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Clans None
Bloodlines Kiasyd
Sects Camarilla
Rituals None
Combination Disciplines Mytherceria Combination Disciplines
Rarity Legendary

Basic Powers

Fae Sight


As a result of your fairy blood, you are able to instinctively recognize fae powers that are nearby; you recognize chimerae and Changelings for what they are, and while you cannot see through fae glamour, you can recognize that it is not reality. You are also unconsciously drawn to any other Maeghar or Kiasyd in the area; while the process of undeath obscures fae power too much for you to recognize them, you find certain rare people to be very interesting and almost impossible to ignore when they are around.



As a descendent of tricksters, you instinctively recognize nonsense when you hear it. You always know when a lie is spoken or a situation is misrepresented; you do not know what the truth actually is, nor do you necessarily know what part of a long sentence is the untrue part. You only recognize that whatever was just said isn't quite right in some indefinable way.

Darkling Trickery


You may create very simple glamours, illusions of effects (for example, sunlight, wind, a rainbow) or simple objects (such as balls, books, or coins) that have no actual substance but appear real for short periods of time. These glamours appear to be fae magic to anyone with Auspex or similar powers who examines them, and vanish at sunrise as if they had never been.

Second Sight


You are sensitive to magic in the area, even if it is not fae in origin. You can sense any magical powers that do not have to do with the dead (or undead); Mage spells, Sorcerer rituals, and even Bygones appear irresistibly shiny and magical to you immediately as soon as you enter the area.

Intermediate Powers

Aura Absorption


Although objects retain psychic impressions of what has happened in their past, you can remove these by touching them, drawing out the story of their history and letting it dissipate harmlessly into the aether. This power is useful to cover your tracks if you do not want those with Auspex or similar powers to spy on your recent actions, but it can also be used to remove negative impressions or "curses" from objects that have been witness to such unpleasant events that even humans consider them haunted. (Needless to say, you can't do anything abuot things that are actually haunted, such as a Wraith's fetter.)



Like the many fae that live beneath the hills and in their secret haunts, you have an innate sense of where you are when you are underground. You intuitively know where to go in any underground place, much as if you had a mental map of it or had been there before, although you do not know anything else about the place (for example, who else is down there or who made it) without gathering more information. When you create or add to underground places yourself, you are preternaturally skilled at moving earth and stone or just knowing the best way to go about your project.

Faerie Ward


As glamour distracts and confuses mortals who tangle with the fae folk, so can you do the same by creating wards, symbols that you place on walls, floors, or other structures to render the area confusing to everyone who enters. These wards must be drawn in your own blood and must use symbols relevant to you or your culture, but once they are in place, any people in the area besides you find themselves light-headed, dizzy or suffering from vertigo, continually unable to concentrate, and confused by almost anything they learn. These effects last until they leave the area or until the sun rises, at which point all your wards immediately deactivate (although the symbol remains and can be repainted again later).

Advanced Powers

Riddle Phantastique


You may speak a riddle so fiendishly clever and impossible to solve that it completely stops someone in their tracks, forcing them to devote all their brainpower to attempting to solve it. They become unable to think about anything else, as well as becoming catatonic or being afflicted by seizures, and can take no other actions but their constant, frenzied attempts to think of the answer. While some elders claim that the riddle can be solved and that doing so should break the spell, no one seems to have heard any reliable story of anyone actually succeeding at this; most simply remain helpless until the sun rises and this power's effects end.

Steal the Mind


By touching a person and leaving a little of your blood behind on their skin, you may blank their mind completely, retreating them into the same foggy confusion that they might suffer if they were within the area of a Faerie Ward. They immediately lose all of their memories and knowledge or skills, becoming a blank, confused slate who can only do the most basic of physical tasks (and probably won't, as they have forgotten why they should). Your victim's memories and skills will return to them gradually over the next few weeks.

Stone Travel


You can sink into the earth and tunnel through it at will, swimming through rock and earth as if you were one of the underhill folk yourself. Even solid stone poses no problem to you; only manmade structures can get in your way.

Absorb the Mind


By reaching into the mind of another person with eye contact, you may not only learn one of their Abilities but actually take it for yourself, immediately becoming as much of an expert as they were while they instantly forget everything they once knew about it. Your victim can re-learn this skill if they wish, but even if they do, the stolen knowledge remains permanently with you.

Earth Sword


The earth answers your call, shooting up in giant spikes to impale your enemies. The spikes deal lethal damage and can be drawn from any earth, stone, or stone-based material, including bricks and mortar, concrete, or pure metals (with the exception of pure iron, which you cannot affect).

Basilisk's Touch


With a single touch, you may turn your victim to stone, instantly rendering them an inert inanimate object. They cannot move, use powers, or even think; for all intents and purposes, they have ceased to exist, leaving behind only an uncannily accurate statue of themself. You may choose to reverse this power to return your victim to life if you wish; if you do, they have absolutely no memory of anything from the time they were turned to stone until they return to the living. While turned to stone, your victim can be interacted with as if they truly were an inanimate object (for example, a vampire with Auspex could use The Spirit's Touch on them and successfully gain information, but a vampire attempting to use Telepathy to read their mind would fail). If you are killed, anyone you have used this power on is permanently gone; even others with Mytherceria cannot bring them back.

The Grandest Trick


This is the greatest secret of the Maeghar: with this power, you may turn yourself back into a mortal for one day. You retain all your knowledge and even your disciplines, but you can do everything that a mortal can do - eat, drink, walk in the sun, and experience everything from the life you once left behind. You are indistinguishable from any other mortal to supernatural powers, and even if you use your own powers, you are likely to be misidentified as something other than a vampire (after all, you're clearly alive). When the sun sets at the end of the day, you revert back to your usual state.

Important Things to Keep in Mind

Mytherceria is not only extremely rare but very difficult to recognize even for those few vampires who are aware of its existence; its powers often manifest as simply a sense that the vampire who possesses them is somehow off, not quite vampire but clearly not human, either. The powers of Mytherceria are especially effective against other fairy creatures, including chimerae and Changelings, who are likely to be frightened and bewildered by their use from such a clearly dead monster as a vampire; Maeghar have occasionally been mistaken for Unseelie creatures by other fae who are at a loss to categorize what is happening.

Common Disciplines AnimalismAuspexCelerityDominateFortitudeObfuscatePotencePresence
Uncommon Disciplines AlchemyDementationNightmareObtenebrationProteanQuietusSerpentisVicissitude
Rare Disciplines AbombweCaimanChimerstryChinamasquaContinenceCountermagicFlightMelpomineeMengilaiMismiñaObeahOcelotlPraestantiaPukllanaSuccubismTezcatlValerenVisceratikaXuhuanYvate
Legendary Disciplines AyalalBardoBhumisparsaCarrefourDaimoninDeimosEmbrocationGetsumeiHypnagogiaKaiKamenKingjanMaleficiaMytherceriaNahdadNburuNepentheNereosNihilisticsOmaxacPukamaniRiftSakti PataSanguinusShihaiSpiritusStrigaSublunarioSuikastSunnikuseTemporisTenureThanatosisVitiateXinyao
Blood Sorcery AkhuAnarch SorceryDark ThaumaturgyDur-An-KiKoldunismMortisNahuallotlNecromancyOghamSadhanaSielanic SorcerySihrThaumaturgyVodounWanga