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<div style="display:block; text-align: center; font: 72px Tangerine; padding:10px;">Celerity</div>
<div id="infobox"><table style="float:right; width:258px; margin:0 0 7px 14px; border-collapse:collapse; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); border:1px solid #999; line-height:1.5; color:#fff; font-size:smaller;"><tr>
Celerity (native to the [[Assamite]], [[Brujah]], and [[Toreador]] clans) literally means ''swiftness of movement'', and those Kindred who possess it are swift indeed.  Its powers extend far beyond the simple realm of running quickly, although those with Celerity can cover ground at superhuman speeds and leave mortals shaking their heads in confusion; users of Celerity can also attack their enemies at dizzying speeds, defend themselves from danger in an untouchable blur of motion, and perceive the movement of things that would normally flash by too quickly for anyone else to truly register.  Kindred with Celerity often seem bewilderingly touchy and short-tempered to other people, but many of them can't help it; after they've experienced life at the speed of a hummingbird's wing, waiting for anything at the normal molasses-slow human pace can be maddening.
<th colspan="2" style="background:#001a33; border-bottom:1px solid #999; font-size:larger; padding:4px; text-align:center;">Celerity</th></tr>
<tr style="border-bottom:1px solid #999;"><th colspan="2" style="padding:0;">[[File:CeleritySmall.png|150px|center]]</th></tr>
<tr style="border-bottom:1px solid #999;">
<td style="padding:4px;"><b>Clans</b></td>
<td style="padding:4px;">[[Akhud]], [[Assamite]], [[Assamite Antitribu]], [[Brujah]], [[Brujah Antitribu]], [[Ishtarri]], [[Jharana]], [[Kalku]], [[Maxinkwelësëwakàn]], [[Nhang]], [[Osebo]], [[Shango]], [[Toreador]], [[Toreador Antitribu]]</td>
<tr style="border-bottom:1px solid #999;">
<td style="padding:4px;"><b>Bloodlines</b></td>
<td style="padding:4px;">[[Amara Havana]], [[Anvari]], [[Bushi]], [[Caitiff]], [[Coyote|Coyotes]], [[Les Gens Libres]], [[Khaibit]], [[Malintzin]], [[Matasuntha]], [[Nictuku]], [[Nomad|Nomads]], [[Pander|Panders]], [[Qedeshah]], [[Tianpàn]], [[Vizier|Viziers]], [[Volgirre]]</td>
<tr style="border-bottom:1px solid #999;">
<td style="padding:4px;"><b>Sects</b></td>
<td style="padding:4px;">[[Anarchs]], [[Ashirra]], [[Camarilla]], [[Cradle of Civilization]], [[Drowned Legacies]], [[Independents]], [[Jati]], [[Laibon]], [[Quiet Nations]], [[Sabbat]], [[Shining Kingdoms]], [[Teteoh]]</td>
<tr style="border-bottom:1px solid #999;">
<td style="padding:4px;"><b>Rituals</b></td>
<td style="padding:4px;">None</td>
<tr style="border-bottom:1px solid #999;">
<td style="padding:4px;"><b>Combination Disciplines</b></td>
<td style="padding:4px;">[[Celerity Combination Disciplines]]</td>
<tr style="border-bottom:1px solid #999;">
<td style="padding:4px;"><b>Rarity</b></td>
<td style="padding:4px;">[[Rarity|Common]]</td>
Celerity literally means ''swiftness of movement'', and those Kindred who possess it are swift indeed.  Its powers extend far beyond the simple realm of running quickly, although those with Celerity can cover ground at superhuman speeds and leave mortals shaking their heads in confusion; users of Celerity can also attack their enemies at dizzying speeds, defend themselves from danger in an untouchable blur of motion, and perceive the movement of things that would normally flash by too quickly for anyone else to truly register.  Kindred with Celerity often seem bewilderingly touchy and short-tempered to other people, but many of them can't help it; after they've experienced life at the speed of a hummingbird's wing, waiting for anything at the normal molasses-slow human pace can be maddening.
==Basic Powers==
==Basic Powers==
'''Alacrity:''' Your reflexes are so finely honed that you can actually pre-empt the actions of others, as if you knew what they were doing a moment before they did.  Whenever anyone takes an action, you may dive in to take another action first, allowing you to jump in front of bullets, grab things before they can be stolen, or dive out a window right before violence erupts.  If someone else ''also'' has Celerity, however, they match you speed-for-speed and cannot be pre-empted.
'''Swiftness:''' Your speed and control is such that you can take multiple actions where mere mortals (and less lucky Kindred) would be confined to a single one; you can bash at a door in your way twice in the same second, attack an enemy twice at once, punch someone in the nose ''and'' pick their pocket, or whatever other simultaneous things you might need to do.  This applies only to physical actions - this power does not actually make you ''think'' any faster.
<center>[[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]]</center>
Your reflexes are so finely honed that you can actually pre-empt the actions of others, as if you knew what they were doing a moment before they did.  Whenever anyone takes an action, you may dive in to take another action first, allowing you to jump in front of bullets, grab things before they can be stolen, or dive out a window right before violence erupts.  If someone else ''also'' has Celerity, however, they match you speed-for-speed and cannot be pre-empted.
===Cat's Grace===
<center>[[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]]</center>
Using microscopic and super-speedy movements of your muscles, you can recover your balance and avoid falling or slipping even under very difficult conditions (for example, high winds or greasy surfaces). This cannot prevent you from being tackled or knocked down by things, only from falling naturally.
<center>[[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]]</center>
Your speed and control is such that you can take multiple actions where mere mortals (and less lucky Kindred) would be confined to a single one; you can bash at a door in your way twice in the same second, attack an enemy twice at once, punch someone in the nose ''and'' pick their pocket, or whatever other simultaneous things you might need to do.  This applies only to physical actions - this power does not actually make you ''think'' any faster.
==Intermediate Powers==
==Intermediate Powers==
'''Rapidity:''' You can now run so fast if you choose that you generate a small flurry of wind behind you that kicks up dust and knocks over glasses, and you automatically win any race, dive, grab, or other speed challenge you encounter that is not with another person who has at least as much Celerity as you do.  You're not required to use these powers - in fact, generating a dust devil whenever you go anywhere is probably bad for the Masquerade - but you have the option to do so if you wish.
'''Legerity:''' You now literally move faster than the human eye can reliably track; you are a blur when you choose to spring into action or run by, making it difficult to explain your skills to others but also entirely possible to cross the city on foot in half an hour or strike an opponent multiple times before they've even located you in an attempt to pay you back in kind.  Doing so is exhausting, so most Kindred don't keep up this level of speed for long; the more you supercharge your speed, the hungrier you're going to end up afterward.
<center>[[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]]</center>
You can now run so fast if you choose that you generate a small flurry of wind behind you that kicks up dust and knocks over glasses, and you automatically win any race, dive, grab, or other speed challenge you encounter that is not with another person who has at least as much Celerity as you do.  You're not required to use these powers - in fact, generating a dust devil whenever you go anywhere is probably bad for the Masquerade - but you have the option to do so if you wish.
<center>[[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]]</center>
You are so fast that you can briefly cheat the laws of physics. As long as you are at a dead run, you can cross the surface of water or run up the side of a wall for short distances without falling. This power can appear magical, but you are still affected by gravity and will still sink or fall if you attempt to move too far or too slowly.
<div style="float:left; padding:0px;">[[File:Celerity1.png|400px|left]]</div>
===Draught of Elegance===
<center>[[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]]</center>
You may create a potion from your own blood that grants basic Celerity powers to anyone who drinks it. These powers remain for one night and are dispelled by the rising sun (and, as usual, any vampire drinking your blood will become bloodbound, while any mortal doing so may become a [[ghoul]]).
<center>[[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]]</center>
You now literally move faster than the human eye can reliably track; you are a blur when you choose to spring into action or run by, making it difficult to explain your skills to others but also entirely possible to cross the city on foot in half an hour or strike an opponent multiple times before they've even located you in an attempt to pay you back in kind.  Doing so is exhausting, so most Kindred don't keep up this level of speed for long; the more you supercharge your speed, the hungrier you're going to end up afterward.
==Advanced Powers==
==Advanced Powers==
'''Fleetness:''' You have reached a level of speed so impressive that you literally blow out flames that you pass when you run and leave mortals dazed and unable to guess what could possibly just have passed them by.  Using this power will definitely mark you as supernatural and may not be a good idea in front of some beings, but it also allows you to outpace anyone and everyone who does not have the same or better Celerity than your own.  Like Legerity, using it too much or for too long will deplete your reserves quickly.
<center>[[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]]</center>
You have reached a level of speed so impressive that you literally blow out flames that you pass when you run and leave mortals dazed and unable to guess what could possibly just have passed them by.  Using this power will definitely mark you as supernatural and may not be a good idea in front of some beings, but it also allows you to outpace anyone and everyone who does not have the same or better Celerity than your own.  Like Legerity, using it too much or for too long will deplete your reserves quickly.
==Elder Powers==
==Elder Powers==
Elder Kindred with Celerity can perform mind-numbing feats of speed and dexterity, including gaining microscopic finesse and motor skills, hurling projectiles at tornado-wind speeds, and moving so fast that they can even skim across the surface of water or other liquids without sinking.
===Flawless Parry===
<center>[[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]]</center>
You are able to block and parry away attacks against you, even from projectiles or hidden sources. You cannot do anything else other than defend yourself, but as long as you do, you are unassailable by anyone slower than yourself.
===Mercury's Arrow===
<center>[[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]]</center>
You may use throwing weapons with unreal speed and accuracy, targeting vital areas even on the move so that your attacks are as dangerous as if you had stabbed your enemy up close and personal.
<center>[[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]]</center>
Instead of using heightened strength, you strike your enemy multiple times in a single second in the exact same place, causing such focused damage that it injures them as if you were many times stronger than you are. This power requires an extensive amount of blood, so it can only be used rarely without risking exhaustion.
<center>[[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]]</center>
You may enter a trance in which you focus on nothing but your physical motion, allowing you to perform acts of incredibly fine manual dexterity - although you can do nothing else unless you break the trance and start over, you can interact with microchips, tiny filament threads, and other similar items that would normally be completely impossible to manipulate without special tools.
<center>[[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]]</center>
You no longer need weapons in order to shoot deadly projectiles; you can throw bullets, arrows, or even everyday objects so quickly that they do just as much damage as they would if fired. This does not prevent items from being otherwise affected by physics, so attempting to throw fragile things this quickly is more likely to break them than to hurt anyone.
<center>[[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]]</center>
You may take two actions in the amount of time it would normally take you to take one, allowing you to pummel enemies, escape from danger, or simply show off with unheard-of magic tricks.
===Tireless Tread===
<center>[[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]]</center>
You may travel at high speed for long distances without need of any vehicle or normal travel routes. You can run at a sustained speed about as fast as a quickly-moving car or helicopter for up to eight straight hours (unless, of course, the sun comes up and you fall into your daytime sleep).
===Celerity Refinement===
<center>[[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]]</center>
You are so mentally quick that you can use your blood with split-second precision, never using even a drop of blood that you don't have to in order to achieve your goals. All your Celerity powers cost less blood, and you never have to decide to use them until the exact moment they become relevant.
===Flower of Death===
<center>[[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]]</center>
Your speed and precision make you deadly, allowing you to perfectly target and attack others for far more damage than you would be able to do at normal speed.
===Sanguinary Wind===
<center>[[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]]</center>
You may turn yourself into a literal whirlwind of speed, making itself dangerous for anyone else to try to touch you. Anyone who does is injured as if attacked (although they can still hit you if they're willing to face the pain), and you remain a whirlwind of blood and air pressure until the end of the scene.
<div style="float:right; padding:0px;">[[File:Celerity2.jpg|400px|left]]</div>
<center>[[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]]</center>
You may begin moving erratically and speedily so that it becomes extremely difficult for others to see where you are, let alone touch you without permission. Anyone with less Celerity than yourself simply fails to be able to effectively hit you.
===Physical Defiance===
<center>[[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]]</center>
You can briefly run so quickly that you disrupt everything around you, creating dust storms in your wake, significantly raising the temperature of the air as you pass, and only touching the ground every few steps. Moving so quickly is difficult to sustain and also causes damage to the area around you; not does your passing cause whirlwinds of damage and destroy fragile items like glass or thin wood, it also instantly kills mortals who are close enough for their organ function to be disrupted.
===Resist Earth's Grasp===
<center>[[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]]</center>
You may temporarily defy gravity, clambering up a wall or across a high wire as easily as walking down the street. You can only do so while carrying yourself and a normal amount of clothing or small items; larger things will weigh you back down to the ground.
===Time Out of Time===
<center>[[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]]</center>
You may move so quickly that you actually react to others before they move, seeing the minute signs of their actions before even they know what they are about to do. To others, you appear to have seen the future, "reacting" first to anything you choose.
===The Unseen Storm===
<center>[[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]]</center>
You can briefly move so quickly that you literally become invisible to the naked human eye; although the wind and destruction of your passing (similar to Physical Defiance) still occur, others only recognize it long after you have passed. Those with sufficient Auspex or Celerity may be able to catch a glimpse of you, but even they may not be entirely sure what went past them other than a blur.
<center>[[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]]</center>
You can briefly move so quickly that you literally defy gravity; your feet touch the ground only infrequently to maintain your momentum, and you can cross gaps, water surfaces, and things that would normally be unable to bear your weight.
===Between the Ticks===
<center>[[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]]</center>
You are unbelievably fast in combat, able to strike an opponent multiple times in the space of a single second. Enemies who have less than advanced Celerity cannot hit you at all, and you can automatically escape from the scene any time you wish; only someone who also has and uses this power is fast enough to stop you.
===Paragon of Motion===
<center>[[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]][[File:WhitePointSmall.png | 25px]]</center>
You are so fast and agile that it is almost impossible for you to fail at any physical action that you attempt; as long as it is technically physically possible for you, this power allows you to succeed. This could be anything from leaping from building to building, performing complex bomb-disarming, stunt driving, or anything else that can be said to rely on your reflexes and physical skill.
==Important Things to Keep in Mind==
==Important Things to Keep in Mind==
Playing a Kindred with Celerity makes it easy to accidentally hijack someone else's character or shut down their actions - after all, if you can respond fast enough to stop them from doing anything you don't like, you may leave the other player frustrated by their inability to do anything you haven't already approved.  Remember to always discuss what's going on in a scene with the other player(s) if there is (or is likely to be) any conflict, and make sure you're both/all on the same page.
Playing a Kindred with Celerity makes it easy to accidentally hijack someone else's character or shut down their actions - after all, if you can respond fast enough to stop them from doing anything you don't like, you may leave the other player frustrated by their inability to do anything you haven't already approved.  Remember to always discuss what's going on in a scene with the other player(s) if there is (or is likely to be) any conflict, and make sure you're both/all on the same page.
<table style="text-align:center; vertical-align:center; width:80%px; margin:5px auto; border-collapse:collapse; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); border:1px solid #999; line-height:1.5; color:#fff; font-size:smaller;"><tr>
<th colspan="2" style="background:#001a33; border-bottom:1px solid #999; font-size:larger; padding:4px; text-align:center;">Disciplines</th></tr>
{{Common Disciplines}}
{{Uncommon Disciplines}}
{{Rare Disciplines}}
{{Legendary Disciplines}}
{{Blood Sorcery}}
[[Category: Disciplines]]
[[Category: Disciplines]]

Latest revision as of 20:14, 17 June 2021


Celerity literally means swiftness of movement, and those Kindred who possess it are swift indeed. Its powers extend far beyond the simple realm of running quickly, although those with Celerity can cover ground at superhuman speeds and leave mortals shaking their heads in confusion; users of Celerity can also attack their enemies at dizzying speeds, defend themselves from danger in an untouchable blur of motion, and perceive the movement of things that would normally flash by too quickly for anyone else to truly register. Kindred with Celerity often seem bewilderingly touchy and short-tempered to other people, but many of them can't help it; after they've experienced life at the speed of a hummingbird's wing, waiting for anything at the normal molasses-slow human pace can be maddening.

Basic Powers



Your reflexes are so finely honed that you can actually pre-empt the actions of others, as if you knew what they were doing a moment before they did. Whenever anyone takes an action, you may dive in to take another action first, allowing you to jump in front of bullets, grab things before they can be stolen, or dive out a window right before violence erupts. If someone else also has Celerity, however, they match you speed-for-speed and cannot be pre-empted.

Cat's Grace


Using microscopic and super-speedy movements of your muscles, you can recover your balance and avoid falling or slipping even under very difficult conditions (for example, high winds or greasy surfaces). This cannot prevent you from being tackled or knocked down by things, only from falling naturally.



Your speed and control is such that you can take multiple actions where mere mortals (and less lucky Kindred) would be confined to a single one; you can bash at a door in your way twice in the same second, attack an enemy twice at once, punch someone in the nose and pick their pocket, or whatever other simultaneous things you might need to do. This applies only to physical actions - this power does not actually make you think any faster.

Intermediate Powers



You can now run so fast if you choose that you generate a small flurry of wind behind you that kicks up dust and knocks over glasses, and you automatically win any race, dive, grab, or other speed challenge you encounter that is not with another person who has at least as much Celerity as you do. You're not required to use these powers - in fact, generating a dust devil whenever you go anywhere is probably bad for the Masquerade - but you have the option to do so if you wish.



You are so fast that you can briefly cheat the laws of physics. As long as you are at a dead run, you can cross the surface of water or run up the side of a wall for short distances without falling. This power can appear magical, but you are still affected by gravity and will still sink or fall if you attempt to move too far or too slowly.


Draught of Elegance


You may create a potion from your own blood that grants basic Celerity powers to anyone who drinks it. These powers remain for one night and are dispelled by the rising sun (and, as usual, any vampire drinking your blood will become bloodbound, while any mortal doing so may become a ghoul).



You now literally move faster than the human eye can reliably track; you are a blur when you choose to spring into action or run by, making it difficult to explain your skills to others but also entirely possible to cross the city on foot in half an hour or strike an opponent multiple times before they've even located you in an attempt to pay you back in kind. Doing so is exhausting, so most Kindred don't keep up this level of speed for long; the more you supercharge your speed, the hungrier you're going to end up afterward.

Advanced Powers



You have reached a level of speed so impressive that you literally blow out flames that you pass when you run and leave mortals dazed and unable to guess what could possibly just have passed them by. Using this power will definitely mark you as supernatural and may not be a good idea in front of some beings, but it also allows you to outpace anyone and everyone who does not have the same or better Celerity than your own. Like Legerity, using it too much or for too long will deplete your reserves quickly.

Elder Powers

Flawless Parry


You are able to block and parry away attacks against you, even from projectiles or hidden sources. You cannot do anything else other than defend yourself, but as long as you do, you are unassailable by anyone slower than yourself.

Mercury's Arrow


You may use throwing weapons with unreal speed and accuracy, targeting vital areas even on the move so that your attacks are as dangerous as if you had stabbed your enemy up close and personal.



Instead of using heightened strength, you strike your enemy multiple times in a single second in the exact same place, causing such focused damage that it injures them as if you were many times stronger than you are. This power requires an extensive amount of blood, so it can only be used rarely without risking exhaustion.



You may enter a trance in which you focus on nothing but your physical motion, allowing you to perform acts of incredibly fine manual dexterity - although you can do nothing else unless you break the trance and start over, you can interact with microchips, tiny filament threads, and other similar items that would normally be completely impossible to manipulate without special tools.



You no longer need weapons in order to shoot deadly projectiles; you can throw bullets, arrows, or even everyday objects so quickly that they do just as much damage as they would if fired. This does not prevent items from being otherwise affected by physics, so attempting to throw fragile things this quickly is more likely to break them than to hurt anyone.



You may take two actions in the amount of time it would normally take you to take one, allowing you to pummel enemies, escape from danger, or simply show off with unheard-of magic tricks.

Tireless Tread


You may travel at high speed for long distances without need of any vehicle or normal travel routes. You can run at a sustained speed about as fast as a quickly-moving car or helicopter for up to eight straight hours (unless, of course, the sun comes up and you fall into your daytime sleep).

Celerity Refinement


You are so mentally quick that you can use your blood with split-second precision, never using even a drop of blood that you don't have to in order to achieve your goals. All your Celerity powers cost less blood, and you never have to decide to use them until the exact moment they become relevant.

Flower of Death


Your speed and precision make you deadly, allowing you to perfectly target and attack others for far more damage than you would be able to do at normal speed.

Sanguinary Wind


You may turn yourself into a literal whirlwind of speed, making itself dangerous for anyone else to try to touch you. Anyone who does is injured as if attacked (although they can still hit you if they're willing to face the pain), and you remain a whirlwind of blood and air pressure until the end of the scene.




You may begin moving erratically and speedily so that it becomes extremely difficult for others to see where you are, let alone touch you without permission. Anyone with less Celerity than yourself simply fails to be able to effectively hit you.

Physical Defiance


You can briefly run so quickly that you disrupt everything around you, creating dust storms in your wake, significantly raising the temperature of the air as you pass, and only touching the ground every few steps. Moving so quickly is difficult to sustain and also causes damage to the area around you; not does your passing cause whirlwinds of damage and destroy fragile items like glass or thin wood, it also instantly kills mortals who are close enough for their organ function to be disrupted.

Resist Earth's Grasp


You may temporarily defy gravity, clambering up a wall or across a high wire as easily as walking down the street. You can only do so while carrying yourself and a normal amount of clothing or small items; larger things will weigh you back down to the ground.

Time Out of Time


You may move so quickly that you actually react to others before they move, seeing the minute signs of their actions before even they know what they are about to do. To others, you appear to have seen the future, "reacting" first to anything you choose.

The Unseen Storm


You can briefly move so quickly that you literally become invisible to the naked human eye; although the wind and destruction of your passing (similar to Physical Defiance) still occur, others only recognize it long after you have passed. Those with sufficient Auspex or Celerity may be able to catch a glimpse of you, but even they may not be entirely sure what went past them other than a blur.



You can briefly move so quickly that you literally defy gravity; your feet touch the ground only infrequently to maintain your momentum, and you can cross gaps, water surfaces, and things that would normally be unable to bear your weight.

Between the Ticks


You are unbelievably fast in combat, able to strike an opponent multiple times in the space of a single second. Enemies who have less than advanced Celerity cannot hit you at all, and you can automatically escape from the scene any time you wish; only someone who also has and uses this power is fast enough to stop you.

Paragon of Motion


You are so fast and agile that it is almost impossible for you to fail at any physical action that you attempt; as long as it is technically physically possible for you, this power allows you to succeed. This could be anything from leaping from building to building, performing complex bomb-disarming, stunt driving, or anything else that can be said to rely on your reflexes and physical skill.

Important Things to Keep in Mind

Playing a Kindred with Celerity makes it easy to accidentally hijack someone else's character or shut down their actions - after all, if you can respond fast enough to stop them from doing anything you don't like, you may leave the other player frustrated by their inability to do anything you haven't already approved. Remember to always discuss what's going on in a scene with the other player(s) if there is (or is likely to be) any conflict, and make sure you're both/all on the same page.

Common Disciplines AnimalismAuspexCelerityDominateFortitudeObfuscatePotencePresence
Uncommon Disciplines AlchemyDementationNightmareObtenebrationProteanQuietusSerpentisVicissitude
Rare Disciplines AbombweCaimanChimerstryChinamasquaContinenceCountermagicFlightMelpomineeMengilaiMismiñaObeahOcelotlPraestantiaPukllanaSuccubismTezcatlValerenVisceratikaXuhuanYvate
Legendary Disciplines AyalalBardoBhumisparsaCarrefourDaimoninDeimosEmbrocationGetsumeiHypnagogiaKaiKamenKingjanMaleficiaMytherceriaNahdadNburuNepentheNereosNihilisticsOmaxacPukamaniRiftSakti PataSanguinusShihaiSpiritusStrigaSublunarioSuikastSunnikuseTemporisTenureThanatosisVitiateXinyao
Blood Sorcery AkhuAnarch SorceryDark ThaumaturgyDur-An-KiKoldunismMortisNahuallotlNecromancyOghamSadhanaSielanic SorcerySihrThaumaturgyVodounWanga