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Scene Summary: A Night In

A Night In
CasperFace.png GinevraFace.png MaeveFace.png
Chronicle DC Chronicle
Game Date December 12, 2015
Real Date May 15-19, 2016
Characters Andres Lund
Casper Iversson
Ginevra Bianchi
Maeve Glaistig
Locations [[Casper's House]
Previous Scene Loose Lips (Andres)
Errands (Casper)
The Harsh Truth (Ginevra, Maeve)
Next Scene No Filter (Bella)
Phone Call: Jean Claude to Maeve (Casper, Maeve)
Content Warnings None
Original Scene A Night In

A Night In is a scene from the DC Chronicle featuring Andres Lund, Casper Iversson, Ginevra Bianchi and Maeve Glaistig. It depicts Casper inviting Maeve over to watch old movies while Andres and Ginevra speculate about their relationship.

Scene Summary

Ginevra climbs the stairs to Maeve's Apartment at Thomas Circle, planning how to break bad news to her domitor. She enters and begins to bustle around and clean up the apartment, calling out for Maeve. Down the hall, Bella and Maeve are sitting in bed talking with Animalism, but Bella jumps out of bed to run to Ginevra and Maeve follows, joking that Ginevra should know she is always here. Ginevra asks her if she has eaten, and she agrees that she has, although they both know Ginevra would want her to eat

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

A Night In Script Summary

Casper gets out of the shower at his house and wipes condensation from the mirror to stare at himself. He uses a pair of scissors to cut his hair and beard over the sink, then gets dressed. He checks several rooms around the house and then puts the kettle on to boil. Andres dusts around the house and removes several cardboard boxes, folding them before leaving them in the recycling. He straightens several picture frames and checks his phone before putting it down on a table and going to the kitchen to make food.

Outside, Ginevra and Maeve get out of a car.


GINEVRA: Non è che organizzarlo richiederebbe poi così tanto sforzo, se il signor Lund non se ne fosse già occupato comunque.[1]

Maeve waves as the car pulls away.


MAEVE: E se lo fosse, temo che la maggior parte ricadrà sulle tue spalle. Io potrei arrancare, ma tu potresti risparmiarmi l'imbarazzo.[2]

The two women walk up the sidewalk toward Casper's House.


MAEVE: Ti aspettavi che fossi dura invece?[3]

She chuckles.


MAEVE: È una persona molto gentile e mi piace molto, e sarò naturalmente gentile con lui. Che sono sicuro è tutto ciò che stavi suggerendo.[4]

They arrive at the door and Maeve rings the doorbell. Inside, Casper jumps.


MAEVE: Se potessi seguire un consiglio da me, forse dovresti rilassarti e cercare di divertirti da solo. Non è che ci sia un altro posto in cui dovremmo andare.[5]


CASPER: Jag - jag ska få det![6]

Casper hurries to the door, pausing to check his reflection in a mirror, then opens the door.


CASPER: Ms. Glaistig - ah, yes, right, sorry - Maeve, it's good to see you again!

  1. "It's not like setting it up will take all that much effort, if Mr. Lund didn't already handle it anyway." (Italian)
  2. "And if it is, I'm afraid most of it will fall on your shoulders. I could struggle through it, but you could save me the embarrassment." (Italian)
  3. "Did you expect I would be harsh instead?" (Italian)
  4. "He's a very nice person and I like him very much, and I will of course be nice to him. Which I'm sure is all you were suggesting." (Italian)
  5. "If you'd take any advice from me, maybe relax and try to have fun yourself. It's not as if there's anywhere else we have to be." (Italian)
  6. "I - I will get it!" (Swedish)


  • All dialogue in this scene takes place in Italian, but is translated to English here for ease of reference.