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Scene Summary: Contact: Jean Claude Danut

Contact: Jean Claude Danut
AngeliqueFace.png JeanClaudeFace.png
Chronicle DC Chronicle
Game Date November 17 — 21, 2015
Real Date December 11-14, 2015
Characters Bella
Ginevra Bianchi
Jacque Beaumont
Maeve Glaistig
Locations None
Previous Scene Assemble the Players (Angelique)
Maeve's Journal: From Paris to DC (Jean Claude)
Next Scene When the Cat's Away (Angelique)
Phone Call: Jean Claude to Angelique (Jean Claude)
Content Warnings None
Original Scene Contact: Jean Claude Danut

Contact: Jean Claude Danut is a scene from the DC Chronicle featuring Angelique Stravinsky and Jean Claude Danut. It depicts Angelique establishing a long-distance relationship with Jean Claude.

Scene Summary

Angelique sends a letter to Jean Claude along with a monogrammed handkerchief, apologizing for reaching out when they have never met and requesting information about his childe, Jacque Beaumont. She tells him that Jacque is not participating in court and social life and asks for advice on how to draw him out. She also mentions that Chas Voyager informed her that Jacque's talents are not visible at first glance, and asks if Jean Claude can tell her anything about them. She signs off by offering to keep Jean Claude updated about Jacque's status so that he does not worry.

Jean Claude sends a letter back to Angelique along with an ornate antique inkwell. He tells her that he is delighted to hear from her but disappointed that Jacque is having trouble fitting in. He implies that Jacque's talents are sexual and that he sent him to the Americas to avoid his existing reputation in Milan, adding that he feels it is important that he become known for something else as well. He accepts Angelique's offer to monitor Jacque for him and tells her that he worries about him but is glad to make a new friend.

Angelique sends a letter back to Jean Claude along with an ornate antique silver fountain pen. She thanks him for his gift and reassures him that she is sure Jacque will fit in soon, mentioning the neonate competition he has now been entered into. She also assures Jean Claude that he does not owe her any favors for keeping an eye on Jacque, as she is happy to help.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

Contact: Jean Claude Danut Script Summary

A letter from Angelique to Jean Claude, November 2015. It is accompanied by a handkerchief monogrammed with the letters AS.


ANGELIQUE: Dearest Msr. Danut:

I must apologize for contacting you out of the blue like this, but since we here in the States are not fortunate enough to hope to see you in person again soon, I hope you will excuse me. If the rumors about you are even half true, we are very unfortunate indeed that you did not visit the east coast before you returned home last year!

I confess I am writing because I wondered if you might be willing to lend us a paternal perspective on your childe, only newly arrived among us. Msr. Beaumont has of course been extended all due courtesies, for how could we not do so? But he has been elusive, and we hope to involve him further in court life as he becomes less shy.

Perhaps if we knew a little bit more about him, we would be able to entice him out further...? He was most unforthcoming at our little welcoming salon, and very distractable, which rather surprised us all. Our Primogen here in DC, the estimable Mr. Chas Voyager, suggested that his talents were perhaps those that are better enjoyed in private, and thus difficult to discuss, but perhaps you could shed some light on the situation? We do so wish to give the House of Augustine the warm welcome it deserves here!

By all means, Msr. Danut, please let me know if you would like to be updated about how he's doing. I would be happy to extend a little watchfulness over him — I know how sires do worry over their new childer.

With respect and admiration,

Angelique Stravinsky
House of Alexandrovichi
Lesser Harpy of Washington, DC

A letter from Jean Claude to Angelique, November 2015. It is accompanied by an antique filigree inkwell.


JEAN CLAUDE: My darling Angelique,

It is marvelous to hear from you! And with word of my child, no less. Business and pleasure: at least half of my very favorite things. How dreadful to hear that Jacque has not made the impression I would have liked! I am sorry to say that he has always been rather distractible, at least as far as a pretty face goes.

I would not call his talents hidden, exactly… They are more than apparent when in the right circumstances. It is, after all, what he has been around for all these many years.

A little indelicate, yes, but I must admit that this is such old news here. Quite possibly everyone already knows; perhaps that is why it is good that I have sent him away. It is not that he has a negative reputation at home, far from it actually, but it is a persistent one. He would do well to make a name for himself outside of such things. Even I, low hanging fruit on such a prestigious family tree, managed this in my youth.

You are too kind to offer your assistance. I would consider it a personal favor if you were to take an interest in dear Jacque. I cannot help but fret over my youngest childe while he is away.

Please let me know if there is anything else at all that you need. I do so love making new friends.


Jean Claude Danut

A letter from Angelique to Jean Claude, November 2015. It is accompanied by an ornate silver fountain pen.


ANGELIQUE: Dearest Sig. Danut,

Imagine how fluttery my heart was to see a response from you, and with such a beautiful gift! I doubt we have the same craftsmanship here in the States, but I hope you'll accept the gesture with all the love with which it is intended.

Never fear, I am sure that Mr. Beaumont only awaits the opportunity to blossom socially here, and I am happy to inform you that we hope to see him out and about quite soon. Our lovely Primogen has already given him a prominent placement as our clan representative in a little competition between neonates — as if he could have chosen anyone else! — and we all look forward to his performance.

My dear, there is no need whatsoever for you to consider my involvement a favor; I am too happy to help. Rest easily knowing that DC's Roses will take the gentlest of care with your son, and that I will send you all his love and exploits whenever possible.

With much adoration,

Angelique Stravinsky
House of Alexandrovichi
Lesser Harpy of Washington, DC


Gifts Exchanged