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Scene Summary: Letter: Marcus to Edward

Letter: Angelique to Jean Claude
EdwardFace.png Marcus2Face.png
Chronicle DC Chronicle
New York Chronicle
Game Date November 24, 2015
Real Date March 23, 2016
Characters Edward Walker
Marcus Aurelius
Locations Aurelius Compound
Ventrue Embassy
Previous Scene Assemble the Players (Edward)
One More Day (Marcus)
Next Scene A Midwinter Night's Tale (Edward)
Living in a Dream (Marcus)
Content Warnings None
Original Scene Letter: Marcus to Edward

Letter: Marcus to Edward is a crossover scene from the DC Chronicle and New York Chronicle featuring Edward Walker and Marcus Aurelius. It depicts Marcus writing to Edward to tell him that he will visit DC soon, and Edward offering him hospitality.

Scene Summary

Marcus sends a letter to Edward, telling him that he will soon release one of his childer and wants to show them DC as part of their coming-out tour. He informs him that he will bring his other childer with him and mentions that he has noticed Edward's efforts to support Clan Ventrue and would like to talk about them.

Edward sends a return letter to Marcus, expressing his happiness for him to arrive and letting him know that he has prepared the local embassy to receive him. He offer to fulfill any special requests Marcus has, and agrees that he looks forward to discussing family business.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

Letter: Marcus to Edward Script Summary

A letter from Marcus Aurelius to Edward Walker, November 2015.


MARCUS: Greetings, Doctor Walker!

I have the terrific fortune of visiting our embassy in DC sometime in the coming weeks. My youngest childe will be released soon and I can think of no better start to our presentational tour than your beautiful city. I will be arriving in DC with a few of my childer as well as my Toreador ward. I trust fully that you will have proper arrangements seen to and I thank you in advance for your gracious hospitality.

Also, understand that I am writing not only out of obligation, but also to express my most sincere desire to speak while I am in town! Your dedication to the interests of our family has not gone unnoticed and I truly look forward to at last meeting you in person.

Warmest Regards,
Marcus Aurelius

A return letter from Edward Walker to Marcus Aurelius, November 2015.


EDWARD: Esteemed Mr. Aurelius:

We will be only too happy to receive you in DC, and hope your stay will be comfortable and informative. The Embassy has been informed of your imminent arrival, and of course all proper arrangements will be made.

Should you have any special requests, please feel free to notify us about them ahead of time in order that we may extend our fullest hospitality.

I look forward to discussing family business in the near future.

With sincere pleasure,
Dr. Edward Walker


  • Marcus is not sincere in his congratulation of Edward for his attempts in DC; Edward is suffering from a negative reputation due to his failure to recognize and stop Marcus Vitel from pretending to be a member of Clan Ventrue and taking over the rulership of Washington, DC. Similarly, Edward is perfectly well aware of this and is not sincere about being glad to see Marcus visit.

  • The soon-to-be-released childe Marcus refers to is Olivia Roth.