian Kross, Maeve Glaistig, Marcus Aurelius, Olivia Roth, Vincent Kincaid Content Warnings
Dubious Consent, Mind Control, Misogyny, Racism, Substance Abuse
The Unbearable Insignificance of Everything Attendees at Limbo are overwhelmed with feelings of insignificance Adze, Amos, Andrea Harvey-Staboli, Angelique Stravinsky, Bronwyn Lennox, Chas Voyager, Cynthia Black, Edward Walker, Erzulie, Ginevra Bianchi, Go Yu-Ri, Kyra Ripa, Leopold Mountbatten, Maeve Glaistig, Marcus Vitel, Mateo García, Monica Black, Nadia Valadon, Peter Dorfman, Philippos de Grecia, Rachel Evans, Scott Levin, Tatsuya Yukimura, Vanessa Keasley Content Warnings
Mind Control

Alternate Universes

A Mundane World

Scene Title Summary Characters Warnings
A Mundane World: Angelique Stravinsky In which Anzhelina dies at the hands of revolutionaries Anzhelina Stravinski, Katerina Stravinski, Motya Balinov, Olga Stravinski Content Warnings
Death, Gore, Violence

World of Weird

Scene Title Summary Characters Warnings
World of Weird: Angelique Stravinsky Atrox the Risen takes revenge on her murderers Atrox, Dmitri Turgenev, Radomir Mishkin, Stanislav Ivanov, Vasily Lebedev Content Warnings
Ableism, Death, Gore, Violence