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Scene Summary: Arrival

CasperFace.png GeorgosFace.png
JimmyFace.png 60px RolandFace.png
Chronicle DC Chronicle
Game Date December 13, 2015
Real Date May 23, 2016
Characters Casper Iversson
Jimmy Francetti
Roland Christensen
Locations Purgatory
Previous Scene Phone Call: Jean Claude to Maeve (Casper)
Tales from the Black Room: Dead Money (Jimmy)
Next Scene Evening Cocktails (Casper)
Capitalization (Jimmy)
Content Warnings Mind Control, Warfare
Original Scene Arrival

Arrival is a scene from the DC Chronicle featuring Casper Iversson and Jimmy Francetti, with minor appearances by Georgos and Roland Christensen and a cameo appearance by Praevian. It depicts Jimmy arriving in Washington, DC and meeting Casper at Purgatory.

Scene Summary

Jimmy arrives in an alley in Washington, DC, using the Necromancy discipline to travel through the Shroud. Praevian hands him his bag from inside the portal before it closes. He enters Purgatory, where Casper is sitting at a table reading emails. Georgos informs Jimmy that Casper is a vampire, and after joking with Roland at the bar, Jimmy orders drinks for both him and Casper, taking them to his table and introducing himself as well as openly admitting to being a vampire as well. Casper uses Auspex to read Jimmy's aura and confirm that he is what he says he is, but is glad to have a conversational partner. Jimmy introduces himself as a member of Clan Giovanni, making Casper wary in light of the Toreador feud going on in Italy.

Casper uses Presence to make Jimmy like him more and asks him what kind of business he wants to do, and Jimmy explains that he provides various services as a fixer for whatever people might need. Casper indicates that he might have a business deal to take him up on, but that he can't divulge details at the moment, and the two exchange business cards. Jimmy asks Casper if he knows Hope Gutierrez, who he says is an old friend, and Casper tells him that she is a regular at Purgatory.

Jimmy tells Casper some of his background and explains that he met Hope while aiding a group of Anarchs in defending a city from the Sabbat. He mentions her sire, who he describes as a flawed but impressive classical hero, and he and Casper discuss fighting techniques of bygone ages. Georgos teases Jimmy for being so complimentary and he swats at him, even though Casper cannot see or hear the Wraith. Casper remarks that Hope never told him about any of this, and Jimmy tells him that he isn't worried about upsetting her with gossip, adding that he once saved her life and she's in his debt.

When Jimmy asks Casper if he has any information about how to get along in DC's vampire society, Casper tells him to meet the Harpy, Cynthia Black, to learn about the city's politics, and suggests that he attend Limbo to meet local movers and shakers. Jimmy mentions that he has heard that there is an impressive singer at Limbo; Casper corrects him to use Maeve Glaistig's name instead of her sobriquet, bothered by the idea that she is being referred to as an object, but also praises her performances. Jimmy presses him for details about the Prince, Marcus Vitel, but all Casper can tell him is that he is a Lasombra and he believes that citizens have nothing to fear as long as they follow the rules.

The two men shake and Jimmy leaves to return to the bar, where he rejects Georgos' suggestion to follow Casper. He banters with Roland for a little while and leaves his card and a tip on the bar, asking him to tell Hope to contact him the next time she comes to Purgatory. He makes a phone call as he leaves the bar, requesting that his Giovanni credentials be forwarded to the proper Camarilla authorities.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

Arrival Script Summary

Jimmy uses the Necromancy discipline to travel through the Shroud and appear in an alley in DC. He looks back into the tear in reality he has created.


JIMMY: Hey! The bag too, asshole!

Praevian's hand reaches out of the tear and hands Jimmy a duffel bag.

PRAEVIAN: Good luck, Jimmy.


JIMMY: Who needs luck. I got style. Besides, with you guys watchin' my back... fuggedaboudit.

He groans and takes a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket.


JIMMY: Alright, now, where the fuck am I?

Inside Purgatory, Roland is working behind the bar. Casper sits down at the bar and Roland hands him a beer. Casper thanks him, then sits down at a table and begins to read his email on his phone. Jimmy walks in and walks up to the bar.


JIMMY: Barkeep, gimme a Zima!


ROLAND: This isn't 1993. Nobody makes that crap anymore.


JIMMY: Just fucking with ya. I'll take some of that Crystal Skull vodka ya got on the rack back there.


GEORGOS: There's one of you in here, Jimmy. The big guy.


JIMMY: Hey, another round of whatever the Mountain over there is drinkin' too.

Jimmy takes the drinks and walks over to Casper's table, where he puts the beer on the table and sits down. He finds half a cigarette in his pocket and lights it.


JIMMY: What's up, big man! I'm Jimmy Francetti. We got an un-lifestyle in common. This place safe to talk shop?

Casper jumps and uses the Auspex discipline to read Jimmy's aura.


CASPER: Casper Iversson, nice to make your acquaintance, Mr. Francetti. Safe enough I suppose, so long as you watch who's watching you.

They shake hands.


GEORGOS: He seems friendly enough. Of course, looks are often deceiving.

Jimmy blows smoke at Georgos.


JIMMY: Nice to meet you as well big guy! I'm with the Giovanni, ya mighta heard of us. I know some people in DC and came to collect a few favors. Maybe make a few friends and do a little business along the way.


CASPER: Giovanni, eh? I've met a few of your family back in the Old World over the years, not long enough to really get to know them, though. Polite though. Well, you bring free beers, so you're on the right track to making friends.

Casper toasts Jimmy and uses the Presence discipline to make Jimmy like him more.


CASPER: What kind of business you looking to do, friend?


JIMMY: Well, I'm in the business of business. I trade in wishes, I guess, but unlike a genie I can't always help. If you want power, prestige, protections... wow, that's a lot of p's... or you know, anything else, I see what I can do.

He crushes his cigarette out against his palm and puts the butt back in his pocket.


CASPER: Well, Mr. Francetti, I am a bit of a newcomer to these parts myself so I don't know if I could tell you off the top of my head just who it would be that might have any work of that nature for you, but if you had some contact information I could certainly pass that on should it ever come up. I might have something that would be up your alley, but it might not be for awhile - all I can say right now.

He slides a business card across the table to Jimmy.


JIMMY: Hey, thanks!

He gives Casper a card in return.


JIMMY: Here's mine. Gimmie a call any time. Well, you heard the elevator pitch, now we can enjoy our drinks. Besides, I'm as much here to collect as sell.


CASPER: Feel free to call me in, say, a month, and we will see where I am at. Sorry I can't do more for you there. You're welcome at my table anytime, though.

He tips his glass to Jimmy.


JIMMY: Also, I have a few friends I heard were local. Ya know Hope by any chance?


CASPER: Miss Gutierrez? We've met, yes, in fact she is a regular here at Purgatory from what I gather... nice lady. Next round is on me.

He signals to Roland, who delivers more drinks to their table. Jimmy thanks him.


CASPER: So, you say you just got in? Where you from, Mr. Francetti?


JIMMY: Recently out of New York, but I travel. That's part of the job. My little piece of my organization. Which is pretty much what I described to you earlier.


CASPER: Never been to New York City, always wanted to see the Empire State Building, though.

Jimmy raises his glass to Casper.


JIMMY: We helped some Anarchs take the city back for the Cam awhile back. Made a lot of friends in the process and got t expand a little in the Big Apple. Met Miss... Gutierrez... shortly before.


CASPER: You don't say... all the better you keep that card.


JIMMY: Oh yeah? I'll be careful then. Still, the thing they'd probably hate to hear the most is that in the end... almost all of 'em will be signers at some point or another. Just the way it goes. Every Anarch is a future Cam member. Sometimes the reverse is also true.

He shrugs and searches for more cigarettes in his pockets.


JIMMY: Anyway, at the time Hope was in lock step with her sire. You know how that goes, I'm sure. So nah, she ain't local. I'd say more, but I don't know what you know about the kid's papa. Decent guy though, if a bit full of sturm und drang at times. Of course, he proves my little saying about Anarchs true.


CASPER: I wouldn't know too much about that. Huh, I can't say I've heard of her sire, no. The way you say it sounds like he was some sort of Anarch big shot then? I'm afraid I don't know much about that particular group, we don't see as many of them across the ocean.


JIMMY: You know one of the problems I have with this whole society of night dwellers is what to say and what not to say. Somebody tells me something is a secret, I'll take it to the damn grave. Sometimes you just don't know, though.


CASPER: Well, you're not at a Rose watering hole my friend, just don't go insulting anyone or spilling secret lairs and you're probably safe. Though Hope herself might think different. She is a spirited one, that woman.


JIMMY: What can I tell ya about Hope's sire...let's see. Well, let me offer my opinion. The guy was a goddamn hero. I don't mean he was a white hat or some American ideal of what pure valor means. Nah, he was a hero in the classical sense. Which meant he had a lot of damn flaws. Like a fuck ton. Seriously.


GEORGOS: You think Ian Kross was a hero? Awww, Jimmy, you're too sentimental for your own good...

Jimmy swats at Georgos.


JIMMY: Hope's sire was a terrible Anarch. He was a terrible Prince. He was a gigantic asshole. This guy, though, he could move mountains. He was built for an era where you rode a horse into battle with a sword.


CASPER: That is the best way to fight, after all. Shame that so many younger Kindred don't know how.


JIMMY: He was a king that time passed by. When the chips were down, I'd always bet on him. Never in any other circumstance, though. God rest his soul.


CASPER: Hero, you say? A Prince? Pretty impressive, Miss Gutierrez never said anything about that.


JIMMY: I ain't worried about Hope. She doesn't like what I said, she'll just kick my ass. I'll probably let her, too, on account of old times. Besides, I saved her life once so she owes me.


CASPER: She seems like a tough lady, I'll let you do the fighting for the both of us.


JIMMY: Best way to fight, huh? Maybe you can give me a pointer or two. Only melee weapons I've used on a regular are baseball bats, this one dude's leg, and, of course, knives. When I was a kid the weapon of choice was our fists. Most of us couldn't afford anything else. You didn't live in Venice back then, you survived it.


CASPER: Maybe one day, I assume this would only be for self defense? Swords and axes. Ahh, so the American accent is an acquired thing, a fellow European after all.

He picks up a sugar packet and plays with it before tossing it into one of the empty glasses.


CASPER: But a trained archer can change everything when you're playing in our league.


JIMMY: Archery comes in our circles for sure. Though myself, I deal in another realm when it comes to combat. It's not one that works as well side by side with archery or gunfire. My magic tends to be what saves my ass against our kind. Throwing a punch and swinging a weapon, though? Always a good backup. I just need something that keeps one hand free...

He chuckles.


CASPER: Magic, you say? Well, that's certainly something, isn't it, so the rumors are true then? Ghosts and all that? No offense, I am not particularly surprised considering the other things I've seen... but... thought it was folk tales.


JIMMY: As to the accent, I fell in love with an era and never came out of it.


CASPER: I can understand that, when I was a boy they were my favorite movies, American detectives and gangsters.


JIMMY: The American twenties through sixties were a helluva thing for the Italian community around here. Yeah, I'm from the old world, though. I'm not as old as many you've met, but I've been kicking around since the late 18th century in some form or another.


CASPER: That sounds like an exciting life, Mr. Francetti, you should pen it into a movie... not the Kindred stuff, of course.


JIMMY: You sit here long enough, buddy, and you'll know about everything there is to know about me. It's sad but true. I keep quiet about what I need to, but I'm an open book and I like it that way. Everything in our society is so damned reserved. I think it's why we slowly forget we were human.


CASPER: It's a refreshing trait, Mister Francetti, you spend enough time in the European courts and you find yourself spending most evenings hearing complaints about performances put on decades before you were born. It's a pleasant change of pace.


JIMMY: As to magic, there's no need to say more than that. Everything they say about the Giovanni in that regard is true and we don't mind you knowing it.

Jimmy waves to Roland for more drinks and mouths the words "last round" at Casper.


JIMMY: So you know a little about me, Casper. We don't need to talk business as we've already said... unless you've thought of something since then. Tell me, though, what are your thoughts on our kind in DC and the workings here. Any advice?


CASPER: Well, maybe if we have the chance to meet up again, I can share some stories with you. DC? Hmm, well, my first advice is if you're going to be doing contract work in and around the city you best get on the Prince's s good side, Ms. Black is his childe, she might be a good place to start she is the Harpy of the city - you'd find her at any important social event. Will make your life much easier, I'd imagine.

He picks up his phone and checks his calendar.


CASPER: : In fact, if you can get yourself an invite in two nights, there are regular performances at the Prince's club, Limbo. Good place to meet the people who matter and get your boxes ticked. Maybe your friend Miss Gutierrez could use an escort? She's been here longer and might be able to swing it.


JIMMY: Limbo. I've heard of that place even as far away as New York. I've heard they've got one helluva songbird that regulars at that place. That seems like as good as place as any to start. I will have to introduce myself to the Prince pretty quickly. We Giovanni may not be Camarilla, but we know who rules the world. We just want our piece of the pie.


CASPER: Her name is Miss Glaistig. The singer, that is. She's very good, yes.


JIMMY: Well, then I imagine I'm going to be on my way here shortly. I'm left with one gigantic question about the city though... the Prince. Anything I need to know about him?


CASPER: Well, it was nice meeting your Mister Francetti, as for the Prince... He is serious. Also the only Lasombra Prince I've heard of, so you be careful to give him due deference, but I have been told he may be tough but he is fair. Follow his rules and you should be fine.


JIMMY: By the way, not trying to sound too focused on the black and red in my books, but trust me that I'll remember you helping me just now. Sure, we're drinking buddies for the night, but I feel like I owe you words for words when it comes to navigating this city. So if you need some info you think I might have, don't hesitate to call...

Casper pats his pocket.


CASPER: Thank you, sir, I might just do that.

Jimmy stands and shakes Casper's hand, then returns to the bar.


GEORGOS: Want me to follow him, Jimmy?


JIMMY: Nah. We don't do that to cool people. Unless they need it. Or I think they'll need it. Or we have to. Anyway, don't do it...

He puts a twenty-dollar bill and another business card on the bar. Roland approaches to offer him another drink.


JIMMY: Nah. Thanks, though. Like yer place here. Hey, if Hope... er, Gootieras... or whatever her last name is... stops in, I want you to give her this card. Figure it might be the easiest way to get in touch. I'm off ta find a hotel. Got any recommendations on the high end?

Roland offers Jimmy some recommendations and Jimmy leaves the bar. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and dials a number.


JIMMY: Hey. It's me. I made it to DC. Send my credentials to the Ivory Tower here to buy me some time. I'll be checking in with hem soon...


  • The Zima Jimmy orders is a carbonated alcohol that was popular in the 1990s; Roland is correct that it has been out of production in the United States since 2008.
  • The event Jimmy refers to aiding the Anarchs in was the siege of New Haven in 1986, part of the East Coast Offensive.
  • Hope's unnamed sire is Ian Kross.