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Revision as of 14:05, 22 August 2024 by Admin (talk | contribs)
Play Status

Play status refers to whether or not a kind of creature, clan, or power is available to players for their new characters. DC by Night is a fairly fluid game, so the rules here are not final, but if you want to play a character that deviates from them, you'll have to talk it over with the Admin.

Status Options

There are three play statuses:

  • Open: This means that the clan/power is freely available for players to build into their character.
  • Restricted: This means that the clan/power may be available if you discuss your ideas with the Admin. Things are generally Restricted because they're overly powerful, too rare to be played casually, or are already over-represented in the game, so there is no guarantee you will be approved, but it never hurts to ask!
  • Closed: This means that the element in question is not available for players to use. Things are usually put on Closed status because they are game-breaking, or because there are just too many people doing them already.

If you have an absolutely incredible idea for something that is on Closed status and you feel certain Admin will agree, feel free to pitch it anyway, but don't be surprised if it isn't approved!

Creature Types


All demon characters are currently on Closed status, due to being too powerful when compared to other characters already in the game and in need more specific storytelling as a result. The table below represents the play statuses that will be in effect should demons become playable again in the future.

Demon Houses by Play Status


Fairies are playable within limits; for the most part, only Changelings and occasional chimerae are playable, with the True Fae and similar monstrosities staying firmly in the Dreaming where they belong. Keep in mind a fairy's unique needs when planning a new character, as many of them have a very hard time operating in human society.

Fairy Kiths by Play Status


Unlike most other supernatural creatures, ghosts are largely Open for play within the statuses below. Keep in mind that ghosts are often unable to affect events in-game, even to communicate with others, and may therefore be frustrating characters without a solid story in mind.

Ghost Guilds by Play Status


Vampire Clans and Bloodlines by Play Status



The play statuses below apply only to characters wishing to learn these disciplines if they are not native to their clan. If your character's clan already has access to a discipline, you can assume that it is Open for you.

Disciplines by Play Status