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Philippos de Grecia

Philippos de Grecia
Title Crown Prince of the Hellenes (in exile)
Brujah Whip of Washington, DC (2015 - present)
Character Information
Birth Name Φίλιππος (Philippos)
Species Vampire
Clan Brujah
Age Neonate
Gender Male
Orientation Straight
Ethnicity Danish/Greek
Birth April 16, 1986
London, England
Embrace August 19, 2009
Athens, Greece
Occupation Surgeon
Languages Danish, English, Greek
Powers and abilities Animalism
Connection Information
Sect Camarilla
House type here
Relatives Greyson Clark (sire)
Retainers George Androdamos (2013 - 2016)
Jameson (2015 - present)
Background Information
Player John McIntosh
Chronicles DC Chronicle
Character Sheet DC Sheet
Archetypes Revolutionary & Ruler
Astrological Sign Aries
MBTI Personality ENFJ


Philippos is not overly noticeable; he is charismatic and pleasant, but not too memorable unless the truth of his background and influence is known. Steady and obviously accustomed to being listened to and indulged, he is a quiet political force that the wise Kindred in Chicago don't fail to court, if for no other reason than his extensive influence in the mortal world. Brief flashes of an intense, unyielding will when it comes to those things he believes in strongly, he is an unknown quantity until an opponent runs into something that matters to him - and at that point, there's no going back.

Mortal Life

Philippos was born to as high a station as is possible in the mortal world: he is the youngest son of King Konstantin II of Greece, a prince born in exile who has never lost his title in spite of his family's removal from power. The inability to actually affect national policy in Greece has never been much of an issue for Philippos, who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth anyway, is related to half the remaining crowned heads in Europe, and has never even vaguely wanted for money or prestige when he wanted it.

Like many other wealthy men, Philippos felt that something was missing in his life after a few years of aimless wandering, and decided that he needed a profession, even though this vulgarity was heavily disapproved of by the rest of the family. Seeking an occupation that would allow him to wield very direct power over others - the power that the overthrow of the royal family had denied him - he became a surgeon, the better to very literally hold the lives of others in his hands.


It wasn't too long in his practice before Philippos found himself in an interesting quandary: a former rival from medical school, a man who had always attempted to aggravate him and whom he had suspected of trying to ride his coattails, came across his table with a heart condition that needed surgical repairs. While operating, he suddenly realized that the idea of holding someone's life in his hands wasn't metaphorical; he could, right here and now, choose to destroy this man or let him live. He knew the moral choice, but after a few long seconds, he made his judgment: the man was a foolish and cruel person and did not deserve to live. He let a tiny fault go undetected, and when the man died in post-op, he was patted on the back and told that he'd done his best.

After that, Philippos realized that he was judge, jury, and executioner for every surgical case he encountered, and began doing extensive background checks and research into the cases he would operate on, choosing carefully which he judged deserved to live and which deserved an ignominious death. Eventually, his trail of bodies, suspicious for such a gifted surgeon, earned him the notice of a Brujah who was amused to discover, upon investigation, that he was mounting a one-man crusade against anyone he considered corrupt. He was Embraced partly for his innovative method of taking down the establishment and partly because his sire wanted a piece of the Greek royal pie, and with his newfound powers came even more of a sense of being in a position to judge all and sundry.

Arrival in Washington, DC

Lured by the rich pickings of the veterans' hospital network in DC, Philippos moved south in order to practice medicine in a more central and medically relevant location. As a major surgeon for both the Walter Reed Medical Hospital and George Washington University Hospital, he quickly made himself indispensable by running interference for any potential medical breaches of the Masquerade, making sure that Kindred or ghouls injured in public were taken to his unit so that they could be quietly released.

Recently, Philippos has begun to have trouble with his veteran services practice, and suspects that this might be due to the influence of local members of Clan Malkavian who exert their control over psychiatric wards and services. A small rivalry may be developing, although so far he has no real proof of who the perpetrators might be.

Personal Life

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean varius massa metus, eu tristique turpis facilisis ac. Curabitur tempus enim ut faucibus dictum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque porttitor sem at mi faucibus, sed dapibus enim commodo. Donec ut ornare nunc. Donec ut elit ac enim eleifend porta. Proin ultricies sapien neque, sed consectetur velit fringilla nec. Nam imperdiet est magna, vel venenatis lorem aliquet vel. Sed imperdiet leo sem, et facilisis purus luctus pellentesque. Nulla eu sem tortor. Duis ac pellentesque odio. Vivamus id pellentesque diam, at ultrices nisi. Curabitur blandit nec est nec dignissim. Donec mollis cursus sapien fermentum hendrerit. Aliquam pulvinar a diam quis mollis. Maecenas velit elit, pretium eget erat sit amet, lacinia rutrum turpis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean varius massa metus, eu tristique turpis facilisis ac. Curabitur tempus enim ut faucibus dictum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean varius massa metus, eu tristique turpis facilisis ac. Curabitur tempus enim ut faucibus dictum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque porttitor sem at mi faucibus, sed dapibus enim commodo. Donec ut ornare nunc. Donec ut elit ac enim eleifend porta. Proin ultricies sapien neque, sed consectetur velit fringilla nec. Nam imperdiet est magna, vel venenatis lorem aliquet vel. Sed imperdiet leo sem, et facilisis purus luctus pellentesque. Nulla eu sem tortor. Duis ac pellentesque odio. Vivamus id pellentesque diam, at ultrices nisi. Curabitur blandit nec est nec dignissim. Donec mollis cursus sapien fermentum hendrerit. Aliquam pulvinar a diam quis mollis. Maecenas velit elit, pretium eget erat sit amet, lacinia rutrum turpis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean varius massa metus, eu tristique turpis facilisis ac. Curabitur tempus enim ut faucibus dictum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque porttitor sem at mi faucibus, sed dapibus enim commodo. Donec ut ornare nunc. Donec ut elit ac enim eleifend porta. Proin ultricies sapien neque, sed consectetur velit fringilla nec. Nam imperdiet est magna, vel venenatis lorem aliquet vel. Sed imperdiet leo sem, et facilisis purus luctus pellentesque. Nulla eu sem tortor. Duis ac pellentesque odio. Vivamus id pellentesque diam, at ultrices nisi. Curabitur blandit nec est nec dignissim. Donec mollis cursus sapien fermentum hendrerit. Aliquam pulvinar a diam quis mollis. Maecenas velit elit, pretium eget erat sit amet, lacinia rutrum turpis.

Alternative Versions

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean varius massa metus, eu tristique turpis facilisis ac. Curabitur tempus enim ut faucibus dictum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

See Also

Scenes with Philippos de Grecia

Coteries and Themes
DC Brujah Astrid IvarsdottirBjorn GarinsonCasper IverssonEmilio GonzalezJack WilsonJennifer MacKayLianne MillerMama PolariPhilip FreemanPhilippos de GreciaRosario BattistaSydney MiddletonVelvet
DC Player Vampires Angelique StravinskyAstrid IvarsdottirCasper IverssonChas VoyagerColin ThomasDamien CampbellDanny WheytonEvelyn SummerfieldGideon TychaeusHelena TaylorHope GutierrezIan KrossJack WilsonJacque BeaumontJean Claude DanutJessica HoevenJimmy FrancettiLily TrevelyanMaeve GlaistigMarcus AureliusNorman HaynesOlivia RothPhilippos de GreciaPieter Van ReiseQuincy MonroeRaven DanteRosalina de LeonTatsuya YukimuraVanessa KeasleyXander Savage
John McIntosh's Characters Antonio RuggieroChas VoyagerDominic VaughnJamesonJonathan StewartOctavian MarkhamPaige BlackPham HongPhilippos de GreciaPieter Van ReiseRob AmblinSean FallonTisisTitus MarciusViktor AlexandrovWilson Durand