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Scene Summary: One More Day

One More Day
IanFace.png Marcus2Face.png OliviaFace.png
Chronicle New York Chronicle
Game Date September 17, 2015
Real Date May 11-17, 2016
Characters Evelyn Summerfield
Ian Kross
Marcus Aurelius
Olivia Roth
Locations Aurelius Compound
Previous Scene Father Knows Best (Evelyn, Ian, Marcus)
What Makes a Man IV (Olivia)
Next Scene Lost and Found (Evelyn)
Two Against One (Ian, Olivia)
Letter: Marcus to Edward (Marcus)
Content Warnings Captivity, Death, Domestic Abuse
Original Scene One More Day

One More Day is a scene from the New York Chronicle featuring Evelyn Summerfield, Ian Kross, Marcus Aurelius, and Olivia Roth. It depicts Ian deciding to accept Marcus' offer of servitude in the hopes of gaining enough freedom to hunt down Jean Claude Danut.

Scene Summary

Ian heads to Evelyn's apartment for a movie date, thinking that he has never wanted to leave somewhere more than he wants to get out of New York, although he is glad to at least be out of the Ventrue Rehabilitation Facility. He expects that he won't enjoy it, but things that it will be good for Evelyn to get out, even if she will talk to him about Marcus' contract. Meanwhile, Evelyn is sitting in a chair in her pajamas, holding a letter from Jean Claude Danut addressed to Ian that was on her dresser when she woke tonight She fears that they will never escape New York once Ian sees this, and is crying when Ian knocks on the door.

Evelyn calls for Ian to come in, and he stops as soon as he does, asking what's wrong. Evelyn is irritated that he can so easily tell she is upset, only now remembering that they were planning to go out. She tells him that there is a letter for him from Milan and he is immediately upset, sitting down on the bed with his fists clenched. He demands the letter multiple times, becoming angrier each time Evelyn does not give it to him, but realizes that Evelyn is traumatized and promises to open it elsewhere. Evelyn tosses him the letter and tells him that she is sorry, curling back up in her chair. Ian takes the letter and thanks Evelyn before leaving, going down to the Ventrue Rehabilitation Facility, where he locks himself in his old cell before reading the letter.

Upstairs, Evelyn buries her face in her hands when Ian leaves and is only sure that Ian will not hurt her once he is gone. She despairs of their situation, thinking that Ian was doing better but now may fall apart again. Hoping to help him, she cleans the tears from her face and goes to Olivia's apartment, where she knocks and then tells her about the letter. Olivia, who has been expecting Marcus to do something to Ian after their last interaction, is surprised to see Evelyn and tells her to go back to her rooms before going down to the cell block herself. She notices that there are more guards and assumes word of the letter has spread. She asks the guards near the door whether Ian has frenzied and they tell her that he has not.

Olivia enters the cell and calls out to Ian, who is sitting in the corner with his head in his hands. He does not respond, feeling that he should never have been let out of his cell and that he can never make anything right again. He thinks that he has wanted someone to be angry with, but now that he should be angry with Jean Claude, he realizes that Maeve Glaistig's death is his fault. He asks Olivia where Marcus is, to which she replies that he's been notified.

Olivia picks up the discarded letter and reads it, recognizing that Jean Claude is intentionally taunting Ian and making a note to warn Marcus in case the Toreador affects his plans as well. She puts the letter back and tells Ian that he did not kill Maeve, which he immediately disagrees with. He argues that nothing would have happened to her if he hadn't hurt her, and begins to weep again when he tells Olivia that he promised Maeve that he would keep her safe. Olivia disagrees, reminding him that assault is not the same as murder; she worries that his guilt is becoming dangerous instead of healthy and tells him that he already has enough to be guilty about.

Ian holds his head again and tells Olivia to stop and that she and Marcus win, saying that he will take the deal. He stands and warns Olivia that he is a disaster that happens to other people and that she'll find out if she spends too much time with him. He goes to the cell door and pounds on it, calling for Marcus. Marcus is already arriving, having engineered and timed the situation; he is disappointed that the situation was so anticlimactic but pleased to have been called for. Ian wishes he could be violent but instead swears at Marcus before agreeing to his terms and leaving the cell. Marcus calls after him that he will meet him upstairs.

Olivia asks Marcus what deal they are referring to and he tells her not to worry about it, claiming that her job is now done. A moment later, he clarifies that it is done at least for the moment, and sends her away to rest with a kiss to her cheek.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

One More Day Script Summary

Evelyn awakens in her apartment in the Aurelius Compound to discover a letter from Jean Claude on her dresser. She sits down in a chair in her bedroom holding it. Ian arrives at Evelyn's door and knocks. Evelyn wipes tears from her face and hides the letter behind her back.


EVELYN: Come in!

Ian enters the room.


IAN: What's wrong? What happened?


EVELYN: There's another letter. For you, from Milan.

There is a short silence. Ian's hands clench into fists and he sits down on the bed.


IAN: Let me see it.

Evelyn shakes her head.


IAN: I said—

Evelyn flinches.


IAN: Dammit, Evie.

He stands up and moves away from Evelyn.


IAN: I won't read it here. Okay? I'll... I'll take it downstairs. Please?

Evelyn takes the letter from behind her back and tosses it onto the bed. She curls up in her chair.


EVELYN: M'sorry, Ian.

Ian picks the letter up.


IAN: Thanks.

Evelyn buries her face in her hands. He leaves the apartment and goes downstairs to the Ventrue Correctional Facility, ignoring guards who attempt to speak to him. He enters one of the cells and locks himself in before opening and reading the letter. upstairs, Evelyn closes her robe and goes to Olivia's room, getting lost before finding it and knocking loudly. Olivia opens the door.


EVELYN: There was another letter. Ian went downstairs with it.


OLIVIA: I see. You should go back to your room.

Olivia touches Evelyn's arm and leaves, going downstairs to the cell block. Additional guards have appeared outside the door of Ian's cell.


OLIVIA: Mr. Kross is locked inside?


GUARD: Yes, Dr. Roth.


OLIVIA: Has he frenzied?


GUARD: It doesn't look like it.

Olivia looks through the window in the door.


OLIVIA: One of you will wait here, the other will notify Marcus. Do not come in unless I call.

She enters the cell and closes the door behind her. Ian is sitting in a chair in the corner of the room with his head in his hands.




IAN: Where's Marcus?


OLIVIA: He's been notified.

She walks to the cell's bed and picks up the letter, sitting down to read it. She refolds the letter and puts it back down.


OLIVIA: You didn't kill her, Ian.


IAN: Yes, I did. I killed her. I did. None of it would have happened if not for me. If I hadn’t— We could have fought it back or — or, hell, we could have run. She would have been safe. I promised her she’d be safe. That nothing would hurt her again because I was there. I said I’d protect her. I swore.

He wipes tears from his face.


OLIVIA: No, Ian. You assaulted her. You didn't kill her. You keep confusing the two. I think we both know that you have enough sins of your own, you don't need to carry anyone else's.

Ian groans and puts his head in his hands again.


IAN: Would you just knock it off already? All your blathering about accepting myself, accepting what's happened to me, I get it now. I'm taking the deal. You win.

He stands up.


IAN: Nothing ever happens to me, Dr. Roth. I happen to other people. And that's what you don't get, not yet. But you will.

He scrubs more tears from his eyes.


IAN: You get stuck with me long enough, you will.

He bangs on the door and shouts at the guards.


IAN: Get Marcus down here! Now!

Marcus comes down the stairs into the cell block and waves the guards away from the door. He opens it.


MARCUS: You bellowed, son?

Ian growls and makes a fist, but lets it fall to his side.


IAN: Fuck you.

He shoves past into the hallway.


IAN: I'm in. Now let's get on with it.


MARCUS: Sounds wonderful.

Ian goes back upstairs. In the cell, Olivia picks up the letter.


MARCUS: I'll just meet you in my office then! He's so... enthusiastic. It's refreshing.


OLIVIA: What deal?


MARCUS: Deal? Oh, that? Nothing to worry yourself about, my girl.

He takes Olivia's arm and begins walking them back toward the stairs.


MARCUS: You're all done here. You did your job and now it's over.

Marcus suddenly pauses before resuming walking.


MARCUS: Well, for the moment. For now, go rest.

He kisses her cheek.


MARCUS: You deserve it.

He goes upstairs toward his office, passing Evelyn with a smile on the way.


  • Evelyn's fear of giving Ian the letter stems from him breaking her spine the last time she did so in Everything Comes Down to This.

  • This scene implies that Marcus allowed Ian to receive the letter from Jean Claude in order to push him into signing his contract after he was foiled by Evelyn in Father Knows Best.

  • Marcus' implication that Olivia's job is not done after all presages the events of Two Against One.