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Scene Summary: Journeys End In...?

Journeys End In...?e
JacqueFace.png JonathanFace.png PieterFace.png
Chronicle DC Chronicle
Game Date November 16, 2015
Real Date December 7-8, 2015
Characters Ginevra Bianchi
Jacque Beaumont
Jonathan Stewart
Pieter Van Reise
Locations The Pit
Previous Scene Assemble the Players (Ginevra, Jacque)
Hope for the Hopeless (Jonathan)
Strong Medicine (Pieter)
Next Scene Duty and Devotion (Ginevra, Jacque)
The More the Merrier! (Jonathan)
Carrying That Load (Pieter)
Content Warnings Death, Domestic Abuse
Original Scene Journeys End In...?'

Journeys End In...? is a scene from the DC Chronicle featuring Ginevra Bianchi, Jacque Beaumont, Jonathan Stewart, and Pieter Van Reise. It depicts Ginevra and Jacque reconnecting after his vanishment and Embrace.

Scene Summary

Ginevra walks down Embassy Row toward the Pit and stops for coffee, thinking that she doesn't have to feel guilty about stopping for it because Maeve Glaistig is going out with someone, something she worries about but thinks will be good for her after her recent depression. She wonders what she will say to Jacque, thinking back to his disappearance in Milan and becoming slightly angry that he never responded to her requests for help. She opens the door to the Pit and hopes that he has a good reason, but doubts it will change her feelings much.

She goes inside and considers freshening up, but is annoyed to have cared about it and sits down at a table instead. Jonathan has been sitting with his feet up, watching Pieter throw darts at the wall, and is excited to see her. He hunches down to avoid the darts and dashes to her table, where he tries to ask how she is and offers her tea. Pieter overhears this and mocks him, pointing out that she has coffee and they don't have tea anyway, and throws a flask at Jonathan, who is hit in the head but manages to catch it. He sits down next to Ginevra and apologizes, smelling the flask and discovering that it is scotch before guessing she doesn't want any. He asks again what's wrong, guessing that something might have happened to Maeve, but she tells him that she is fine and mentions that Maeve is out with someone.

Outside, Jacque arrives and parks his car outside the Pit, having left the Elysium party hastily and briefly stopping to buy a bouquet of flowers. He worries about his appearance and condition before going to the door, where he sees Ginevra and Jonathan talking inside. Believing that she must be involved with Jonathan and that he may have missed his chance by delaying too long, he throws the flowers away before going inside. He walks to Ginevra's table, where she is in the middle of asking Jonathan to get her some food, and all three introduce themselves. Ginevra invites Jacque to sit down and he does so, while Jonathan guesses that he must already know Ginevra. Jacque is uncomfortable but tries not to show it. Realizing that they can't talk about anything with Jonathan there, Ginevra asks him again to go get her some food, and he agrees and gets up to go into the kitchen.

Jacque thinks back to his sire advising him to tell Ginevra about his feelings, something he is now freer to do than when he was also a ghoul. He switches to Italian and tells Ginevra that he is glad to see her and wants to apologize for not helping her in Paris, adding that it is important to him that she know he would have if possible. Ginevra tells him that she managed the situation and not to worry, upset that his apology seems inadequate. She asks him why he wants her to know this and asks what happened to him. Jacque tells her that he has been Embraced and is now a vampire, and that he had no choice and could not contact her since his sire had made these decisions for him. He explains that he didn't receive her letter asking for help until long afterward.

Ginevra realizes that Jacque could not have helped her and that he is now dead, and feels guilty for being angry with him in the past. She begins to cry as she looks at him and sees the signs that he is no longer alive. Jacque is dismayed to see how strongly the news affects her and almost reaches out for her before Jonathan returns with the food. He puts it down hastily and awkwardly tries to comfort her, asking her what happened. Jacque tries to reassure him and offers to leave, believing that Ginevra may no longer be interested now that he is a vampire, but Ginevra tells him not to and claims that she is all right. Ginevra pulls out a handkerchief and cleans her face as she apologizes for crying, mentioning that Maeve has needed a lot of help lately. Jacque offers his help if she needs it and asks Jonathan to give them a moment alone; Jonathan is unsure about this but agrees, going to the end of the bar next to Pieter, who has been listening in and surprises him with the news that Jacque is a vampire.

Ginevra, now embarrassed that she cried and worrying that it proves he was right to reject her in the past, accepts Jacque's offer of help and then apologizes to him again. He tells her that he'll be glad to see Maeve but really came to see her, and confesses that he has romantic feelings for her, adding that he needed to tell her but does not expect her to reciprocate if she has moved on. Ginevra is shocked by his confession and thinks that it doesn't match her fantasies, but is happy at the announcement. Jacque asks if he can get to know her better and she agrees. Pieter, still listening, tells Jonathan what's going on and asks where Jacque came from, unsettled by something about him. Jonathan is unable to say but is worried about Pieter becoming violent and tries to placate him before returning to the table to ask if Ginevra and Jacque are all right.

Pieter follows Jonathan to the table and asks which clan Jacque belongs to; Jacque identifies himself as a Toreador of the House of Augustine and realizes that Jonathan and Pieter are probably worried that he is harassing Ginevra. He thanks them for being protective of her, but Pieter ignores him, demanding that he leave the restaurant because he does not serve Toreador. Ginevra protests and Pieter orders her to stay while Jacque leaves. Jonathan recognizes a fight about to erupt and offers to escort Ginevra home as a compromise, suggesting that Pieter call Maeve in an attempt to distract him. Jacque is shocked and confused to be thrown out but agrees and gives Ginevra his phone number and a request to see her again before leaving. Ginevra also agrees to leave with Jonathan, but still writes down her phone number and runs outside, chasing Jacque down the street to give it to him. They hear Pieter yelling in the distance and both leave in different directions.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

Journeys End In...? Script Summary

Ginevra walks down Embassy Row, pausing at a coffee shop for a drink. She drinks it as she walks to the Pit and opens the door to go inside, where she sits down at a table. Jonathan is sitting with his feet up on a chair, watching Pieter throw darts at the wall. He gets up and ducks to avoid the darts, running to Ginevra's table.


JONATHAN: Hey, there, lady, you're looking travel-worn. Something bringing you down in the big old world? You like some tea?

Pieter rolls his eyes and aims a dart near Jonathan.


PIETER: One, she already has coffee, you dumbass. Even I can smell it, and I'm dead. Two, we're out of tea, I gave it away. Here, we have this.

He throws a flask over his head without looking and it hits Jonathan in the head, falling into his hands. Jonathan sits down next to Ginevra, who tries to smooth down her hair.


JONATHAN: Och, sorry. I guess all we have is...

He unscrews the flash and smells it, then makes a face.


JONATHAN: Too strong for you, probably. Scotch. So, lovely lady, what's got you all hops and moans? Is your lady having trouble again?


GINEVRA: No, I'm fine. It's just... nothing. Actually, she's probably having a better night than I am, for once. At least, we can hope. She finally went out with someone that wasn't me, so that's some progress.


JONATHAN: Ah hey, that's good news then, isn't it? Maybe you can get her out on the town, even go out yourself once in a while.

She loosens her scarf. Outside, Jacque leaves the Toreador Embassy and uses GPS to drive to the Pit, where he parks on the street and gets out, carrying a bouquet of flowers. He sees Ginevra sitting with Jonathan through the window and throws the flowers away in a trashcan on the street before going inside and walking to her table.


GINEVRA: Maybe you could look for some—


JACQUE: Hello again. And good evening.


GINEVRA: Hi. I mean, sit down. I mean, please, pull up a chair.


JONATHAN: Oh, aye, have a seat and join us. The name's Jonathan. I work for the gentlemen down the end of the bar, the one putting all the holes in our plaster. And you already know miss Ginevra, then?

Jacque pulls a chair over and sits down.


JACQUE: Yes, thank you. My name is Jacque Beaumont. I am now, ah, self-employed. And yes, we have already met. We are, I think, old friends. It is good to meet you, Jonathan.

He and Jonathan shake hands.


JONATHAN: Glad to Hear it. She can always use a few more friends, can't we all?


GINEVRA: Now that we've all met, I was going to ask you if there was anything to eat tonight? I've been on my feet since about three p.m. Sorry, I hate to make you run and look for it...


JONATHAN: Actually, we've got a roaring kitchen tonight. Not sure what he was planning on, but I think we've got four pigs' worth going back there and no one but us to handle it all. Don't be sorry, I could use a mouthful myself. I'll bring us back something good, keep the weight off those feet.

He gets up and leaves for the kitchen.


JACQUE: È molto bello vederti. Spero che tu stia bene. Questo mi renderebbe molto felice.[1]


GINEVRA: Sto... beh, sì, sto bene. Sto perfettamente bene.[2]


JACQUE: Non ti terrei, se sei occupato. Ma volevo scusarmi. Mi dispiace per aver lasciato il modo in cui ho fatto. È stato molto... scortese da parte mia. E sono molto dispiaciuto di non aver ricevuto la tua lettera fino a quando non era troppo tardi. Non avrei permesso...[3]


GINEVRA: Voglio dire, stavo bene. Ho un appartamento e l'ho trovata, alla fine. Beh, ovviamente. Quindi non preoccuparti.[4]


JACQUE: Mi dispiace di non averti potuto aiutare, quando me lo hai chiesto. Avevo bisogno che tu lo sentissi. È molto importante che tu lo senta.[5]


GINEVRA: Perché? Perché questo è così importante? Cosa ti è successo?[6]


JACQUE: Sono stato abbracciato. Il mio ex padrone ha lasciato istruzioni per il mio ritorno. Non mi è stata data scelta. È stato... organizzato per me.[7]

He folds his hands on the table. Ginevra gasps and covers her mouth with her hands.


JACQUE: So che è una magra consolazione, ma se avessi potuto, te l'avrei detto. ti avrei aiutato. Ma non è stata una mia decisione. Non ho ricevuto la tua lettera fino a quando non sono stato rilasciato. [8]


GINEVRA: Oh, no. Tu... oh, no, stavo solo... ero solo arrabbiato con te e...[9]

She sniffles and begins to cry.


GINEVRA: N-non scusarti, mi dispiace, non lo sapevo—[10]

After finding dishes and filling them with barbecue with extra sauce, Jonathan returns from the kitchen ducking under Pieter's darts. He slides the plates quickly onto the table and hovers next to Ginevra.


JONATHAN: Whoa, there, pretty lady, what's the matter?

He pats her hand. Jacque reaches out to Ginevra and then stops halfway.


JONATHAN: You get some bad news?


JACQUE: I am afraid so. Mi dispiace. Vuoi che me ne vada?[11]


GINEVRA: No, no.

She searches her pockets and pulls out a handkerchief, which she uses to dab at her face.


GINEVRA: No, no, sto bene, non c'è bisogno che tu vada.[12] I'm fine. I'm fine, thank you. I'm so sorry, it must just be... it's been such a long week. She's needed a lot of help, and... Anyway, I'm fine now. I'm sorry, it was just a shock.


JACQUE: Yes, of course. If you ever need any help with your duties, now that I am back... Excuse me, Jonathan. But would you please give us just one more moment?


JONATHAN: Okay, sure enough. I'll just be down the bar.

He goes to the other end of the bar and tries to listen. Pieter is still throwing darts.


PIETER: That's a dead dude over there. What do you think, put one in the back of his head or let him head out?


GINEVRA: Ovviamente grazie. Sarebbe felice di vederti, credo. Ha bisogno di vedere qualcuno.[13]

She sniffles more, then puts away her handkerchief and sighs.


GINEVRA: Scusa di nuovo. Devi pensare che io sia ridicolo.[14]


JACQUE: No, non penso che tu sia ridicolo. Sarei felice di aiutare in ogni modo possibile. Ma questo non è... non sono qui per Mdm. Glaistig.[15]

He pauses.


JACQUE: Ci tengo a te, Ginevra. Capisco che sono stato via per molto tempo e che molte cose sono cambiate, ma sono qui perché... avevo bisogno di dire anche questo. Che ho pensato per un anno a tutto quello che hai detto e che ci tengo a te. Se, forse, tante cose non sono cambiate... vorrei avere la possibilità di conoscerti meglio.[16]

Ginevra begins to cry again.


GINEVRA: Mi piacerebbe.[17]


PIETER: Well, now he's hitting on her. If that affects your decision any, friend.


JONATHAN: What now?


PIETER: Any idea where he came from? Because I'm getting a very hairy feeling about him.


JONATHAN: I don't know, he just popped in tonight. Look, I'm sure it's nothing — he just said he had a little bad news, that was all.

Jonathan goes back to the table.


JONATHAN: Not to interrupt, but everything okay down here? The boss is starting to wonder.




JACQUE: Everything is wonderful. Thank you for asking. Va tutto bene, sì?[18]


GINEVRA: Si.[19]

Pieter jumps off the bar and walks to the table. He jabs his finger into Jacque's face. Jacque leans away and blinks.


PIETER: Hey, you. What's your family?


JACQUE: I am a Rose. Of the house Augustine. I see that you are worried. This is good. You must be a very good friend to Ginevra. Both of you. I have come here and you do not know me, and I have made your friend cry. I am sorry for this.


PIETER: Oh, great, that's what I thought. Get out. I don't serve Roses here. Get the fuck out of my restaurant.

He points at the door.


PIETER: Now. Go. Get.

Ginevra starts to get up.


GINEVRA: Oh, no, Pieter, it's all right, he's an old friend—


PIETER: Not you, you sit.


GINEVRA: But it's—

Pieter points in her face.


GINEVRA: Well, you know, I was just about to be going anyway, Mr. Van Reise, so—


JONATHAN: Och, hey, you know, she was saying that. Look, how about I'll just take her home then, hey? That way she gets where she's going, the other gentleman heads out, and you can feed the leftovers to whatever sorry midnight stragglers come in. Maybe you're needing to call little sister anyway, right?

Jacque takes a pen from his jacket and writes his phone number on a napkin. He hands the napkin to Ginevra.


JACQUE: Yes, I am 'heading out'. Sarò in città per un po' di tempo. Sarebbe bello rivederti.[20]

He nods at Jonathan, gets up, and leaves.


GINEVRA: All right, thank you — just one minute, all right?

She pulls a pen from behind her ear and writes her phone number on another napkin. She gets up and leaves, jogging to catch up with Jacque on the street. She offers him the napkin.


GINEVRA: Here, take mine, too!

They hear Pieter in the distance.


PIETER: Jonathan what do I fucking pay you for?

Ginevra scurries away down the street.


  1. It is very good to see you. I hope you are well. That would make me very happy.
  2. I'm... well, yes, I'm fine. I'm perfectly fine. (Italian)
  3. I would not keep you, if you are busy. But I wanted to apologize. I am sorry for leaving the way that I did. It was very... rude of me. And I am so very sorry that I did not receive your letter until it was too late. I would not have let— Well, I would have made sure that you were all right, if I were able. (Italian)
  4. I mean, I was fine. I got a flat and I did find her, eventually. Well, obviously. So don't worry about it. (Italian)
  5. I am sorry that I could not help you, when you asked. I needed you to hear that. It is very important that you hear that. (Italian)
  6. Why? Why is that so important? What happened to you? (Italian)
  7. I was Embraced. My former master left instructions for my return. I was given no choice. It was... Arranged for me. (Italian)
  8. I know it is a small consolation, but if I could have, I would have told you. I would have helped you. But it was not my decision. I did not get your letter until after I was released. (Italian)
  9. Oh, no. You — oh, no, I was just being — just being upset with you and— (Italian)
  10. D-don't apologize, I'm sorry, I didn't know— (Italian)
  11. I am sorry. Would you like me to leave? (Italian)
  12. No, no, I'm fine, you don't need to go. (Italian)
  13. Of course, thank you. She'd be glad to see you, I think. She needs to see someone. (Italian)
  14. I'm sorry, again. You must think I'm ridiculous. (Italian)
  15. No, I do not think you are ridiculous. I would be glad to help in any way possible. But that is not— I am not here for Mdm. Glaistig. (Italian)
  16. I care for you, Ginevra. I understand that I was gone for a long time and that many things have changed, but I am here because... I needed to say that as well. That I have thought for a year now on everything you have said, and that I do care for you. If, perhaps, quite so many things have not changed... I would like the chance to get to know you better. (Italian)
  17. I'd like that. (Italian)
  18. It is all right, yes? (Italian)
  19. Yes. (Italian)
  20. I will be in the city for some time. It would be nice to see you again. (Italian)


  • The person Ginevra refers to Maeve going out with is Hope Gutierrez; their scene is Strong Medicine and takes place simultaneously with this one.

  • Ginevra's struggles in Paris and failed request to Jacque for help are chronicled in The Ginevra Files: Paris.

  • The party Jacque refers to leaving early is seen in Assemble the Players.

  • Jacque mentions resisting looking in the mirror; as a very new member of Clan Lasombra, he has forgotten that he has no reflection.

  • Jonathan assumes that Jacque is a ghoul since most patrons of The Pit are; Maeve Glaistig is the only other vampire to have visited before.

  • Ginevra states that it is Tuesday, but she is mistaken; this scene takes place on a Monday.

  • The previous romantic overture Ginevra mentions making toward Jacque takes place in The Two of Us, We Wrote This Sonnet.

  • Pieter's prejudice toward Toreador is due to Cyro's and Octavius Sage's treatment of his clan in Raleigh.