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Pseudonyms Mafioso; Necromancers
Sect Independents
Disciplines Dominate
Bloodlines Dunsirns
Rarity Uncommon

The Giovanni are the youngest of all the vampire clans, created in the (to Kindred, anyway) very recent fifteenth century when their leader usurped the position of a previous clan, wiped it out, and instated the Giovanni in its place. Unlike other clans, which Embrace their members from any people who fit their criteria for worthiness, the Giovanni are only the Giovanni - they are entirely made up of members of the Giovanni family of Italy, ancient politickers and merchants who have spent their centuries controlling the city states of Italy and eventually the far-flung connections of the Mafia. Almost all members of the Giovanni family are made ghouls if there is any chance they might be considered someday for the Embrace, and many have spent centuries working their way up to become Kindred at last. The other clans are not usually very fond of the Giovanni, whom they view as unscrupulous mobsters and influence-peddlers who have no true claim even to be among the other clans - but they still come to them when a dirty job needs doing or a piece of information needs selling, and even the haughtiest of vampires have to respect the Giovanni's unique powers over the dead and the shadow world in which they reside.

Clan Advantage and Weakness


Giovanni are backed by their family, which always provides for its own, so they usually have the financial stability to be comfortable without worrying where their money is coming from, and they can call upon their family for help in any financial or occult matter, as long as they don't abuse the privilege too much. (Of course, as is the case in many mob families, doing this may cause them to owe favors to their other family members.)

All Giovanni have a single retainer under their control - a Wraith, which they interact with and control through their powers of Necromancy. The wraith is usually a former member of the Giovanni family or otherwise directly related; it isn't always very happy to be in servitude to the Giovanni (in fact, most wraiths would love to escape or wreak vengeance if possible), but it must remain obedient and serve the Giovanni within the confines of the powers used upon it.


Where other vampires have the ability to induce a pleasurable trance in their victims to take the edge off their feedings, the Giovanni, who are aligned with the dead and stole their status besides, have no such advantage. Anyone a Giovanni vampire feeds from feels all the excruciating, terrible pain of being punctured and exsanguinated and often tries to fight them or escape, which forces many members of the clan to seek alternative methods of feeding (or to have to hide the evidence when yet another mortal dies of shock or a heart attack as a result of their attentions).

Clan Giovanni in DC

The Giovanni are required, by the treaty between their clan and the Camarilla, to remain completely separate from the affairs of the sect; they are allowed to socialize and take advantage of Elysium, but they cannot have any political power or voice in Kindred politics, and must remain out of the Camarilla's official business at all times. The Prince of DC is very strict in making sure that the Giovanni obey these rules, in the capitol more than anywhere else; no one in the Camarilla is interested in seeing the Giovanni influence national policy. A few Giovanni representatives are occasionally seen on Elysium, and this is usually a signal to those interested that they may have information for sale.

Giovanni Player Characters

Alessandra Machiavelli (PC) Anatole Giovanni (PC) Brock Milliner (PC) Carmine Giovanni (PC) Chastity Milliner (PC) Chaz Giovanni (PC) Constantine Giovanni (PC)
Anatole Giovanni Brock Milliner Carmine Giovanni Chastity Milliner Chaz Giovanni Constantine
Dominic Giovanni (PC) Doyle Milliner (PC) Elizabeth St. John (PC) Ghita Giovanni (PC) Giacomo Giovanni (PC) Gianni Merlioni (PC) Giuseppe Giovanni (PC)
Doyle Milliner Elizabeth St. John Ghita Giovanni Giacomo
Gianni Merlioni Giuseppe
Ignazio Giovanni (PC) Isabella Giovanni (PC) Jimmy Francetti (PC) Liam Milliner (PC) Luciano Giovanni (PC) Malefortuna Giovanni (PC) Marius Giovanni (PC)
Ignazio Giovanni Isabella Giovanni Jimmy Francetti Liam Milliner Lucian Giovanni Malefortuna
Marius Giovanni
Mr. Blank (PC) Narciso Giovanni (PC) Nino Giovanni (PC) Rebecca Giovanni (PC) Sebastian St. John (PC) Tessa Rothstein (PC) Veronica Giovanni (PC)
Mr. Blank Narciso Giovanni Nino Giovanni Rebecca Giovanni Sebastian
St. John
Tessa Rothstein Veronica Giovanni

Vampire Clans and Bloodlines
Independent Clans & Bloodlines Abominations AhrimanesAnankeAnubiApollinaireCappadocianChildren of OsirisDaughters of CacophonyDhampirDracul DunsirnsEloiFollowers of SetGangrelLes Gens LibresGiovanni Glyconites GorgonsJharanaKhaibitKiasyd Kolduns LamiaeLhiannanMaeghar Mariners NephilimNhangNictuku NoiadesPisanobPutanescaRosseliniRavnosSalubriSamediTaifa VipersVolgirre Zoidones
European Vampire Clans & Bloodlines AhrimanesAnankeAngellis AterBlood BrothersBrujahCappadocian Carriers CoyotesDaughters of CacophonyDracul DunsirnsEloiGangrel GargoylesGiovanni GorgonsHarbingers of SkullsKiasyd Kolduns LamiaeLasombraLhiannanMalkavian Mariners NephilimNictuku NoiadesNosferatuPutanescaRosseliniTaifa TelyavsToreadorTremereTzimisceVentrueVolgirre Zoidones