From DC by Night Wiki
Scene Summary: Assemble the Players

Assemble the Players
AngeliqueFace.png ChasFace.png ClaireFace.png
CynthiaFace.png EdwardFace.png GinevraFace.png HelenaFace.png
JacqueFace.png Jeffrey2Face.png LilyFace.png Veronica2Face.png
Chronicle DC Chronicle
Game Date November 16, 2015
Real Date December 3-7, 2015
Characters Angelique Stravinsky
Chas Voyager
Claire McGill
Cynthia Black
Edward Walker
Ginevra Bianchi
Helena Taylor
Jacque Beaumont
Jeffrey Union
Lily Trevelyan
Veronica Hancock
Locations Toreador Embassy
Previous Scene Hope for the Hopeless (Ginevra)
In Hushed Whispers (Helena, Lily)
The Two of Us, We Wrote This Sonnet (Jacque)
Next Scene Contact: Jean Claude Danut (Angelique)
Paper Faces (Chas)
Adventures in Babysitting (Cynthia)
Letter: Marcus to Edward (Edward)
Journeys End In...? (Ginevra, Jacque)
Baby Boot Camp (Helena, Lily)
A Midwinter Night's Tale (Jeffrey)
Content Warnings Death
Original Scene Assemble the Players

Assemble the Players is a scene from the DC Chronicle featuring Angelique Stravinsky, Chas Voyager, Cynthia Black, Edward Walker, Ginevra Bianchi, Helena Taylor, Jacque Beaumont, and Lily Trevelyan, with minor appearances by Claire McGill, Jeffrey Union, and Veronica Hancock. It depicts Chas throwing a party to welcome Jacque to the city.

Scene Summary

Chas arrives at the Toreador Embassy and goes to the Tea Room to wait for his party to begin, thinking about how much he loves being his clan's Primogen and how exciting it is that they have new European dignitaries arriving. He checks that everything is ready and then sits down to wait until Angelique arrives, also excited about the new arrivals and hoping that Peter Dorfman will be there. They greet and kiss each others' cheeks, joking about Chas always being the one to arrive unfashionably early, and Angelique asks about the House of Augustine's arriving members. Chas says that he would have liked Maeve Glaistig to attend since the House of Sage is feuding with the House of Augustine, but feels bad for her mourning and hopes to try again in the future.

Helena also arrives with Lily, reminding her about etiquette and coaching her on how to make friends. A ghoul takes Helena's coat, but is rebuffed when Lily refuses to give hers up, panicked by the unfamiliar situation and the realization that she is underdressed. Lily complains that she thought this would be a different kind of party where her geek social skills would be useful. Chas greets Helena and kisses her cheek, thanking her for coming, and also greets Edward as he arrives alone. Edward is less enthusiastic about the party, privately finding the Toreador overdramatic, but feels it is important to keep an eye on what they are up to. He greets Chas in turn and tells him that he doesn't know if any other Ventrue will be arriving tonight, thinking that the only one likely to is Dorian Adams, who he finds embarrassing and hopes will not attend. Edward and Helena shake hands, Edward wary about Clan Tremere's ambitions and Helena pleased to see him.

Helena introduces Lily to everyone and asks Chas about the new Toreador neonate she has heard is coming. Angelique pouts when Helena confirms that Peter will not be coming, causing Helena to explain that he is in New York right now, but Angelique is more interested in the House of Augustine anyway. Helena pulls Lily aside to warn her about the dangers of vampire society, again cautioning her not to speak to anyone above her station and worrying that Peter's absence makes them more vulnerable as a clan. Lily is unimpressed, asking why everything has to be so formal, but Helena just tells her to mind her manners and Lily puts her headphones back on, staying close to Helena for safety.

Outside, Jacque sits in his car a block away, practicing polite greetings in the rearview mirror and wishing he had a cigarette. He is nervous about his first event as a vampire instead of a ghoul. He finally gets out and prepares to go inside, waiting until he hears the commotion surrounding Lily to die down before entering. When he enters, Chas greets him, noting internally that he is not as beautiful as most Toreador but that some are Embraced for their talents instead. They shake hands and he formally welcomes the House of Augustine to the Americas, although Helena is offended by the implication that DC is less important than the European cities. Chas jokes about only needing a member of the House of Domitius to complete the set, and Jacque notes that he knows Lisbeth London is nearby in New York and may visit if encouraged.

Edward also greets Jacque, who worries about his French accent but is glad he has practiced his English lately, and asks if he arrived in the city alone. Jacque confirms that he did, privately worrying about Chas' implication that Maeve is in the city and not looking forward to seeing her after Jean Claude Danut's recent tirades about her. Jacque delivers Jean Claude's best wishes to everyone in the city, hoping that they will lose interest in him soon, but Lily is excited to meet another neonate and introduces herself, also telling Helena that she has recently heard from her sire, Ralph Norrington. Helena takes the opportunity to push Jacque and Lily together, hoping they will keep each other occupied and out of trouble as she begins to talk to Chas and Edward about a neonate cross-training program she wants to create.

Jacque and Lily try to make awkward small talk but are interrupted by Angelique, who is annoyed to be ignored by so many people. She introduces herself to Jacque, ignoring Lily, who is nervous and leaves to get tea, thinking that as a new vampire she is glad blood can be mixed with more familiar liquids. She hopes that the mysterious man she met at the chantry will come to the party, or that she will get to meet the elusive Kevin Canterbury. Angelique and Jacque discuss why he is here, with Jacque explaining that he has been granted an audience with Prince Marcus Vitel.

Cynthia arrives, glad to have somewhere to be besides Limbo, where she knows the performance tonight will be unpleasant. She is glad to see Chas and less glad to see Helena, but ignores both to kiss Angelique's cheeks and ask what they are talking about. Angelique is glad to see Cynthia and considers whether or not they should use their powers as Harpies to punish Helena or Lily for Lily's outbursts, thinking that it would also punish Peter for failing to attend the party. She introduces Cynthia and Jacque as well as Lily in passing, and Jacque realizes that she is Vitel's childe and tells her it is an honor to meet him, with which she agrees. Across the room, Lily hears Angelique discussing her and retreats back to Helena, who she feels is her only real ally.

Cynthia warns Jacque that Vitel is busy tonight, causing Angelique to remember that there is a performance at Limbo, where she would be herself if not for this party, a fact that annoys her since she will not know what happened. She tells Jacque that most of the other Toreador are there, and he apologizes for keeping her and Chas away. Angelique thinks he is insulting Maeve and is privately delighted by the prospect of drama, and responds by telling him that they enjoy Maeve's performances but that she is very dreary when in mourning. Jacque reminds her that all of Clan Toreador is mourning Octavius Sage as well as Julian Augustine, which Angelique attempts to downplay by telling him that they all have to move on eventually.

Assuming that Angelique will fill her in on Toreador matters later, Cynthia interrupts Helena's explanation of her project to greet a grateful Edward and is pleased by his politeness as he kisses her hand. She asks where the rest of his clan is, and he mentions that Dorian might come but that he does not think it's likely, worrying that she may be annoyed since he knows that she doesn't like the man. Helena dislikes Cynthia's interference and her implication that Helena must be tired from too much training, saying that the chantry is doing well and everyone is having a good time. She claims that the Tremere neonates will impress Cynthia, causing Lily to become anxious about her young age and comparative lack of skills.

Cynthia moves on to greet Chas and kiss him as well, thinking that she is very fond of him, and he flirts with her in return, checking as he does to make sure that Jacque looks all right. Cynthia remarks that Jacque's talents are not visible and Chas gossips that he has heard that Jacque is sexually talented rather than a more common performance artist. Chas says that he is glad to have a new member of the clan to share the duties of entertaining the city, and offers Cynthia some tea.

Ginevra walks from Limbo to Embassy Row and arrives at the Team Room, frazzled by having to run errands while she worries about Maeve's wellbeing at her performance. She says hello to Jeffrey and recognizes Claire but does not speak to her, instead going to the bar to give the bartender Veronica a letter from Maeve, apologizing to Chas for missing his party due to the Prince's request. She thinks that Maeve is intentionally avoiding everyone and the Prince is just an excuse, but is careful not to tell Veronica this.

Angelique becomes bored with Jacque and attempts to lead him back to Chas and the rest of the conversation, but Jacque sees Ginevra by the bar and freezes before excusing himself and walking over, nervous to see her again. Chas notices this and uses Auspex to eavesdrop. Jacque orders tea from Veronica and greets Ginevra in Italian. Ginevra is distracted by the many things she still needs to do tonight and is in the middle of explaining to Veronica that Maeve will definitely socialize some time soon, and gets out of Jacque's way without realizing who he is before doing a double-take. She stutters, self-conscious that she does not look attractive and torn between being glad to see him and shocked after he has been ignoring her for a year, and apologizes for her surprise.

Ginevra asks when Jacque arrived and he tells her that he only did tonight, slightly relieved that she also seems to be nervous. He apologizes to her but notes that he can't talk now, asking if she will be free later. Ginevra is confused and knows that her hopes that he is going to make some sort of romantic confession and good explanation of where he's been are probably unfounded, but tells him that she will be at The Pit in half an hour if he wants to meet her there, which he agrees to. She then leaves quickly, planning to get herself an indulgent caramel coffee to help steady her nerves. Chas jokes to Angelique that she will have a good time with Jacque, who is clearly behaving eccentrically.

Aggravated, Helena takes control of the conversation, proposing a competition between the new neonates of her clan and Chas', challenging them to allow her to set up her exchange program if she wins. She suggests that they present all their new neonates at the Prince's court in three weeks, when they will be judged on their behavior and skills. Jacque returns, worrying about meeting Ginevra on time, and asks if he missed anything important. Cynthia tells him that he didn't but continues to encourage the competition, worrying that Edward will have no one to compete. Edward tells her that he will find a neonate, recognizing that his clan will be at a social disadvantage if he doesn't but confident that he can find someone more well-behaved than either Jacque or Lily. Chas laughs and agrees to the competition, asking what he gets if he wins instead and suggesting that Helena owe him a boon if he does, while Edward suggests that if he wins Helena will not pitch any more programs to him for one year.

Cynthia formally agrees to all the terms set as the Harpy and asks if they should invite the other clans' Primogen to participate, thinking that she doubts that Arlen will but that Bjorn Garinson and Scott Levin might if they have a good prize to fight for. Jacque is confused, having missed what the contest is about, although he is immediately worried that it will involve him. Cynthia tells Chas that he'd better get started before kissing him goodbye and leaving, saying her goodbyes to Edward and Helena on the way as she tells them all that she now has a lot to do. Chas is pleased by the prospect of the contest, which he thinks will be good for them politically even if they don't win, and pulls Jacque aside to begin explaining it, causing Jacque to become fatalistic. Chas explains what Jacque will be judged on and he objects, saying that it will not be a fair contest since he was a ghoul for a long time and is better versed in vampire society than the other neonates, but Angelique dismisses this concern, saying that it doesn't matter and even if it did, Helena has no one to blame but herself for suggesting it.

Edward and Helena leave soon after Cynthia, Lily following Helena out to the car as she says that she is nervous with only three weeks to prepare. She is relieved to be leaving and once in the car asks again about meeting Kevin and says that Jacque seems all right, although she doesn't know much about politics. Helena tells her that Kevin is terrible and not to think about him, instead trying to encourage her to think about victory, but Lily is dismayed by the idea that she might have to dress up and perform fashion, which she considers frivolous and surface-level. Helena ignores her complaints, telling her that she needs to begin learning right now.

Iniside, Angelique is intrigued by Jacque's interest in one of the ghouls and wishes she knew more, recognizing that he was interested in Maeve's ghoul and wondering if he plans to use her to act against Maeve. She offers to help him with the contest, really probing to see if he will let anything else slip, and Jacque tells her that he has plans and is unable to remain at the party any longer. He suggests that they meet another time and Chas encourages this, hoping to prevent Angelique from being offended by the snub, and offers to take her to Limbo to see if anything is still happening there tonight. He tells Jacque that they will get in touch soon and he and Angelique leave as he signals to the ghouls to begin shutting the party down.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

Assemble the Players Script Summary

Chas arrives at the Toreador Embassy and waves at the staff. He surveys the Tea Room, then sits down in an armchair. Angelique arrives a moment later and walks over to him, bending to kiss his cheek.


ANGELIQUE: Ah, I'm so glad I'm not the first. It would be so embarrassing, waiting for everyone else. You are so kind to always take on that duty for us.

Chas laughs and kisses her cheek, stretching his legs. She sits down in another chair and takes a cup of tea from a servant.


CHAS: A duty I perform for you willingly, lovely lady.


ANGELIQUE: So. The House of Augustine, is it? How terribly dramatic.


CHAS: Yes, isn't it? It would have been more dramatic if we'd been able to get Songbird to come out, but alas, her RSVP came back with a negative response. Ah, well. Someday. Maybe the new arrivals will draw her out on their own.

Outside, Helena and Lily get out of a car and go inside.


HELENA: All right, so remember, Lily, don't say anything unless they talk to you first, they'll think it's rude and they're very difficult when they think someone is being rude to them. You can stare at them, though, if you want, they like that.

A ghoul takes their coats and they enter the Tea Room. Lily struggles and pulls her jacket back, zipping it up.


LILY: That's my armor, give it back!


HELENA: And of course do have the tea.


LILY: Where's the music? I thought this was a rave! Geeks, gaming, all that stuff I'm good at!

Chas gets up and kisses both of Helena's cheeks. Helena makes an awkward noise.


CHAS: There she is! Ms. Taylor, you lovely creature, thank you so much for coming out to see us tonight. Our family members do love it when they feel welcome. You'll spoil the new arrivals as soon as they set foot in here.

Edward enters the room.


CHAS: And Mr. Walker, too. Why, I think we're well past the point where we could consider this a party worth having.


HELENA: It is, isn't it? I'm so glad we're all here, being so glad together.

She waves at Angelique, who waves back.


EDWARD: Always a pleasure, Mr. Voyager. We may or may not be seeing some more members of my own family tonight; as you know, they of course always prefer to be on hand to make polite introductions.

He nods at Helena, and they shake hands.


EDWARD: And Ms. Taylor, of course.


HELENA: I'm afraid it's just me and this is Lily, she's a neonate doing a job shadowing tonight. Everyone else couldn't make it. You know how things are in Clan Tremere. Everyone is always doing important things, getting jobs done, so they never have time for parties.

Lily slides her headphones down to her neck. Chas stifles a laugh.


LILY: What, Helena? You said my name?

Angelique pouts. Helena looks over Chas' shoulder at the room.


ANGELIQUE: So Mr. Dorfman won't be joining us?

She shrugs.


HELENA: Anyway! So you have a new arrival today, too? Also is there tea?


ANGELIQUE: Oh, never mind, never mind. Once the House of Augustine gets here, I'm sure I would barely have even noticed anyway. He must be much too busy.


HELENA: No, no, sorry, he's on a plane to Buffalo or something right now, you know how it is.

She takes Lily's arm.


HELENA: Excuse us just one second, I just suddenly remembered something super important and vital to the entire city, one minute.

Helena steers Lily to a vacant table.


HELENA: Okay, I probably wasn't clear enough, that's totally my fault, I am often incomprehensible on account of being too passionate about success. Lily, do not talk to these people, all right? Just don't do it. These are terrible people who could crush you like a tiny green bug, okay? And since you're my bug, we don't want that to happen. Do you remember Chapter 33 in the binder, Star Power Status? This is all about that, all right, so you probably can't actually talk to anyone except the new Toreador they're bringing in. Unless they talk to you first, obviously, then you can talk to them. I sent you a copy of the binder contents in PDF so you can read it on your phone.


LILY: Got it. What is this, though, Versailles? Feels like it.

Outside, Jacque sits in a car a block away, straightening his tie and checking his hair in the rearview mirror.


JACQUE: It is good to meet you. It is... Hello. It is good to meet you.

He gets out of the car and goes inside. Helena lets go of Lily's arm as he arrives.


HELENA: Oh, here they come. Honestly, just think of it like a very intimidating job interview that might end in death, and you'll be fine. Oh, and drink the blood tea, it is delicious and nutritionally fortified.


LILY: Is it like this... with us too or is it just the Toreadors, all this etiquette bullshit?


HELENA: Like what? Everyone can use good manners, Lily.

Lily puts her headphones back on and she and Helena return to the group. Chas pats Angelique's arm.


CHAS: Ah, and here's our new arrival now! Mr. Beaumont, it is a pleasure to see you.


JACQUE: It is good to meet you.

He offers his hand and they shake.


HELENA: Yes, welcome!


EDWARD: Indeed, welcome. I'm sure you know your Primogen, Mr. Voyager. And of course, Ms. Taylor, Primogen for Clan Tremere. I am Edward Walker, of the Kings.

Jacque nods at Edward and Helena.


JACQUE: It is good to meet you, Mr. Walker. It is good to meet you all. I thank you for such a warm welcome, from both myself and my house.


CHAS: We welcome the House of Augustine to our little American province. Now if we could just get a scion of House Domitius to come for a visit, we'd have a full set of dynasties.


HELENA: Province? DC is a vibrant and attractive metropolis, due in no small part to our efforts.

Lily goes to the car and gets a cup of tea. She turns off her headphones and puts them back on her neck.


LILY: There, Helena, happy now?


JACQUE: I have heard that young Lisbeth has business now in New York City. Perhaps she will be enticed down.


EDWARD: You arrived in DC alone?


JACQUE: I am afraid yes, Mr. Walker. I have arrived alone. Not as interesting as I believe my family would have hoped. My sire sends his best wishes to all of friends so far away now.


LILY: Ah, it's nice to meet a fellow neonate; I was afraid I'd be the only one here. I'm Lily, just following Helena around since I arrived from London last night.


JACQUE: Ah, hello, um, Miss.

He nods at Lily.


JACQUE: My name is Jacque Beaumont, of House Augustine. It is good to meet you.


LILY: Charmed, sir.


HELENA: Oh, yes, this is Lily, she's very new, which of course is obvious because she looks like I literally found her on the way here.

She takes Jacque's arm.


HELENA: And since you're also very new, I thought it would be perfect if you two were to become best friends and develop a secret handshake immediately. Lily, say hello and be nice.


LILY: My sire sent me an email and wants to know if my clothes arrived in good order, Helena. He also says hello to everyone here, incidentally.

Helena steers Jacque into the room and then lets go as Angelique follows them.


HELENA: Mr. Voyager, that reminds me, I absolutely need to talk to you about the neonate exchange program I'd like to propose next time we have a spare moment. And of course I couldn't leave you out, Mr. Walker, I'm dying to know if you have any little ones on their way in who might benefit from some cross-training.


ANGELIQUE: And I am Angelique Stravinsky, so pleased. So you are coming to the city for any particular purpose?


JACQUE: Ms. Stravinsky. It is good to meet you.

He bows his head.


JACQUE: I am in the country on my sire's behalf, to oversee his interests. He recently spent a few years here before returning home.


LILY: Ah, um, uh... I'll just be... over here.

Lily flees to the bar, putting her headphones back on again. Jacque stands between her and Angelique.


LILY: Can I get an order of blood tea mixed with Coke, please?


JACQUE: I am here specifically to speak with his majesty, Prince Vitel.

Cynthia arrives and walks into the room, kissing Angelique on the cheek. Angelique coos.


CYNTHIA: Did I hear my favorite name in all of DC?


ANGELIQUE: Oh, darling, I'm so glad you're here! This is the new arrival: Jacque Beaumont, of the House of Augustine, you know. And that's Helena's new little one over there. Mr. Beaumont, may I introduce Cynthia Black, our beloved Harpy?

Lily finishes her tea and returns to stand with Helena. Jacque nods to Cynthia.


JACQUE: It is a pleasure, Madam Black. And yes, your timing was perfect. I was informing Ms. Stravinsky that I have been granted the honor of a meeting with his majesty.


CYNTHIA: An honor, indeed, one we are all constantly in envy of. Oh, not tonight, though, I hope. He's wrapped up in some rather unpleasant business, I'm afraid.


JACQUE: No, not tonight.


ANGELIQUE: Oh, yes. He's at Limbo tonight, isn't he? Well, we mustn't begrudge him all the hard work he does for our city.


JACQUE: There was a performance tonight? I apologize, then, for taking you away. I am afraid I am a poor replacement, for such a treat that, ah, could capture so much of the city's attention.


ANGELIQUE: Oh, don't be. Of course it's always a pleasure to listen to Songbird, you know, how could it not be? But she can be so dreary lately. But then, I suppose she is still in mourning. We haven't been able to get her out to a single salon yet.


JACQUE: Are we not all in mourning? The Black Rose of Milan has been lost to all of us. Julian Augustine only a year before. We are a clan of mourning now.


ANGELIQUE: Oh, yes. We are all in mourning. But even mourning has its time and place.

Angelique takes Jacque's arm and begins drawing him toward a chair.


ANGELIQUE: We must all remember we are alive eventually, mustn't we?


JACQUE: That would be a matter of opinion, I think.

Cynthia walks over to Edward.


HELENA: ...which would allow us to cross-train in at least five different specialties while still retaining clan control of important particulars. Now, since we don't have an even distribution of neonates among different families, I propose a rotation period of...


CYNTHIA: Why, Edward, fancy seeing you here.

Edward kisses her hand and nods at her, and she kisses his cheek.


CYNTHIA: The lone Ventrue tower in a sea of Toreador and Tremere — could none of your clan spare the time to come join you?


EDWARD: Ah, Ms. Black. As always, a delight. I regret that my clanmates are all engaged in a complex set of maneuvers this evening. I did receive a notice of intent to come from Mr. Adams, but as you know, he is often distracted by other affairs in spite of his best intentions.


CYNTHIA: And of course, Ms. Taylor. I hear you are having a little trouble with your newest arrival — perhaps you've been training too long? The best of us do take vacations, you know.


HELENA: What? Trouble? Of course not, who said we were having trouble? We're having a blast. The chantry house is basically a nonstop educational party. Our neonates are amazing and just you wait until they're officially presented. I guarantee you'll be impressed.


LILY: Helena, I only got embraced, like, three days ago. Maybe four. I don't think they'll want to see me until I'm a bit stronger.


HELENA: You are a beautiful and talented baby turtle, shut up.


CYNTHIA: And Chas, darling, you know I save the best for last. Congratulations on another addition to your family — hidden talents, perhaps?

She kisses Chas' cheek.


CHAS: Careful, beautiful lady, or you'll make me forget my duties. Thank you so much for coming out to see our newest arrival. Hidden indeed, I'm told. I believe his expertise is relevant only in the most intimate of settings. I'm quite pleased to see another new member in our midst. I confess I was getting a little weary, carrying the weight of entertaining you on my shoulders alone. Tea?

Ginevra arrives at the Embassy on foot and waves at Jeffrey on her way inside. She enters the Tea Room and goes to the bar where Veronica is working. She gives her an envelope with Maeve Glaistig's seal on it.


GINEVRA: Hey, sorry about the late notice. Ms. Glaistig can't make it tonight — obligations from the Prince. Please let Mr. Voyager know she's sorry she missed his hospitality, and she looks forward to the next time she might see him.

Jacque catches sight of Ginevra and freezes. He removes his arm from Angelique's.


JACQUE: Ah, excuse me, please. I will get us something to drink. And join you.

He walks to the bar.


GINEVRA: ...of course. I know for a fact she was planning to be at court in... is it three weeks? She'll be there for certain, and of course any other events she can get the time off for. It's just the Prince, he does ask a lot. No, no, I'll make sure to talk to her, I'm sure—


JACQUE: Good evening. Two cups, please? Ciao, Ginevra.[1]

Ginevra does a double take, then stammers. Across the room, Chas uses the Auspex Discipline to listen in.


GINEVRA: Io... oh, ops, mi dispiace, non mi aspettavo di vederti. Quando sei arrivato qui?[2]


JACQUE: Stasera. Sono appena arrivato. Mi dispiace tanto, Ginevra. Per tutto. Ma ora non posso parlare. Possiamo... Dopo? Se sei impegnato?[3]


GINEVRA: Oh, devo— voglio dire, sì, suppongo... tra mezz'ora o giù di lì, potrei... Sarò al Pit tra mezz'ora, ma mi dispiace così tanto, davvero devo andare ora.[4]


JACQUE: Buona. Ti vedrò allora.[5]

Ginevra wraps her scarf around her neck and leaves quickly. Chas whispers to Angelique.


CHAS: My, my, I can only assume you're over the moon about this one. He's going to be a handful, isn't he?"


HELENA: All right. All right, how about this? Since you gentlemen seem to need some convincing about our neonate exchange program, how about we make it a little contest?

She points at Jacque.


HELENA: The Prince has called court for three weeks from now, and we'll all be presenting them then anyway, so how about we give them time to get polished up and see whose is most up to snuff? If I win, and I will because Clan Tremere is the land of opportunity and motivation, you'll set up the neonate exchange program with both of your clans.

Jacque takes two cups of tea from the bar, thanking Veronica, then returns to Angelique.


JACQUE: Ms. Stravinsky. Have I missed anything too important?


CYNTHIA: Only a little bit. Ms. Taylor was just making a fantastic suggestion. But, oh, Edward — you'd be left out without someone to field, wouldn't you? That wouldn't be quite fair.


EDWARD: Never fear, Ms. Black. I'll find someone. The last thing anyone here would like to do is to disappoint you.

Chas laughs.


CHAS: Well, I know when I'm outnumbered, ladies, Mr. Walker. It seems we have a deal. I feel confident, don't you? But dear Ms. Taylor, you've only set one half of the terms. What if we win? Let's say simply that you'll owe me a favor, shall we? I wouldn't want to ask anything that might be distracting.


EDWARD: I wouldn't wish to take advantage of such a good-faith effort by our friends among the Warlocks. Dear Ms. Taylor, should we win, I ask only that you refrain from suggesting to me any more programs for the space of one year.

Cynthia claps her hands.


CYNTHIA: Then it's done! A contest I will be most amused to see the results of. Do you think any of the other clans have little ones they need to present? I haven't kept up with all of them, but it would be a pity if they couldn't have the chance to participate, don't you think? We should call their Primogen.


JACQUE: Not surprisingly, you have me at a disadvantage. What is this contest?


CYNTHIA: Chas, darling, you'll want to get a head start.

She kisses Chas on the cheek and he kisses her back.


CYNTHIA: And you two as well, Edward, Ms. Taylor. I'm afraid you've given me much too much to do, so I'll have to see you all another night. Keep me updated, though, I'm cheering for each and every one of you!


HELENA: So, yes, true! I'll look forward to seeing you all at court in three weeks, where we're going to — inflict shame upon you thanks to our amazing successes. Lily, go, go.

Chas waves. She quickly takes Lily outside and they get into a car.


LILY: At least it's three weeks away; I was afraid I'd have to do something on the spot, but I am just a baby. Can I meet Kevin when we get home, Helena?

She yawns.


LILY: And that guy I met earlier didn't show up either, but Jacques seems... alright, I guess. I don't know the first thing about politics.


HELENA: Kevin? What, no. Kevin is the living embodiment of trash, don't think about him. Think about success. Think about glorious victory. Think about being the most fabulous member of Clan Tremere you can be. Think about fashion.


LILY: What's wrong with my outfit? I didn't hear anyone snub me tonight and you didn't say anything about dressing up and I refuse to wear a dress, anyhow! Learn what, Helena? And why is fashion so important to these people? Are you trying to be my mum? That was her biggest concern, you know: surface, surface, appearance, blah, blah blah...


HELENA: You're going straight back to the chantry, and Lily, you're going to learn.

They drive away.


CHAS: Well, Mr. Beaumont, our lovely Tremere Primogen has set us all a little challenge, and Ms. Black has seen fit to make it official. Tell me. Are you familiar with the story of Pygmalion?


JACQUE: Ah. I see. How... Interesting. May I ask, what will we be judged on?

Chas nods and waves to Edward as he leaves the room.


CHAS: She didn't say. She was a little too fired up and anxious to set down the particulars. I imagine Ms. Black will let us know, and I'd assume it'll be the usual — style, comportment, skills, manners. It wouldn't hurt to have something nice to present when you're presented to the Prince, either.

He turns to Angelique.


CHAS: You'll let us know, won't you? I'm sure she'll tell you before anyone else. And I'm sure you'll let us know what you need from us. Wardrobe, at least.


JACQUE: I will have something sent. Though, I would be... Ah, careless if I did not mention this, Mr. Voyager: I do not believe this is a fair contest. It is only that I have more experience than perhaps other neonates. I served as a ghoul before my Embrace.


ANGELIQUE: Oh, stoj[6], being a ghoul has nothing to do with this. You are supposed to do the exact opposite of being a ghoul — be noticed, Mr. Beaumont, be cherished. Besides, if it were an advantage... well, she set the terms herself, with you right here. She has only herself to blame.


JACQUE: I count myself lucky, then, to be in such capable hands. Sadly, I have other engagements after this. And I would not wish to keep you.

He nods to Chas and smiles at Angelique.


JACQUE: As I am so rough around the edges, perhaps it is best saved for when we have more time. If you would allow me to occupy another of your nights, of course.

Chas takes Angelique's hand.


CHAS: Well, in that case, we'll let Mr. Beaumont go about his business, and you and I will go see if Limbo has livened back up, shall we? We'll look forward to hearing from you soon enough, and I'm sure Angelique will have time to pencil you in. After you, love.

He steers Angelique toward the door and gestures to the ghouls, who begin putting away the tea service as they leave.


  1. "Hello, Ginevra." (Italian)
  2. "I... oh, oops, I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting to see you. When did you get here?" (Italian)
  3. "Tonight. I just arrived. I am so sorry, Ginevra. For everything. But I cannot talk now. May we... After? If you are free?" (Italian)
  4. "Oh, I have to— I mean, yes, I suppose... in half an hour or so, I could... I'll be at the Pit in half an hour, but I'm so sorry, I really have to go now." (Italian)
  5. "Good. I will see you then." (Italian)
  6. "stop it" (Russian)


  • Chas recalls that DC was founded by Toreador; French Toreador Elders seeking the opportunity to design a new major country's capitol gave the historical engineer Pierre Charles l'Enfant the plans for the city in 1790.

  • Angelique's interest in whether or not Peter Dorfman is at the party is due to her attempts to convince him to marry her, an alliance that would give her considerably more political power from his role as Pontifex of the eastern United States.

  • Angelique and Chas discuss how dramatic it would be if Maeve were at the party when Jacque arrives; they are referring to the recent much-publicized killing of Maeve's sire Octavius Sage at the hands of Jacque's sire Jean Claude Danut, resulting in a major feud between the two Houses.

  • Edward's (and Cynthia's) dislike of the absent Dorian Adams is due to his eccentric derangements, which cause him to act like a caricature of a Dracula-like vampire.

  • Edward's dislike of Helena stems from her attempts to prevent Clan Ventrue from taking power during the war against the Sabbat, which he blames in part for allowing Marcus Vitel to do so instead.

  • Lily is autistic and has sensory overload issues, resulting in her wearing of thick clothing and headphones in public.

  • Chas is an instinctive flirt with everyone, making his thought that he never flirts with other Toreador who don't initiate it ironic.

  • This is the first scene in which Jacque speaks enough English to converse smoothly with others; in his previous appearances in the Chicago, Milan, and Paris chronicles, he was not fluent enough to speak it with most people.

  • Unlike the rest of the vampires in this scene, Lily prefers to drink her blood mixed with soft drinks rather than tea or coffee.

  • Lily repeatedly wonders about Kevin Canterbury and the mysterious man she met at the chantry last night; she is not yet aware that they are the same person.

  • Jacque's audience with Vitel is the result of Vitel's centuries-long friendship with Julian Augustine; both elder Lasombra spent much of that time masquerading as members of Clans Ventrue and Toreador, respectively.

  • Cynthia is bloodbound to Vitel, explaining her confusion over why her feelings are hurt when he ignores her.

  • The Limbo performance the Toreador discuss is seen in Hope for the Hopeless.

  • Although Angelique assumes Jacque is insulting Maeve by pointing out that they are not at Limbo, he was not aware that she was the one performing.

  • Cynthia and Helena are antagonistic toward one another due to Vitel seizing power from the former Tremere Prince Marissa.

  • Edward claims that he prefers Vitel's rule to Marissa's, but later scenes will show that he is actually deeply upset by the Lasombra usurpation of DC.

  • The rumor Chas repeats about Jacque being Embraced for his sexual prowess was invented by Jean Claude Danut solely to make Jacque's life harder.

  • Jacque's dread of meeting with Maeve is due to her having run away from his former master Jean Claude, who is trying to pressure Jacque into bringing her back.

  • Ginevra refers to Maeve's most recent bad experience at Limbo as being two weeks ago, but Maeve said that it was one week in Hope for the Hopeless. (Given Maeve's current mental state, Ginevra is probably right.)

  • The year Ginevra mentions spending in Paris is chronicled in The Ginevra Files: Paris.

  • Ginevra's suggestion that Jacque was kidnapped by pirates is ironic, as Jacque was himself a pirate in the fifteenth century.

  • Ginevra's and Jacque's meeting at the Pit is detailed in Journeys End In...?.

  • Although Chas uses Auspex to eavesdrop on Ginevra and Jacque, he does not speak Italian and therefore cannot understand their conversation.

  • Edward's assumption that he can find a neonate less rude than Jacque or Lily is later proven to be false when he fields Hope Gutierrez in the competition.

  • Although Cynthia assumes that Arlen would not have a competitor for the neonate contest, he does enter Glenn Courier (albeit as a punishment rather than a serious attempt to win).

  • Chas mentions the 1913 play Pygmalion; Ian Kross and Maeve Glaistig will later mention the same play, as well as its musical adaptation My Fair Lady, in Persuasion.

  • Jacque's offer of a date to Angelique leads to the events of La Vie d'une Rose.