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Scene Summary: Letter: Casper to the Countess de Noailles

Letter: Casper to the Countess de Noailles
AnneFace.png CasperFace.png
Chronicle DC Chronicle
Paris Chronicle
Game Date November 27, 2015
Real Date March 23-24, 2016
Characters Anne d'Arpajon
Casper Iversson
Locations Casper's House
Chalet d'Arpajon
Previous Scene Memories: Waiting (Anne)
A Midwinter Night's Tale (Casper)
Next Scene Safe and Sound (Anne)
Unspoken (Casper)
Content Warnings None
Original Scene Letter: Casper to the Countess de Noailles

Letter: Casper to the Countess de Noailles is a crossover scene from the DC Chronicle and Paris Chronicle featuring Anne d'Arpajon and Casper Iversson. It depicts Casper writing to Anne to ask her for direction in local politics, and the two deciding to formally offer Anne's support to the House of Sage in the ongoing Toreador feud.

Scene Summary

Casper sends a letter to Anne, telling her that he misses her and that the only reason he can bear being parted from her is so that he can succeed in the mission she has sent him on. He then tells her that he has met a member of the House of Sage and suggests that offering Anne's support might inspire her to use her political acumen on their behalf. He also lets her know that the local Primogen appreciated her gift of wine.

Anne sends a return letter to Casper, telling him that his absence is an important sacrifice but that she hopes to see him and his sire soon. She says that she is surprised to hear about a member of the House of Sage in DC as she had believed they were all in Europe, and wonders who it is and what they're doing there. She briefly mentions that she was close to the head of the House before his death and misses him, and then instructs Casper to offer her support since she cannot be there herself. She also suggests that he mention that the city of Paris has reinstated its ban of certain infamous parties, and that he find out all he can about what happened to begin the feud.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

Letter: Casper to the Countess de Noailles Script Summary

A letter from Casper Iversson to Anne d'Arpajon, November 2015.


CASPER: Her Ladyship,

As I write to you from these strange foreign soil it strikes me that the moon has waxed and waned almost a dozen times since I last had the relief brought upon by seeing your smile upon the star lite terrace of your household. I must remember that while the fates seem to be so cruel to force upon me this burden of being deprived of your charming conversation for so long that I am on a noble errand to bring you what you desire.

Besides sending you my adoration and respect I write to you requesting aid in obtaining some information that may contribute to our cause. Upon my arrival I have encountered a member of the House of Sage who seems to have some standing in the city. Should I be able to offer this woman some information available to one of your rank pertaining to the unfortunate events that has recently occurred than perhaps she might be grateful and more willing to aid us in our endeavors.

I await your response with baited breath.


P.S The Primogene adored the gesture of the wine and I am sure your vineyard will be the talk of the local Roses for weeks.

A return letter from Anne d'Arpajon to Casper Iversson, November 2015.


ANNE: My dearest young sir,

Indeed, it has been many months since we were able to enjoy the pleasure of your company here. Of course, these are sacrifices we must make for the good of all, but some of us were never made for so much deprivation. I extend my heartfelt hope that both you and your sire will return promptly and with excellent news.

I am intrigued by your mention of a member of the House of Sage in DC; it was my understanding that the majority of the House was in Europe at this time, in solidarity with one another during their mourning period, and that some members were not even comfortable being outside of Milan. I wonder who it is that has journeyed so far from home, and why they might have chosen to do so in this time of great sadness. (It is a time of such sadness for me as well, I must confess. I was not close to the head of their House, who was seldom in Paris except on business, but he was a credit to our family and a staunch supporter of the greater good. I shall, as we all shall, miss him terribly.)

You absolutely must offer this person your support and sympathy, exactly as I would do were the responsibilities here in Paris not so pressing that I am unable to depart them at present. Perhaps she might feel more at ease if you were to mention to her that despite the tragic event having occurred in our very own city, the clan here offer nothing but support for the grief-stricken House, and that the ban on certain parties who were long ago asked to leave by our Prince has been firmly reinstated. There is so little information about that terrible night; perhaps all she needs is a sympathetic ear to listen.

I shall await your response once you have had more time to settle in. Until then, with sincere affection,

Anne Claude Louise D'Arpajon
The Countess de Noailles
