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Scene Summary: Phone Call: Jean Claude to Maeve

Phone Call: Jean Claude to Maeve
CasperFace.png JeanClaudeFace.png MaeveFace.png
Chronicle DC Chronicle
Game Date December 12, 2015
Real Date May 16-17, 2016
Characters Casper Iversson
Jean Claude Danut
Maeve Glaistig
Locations Casper's House
Duomo di Milano
Previous Scene A Night In (Casper, Maeve)
Phone Call: Jean Claude to Angelique (Jean Claude)
Next Scene Arrival (Casper)
Red Painted Roses (Jean Claude)
Undercurrents (Maeve)
Content Warnings Ableism, Captivity, Death
Original Scene Phone Call: Jean Claude to Maeve

Phone Call: Jean Claude to Maeve is a crossover scene from the DC Chronicle and Milan Chronicle featuring Casper Iversson, Jean Claude Danut, and Maeve Glaistig. It depicts Jean Claude calling Maeve from Milan, only to be accidentally intercepted by Casper.

Scene Summary

Jean Claude calls Maeve from Milan, nervous as he waits for her to answer; when she doesn't, he hangs up and calls again several times, wondering how she will receive his call. In Washington, DC, Casper answers the call, believing that the phone belongs to his ghoul, Andres Lund. Jean Claude demands to know who Casper is and Casper assumes that he must be a jilted lover of Andres' from Paris, attempting to gently break the news that Andres has moved to the Americas with him and will not be returning. Jean Claude is amused, since he knows exactly how Maeve left Europe and that Casper was not involved, but asks Casper to tell him about it, casually threatening his life as he does so. Casper becomes angry and tells Jean Claude not to call again before hanging up on him.

Jean Claude is amazed at being hung up on but holds onto his temper as he calls back, already plotting revenge on Casper, who answers angrily. Jean Claude orders him to put Maeve on the phone and threatens him again, and Casper realizes his mistake, quickly backtracking but still refusing to answer Jean Claude's demands. Jean Claude asks Casper how he is, suggesting that if he is a ghoul he should be either fired or punished, and tells Casper to inform Maeve that her brother is calling. Casper is offended and suspicious at the mention of a brother he has never heard of from Milan, suspecting that Jean Claude may be a hostile agent of the Toreador feud in Europe. He tries to get Jean Claude off the phone, but fails when the other man insists on waiting for Maeve instead. Jean Claude needles Casper, who gets more and more irritated, especially when Jean Claude continues to refuse to tell him his name. Jean Claude accuses him of kidnapping Maeve and holding her against her will, further upsetting him, but Maeve returns before Casper can do more than deny it.

Casper gives the phone to Maeve, who answers it mistakenly thinking that it must be Pieter van Reise, only to realize the truth a moment later. Jean Claude is elated to hear from her, but Maeve is upset by Ginevra Bianchi's recent assertions about his murders, though she tries not to let him know it. They reassure one another that they are both glad to hear from the other, and Jean Claude tells Maeve that he is not upset with her for leaving him in Milan, asking to make sure that she is all right in spite of not really believing Casper's claims. She confirms that she is and tells him that she has worried about him, which delights him.

Jean Claude tells her that he is lonely in his exile with her and Jacque Beaumont gone and asks her if she's heard the news; when she doesn't know what he means, he tells her that Jacque turned against him, savagely rejecting him as well as stealing Chason Wells' cane from him. Maeve is shocked, protesting that Jacque has always been loyal, but Jean Claude begins to weep and she instead promises to talk to Jacque for him in an attempt to have the cane restored. Jean Claude thanks her and tells her to apologize to Casper for him, privately planning to investigate him, and before he ends the call tells her that he has sent her a housewarming gift.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

Phone Call: Jean Claude to Maeve Script Summary

Jean Claude places a phone call from Duomo di Milano. He laughs as he waits for it to connect. The call goes to voicemail and he tries again with the same result, then a third time. In Washington, DC, Casper picks up Maeve's phone and answers.


CASPER: Hello? This is Casper, how can I help you?


JEAN CLAUDE: Ah, hello, Casper. Who are you? And why do you have my beloved's phone?


CASPER: Ah - sorry, it was just left on the table here. I hate to be the one to tell you this, friend, but your beloved moved with me to America... I know this isn't really the easiest way to hear it, it wasn't fair that you didn't at least get a phone call. If you'd like, I could pass on a message.

Jean Claude laughs.


JEAN CLAUDE: Is this so? How interesting. Please tell me, Casper, yes? Please, Casper, I would so like to hear the story of this. It is good to know what I would kill a man for.


CASPER: Listen, friend - I get that you're upset, but whatever reason you two didn't work out, that's on you. Not me. I was being more than fair but I will not tolerate threats. Call this number again and we will have real reason to trade more than words. Good evening.

He hangs up the phone. Jean Claude stares at the phone for a moment, then calls again. Casper answers.


CASPER: Really? What is your problem, can you just not leave well enough alone?


JEAN CLAUDE: You will put Maeve on the phone right now. Or I will assume you are telling the truth and that you have stolen away a member of my family. So many people would be so worried, very quickly, Casper. Myself most of all. Trust that you do not want that.


CASPER: ...Maeve? I am sorry... this isn't a call for Andres?

He clears his throat.


CASPER: It appears there has been a mix-up. This is a private number, may I ask who is calling?


JEAN CLAUDE: Yes. It is Maeve's phone. Why is she not answering it, Casper? Are you a new servant? You should be fired. Tell her that it is her loving brother calling from Milan.


CASPER: She's away right now. I will be sure that she calls you back promptly when she is available. I will be sure to pass on your employment advice as well. Is there anything else I can do for you?


JEAN CLAUDE: No, I will wait.


CASPER: Of course you will.

Jean Claude throws himself on his bed.


JEAN CLAUDE: It will give us time to talk, hm? Get to know one another. That will be fun. Casper, yes? Casper what? Tell me about yourself. What do you think your next job will be?


CASPER: Casper. Yes. First of all, I do not work for your sister, but who knows, maybe after this something in catering. Second, as I said, she is busy at the moment, but I can make sure she calls.


JEAN CLAUDE: If you are not her servant, why do you answer her phone?

He rolls over and stares at the ceiling.


CASPER: I picked up the wrong phone, obviously.


JEAN CLAUDE: You have stolen her away, yes? Put her in chains?


CASPER: No. We're friends.


JEAN CLAUDE: I think I am worried again. How would you feel, Casper, if you called our dear Maeve and some strange man answered the phone, refused to let her speak...


CASPER: If I knew who the strange man was I wouldn't have any problem, but since you seem to want to withhold your name it makes it very difficult to sympathize with your concern.

Maeve returns from the other room.


CASPER: Please hold.

He hands the phone to Maeve.


MAEVE: Hello? I'm here.


JEAN CLAUDE: Bonjour, ma petite. C'est si bon d'entendre ta voix. J'étais très inquiète, tu sais.[1]


MAEVE: Jean Claude. Pardonnez-moi... Je ne savais pas que c'était tu. C'est bon d'avoir de tes nouvelles, mon frère. Je suis vraiment désolé de t'inquiéter. J'ai souvent failli te rendre visite... mais le moment ne semblait jamais être vraiment opportun.[2]


JEAN CLAUDE: Non, non, non, ne t'excuse pas, ma petitee. Je ne suis pas fâchée contre toi, je ne pourrais jamais l'être. C'est moi qui devrais m'excuser. Je n'aurais pas appelé. Je ne voulais pas te déranger, mais je n'ai pas le choix maintenant.[3]


MAEVE: Tu n'es jamais une nuisance, mon frère. C'est toujours une joie d'avoir de tes nouvelles, surtout quand je sais que tu dois être très occupé.[4]


JEAN CLAUDE: Puis j'appelle et ton ami me raconte toutes sortes de choses ; qu'il t'a emmenée en Amérique, qu'il ne te donnera pas le téléphone. S'il te plaît, est-ce que tout va bien ? Est-ce que tu vas bien?[5]


MAEVE: Mr. Iversson? Oh non, mon pauvre Jean Claude, ne t'inquiète pas! répondit-il par erreur, et il était confus. Il n'avait aucune idée de qui tu étais. Il n'a pas fait ces choses-là, il ne s'inquiétait que pour moi. Je vais bien, bien sûr.[6]


JEAN CLAUDE: Oh, c'est si bon à entendre. Tu sais à quel point je suis inquiète, surtout quand tu es si loin...[7]


MAEVE: Je devrais m'inquiéter davantage pour toi, mon frère. J'ai entendu... J'ai entendu de telles choses.[8]


JEAN CLAUDE: Tu t'inquiétais pour moi ? Je suis touchée, ma petitee. Mais ne le sois pas. Je vais bien. Si les mots pouvaient me blesser, je serais morte depuis longtemps. Tu le sais.[9]


MAEVE: Bien sûr que je l'étais. Et je le suis, Jean Claude. Comme tu l'as dit, nous sommes loin l'un de l'autre ces soirs-là, et je... sais si peu de choses sur la façon dont tu restes à la maison.[10]

Jean Claude giggles.


JEAN CLAUDE: Je vais bien, ou je l'étais. Je suis seule, bien sûr. Mais je survis. D'abord, tu es partie. Ce que je comprends parfaitement. S'il te plaît, ne pense pas... Je sais que tu n'avais pas le choix. Je sais que tu serais restée si tu avais pu.[11]


MAEVE: Je--[12]


JEAN CLAUDE: Mais d'abord toi, puis Jacques. J'ai été très seule. Vide, ma petitee. Sans toi ici avec moi, il est si facile de voir les barreaux de la cage. Je n'ai pas dormi. Tu as entendu ? Jacques t'a-t-il dit?[13]


MAEVE: J'ai entendu... tant de choses, mais rien de la part de M. Beaumont.[14]


JEAN CLAUDE: Ah... Je pensais que tu parlais maintenant. Ce n'est pas grave. Tout le monde le saura bien assez tôt.[15]


MAEVE: Vous ne dormez pas, mon frère? Qu'est-ce qui trouble vos heures de clarté?[16]


JEAN CLAUDE: Il s'est retourné contre moi. Il m'a accusée de ses erreurs dans le Nouveau Monde alors que je n'ai rien fait d'autre que de le laisser tranquille, comme il l'avait demandé. Il m'a volé, Maeve.[17]


MAEVE: Jacque? Mais il est si dévoué à toi, mon frère. Il ne se retournera sûrement pas contre toi.[18]

Jean Claude curls up on his bed.


JEAN CLAUDE: Il- Il m'a pris la canne de Chason, ma petite.[19]


MAEVE: Il n'aurait pas pu. Oh, Jean Claude, tu es sûr?[20]

She shakes her head.


JEAN CLAUDE: Il me l'a avoué quand je lui ai demandé. Il m'a reproché des choses que je n'avais pas faites et m'a dit qu'il ne me rendrait pas la pareille tant que je ne me serais pas bien comportée. Et j'ai essayé, ma petitee, je l'ai fait. Je vous le promets. Je n'ai appelé aucun de vous, je ne vous ai dérangés aucun de vous.[21]

Maeve shakes her head again.


MAEVE: Tu ne me déranges pas. Mon frère, tu ne dois pas penser ainsi. Tu m'es cher.[22]


JEAN CLAUDE: D'abord toi et puis Jacque et maintenant je n'ai même plus-- Maintenant je n'ai plus personne. Je n'ai plus rien.[23]


MAEVE: Tu n'as rien, mon frère. Nous sommes loin l'un de l'autre, mais je suis toujours ton ami. Et les choses s'amélioreront avec le temps.[24]

Jean Claude weeps, then wipes his eyes on his bedspread.


JEAN CLAUDE: Bien sûr, nous sommes toujours amis. Nous sommes plus que des amis. Nous sommes-- Nous sommes une famille. Et c'est pourquoi j'ai appelé. J'ai pensé... Tu pourrais lui parler. Je ne te dérangerais pas, mais je n'arrive pas à dormir. Quand je ferme les yeux, Chason est parti et je ne peux pas. S'il te plaît, ma petite, il t'écouterait. S'il te plaît, pourrais-tu essayer?[25]


MAEVE: Je lui parlerai pour toi, je le ferai. Je suis sûre qu'il n'a pas l'intention de te faire du mal, Jean Claude. Ne t'inquiète pas trop. Tout finira par s'arranger.[26]

Jean Claude sniffles.


JEAN CLAUDE: Merci. Tu es si gentille, Maeve, je savais que tu m'aiderais. Quand ne l'as-tu pas fait ? Tout s'arrangera tout seul, je te crois. Cela s'est toujours passé ainsi et nous avons déjà connu des nuits bien plus sombres que celle-ci. Veuillez présenter mes excuses à votre, ah, ami. Je ne voudrais pas que Mme Iversson ait une mauvaise opinion de moi.[27]


MAEVE: Je vais.[28]


JEAN CLAUDE: Je suis désolé d'interrompre votre soirée. Et je devrais vous laisser y revenir, je crois. Restez en contact maintenant, même si vous ne pouvez pas parler à Jacque. Votre voix m'a tellement manqué.[29]


MAEVE: Tu m'as manqué aussi, mon frère. N'en doute jamais.[30]

There is a long pause.


JEAN CLAUDE: Oh! J'ai presque oublié. Je t'ai envoyé un cadeau pour une pendaison de crémaillère. Tu me diras quand tu le recevras, hein?[31]


MAEVE: Bien sûr que je le ferai, merci, Jean Claude.[32]

Jean Claude ends the call.


  1. "Hello, my little one. It is so good to hear your voice. I was very worried, you know." (French)
  2. "Jean Claude. Forgive me... I did not know it was you. It is good to hear from you, too, my brother. I am so sorry to worry you. Many times, I have almost called upon you... but the timing never seemed to be quite right." (French)
  3. "No, no, no, do not apologize, my little one. I am not upset with you, I could never be. It is I who should apologize. I would not have called. I did not want to bother you, but I have no choice now." (French)
  4. "You are never a bother, my brother. It is always a joy to hear from you, especially when I know you must be so busy." (French)
  5. "Then I call and your friend tells me all sorts of things; that he has taken you away to America, that he will not give you the telephone. Please, is everything all right? Are you okay?" (French)
  6. "Mr. Iversson? Oh, no, my poor Jean Claude, do not worry! He answered by mistake, and he was confused. He had no idea who you were. He has not done these things, he was only concerned for me. I am, of course, all right." (French)
  7. "Oh, that is so good to hear. You know how worried I get, especially with you so far away..." (French)
  8. "I should worry for you more, brother. I have heard... I have heard such things." (French)
  9. "You were concerned for me? I am touched, my little one. But do not be. I am fine. If words could hurt me, I would have been dead a long time ago. You know this." (French)
  10. "Of course I was. And am, Jean Claude. As you said, we are far apart these nights, and I... know so little about how you are keeping at home." (French)
  11. "I am well enough, or I was. Lonely, of course. But I survive. First you... left. Which I understand completely. Please do not think-- I know that you had no choice. I know that you would have stayed if you could." (French)
  12. "I--" (French)
  13. "But first you, then Jacque. It has been very lonely. Empty, my little one. Without you here with me, it is so easy to see the bars on the cage. I have not been sleeping. Have you heard? Has Jacque told you?" (French)
  14. "I have heard... so many things, but none from Mr. Beaumont." (French)
  15. "Ah... I had thought you spoke now. It is no matter. Everyone will know soon enough." (French)
  16. "You are not sleeping, my brother? What troubles your daylight hours?" (French)
  17. "He has turned against me. Blamed me for his fumbles in the New World when I have done nothing but leave him be, just as he asked. He has stolen from me, Maeve." (French)
  18. "Jacque? But he is so devoted to you, my brother. Surely he would not turn against you." (French)
  19. "He-- He took Chason's cane from me, my little one." (French)
  20. "He could not have. Oh, Jean Claude, are you sure?" (French)
  21. "He admitted it to me when I asked. He blamed me for things I did not do and said he would not give it back until I could behave. And I have tried, my little one, I have. I promise. I did not call either of you, I did not bother either of you." (French)
  22. "You are not a bother. My brother, you must not think so. You are dear to me." (French)
  23. "First you and then Jacque and now I do not even have-- Now I have no one. I have nothing." (French)
  24. "You do not have nothing, my brother. We are far apart, you and I, but I am still your friend. And things will be better, in time." (French)
  25. "Of course we are still friends. We are more than friends. We are-- We are family. And that is why I called. I thought... You could talk to him. I would not inconvenience you, but I cannot sleep. When I close my eyes Chason is gone and I cannot. Please, my little one, he would listen to you. Please, could you try?" (French)
  26. "I will speak to him for you, I will. I am sure he doesn't mean to hurt you, Jean Claude. Please do not worry so much. It will all come right, eventually." (French)
  27. "Thank you. You are so very kind, Maeve, I knew that you would help me. When have you not? It will all sort itself out, I believe you. It always has before and we have seen much darker nights than this. Please give your, ah, friend my apologies. I would not want Msr. Iversson to think poorly of me." (French)
  28. "I will." (French)
  29. "I am sorry to interrupt your evening. And I should let you return to it, I think. Please do stay in touch now, even if you cannot talk to Jacque. I missed your voice so much." (French)
  30. "I have missed you, too, my brother. Never doubt it." (French)
  31. "Oh! I almost forgot. I have sent you a house warming gift. You will let me know when you receive it, hm?" (French)
  32. "Of course I will, thank you, Jean Claude." (French)


  • This scene represents the first time that Jean Claude and Maeve have spoken since the events of Armistice Day, almost a year ago.

  • Andres Lund and Maeve happen to have the same model of phone, a Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+ (thus causing Casper's confusion).

  • The romantic film score heard playing in the background when Casper answers the call is from The Philadelphia Story, which he and Maeve watch together in A Night In.

  • Casper's research dossier on the House of Sage is clearly incomplete, as he finds Jean Claude suspicious partly because he has never heard Maeve mention a brother; the House famously has a large number of childer, and Maeve has eleven brothers that are fairly common knowledge.

  • Maeve's misidentification of Jean Claude as Pieter van Reise is due to being told that her brother is on the phone; as far as she knows, Pieter is the only brother with her phone number at this time.

  • Jean Claude's reference to being in a cage refers to the fact that his sire, Julian Augustine, has confined him to Milan for the foreseeable future.

  • Jean Claude suffers from the Power-Object Fixation derangement, which causes him to have a powerful attachment to the cane once owned by his lover, Chason Wells.

  • The "Greek one" Jean Claude refers to is the ghoul Aristide Telios, who he recently killed.

  • Jean Claude's mention of himself and Maeve surviving worse things refers to the fact that they were both in mutual captivity and nearly killed together, first by Richard Montague, then by Genevieve d'Joie.

  • The housewarming gift Jean Claude tells Maeve he has sent her is Ian Kross, who he has arranged to arrive in DC soon.