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Scene Summary: When the Cat's Away...

When the Cat's Away...
BellaFace.png GinevraFace.png MaeveFace.png
Chronicle DC Chronicle
Game Date November 19, 2015
Real Date January 3-4, 2016
Characters Angelique Stravinsky
Ginevra Bianchi
Maeve Glaistig
Locations Maeve's Thomas Circle Apartment
Toreador Embassy
Previous Scene Contact: Jean Claude Danut (Angelique)
Duty and Devotion (Bella, Maeve)
The More the Merrier! (Ginevra)
Next Scene La Vie d'une Rose (Angelique)
The Harsh Truth (Bella)
Carrying That Load (Ginevra, Maeve)
Content Warnings Mental Illness, Mind Control
Original Scene When the Cat's Away...

When the Cat's Away... is a scene from the DC Chronicle featuring Angelique Stravinsky, Ginevra Bianchi, and Maeve Glaistig, with a minor appearance by Bella. It depicts Angelique repeating gossip about Jacque Beaumont's love life, leading to confusion and heartbreak.

Scene Summary

Angelique is waiting outside the Toreador Embassy, planning to avoid having to talk to Maeve Glaistig by talking to her ghoul Ginevra instead. When Ginevra comes down the sidewalk humming to herself, Angelique puts her arm through hers and leads her away to a coffee shop, telling her that Maeve won't mind if she borrows her. Ginevra is startled and unsure what to do but agrees.

They sit down and Angelique orders herself a latte before asking Ginevra about her relationship with Jacque Beaumont. Ginevra is worried about what the Lesser Harpy wants and surprised that the question is about Jacque instead of Maeve. She admits to working with him in Chicago. Angelique asks whether the rumors she has heard are true, but Ginevra has no idea what she means. Angelique explains that she wants to know about Jacque's performance skills and that Ginevra would know from working for Maeve, and when Ginevra is still confused clarifies that she means the rumor about Jacque's sexual prowess. Ginevra is shocked and answers that she doesn't know, which Angelique doesn't believe.

Angelique orders Ginevra a coffee as well before telling her that she is going out with Jacque soon and wants to know what to expect. Ginevra repeats that she doesn't know anything, but becomes inwardly upset that Jacque is dating Angelique without telling her. Angelique uses Presence to make Ginevra want to help her and explains that she didn't want to upset Maeve by asking directly, again confusing Ginevra, who tells her that Jacque and Maeve are not an item. Ginevra struggles not to blame Angelique for her jealousy while Angelique explains that she knows Jacque and Maeve used to be intimate in Chicago, even if they are not now.

Ginevra becomes angry at Jacque, recalling him telling her that he no longer dated anyone, and repeats that Maeve is in mourning and she cannot ask her about her sex life, although she continues to try not to take out her temper on Angelique. Angelique does not believe her but decides that she will not get any more information from her and thanks her before giving Maeve her regards and leaving.

Ginevra stays in the coffee shop for a few minutes and then goes back to Thomas Circle Apartments, realizing along the way that Angelique's story makes sense and that Jacque only conveniently talks to her when she is with Maeve. She goes up to Maeve's apartment, where Maeve is watching Bella play and doing her best not to upset anyone by looking as depressed as she is. Seeing that Ginevra is upset, Maeve sits down with her in the living room and comforts her, asking her what happened.

Ginevra tries not to become emotional but eventually explains that she is upset about Jacque, with whom she is no longer sure she wants to pursue a relationship. Maeve asks why and she apologizes for talking about her crush to Maeve, who she did not realize had previously dated him. Maeve is confused by the reference and denies ever having any relationship with Jacque beyond friendship, guessing that Angelique must have been wrong and explaining that Harpies are often in charge of repeating gossip. Ginevra leans against her and is glad to hear it, but explains that she is still upset because he is dating Angelique. Maeve tells her that she often has to go on dates with people she doesn't like as a member of Clan Toreador and suggests that it might be the same for Maeve, but encourages Ginevra to ask him directly instead of guessing.

Maeve kisses Ginevra's forehead and advises her not to call Jacque tonight while she is emotional, instead suggesting they watch television together and offering to go out to get Ginevra comfort food. Ginevra agrees and Maeve leaves, going to an all-night corner store to buy Ginevra wine, cake, and ice cream. While she is gone, Ginevra looks for something to watch until she notices Maeve's journal lying on the coffee table. Concerned that Maeve may have lied to her in order to spare her feelings, she quickly reads it but discovers that it does not mention Jacque at all.

Maeve returns with food and drinks and brings them to Ginevra in the living room. Overcome by sadness after reading Maeve's journal, Ginevra hugs her and cries. Maeve assumes that she is still upset about Jacque and tries to comfort her, pouring them both glasses of wine as the two of them begin to watch a movie.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

When the Cat's Away... Script Summary

Angelique is waiting outside the Toreador Embassy. When Ginevra arrives, humming as she walks down the street, Angelique links her arm through hers.


ANGELIQUE: My dear. Just the servant I needed to see. Come with me, I have some questions for you and I'm sure your mistress won't mind if I borrow you, hmm?

Ginevra speeds up to keep pace with her.


GINEVRA: Um. Ms. Harpy? I really don't — I mean—

Angelique tows Ginevra down the street to a coffee shop, where she pushes her to sit down. Angelique sits herself and rearranges her scarf.


ANGELIQUE: There, that's nice, isn't it.


GINEVRA: Um. Of course, I'm sure Ms. Glaistig would be happy for me to help you.

Angelique crooks a finger at a waitress.


ANGELIQUE: Latte, almond milk, foam. Now, then, don't worry, I'll let you scurry on home to your mistress in a bit, darling. All I need from you is to pick your little brain a bit about our newest family arrival. Now, you and our Mr. Beaumont, you're... acquainted, I gather?


GINEVRA: Um. Well, yes. Mr. Beaumont and I are acquainted. I knew him when he worked for Mr. Danut, in Chicago, although of course he has moved on nowadays.


ANGELIQUE: Indeed he has. How marvelous, an old friend. What a nice position to be in.

The waitress brings Angelique's latte and sets it on the table.


ANGELIQUE: Now, for those of us who are not fortunate enough to be old friends, you'll share a little bit of insight, won't you? We do so want him to feel welcome. As a Rose, one lady to another, are the rumors true, my dear?


GINEVRA: Well, of course, I'd be happy to help. But I only work for Ms. Glaistig, so I don't know if I know anything that will be very interesting to you, I'm sorry. I just only became reacquainted with Mr. Beaumont recently, anyway, when he arrived. I'm afraid I don't know very many Kindred rumors?


ANGELIQUE: Of course you don't. But there's nothing like direct experience, is there? That's why I'm asking you, dear, I believe working for Ms. Glaistig has put you in the unique position to perhaps know some things that aren't common knowledge in DC yet. I'm asking about his artistic skills, my dear. I have heard he is quite the... performer? And I thought perhaps you could shed some light?


GINEVRA: I apologize. I don't think I know what you mean. I don't know anything about Mr. Beaumont's performance technique.

Angelique blows on her coffee and licks foam off her lip.


ANGELIQUE: It's just sex, dear. It's nothing to be bashful about. Why, with his reputation, I'm sure you'll be hearing more questions than just from me, since you're in such a position to satisfy everyone's curiosity.


GINEVRA: I'm sorry, but I don't know anything about that. And it really wouldn't be appropriate to discuss it if I did.

Angelique laughs.


ANGELIQUE: Well, you are well-trained, aren't you? We will certainly have to give your mistress that much.

She waves for the waitress again.


GINEVRA: Thank you.


ANGELIQUE: Something sweet with a white chocolate for my friend, please. Now, now, I won't have you telling me anything you've been asked to keep a secret, don't worry. It's only that I'm seeing him tomorrow night, and I'd prefer to know what to expect.

She puts her hand on Ginevra's.


ANGELIQUE: Just one woman to another?


GINEVRA: Honestly, I'm very sorry to disappoint you, but I wouldn't know. Mr. Beaumont is just a good friend.

Angelique uses the Presence discipline to make Ginevra like her.


ANGELIQUE: Well, now, that is surprising. I've only really spent time with him the once, you understand, since he's a new arrival, but that is most certainly not the impression I got.


GINEVRA: Well, I don't know what impression—


ANGELIQUE: I could have just asked Songbird herself directly, I suppose, but I thought it might all be a little bit more decorous this way.

She blows on her coffee.


ANGELIQUE: And of course, she's so hard to talk to at all, let alone about her personal life. You know.


GINEVRA: But Ms. — I mean, she wouldn't know any better than I would.


ANGELIQUE: Oh, probably not nowadays, what with her being in mourning, the poor dear. But before, in Chicago, quite the different story, I'm told. I had it straight from the horse's mouth, you know. I wouldn't just sit here and tell you unsubstantiated gossip, dear. Where would we be, if that were how affairs were conducted?


GINEVRA: Well, I can assure you that Ms. Glaistig is in full observance of her mourning, and she is not entertaining anyone for any reason, so neither she nor I can help you with... insight into this... issue. I really am sorry, but I just don't know. Whomever... well, they were mistaken.


ANGELIQUE: I completely understand, dear. Thank you anyway, you've been very helpful. Give Songbird all my love, and all of all our love. We would so like to see her more than every now and then at Limbo.

She hands a wad of bills to the waitress, who gives Ginevra a coffee.


ANGELIQUE: You enjoy that, you earned it. Dobroy nochi.[1]

Ginevra drinks her coffee and sits for a few minutes. She gets up and winds her scarf around herself before she leaves. She takes the subway back to Thomas Circle Apartments and climbs the stairs to Maeve's apartment. She unlocks the door and goes inside.



Maeve is in the hallway watching Bella chase her tail. She walks back to the living room.


MAEVE: Ginevra, is that you? What's the matter?

She shoos Ginevra toward the couch. Ginevra takes off her scarf and drops it in a chair, then sits down on the couch.


MAEVE: Are you all right?


GINEVRA: I'm fine, I'm fine. Nothing is the matter, it's just — I just had a lot of errands to run and I suppose I got — I was — It's Mr. Beaumont.

Maeve sits next to her on the couch and tucks her feet underneath her.


MAEVE: Msr. Beaumont? Is he all right?


GINEVRA: He is completely fine, as far as I'm aware. It's nothing, it's stupid. He said... he said he wanted to get to know me better. And that he's going to call me. And I don't even know if I want to answer anymore.


MAEVE: Isn't that a good thing? I thought you wanted to get to know him better, too. Did something change?


GINEVRA: No, apparently not.

She sighs.


GINEVRA: It's just, I didn't know some things about him, and now that I do... well, it's hard to adjust to. I mean... for starters, I didn't know about him and you, so I'm sorry, I wouldn't have just been talking about him to you all the time like that.


MAEVE: Him and me? I suppose I did hug him when he was here, but I promise only a little.


GINEVRA: No, I mean... I mean back in Chicago. The Lesser Harpy told me, it's okay. I just... well, I guess I would have thought he'd tell me. Or something. I mean, if he just wanted to see you.


MAEVE: Ms. Stravinsky? She told you... what? I'm not sure if I'm understanding you right, Ginevra, but... well, if she suggested that I have a romantic relationship with Msr. Beaumont, she was quite mistaken.

She sighs. Ginevra lays her head on Maeve's shoulder and also sighs.


MAEVE: Harpies talk. It's what they do. And, well, they make assumptions about Roses. I couldn't tell you what... what they said about me in Chicago. Jacque is a dear friend to me, but that is all, Ginevra. But he is a Rose, so people will talk.


GINEVRA: Yeah, well, he's going out with her tomorrow night, so that's kind of hard to reduce down to just gossip.

She groans.


GINEVRA: Oh, listen to me, it's not like we're even dating, for god's sake.

Maeve hums.


MAEVE: That doesn't always make much of a difference, I know. Well, I don't know what that might be about, although I know I've had to have evenings out with Harpies that weren't interested in much except what I was going to be wearing next month. But, Ginevra, I think the only way you're going to find out what he thinks about all this is to ask him. Not an easy thing to do, though, I know.

She kisses Ginevra's forehead.


MAEVE: But not, I think, tonight. If you call him now, you'll end up saying something you regret, or leaving a sad message on his voicemail. At least, that's always what I do.

She shakes her head.


MAEVE: So instead, you rest. Choose us something awful and sad to watch on television, all right? And I'll go get you something with too much fudge in it and be envious of your ability to eat it.

Ginevra laughs and hugs Maeve.


GINEVRA: Don't tell the other personal assistants. I'd never live it down if they knew you were taking care of me now.

Maeve goes to the hall closet and removes her coat before leaving. Ginevra takes a blanket from the back of the couch and puts it over herself, then turns on the television and surfs through Netflix. She notices a notebook on the coffee table and picks it up. She looks toward the front door and then quickly reads through it. She puts it back on the table and curls up under the blanket.

Outside, Maeve goes to a corner store and buys a bottle of wine, a carton of ice cream, and several microwaveable cakes. She returns to the apartment and puts everything on the counter, then takes wine glasses, a bowl, and a spoon from the kitchen cabinets. She brings the glasses, wine, ice cream, and bowl to the coffee table.


MAEVE: Here. This one has caramel in it. I remember caramel. You'll have to tell me what it tastes like.

Maeve sits down and Ginevra hugs her. She whimpers and begins to cry. Maeve hugs her back.


MAEVE: I know.


GINEVRA: I like caramel, th-thanks. Sorry, I didn't start anything, let's watch this one.

She searches for the remote under the blanket.


MAEVE: I know, you always put it in your coffee. Here, we could probably both use this.

She pours two glasses of wine. Ginevra starts a movie playing.


  1. "Good night." (Russian)


  • Angelique speaks noticeably better English in this scene than in many others, implying that she feigns much of her ignorance of the language.

  • Angelique's belief that Jacque is a sexual dynamo stems from gossip repeated by Chas Voyager in Assemble the Players; the rumor was intentionally planted by Jacque's sire Jean Claude Danut specifically to cause him problems.

  • Angelique's and Jacque's upcoming date is chronicled in La Vie d'une Rose.

  • Angelique's mention that she learned this information directly refers to Jean Claude obliquely confirming it in Contact: Jean Claude Danut.

  • Although Ginevra assumes Jean Claude and Maeve had a sexual relationship at one point, she is incorrect; they have never slept together.

  • Maeve's mention of Jacque visiting her refers to the events of Duty and Devotion.

  • The journal Ginevra reads is Maeve's Journal: From Paris to DC; the unnamed dead lover referred to in it is Ian Kross.

  • The movie Ginevra and Maeve watch is the 2005 film adaptation of Pride and Prejudice.