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Scene Summary: Letter: Angelique to Jean Claude

Letter: Angelique to Jean Claude
Chronicle DC Chronicle
Game Date November 23, 2015
Real Date March 2, 2016
Characters Angelique Stravinsky
Locations Angelique's Townhouse
Previous Scene Regrets of the Dying (Angelique)
Next Scene A Midwinter Night's Tale (Angelique)
Content Warnings None
Original Scene Letter: Angelique to Jean Claude

Letter: Angelique to Jean Claude is a scene from the DC Chronicle featuring Angelique Stravinsky. It depicts Angelique writing to Jean Claude Danut to complain about his childe Jacque Beaumont's behavior.

Scene Summary

Angelique sends a letter to Jean Claude Danut, apologizing to him for making him worry so much about his childe Jacque Beaumont and informing him that he is doing better lately. She implies that he may be more social due to Maeve Glaistig's presence and tells him that his House's reputation is being restored.

She goes on to tell him that she is worried about Jacque and that she thinks that his sire should know about his problems. She claims that he is difficult to convince to go to social occasions and rude to the ladies of the court, and also tells him that Jacque recently had a fight with some of the local Brujah.

She closes the letter by claiming that Jacque wishes that Jean Claude were in DC and that he may be homesick, and adds that she hopes he will visit for her own sake as well.

A gift-wrapped DVD of the most recent performance at Limbo is included with the letter.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

Letter: Angelique to Jean Claude Script Summary

A letter from Angelique Stravinsky to Jean Claude Danut, November 2015.


ANGELIQUE: My dearest Sig. Danut,

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health, and that things are as delightful in Milan as they are here! I must first absolutely apologize to you for causing you so much worry over your son, Msr. Beaumont; he has blossomed under the warm attention of his family, and already we have begun to see him out and about in polite company more. Or, perhaps, he has blossomed under the attention of a certain Milanese lady? Perhaps just a happy coincidence. Either way, we are all well pleased to see that your family's reputation is being upheld.

I believe it is my duty to let you know that there have been a few causes for concern, although I'm sure nothing that a member of the House of Augustine cannot handle; only things that, were I his sire, I would want to know about for sentimental reasons. We do so cherish our little ones, after all. I have heard some rustling in the undergrowth, as it were, that he has been difficult to engage socially outside of events — perhaps, even rude to a few of the ladies of the court, much to their confusion? There also seems to have been some sort of altercation with a few of the local Brujah as well, but nothing that will not mend. We all suffer a few bumps and bruises as high-spirited young things, do we not?

He has expressed his great regrets that you were not able to join him, and I do believe he may be perhaps a touch homesick (for your lovely city, or perhaps just for yourself; we are all close-knit families). We all second his hope to one day hear from you more than remotely.

With greatest affection,

Angelique Stravinsky
House of Alexandrovichi
Lesser Harpy of Washington, DC


  • This letter is written in French, but is translated to English here for ease of reference.

  • While Angelique's assertions are all technically true, she is implying multiple untrue things in an attempt to encourage Jean Claude to take action against his childe.