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Danny Wheyton

Danny Wheyton
Character Information
Birth Name Daniel Edgar Wheyton
Species Vampire
Clan Malkavian
Age Neonate
Gender Male
Orientation Straight
Birth March 25, 1861
London, England
Embrace November 18, 1888
London, England
Ethnicity English
Occupation Liquor Store Clerk
Languages English
Sect Anarchs
House type here
Relatives Maxwell DeSoto (sire)
Powers and abilities Auspex
Character Sheet DC Sheet
Background Information
Player Meg Russel
Chronicles DC Chronicle
MBTI Personality ESTP
Archetypes Mystic & Revolutionary
Astrological Sign Pisces

Carrying a whimsical and quirky yet dark and mysterious air around with him, most have a hard time knowing exactly what to think of him, usually regardless of how long they've known him. Even with the need to follow the beat of his own drum, he's calm and easygoing, deciding it's better to go along than to cause more bloodshed. This comes as a major surprise to most, as he does pretty blatantly side with the Anarchs and makes it clear that he won't be shaken when it comes to what he believes is right. No matter who you are or what you believe, Danny will most likely treat you with kindness, though he isn't a pushover. He's an odd one that's either terribly naive or has a lot more to him than most could ever know.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean varius massa metus, eu tristique turpis facilisis ac. Curabitur tempus enim ut faucibus dictum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque porttitor sem at mi faucibus, sed dapibus enim commodo. Donec ut ornare nunc. Donec ut elit ac enim eleifend porta. Proin ultricies sapien neque, sed consectetur velit fringilla nec. Nam imperdiet est magna, vel venenatis lorem aliquet vel. Sed imperdiet leo sem, et facilisis purus luctus pellentesque. Nulla eu sem tortor. Duis ac pellentesque odio. Vivamus id pellentesque diam, at ultrices nisi. Curabitur blandit nec est nec dignissim. Donec mollis cursus sapien fermentum hendrerit. Aliquam pulvinar a diam quis mollis. Maecenas velit elit, pretium eget erat sit amet, lacinia rutrum turpis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean varius massa metus, eu tristique turpis facilisis ac. Curabitur tempus enim ut faucibus dictum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque porttitor sem at mi faucibus, sed dapibus enim commodo. Donec ut ornare nunc. Donec ut elit ac enim eleifend porta. Proin ultricies sapien neque, sed consectetur velit fringilla nec. Nam imperdiet est magna, vel venenatis lorem aliquet vel. Sed imperdiet leo sem, et facilisis purus luctus pellentesque. Nulla eu sem tortor. Duis ac pellentesque odio. Vivamus id pellentesque diam, at ultrices nisi. Curabitur blandit nec est nec dignissim. Donec mollis cursus sapien fermentum hendrerit. Aliquam pulvinar a diam quis mollis. Maecenas velit elit, pretium eget erat sit amet, lacinia rutrum turpis.

Mortal Life

Danny was born in Topeka, Kansas in April of 1950. Having Catholic parents who wanted the best for their only son, they led an uneventful life full of dinner parties, family reunions and church gatherings. Honestly, Danny enjoyed such a life and didn't have any problem with it, but his curiosity often kept him wondering what was in the world that he hadn't yet discovered. As he got into his teenage years, while he didn't do anything particularly bad, his parents took his curiosity as a terrible offence, and probably because he had to turn to the questionable young adult gangs in town to see much of anything new and exciting.

The final straw was drawn in the Summer of 1969 as Danny began to side with hippie movement to his parents' horror. Convinced their son was beyond help, Danny was told that if he did not clean up his ways, he would have to leave. Even though abandoning everything he knew was hard, the young Wheyton soon found himself packing his things, grabbing what money he had and using a combination of hitch hiking and train jumping to reach Bethel, New York, where he was hoping to meet others like himself at the currently infamous Woodstock Music Festival that was to take place later in the year.

Once arriving at his destination after a long travel, Danny found to his dismay that the festival was being heavily fought by the locals, most wondering if it would even happen at all. He was left disappointed, though he decided to stick through with his choice, searching for work to get what money he could to support his new, homeless life.


It wasn't until mid September when people started noticing that the Woodstock Festival would probably happen after all, which overjoyed Danny to no extent. As it came closer to time, he would often wander toward the area where it was rumored to soon take place, preferring to do so at night as to avoid getting into trouble of any kind. Such outings eventually caused him to meet a tall, broad-shouldered man who went by the name of Maxwell DeSoto, or "Max", claiming to be helping out with the planning of the festival. Max was undoubtedly more than just a little odd, sometimes making the mortal feel on edge, though he strangely still wanted to meet with him night after night. The constant ventures and encounters soon led to the two becoming friends, meeting secretly at night as preparations continued for Woodstock.

In mid August, Woodstock finally happened, though Danny still only saw Maxwell at nightfall, figuring he had people to talk to and things to tend to in the day. On the last night of the festival while waiting for Jimi Hendrix to come on stage, Maxwell decided on a whim to ask the young mortal what he planned on doing after this. It was at this time that Danny admitted that he'd been living on his own and barely getting by, still not even having a proper job at this point. At the sound of this, Danny was asked if he would like to stay with his new friend instead of continuing whatever life he had on his own. Danny naturally agreed, though he was quickly thrown off guard by a warning, claiming he would go through some "massive changes" if he were to do so. After being asked a few more questions and deciding he was at least somewhat ready, the human led away from prying eyes to be Embraced, changing him forever.

Life with Maxwell

Things were indeed interesting after becoming a vampire and being fully taken under DeSoto's wing. While it was a hard life of constantly moving from place to place, it was definitely enjoyable. Maxwell had his problems as a Malkavian for sure (namely manic depression, which caused all kinds of issues), but despite his frequent mental snaps, he was a good guy who genuinely had a heart for others, which Danny soon found was rare for a vampire. While many other vampires looked down on the idea, the two Malkavians were more like a crazy uncle and his favorite nephew than a mentor and his pupil. They were as thick as thieves, crossing all over the United States to assist Anarch groups and occasionally cause a bit of mischief.

By 1990, Maxwell decided that he felt Danny was ready to face the world on his own and told him that he was more than welcome to leave and do what he pleased. However, for quite obvious reasons, the younger wanted to stay by DeSoto's side, even though he would now be seen as an adult in the vampiric world.

Maxwell's Death

In the early months of 2006, Maxwell's depression spiked as Danny began to heavily fall under political fire simply because of the identity of his sire. Feeling guilty for committing his childe to the same sort of life of running and hiding, DeSoto's emotions started swinging out of control, turning to reckless stunts and a brash attitude to try to fight the pain. Worrying for his sire, Danny decided one night to go out and buy a few beers to bring back to try to lift Maxwell's spirits, doing his best to hurry as he knew Max had been toying with a box of matches in their current room for fun.

When Danny finally returned however, he was greeted by emergency vehicles and a small road side motel which now only housed flames. He waited around for as long as he could for Maxwell, hoping that he'd made it out, but eventually had to leave, managing to find Anarchs that he and Maxwell had helped to take shelter with. As the days droned on and the eccentric vampire didn't make an appearance, it became reluctantly clearer to Danny that his old sire was dead. Even worse, while it may have been an accident, it also very well could have been suicide, though he refuses to ponder the latter as much as possible.

Arrival in Washington, D.C.

Being given just enough help to get by from Anarchs who owed Maxwell for his help, Danny followed the same life of moving around, not wanting to rely on specific people for too long to avoid being a nuisance. As he began to slowly bring in small bits of money in exchange for what work he could for other Anarchs, the Malkavian started to wonder exactly where he could go to really consider a place to settle, as he didn't feel comfortable living a crazy and mobile life on his own. He eventually caught wind of DC, though he also knew it was a Camarilla city. Against his better judgement and deciding to at least give things a shot, he arrived at the city in early November of 2015, crossing his fingers as he hopes for the best he can make of what DC has to offer. He currently resides in a quite empty one bedroom apartment.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean varius massa metus, eu tristique turpis facilisis ac. Curabitur tempus enim ut faucibus dictum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque porttitor sem at mi faucibus, sed dapibus enim commodo. Donec ut ornare nunc. Donec ut elit ac enim eleifend porta. Proin ultricies sapien neque, sed consectetur velit fringilla nec. Nam imperdiet est magna, vel venenatis lorem aliquet vel. Sed imperdiet leo sem, et facilisis purus luctus pellentesque. Nulla eu sem tortor. Duis ac pellentesque odio. Vivamus id pellentesque diam, at ultrices nisi. Curabitur blandit nec est nec dignissim. Donec mollis cursus sapien fermentum hendrerit. Aliquam pulvinar a diam quis mollis. Maecenas velit elit, pretium eget erat sit amet, lacinia rutrum turpis.

Personal Life

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean varius massa metus, eu tristique turpis facilisis ac. Curabitur tempus enim ut faucibus dictum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque porttitor sem at mi faucibus, sed dapibus enim commodo. Donec ut ornare nunc. Donec ut elit ac enim eleifend porta. Proin ultricies sapien neque, sed consectetur velit fringilla nec. Nam imperdiet est magna, vel venenatis lorem aliquet vel. Sed imperdiet leo sem, et facilisis purus luctus pellentesque. Nulla eu sem tortor. Duis ac pellentesque odio. Vivamus id pellentesque diam, at ultrices nisi. Curabitur blandit nec est nec dignissim. Donec mollis cursus sapien fermentum hendrerit. Aliquam pulvinar a diam quis mollis. Maecenas velit elit, pretium eget erat sit amet, lacinia rutrum turpis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean varius massa metus, eu tristique turpis facilisis ac. Curabitur tempus enim ut faucibus dictum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean varius massa metus, eu tristique turpis facilisis ac. Curabitur tempus enim ut faucibus dictum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque porttitor sem at mi faucibus, sed dapibus enim commodo. Donec ut ornare nunc. Donec ut elit ac enim eleifend porta. Proin ultricies sapien neque, sed consectetur velit fringilla nec. Nam imperdiet est magna, vel venenatis lorem aliquet vel. Sed imperdiet leo sem, et facilisis purus luctus pellentesque. Nulla eu sem tortor. Duis ac pellentesque odio. Vivamus id pellentesque diam, at ultrices nisi. Curabitur blandit nec est nec dignissim. Donec mollis cursus sapien fermentum hendrerit. Aliquam pulvinar a diam quis mollis. Maecenas velit elit, pretium eget erat sit amet, lacinia rutrum turpis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean varius massa metus, eu tristique turpis facilisis ac. Curabitur tempus enim ut faucibus dictum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque porttitor sem at mi faucibus, sed dapibus enim commodo. Donec ut ornare nunc. Donec ut elit ac enim eleifend porta. Proin ultricies sapien neque, sed consectetur velit fringilla nec. Nam imperdiet est magna, vel venenatis lorem aliquet vel. Sed imperdiet leo sem, et facilisis purus luctus pellentesque. Nulla eu sem tortor. Duis ac pellentesque odio. Vivamus id pellentesque diam, at ultrices nisi. Curabitur blandit nec est nec dignissim. Donec mollis cursus sapien fermentum hendrerit. Aliquam pulvinar a diam quis mollis. Maecenas velit elit, pretium eget erat sit amet, lacinia rutrum turpis.

Alternative Versions

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean varius massa metus, eu tristique turpis facilisis ac. Curabitur tempus enim ut faucibus dictum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

See Also

Scenes with Danny Wheyton

Coteries and Themes
DC Malkavians Alexa SantosAndrea Harvey-StaboliBig KeithBronwyn LennoxBryan MacPheeCassandraCorbin LennoxDanny WheytonGary StapletonJeffrey GrangerQuincy MonroeScott LevinStephen Norton
DC Anarchs Babs MooreBeverly BrightDamien CampbellDanny WheytonDevin BoyceDuncan MacTavishEdgeErin HildebrandGary StapletonHope GutierrezHugo MeyerJack WilsonJasper KrevetsJennifer MacKayLianne MillerMakayla ElleryMama PolariMateo GarcíaMercy ValdezNickolas WhitePhilip FreemanRaven DanteRaymond WallaceRosario BattistaSydney MiddletonTobyVictoria LongwoodViolet Meyer
DC Player Vampires Angelique StravinskyAstrid IvarsdottirCasper IverssonChas VoyagerColin ThomasDamien CampbellDanny WheytonEvelyn SummerfieldGideon TychaeusHelena TaylorHope GutierrezIan KrossJack WilsonJacque BeaumontJean Claude DanutJessica HoevenJimmy FrancettiLily TrevelyanMaeve GlaistigMarcus AureliusNorman HaynesOlivia RothPhilippos de GreciaPieter Van ReiseQuincy MonroeRaven DanteRosalina de LeonTatsuya YukimuraVanessa KeasleyXander Savage