From DC by Night Wiki
Scene Summary: A Midwinter Night's Tale

A Midwinter Night's Tale
AngeliqueFace.png BjornFace.png CasperFace.png
CassandraFace.png ChasFace.png CohnFace.png CynthiaFace.png
EdwardFace.png GinevraFace.png HelenaFace.png HopeFace.png
JacqueFace.png JamesFace.png Jeffrey2Face.png KevinFace.png
MaeveFace.png RachelFace.png TatsuyaFace.jpg VictorFace.png
Chronicle DC Chronicle
Game Date November 26, 2015
Real Date March 20-31, 2016
Characters Angelique Stravinsky
Bjorn Garinson
Casper Iversson
Chas Voyager
Cohn Rose
Cynthia Black
Edward Walker
Ginevra Bianchi
Helena Taylor
Hope Gutierrez
Jacque Beaumont
James van Dorn
Jeffrey Union
Kevin Canterbury
Maeve Glaistig
Rachel Evans
Tatsuya Yukimura
Victor Carewe
Locations The Loft
Previous Scene Regrets of the Dying (Angelique, Cynthia, Helena, Hope, Kevin, Tatsuya, Victor)
The Old Boys Club (Bjorn, Casper, Rachel)
City Lights (Chas)
In Hushed Whispers (Cohn)
Letter: Marcus to Edward (Edward)
Don't Kiss, Do Tell (Ginevra, Maeve)
Night Classes (Jacque)
Assemble the Players (Jeffrey)
Next Scene In Want Of (Angelique, Chas, Cynthia, Edward)
When in Doubt, Drink (Bjorn)
Letter: Casper to the Countess de Noailles (Casper)
Open Reading (Cassandra)
The Guilty Ones (Cohn, James)
Minding the Store (Ginevra)
Lost and Found (Helena)
Phone Call: Danny to Hope (Hope)
Contact: Aristide Telios (Jacque)
I'm Not Saying I'm Sorry (Kevin)
Nordic Fog (Maeve)
Putting on the Ritz (Rachel)
Be of Good Cheer (Tatsuya)
The Ginevriad (Victor)
Content Warnings Ableism, Mind Control, Misogyny, Racism
Original Scene A Midwinter Night's Tale

A Midwinter Night's Tale is a scene from the DC Chronicle featuring Angelique Stravinsky, Bjorn Garinson, Casper Iversson, Cassandra, Chas Voyager, Cynthia Black, Edward Walker, Ginevra Bianchi, Helena Taylor, Hope Gutierrez, Jacque Beaumont, Kevin Canterbury, Maeve Glaistig, Tatsuya Yukimura, and Victor Carewe, with cameo appearances by Cohn Rose, James van Dorn, Jeffrey Union, and Rachel Evans. It depicts a party and social mixer between the high clan members of the city.

Scene Summary

Chas is at The Loft, making sure everything is ready for the party to begin. Casper arrives first, taking the elevator up to the Loft; he reminds himself not to prey on the local ghouls and pauses to text Andres, who he sends to the service entrance with a crate to deliver. He enters the room and greets Jeffrey, who he gives his coat.

Helena arrives a moment later with Cohn, James, and Victor, who she dispatches to several different parts of the room; Kevin lurks near a wall while Cohn mingles and Victor sits down on a divan after hanging up Helena's coat. Helena is excited about the upcoming neonate competition and greets Chas, asking who else is at the party and singling out Bjorn, who she says she has important things to discuss with. Chas tells her that Bjorn has not arrived yet, but directs her toward Edward, who is just arriving.

Edward is displeased to be attending the party but fatalistic about it being politically necessary. He greets Helena and Chas while Cassandra arrives and zeroes in on Casper, curious about the newcomer's identity. Casper introduces himself and Cassandra does so in return, telling Casper to find her later and implying that she has something important to discuss. Chas greets Cassandra, who blows him a kiss, and then Casper, who uses Presence to make Chas like him as he introduces himself. Casper offers Chas a crate of wine from Anne d'Arpajon, which Chas happily accepts, using Presence on Casper himself in return.

Maeve arrives and climbs the stairs with Ginevra, determined to meet her social obligations. Chas greets her and introduces her to Casper, who is attracted to her and uses Presence on her as he kisses her hand. Casper is excited to hear Maeve's sobriquet of "Songbird" and asks if she is a musician, to which she replies that she is and then teases Chas for never performing for anyone. Chas guesses that they will probably hear her sing at Limbo later in the week and she agrees. Angelique arrives and joins Maeve in teasing Chas, and Casper introduces himself to her as well. Cynthia also arrives and is surprised by Casper's presence, and asks why he has come to DC from Stockholm. Casper explains that he was sent by Anne d'Arpajon but is vague about his exact mission, hoping to avoid saying anything inappropriate for a party.

After hanging up Maeve's coat, Ginevra sits down next to Victor, asking him how the party is going. Annoyed, Victor demands an explanation for Maeve's failure to respond to Helena's invitations, and Ginevra takes offense, telling him that Maeve is waiting for confirmation from Chas before she schedules anything. Victor implies that she must be lying, saying that he has spoken to Chas' ghouls, and offers to talk to Maeve correctly, which makes Ginevra angry in spite of her polite refusal. Victor pushes her to schedule some time for Maeve and Helena to meet now, but Ginevra refuses, politely (if angrily) claiming they will get back to him when Maeve has made a decision. Jacque arrives and finds a seat near a wall, from which he texts Ginevra about her conversation.

Helena and Edward sit down together and Helena asks Edward who he plans to field in the neonate competition. He suggests Karina Dobson, although neither he nor Helena are very happy about the choice. Hope arrives shortly after and seeks them out, disliking the Camarilla trappings of the event but determined to complete some business. She compliments Helena and then asks Edward why he did not nominate her for the neonate competition, confidently suggesting that she is more likely to win than anyone else in Clan Ventrue. Edward privately disagrees, finding Hope embarrassing to the clan, but Helena sees an opportunity to stack the odds in her own entry's favor and is delighted to meet a new neonate. She and Hope set her up as the competition's entry for Clan Ventrue, but are interrupted by Kevin, who moves close enough to distress everyone and wilt the plants in the area. Helena banishes Kevin back to the shadows and Hope, reassured that she is the formal choice, leaves the party. Helena gets up and leaves for the next room shortly after.

Chas introduces Casper and Cynthia before asking Maeve to dance. Casper offers Angelique the same, using Presence to make her like him; Maeve feels obligated to acquiesce and Angelique is curious about Casper's mission in the city, both agreeing before both couples go to the dance floor. Casper finds Angelique attractive but is concerned that she may be able to politically outmaneuver him, and uses Celerity to improve his dancing and distract her. Angelique is a considerably better dancer and is not impressed, instead prying about Casper's connection to Anne; he is impressed and explains that his family and Anne's are now close allies. He tells Angelique that he only plans to be in DC temporarily, but she encourages him to go to other parties, court, and Limbo, and suggests that he invite her to Paris some time. Casper avoids her attempts to pry for more information and implies that Europe is a bad choice for visiting due to the current Toreador feud.

Maeve dances with Chas, thinking that he reminds her of Jean Claude Danut and saddened by their separation. She teases Chas that he must only be rescuing her from the Harpies to avoid being embarrassed, but Chas disagrees, telling her that he also enjoys her company. He asks Maeve if she has thought about where he should take her to show her the sights of DC, and she demurs that she has not but promises to do so in the near future. She also apologizes for taking so long, and Chas quickly reassures her that he is still interested in taking her, although he also encourages her not to wait too much longer.

Bjorn arrives at the party, unhappy to be there but fatalistically assuming he should make sure Casper is properly introduced to everyone. Cynthia is pleased to see him and they greet one another, and Cynthia asks him about Casper, aware and secretly amused that he does not like her. Bjorn is annoyed to see Casper interacting with Angelique and drops hints about Casper's plans to invade Sabbat strongholds in Quebec, which Cynthia finds interesting but answers carefully, aware that Bjorn is prying for information about her loyalties.

Casper promises to try to get Angelique an invitation to the European courts and then uses Presence on her again in order to leave the dance floor and talk to the newly-arriving Bjorn; she uses Presence on him as well, but lets him go in favor of finding a new dance partner. Casper finds it difficult to leave her but does and greets Bjorn in Old Norse, excited by his presence. Bjorn introduces Casper and Cynthia again, and they chat about things to do in DC and what landmarks to see first. Casper realizes that Cynthia is teasing Bjorn and is impressed, recognizing that she must be very powerful to do so with impunity. After a few more pleasantries, Casper leaves in search of Cassandra.

Tatsuya arrives late to the party, taking special care with his appearance and manners as he worries about the differences between western courts and his home in Japan. He walks around the room until he comes too close to Kevin and is distressed by his uncomfortable aura, eventually approaching him curiously to introduce himself. Kevin is delighted to make a new friend and the two discuss Tatsuya's plans for the future and what they can learn by people-watching the others at the party, especially pointing out that many attendees including Angelique are pretending to have more fun than they are. Recognizing a kindred soul, Tatsuya reveals his enjoyment of psychological torture to Kevin, who is intrigued.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

A Midwinter Night's Tale Script Summary

Chas is at The Loft, looking out over the skyline from the windows. He leans against a chair. Casper takes an elevator up to the Loft. He brushes snow from his shoulders as he enters. He opens a cell phone and calls Andres Lund.


CASPER: Ja, Andres, om du skulle vara så snäll att ta tillbaka bilen, tror jag att det finns en servicegång för ghoulsna att flytta om, jag kommer att begära att någon träffar dig där så du kan leverera kistan. Tack.[1]

He hangs up and knocks before greeting Jeffrey.


CASPER: Good Evening, this is the Voyager affair if I am not mistaken?

He removes his coat and Jeffrey takes it. Helena, Cohn, James, Kevin, and Victor arrive. Helena sends Victor to the servant's entrance and orders the other Tremere to various parts of the room. They comply and Victor sits down in a divan at the edge of the room and checks his day planner.


HELENA: Chas! Are we ready to have some fun? Are we ready to do the do? Who's who and out tonight? Say Bjorn, I have important things to discuss with him. Fun things.

She and Chas hug and kiss each others' cheeks. Edward arrives.


CHAS: I hate to disappoint you, but our oldest and most esteemed Rebel has yet to make an appearance. But if you would accept another excellent old man, might I point out that Dr. Walker is right behind you...?


EDWARD: My dear, I have no news of Bjorn, but if necessary I could be available for conversation if you'd like.

He nods at Chas. Chas nods back.


EDWARD: Mr. Voyager. As always, you play the dedicated host.


HELENA: Dr. Walker!

She takes Edward's arm and leads him into the room.


HELENA: Yes, absolutely, I would love to talk to you because you are my favorite person on the Primogen Council during the last thirty seconds and that's a very nice suit, you look beautiful in charcoal. So, you haven't told me what neonate you want to compete on your behalf...


EDWARD: How fortunate for me.

He and Helena sit down in chairs in the corner.


EDWARD: Much as I would like to surprise you with a gallant new introduction, I suspect we will be sending young Karina. She is, as you know, extremely competent.

Cassandra arrives and pauses in the foyer beside Casper.


CASSANDRA: Now, who do we have here? I'm getting something, you're... new to the area, aren't you?

Kevin brushes past Cassandra and then goes to the edge of the room to watch the party. The plants on tables near him wilt and die. Casper checks his watch.


CASPER: Ah, Good evening miss. You are indeed correct, my name is Casper Iversson and your gracious Prince has been so kind to allow me entrance into this fine city of your at behest of the House of Noailles.

He kisses Cassandra's hand.


CASPER: And who is it I have the pleasure of meeting?


CASSANDRA: Cassandra, my dear Mr. Iversson. And of course I am a pleasure, but don't be too hasty, or your family members will get jealous.

She winks at Casper.


CASSANDRA: Come find me later, though, darling. I feel that we might have something very important indeed to discuss.

She takes her hand back and heads into the party.


CHAS: Cassandra!

Cassandra blows Chas a kiss. Chas offers a handshake to Casper, who accepts it.


CHAS: Chas Voyager, Primogen for the Roses. Great to see a new face, you are?


CASPER: Primogen Voyager, I am so very glad to make your acquaintance, I have heard nothing but the most wonderful things about you at the Courts of Paris when I told them I would be coming to your fine city. I am Casper Iversson of the Stockholm Brujah, Primogen Garinson told me I would be expected?

He uses the Presence discipline to make Chas like him.


CHAS: Of course, welcome to DC, Mr. Iversson. I'm hope it'll be a good stay for you and yours.


CASPER: Oh I hope it's not a bother, but the Countess of Noailles sent along a crate of her private vintage and was hoping I could pass it along and get your opinion. If this is acceptable my assistant could pass it along to your people?

He uses the Presence discipline on Casper to make him like him.


CHAS: Definitely not a bother, my new friend. We all thirst for even news from Europe here in the States, let alone something more! I would love to take over custodianship of such a gift. I'll make sure the family all get a taste. Speaking of the family, I'd introduce you, but you know how we love our entrances. It might be a few more minutes before...

Maeve arrives with Ginevra.


CHAS: At the best possible moment, of course, as always. May I introduce DC's very own Songbird, of the House of Sage?


MAEVE: Chas, you know you don't have to call me Songbird when I'm not onstage.


CHAS: Of course, my apologies. If I do it again, you'll be entitled to scold me.


MAEVE: Scold you, Chas? I doubt anyone ever does that. You're probably overdue.

She lets go of Ginevra's hand and offers it to Casper, who kisses it. Ginevra takes Maeve's coat.


MAEVE: And are you new in the city as well?

Casper uses the Presence discipline on her to make her like him.


CASPER: It's an honor my lady. Yes, I arrived early this week from Paris, and just so happened to be lucky enough to get my affairs in order in time to attend your kind Primogen's party before I have to get back to work


MAEVE: And a pleasure for me, sir. Well, we're all lucky, then, that you have the time to come and meet us.


CHAS: This is Casper Iversson, of the Rebels, and of course you seem to already know our lovely Maeve.


CASPER: Songbird? Perhaps while I am in the DC I might be able to hear your famous singing voice — wouldn't that make my friends filled with envy!


CHAS: Ahh, well, we usually have that pleasure about once a week, so I assume we can look forward in a few nights' time...?


MAEVE: Yes, the Prince is kind enough to ask me to perform once in a while. I'm sure Mr. Garinson will let you know when the next evening is.

She winks at Chas.


MAEVE: Of course, Chas here is more stingy. I've heard about his musical talents, but I've never yet heard them.

Angelique arrives.


ANGELIQUE: Whose talents?

She and Chas kiss one anothers' cheeks. Casper raises his arms.


CASPER: Two musician friends, in the same city? You two should play together one evening when the mood strikes, nothing is more exciting than I playing music together if I do say so myself! Primogene, what is it you play? Oh... wait... let me guess... hmmm, violin? No! Hmmm, a woodwind perha—


CHAS: A few little things.


ANGELIQUE: Are we pointing out how desperately badly Chas treats us? Oh, he says he's busy with the duties of the Primogenship, but is that just an excuse to avoid us?

She swats Chas' arm.


CHAS: As if Angelique here can talk. Maybe someone will receive the honor of taking her out on the dance floor tonight, and we'll all get to break our fast.


CASPER: Ah but that simply cannot be true, for who could avoid such a beauty?


ANGELIQUE: And who is this? Why, Songbird, are you coming out of mourning for a pretty face at last?

Casper bows to her.


CASPER: My name is Casper Iversson of the Stockholm Brujah, a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Cynthia arrives and puts a hand on Angelique's shoulder. Chas waves and kisses her hand, then hugs her.


CYNTHIA: Stockholm. Now there's a place we don't have visitors from often. Chas, Songbird.

She nods at Chas and Maeve.


CYNTHIA: Now what brings such a fresh new face all the way down to visit us here in the New World, I wonder?

Casper bows to her as well.


CASPER: Well besides the breathtaking landmarks and the good company? I was called to Paris by several of our esteemed Elders chief among them her ladyship the Countess of Noailles, whom I am lucky enough to call my patron. It seems that they have decided to look into your city's potential ability to aid them in needs they may have in the future.


ANGELIQUE: Well, I would introduce you to the lovely Songbird, but I suspect you may already have met. I confess I'm intrigued, Mr. Iversson, by the idea that our little city might be able to help affairs abroad in some way?


CHAS: May I present, Casper, the beautiful, gracious, and above all PATIENT with us Ms. Cynthia Black, Harpy of Washington DC.


CASPER: It is lovely to make your acquaintance Ms. Black. Perhaps we could talk of business later if it would please you?

He hands Cynthia a business card.


CASPER: Whenever you like, I will make myself all yours.


CHAS: This is two parties of mine she's attended in a month, so if you'll excuse me, I should probably remember my modesty and realize she wants to talk to someone else.

He offers Maeve his arm.


CHAS: Care to dance, Maeve?


MAEVE: Thank you.

Casper uses the Presence discipline on Angelique to make her like him.


CASPER: Perhaps we should follow suit, if it would be agreeable?


ANGELIQUE: I should love to.

Casper offers Angelique his arm. Both couples go to the dance floor. Ginevra sits down next to Victor.


GINEVRA: Hello, Mr. Carewe. How's the party?


VICTOR: Perfectly tolerable, thank you, Ms. Bianchi.

He puts his planner in his lap.


VICTOR: However, I see that you have not returned our calls for the past several nights. Perhaps since you are here, you can explain your employer's reticence to respect the wishes of mine?


GINEVRA: Mr. Carewe, I of course intended to return your call as soon as I had an appropriate answer for you, but we have been awaiting confirmation from the Primogen before doing so. My employer is not, in any way, interested in disrespecting yours, as I hope you are aware.


VICTOR: Indeed, I am sure she is not. And yet, when I contacted Mr. Voyager's assistants, they seemed to firmly believe that this was a decision he was not involved in. So perhaps you can understand my interest in discussing the issue further. If you prefer, I would be pleased to speak to your mistress directly. To take some of the pressure off you, Ms. Bianchi.


GINEVRA: Well, maybe when you contacted Mr. Voyager's assistants, they had not yet finished straightening the matter out. I'm sure if we happened to bring it up more recently... Of course you shouldn't trouble yourself to speak to Ms. Glaistig directly, with everything you already have on your plate. Your concern over the pressure of your requests is appreciated, but unnecessary.


VICTOR: On the contrary. My concern is most necessary. If communications between our employers were to break down somewhere, the consequences would be, at the very least, of some great concern. Perhaps if we scheduled deadlines. I could pencil in the date I expect to hear from you.


GINEVRA: Well, you know, I would, Mr. Carewe, but I wouldn't presume to tell my employer that she had a deadline for when she was allowed to respond to her acquaintances in the city, set by myself or anyone else. Nor, I am quite sure, would you. You may, however, have my assurance that the very second my employer has composed her response, I will send it in your direction with all due haste.

Hope arrives. She takes a drink from a waiter, then walks to Edward and Helena.


HOPE: Hey, doc!

She examines Helena.


HOPE: That is literally the best dress I have ever seen at one of these parties You win. And here's the guy I was looking for.


EDWARD: Ah. The prodigal Ms. Gutierrez. To what do we owe the pleasure.

Helena grabs Edward's arm.


HELENA: Dr. Walker, is this a neonate? A Ventrue neonate? This is fantastic. This is the best thing. I knew you couldn't actually be this much of a fusty old preventer-of-fun, I mean, why did I even think that.

Kevin moves behind Edward and Helena. The centerpiece on the table between them starts to wilt.


HOPE: Yes! A Ventrue neonate. The Ventrue neonate, some would say. Which is why I'm pretty gosh darn offended, doc. Pretty fucking gosh darn offended. I mean, I get it. Maybe you were looking out for me. You know I hate people. And doing things.

She crosses her arms.


HOPE: But come on. You didn't want to win this thing or what?


EDWARD: As a matter of fact, Ms. Gutierrez, I am well aware of your talents. Under the circumstances, I doubt they would be applicable. Your objection is, however, registered.

Hope stares at Edward. Helena clutches Edward's arm.


HELENA: Oh my god. This is amazing! And you said you didn't have any good neonates right now! She's perfect, I'll register her right away.


EDWARD: Really, Ms. Taylor. I think you'll recall that Ms. Dobson is more than capable—

Helena activates her headset.


HELENA: Victor, update the Ventrue competition roster, one last name Gutierrez. Tell me all about yourself, have you been wearing suits lo—


HOPE: Yes. Right away. That's Hope Gutierrez. H. O—

Helena shudders and turns around to find Kevin behind her. She puts her hand over her heart.


KEVIN: Hello.


HELENA: Ohmygod. What are you doing?


KEVIN: I was just making sure you didn't need anything, Helena. You know I'm always happy to help with anything you need.


HELENA: Stop being near living people. We talked about this!


KEVIN: Now, now. We're not exactly living people are we?


HOPE: Wow. You are so creepy.


KEVIN: Creepy?

He laughs.


KEVIN: Right back at you, you silly goose. Remember, pet names are fun, but let's not get them carried away. Appropriateness in public spaces is always a good goal. Well, I'd better go. I think there might be someone over there who could use a smile. We could all use a smile. Especially you, Helena. You could use a smile.

He returns to a corner of the room.


HOPE: H. O. P. E. Ventrue clan scion. Pleasure's yours. Oh, and there's this thing. Showed up at my house.

She takes an envelope from her jacket pocket and hands it to Edward. Edward removes his now-wilted boutonniere and puts it on the table.


HOPE: So who's the competition? What do I win?


EDWARD: You win, Ms. Gutierrez, the gratitude of your clan for your well-behaved presentation of our family, and the opportunity to perhaps gain the notice of the Harpies. Although in your case this might prove to be a mixed blessing.


HOPE: Harpies love me. I'm a social butterfly.


HELENA: Yes! Also you get to go to court as a featured guest and everybody in the room will look at you and be impressed by your effortless wit and you're competing against other neonates, some of which you might even beat! I have you down, so it's all settled, great, so glad to talk to you Dr. Walker, always a pleasure, I see someone over there I have to talk to right now!

She gets up and leaves for the next room. Hope tosses the envelope into Edward's lap.


HOPE: I'll just take my winnings in cash. Small denominations. Okay. Bye.

She leaves the party. Angelique and Casper begin to waltz.


CASPER: It is always a pleasure to meet someone else from the Old World.

He uses the Celerity discipline to increase his speed and grace.


ANGELIQUE: It is, isn't it? Of course, I have been away from home for so long, it is almost as though DC is my home now as well. Not the same for you, I gather? But perhaps we can convince you to stay. You said you have met the Countess? How fortunate for you! I have a few contacts in Paris myself, but I'm afraid we've never met.


CASPER: Why yes, I have been quite fortunate to strike her Ladyship's curiosity in fact it is due to the kind attention she gives me that my family and hers have become fast friends. I'd be my pleasure to introduce you if you ever find the time to visit the Eternal City, I dare say they have not seen dancing of your caliber in many years.

He lifts Angelique above his head.


CASPER: Though my business in the city is temporary, if the nights here are half as lovely as this one I will have to start looking into some property.


ANGELIQUE: Why, this isn't even our best, although don't take my word for it. Not that Chas isn't a fantastic host, of course, we would all be quite lost without him. But you haven't even had a chance to attend court yet, and of course there's Limbo. So if after all that you don't want to stay with us... well, I would certainly need to see for myself what things are like in your Eternal City. An invitation to Paris, and only a week or two ago I received one to Milan, too. The family is so much more... mobile, than I remember in decades past.


CASPER: Yes the Rose Courts have many things on their minds these days, the senior members of the courts seemed to have taken a greater interest in the goings on of the world.

He shrugs.


CASPER: Perhaps these things just come in ebbs and flows, like a sort of natural tempo to the universe, fate maybe. Well if you asked me, Paris is the place to be when it comes to a good party but I admit I am biased in that regard for I have friends to call on, but yes Milan IS beautiful. I am not sure how welcoming they would be to visitors from the New World these days now that I think of it...

He shakes his head.


ANGELIQUE: Some visitors might help lighten the mood. I am sure the sooner everyone can return to a little light-heartedness, the better.

Casper nods and pats Angelique's hand.


CASPER: Perhaps I can write and inquire about getting some special invitations. But enough about me, there is so much I do not know about you and your city! What is it you do when you're not charming visiting Kindred?

Angelique laughs.


ANGELIQUE: Oh, well, you know. I do my part to help Cynthia, although of course she doesn't strictly need it, but a lady does like to feel like she has a little helpful influence, hmm? In a city DC's size, we all do our part.


CASPER: Well I am sure you're doing a fantastic job.

He uses the Presence discipline to make Angelique like him more.


CASPER: As much as I would love another dance I should go pay my respects to Primogen Bjorn, but should you be available later maybe I will be lucky enough to catch you for another dance later this evening?

Angelique uses the Presence discipline on Casper to make him like her more.


ANGELIQUE: Of course. By all means. I imagine I will be here a little more tonight... and a good partner is such a rare thing to find.


CASPER: Until then.

Angelique lets go of Casper and he kisses her hand. Angelique leaves the dance floor. Chas and Maeve begin to waltz.


MAEVE: Now. Have you just rescued me from the Harpies' mercies, or is there some other ulterior motive at work here?


CHAS: You've caught me. Being a host is an excellent job, but once in a while, it's nice to just take a second to enjoy the party. Thank you for being my distraction.

He dips Maeve.


CHAS: Also, it did let me steal you away for a little conversation and dancing, so that's ulterior motive enough.

Maeve laughs.


MAEVE: Your hosting skills extend to flattery, I see. If it was a dance partner you were after, you should have been quicker after Ms. Stravinsky. You may flatter me all you like, but I know a master beyond my own skill when I see one.

Chas lifts Maeve over his head.


CHAS: Ah, well. Ms. Stravinsky is out of my league, I fear. Dancing with her is a rare treat, but she's been kind enough to bestow it on me often enough that I shouldn't monopolize her.

He winks at Maeve.


CHAS: Not to mention she makes me look like I have two left feet. You're much kinder, Maeve. Dancing with you is more of a conversation.


MAEVE: Why, Chas, are you insulting my dancing skill?


CHAS: Never.


MAEVE: As for conversation, I enjoyed ours the other night, but was there a topic you had in mind? Or must you admit you're really only watching over a party guest who might otherwise lessen the atmosphere?


CHAS: You, lessen the atmosphere? I doubt a single person in this room would suggest anything of the kind. Actually, we're all very glad to see you out and about a little more. Have you given any more thought to where you'd like me to show you around next?


MAEVE: 've given it some thought, but it was hard to make a choice. My assistant has been making suggestions right and left, though, so I'm sure I'll have an answer for you soon. If you'll forgive me for the delay, anyway, and would still like to go.


CHAS: My dear lady, I would like nothing more than to still go, no matter what you choose. Don't leave me hanging too long, though. If you spend too much longer settling in, I'll be accused of not doing my job.

Bjorn arrives and grudgingly kisses Cynthia's hand. Casper nods at him from across the room and he nods back.


BJORN: Ms. Black. How nice to see you.


CYNTHIA: Why Bjorn, just when I needed an escort.

She takes Bjorn's arm and leads him into the room.


CYNTHIA: Now, we've seen your new young man, Angelique's taken him in hand. While they entertain themselves, is there anything I should know, hmm?


BJORN: No. Apart from being very attached to some Parisian Toreador, he's pretty vanilla. Interested in recruiting for his grand crusade, like you do. Some interest in Quebec, I gather.


CYNTHIA: Oh, really? Well, that isn't too surprising, I've heard that the Parisian Roses are still a little touchy about the situation in the north.


BJORN: I think that is probably exactly the problem.


CYNTHIA: A terrible situation there, I'm told. What's he interested in doing, if you don't mind my asking? Running in, guns a-blazing? I don't know of too many Parisian Roses ready to make that charge, who on earth sent him down here?


BJORN: He has been sent down by... the old family.

Casper approaches them from the dance floor.


CASPER: Jarl Bjorn, þat er góð til sjá þú! ek var at vánum þú munu yfir-brag![2]


BJORN: Knǫð kallar.[3]

He clasps hands with Casper.


BJORN: Cynthia, this is Casper, as I was just telling you about. Young and enthusiastic. Try to be nice to him.


CYNTHIA: Oh, we've met already. Only briefly, before Angelique kidnapped him, of course. Why, Bjorn, you know I'm always nice. Welcome again, young Casper. Enjoying the city?


CASPER: Thank you Ms. Black, yes from the little I have seen it is a very charming place with even more charming people. Though while it might be cliché I very much look forward to seeing some of the tourist traps, I have only ever seen the White House in pictures. But I am still settling in so maybe after that I will have time to see all that this city has to offer.


CYNTHIA: Well, we don't have any shortage of those here. Chas would be able to give you every tourist roundabout, I'm sure, he's always happy to share those things with a new arrival.

She pats Bjorn's arm.


CASPER: Yes Mr Voyager seems like quite the pleasant character, I will have to be sure to ask him when I have the opportunity.


CYNTHIA: Oh, yes, Chas is a sweetheart, although he does spend so much time on his family, you might have trouble distracting him. Oh, well, you have Bjorn, here, don't you?


CASPER: Any recommendations for a newcomer?


CYNTHIA: Well, I'd say definitely come out to Limbo one of these nights, although you might want to call ahead to make sure they're not playing anything too depressing. I'm sure Bjorn here knows all the sleazy hangouts you could ever want on the other side of the coin. And of course, make sure you meet everyone.

She winks at Casper.


CASPER: Limbo you say? Yes I have heard the name a few times since arriving. I look forward to the chance to catch a performance, even if its a sad ballad, they have their own charm from time to time.


CYNTHIA: The better you know all of us, the better you'll know our city.


CASPER: I have already been lucky enough to meet you Ms. Black, I imagine the others will have a quite an act to follow.

Cynthia laughs.


CYNTHIA: Oh, keep being that sweet, you'll do just fine here.

Casper bows to Bjorn and Cynthia.


CASPER: Well I won't take up anymore of you time and I should probably be taking your advice Ms Black and meet everyone, I hope I get to speak to both of you later.

He pauses, then approaches Cassandra. Jacque arrives. He chooses a place near the wall and texts Ginevra. Tatsuya also arrives and avoids others as he skirts the room. He arrives near Kevin.


TATSUYA: Good evening. I don't believe we've yet had the chance to meet.


KEVIN: Hello. You know, I don't think we have! I'm Kevin, Kevin Canterbury, and I'm VERY pleased to meet you.

He offers his hand and they shake after Tatsuya hesitates.


KEVIN: And who are you, friend?


TATSUYA: I am Tatsuya Yukimura. It's a pleasure to meet you, as well. I have only arrived here recently. Within the week, in fact.


KEVIN: Oh. How nice! We can always use new people in our little community. You'll like it here. Everybody does. What do you think you'll be doing here, Tatsuya? Idle hands are such a waste of potential.


TATSUYA: In truth, I am afraid I have yet to fully find my place here. You see, I come from Japan, where nearly every corner of the country is controlled by the Kuei-Jin. I left my homeland to rid myself of such a savage, survival-oriented life. Things in America operate so differently from what I am used to, so it will take me some time to adjust. Once I do manage to settle myself, however, I intend on assisting the community as much as I can manage. Perhaps my knowledge of the East will even be of some help?


KEVIN: Yes, knowledge IS power. But only when applied to action. We are all about action here in DC.


TATSUYA: Oh, where are my manners? Pardon me, I should not speak of myself so much. Please, Mr. Canterbury, tell me more about yourself.

Kevin laughs.


KEVIN: Oh, little old me? Well, I'm just here to do whatever needs doing. I do love meeting new people, and of course I just LOVE helping out with family projects. Family is so important. It's the building block of society. And we all have our place in society, don't we. I watch people. I like people-watching. There's always so much... to learn.


TATSUYA: Others are indeed interesting. Or at least, the way their minds work are. I have always found myself mystified by human psychology. What I truly find interesting is to see the effect an unnaturally long life has on those around us...

Kevin nods.


KEVIN: Yes, a mind is a wonderful thing, isn't it? You can almost SEE it when you watch people. All the wonderful, colorful galaxies of them, spinning around and around. It's in our eyes. Yes, it's always in the eyes. See? That lady, she's so very good at smiling, isn't she? But look at her eyes. That's not a smile in there. So disappointing. And this one, why, he's not even trying! HE won't get far tonight.


TATSUYA: When I was first beginning my training, my sire, Chiyoko Fukuhara... She had a small addiction to the beauty of watching someone quietly suffer inside themselves... She admitted to me that she was more harsh toward her ghouls than what was truly needed, all so she could observe them when the time came to host a Kindred meeting, when they were forced to act as if nothing were wrong... To this day, I have never managed to look at another differently... And I thank her for that.


KEVIN: Well, if you're going to suffer, of course you should do it inside yourself, silly. If you did it on the outside, other people might see it, and then that might. Affect. Morale.


TATSUYA: Seldom do I find one so interested in such things... Kevin, my dear friend, I do believe we will get along quite well.


KEVIN: Oh, I'm sure we will, friends always get along. But remember: friendship is not a thing you have. It's a thing you do.


TATSUYA: Do you think Miss Stravinsky is aware that some can see through her act, or do you believe she's fooled herself into thinking otherwise? The latter would certainly be a feat...

Angelique crosses the room to talk to Cassandra.


KEVIN: Oh, I don't think she really knows how to smile nice and wide. Which is too bad — think what a sad life that would be. But, she does keep trying, we have to give her that! She keeps on trying. That's just what you do. If you can't find a smile, I always say... make one. If she doesn't believe in it yet herself, she will. All she has to do is keep on smiling. Well, I'm sure someone has told her she could be doing better. That's what performance reviews are for. But the neonates, well, they're probably impressed by any smile at all, and that's a milestone she can be proud of.


  1. "Yes, Andres, if you would be so kind to bring the car out back, I believe there is a service entrance for the ghouls to move about, I will request that someone meet you there so you can deliver the crate. Thank you." (Swedish)
  2. "Jarl Bjorn, it is good to see you! I was hoping you would show up!" (Old Norse)
  3. "Duty calls." (Old Norse)


  • The Ventrue Casper recalls meeting with the icy cold touch is Martin d'Harcourt.

  • Although Cassandra actively uses misdirection techniques to make herself sound as though she has genuine psychic powers, she actually does possess some; she just isn't aware of it.

  • The Karina Edward suggests as a competitor for the neonate competition is his own childe, Karina Dobson. His mention that her sire is not adding to the clan's prestige is a dig at himself for his handling of Marcus Vitel and the Lasombra invasion.

  • Ginevra's ongoing fight with Victor is due to her attempting to protect Maeve from being drawn into the neonate competition, a feat she eventually accomplishes (Jacque is entered instead).

  • Casper's second guess about Chas' favored instrument (a woodwind) is correct; he primarily plays the flute.

  • The first party Chas mentions Angelique attending this month was seen in Assemble the Players.

  • The person Chas assumes Hope must be a ghoul working for is Dorian Adams.

  • Edward calling Hope the "prodigal" is due to her allegiance to the Anarchs.

  • The invitation to Milan Angelique mentions recently receiving was from Jean Claude Danut.

  • The recent gossip about Toreador matters Casper remembers is about the feud between the House of Augustine and the House of Sage.

  • The person Kevin and Tatsuya discuss as having a false smile is Angelique; the person they mention not even trying to smile is Bjorn.