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Mortal Merits

The merits below can only be taken by mortal characters (including Fomori, Ghouls, Humans, Kinain, Kinfolk, and Revenants). Mortal characters who later become something else (for example, a human who is turned into a vampire) may or may not be able to keep their mortal merits.

Ghoul Merits

Benevolent Domitor: This character's domitor prizes or is fond of them and treats them better than most vampires do.

Blood Flaw Immunity: This character is immune to inheriting their domitor's clan weakness.

Kinfolk: This character is Kinfolk to a Werewolf tribe without knowing it.

Pale Aura: This character's aura is especially pale and washed-out, making it look similar to that of a vampire or other undead creature.

Supernatural Companion: This character has a supernatural friend - a mummy, fairy, shapeshifter, or any other - who watches over them, coming to their aid when they can.

True Heir: This character is very closely genetically related to their domitor and learns Disciplines much more quickly than usual.

Unbondable: This character cannot be bloodbound.

Vicissitude Modifications: This character has been physically reshaped by a vampire with the Vicissitude Discipline to become more powerful and dangerous (although probably also hideously deformed).

Virulent Strike: This character would have been a Hunter if they had not been ghouled and now deals aggravated damage to supernatural beings when fighting.

Human Merits

Iron Will: This character is inexplicably resistant to the Dominate Discipline.

Kinfolk: This character is Kinfolk to a Werewolf tribe without knowing it.

Kinain Merits

Bardic Gift: This character is impressively adept at eliciting emotions from others.

Honored Birthright: This character possesses a Changeling Birthright passed down from their ancestors.

Kinfolk: This character is Kinfolk to a Werewolf tribe without knowing it.

Nine Lives: This character is able to return from death up to nine times as long as there is a plausible possibility that something involved in the death was a chimera or illusion.

Parted Mists: This character is not affected by the Mists.

Spirit Sight: This character can instinctively see chimerae and illusions as if they were enchanted.

Unveiled Eyes: This character can see and speak with nearby ghosts.

Kinfolk Merits

Feral Appearance: This character looks or acts a little bit more like an animal than most, making shapeshifters instinctively trust them more.

Fetish: This character has a supernatural fetish inherited from their werewolf ancestors.

Gnosis: This character has the extremely rare ability to learn Gifts.

Recognize Garou: This character instinctively knows when a person or animal is Garou, no matter what form they are in.

Wolf-Sense: This character has heightened senses of smell and hearing, similar to a wolf.

General Merits Mental MeritsPhysical MeritsSocial MeritsSupernatural Merits
Being-Specific Merits Demon MeritsFairy MeritsGhost MeritsHunter MeritsKuei-Jin MeritsMage MeritsMortal MeritsMummy MeritsShapeshifter MeritsVampire Merits