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Scene Summary: The Spill: Open Mic Night
The Spill: Open Mic Night
CasperFace.png GinevraFace.png JonathanFace.png
Chronicle DC Chronicle
Game Date December 5, 2015
Real Date April 1-6, 2016
Characters Casper Iversson
Ginevra Bianchi
Jonathan Stewart
Locations The Spill
Previous Scene Shaken, Not Stirred (Casper)
Damsels in Distress (Ginevra)
Night Off (Jonathan)
Next Scene Can't Stop Here, This Is Bat Country (Casper)
In Want Of (Ginevra, Jonathan)
Content Warnings Mind Control, Substance Abuse
Original Scene The Spill: Open Mic Night

The Spill: Open Mic Night is a scene from the DC Chronicle featuring Casper Iversson, Ginevra Bianchi, and Jonathan Stewart. It depicts Ginevra and Jonathan running into Casper playing at a local coffee shop.

Scene Summary

Casper, unshaven and with long hair, arrives at The Spill and sets up his chair onstage while chatting with a young woman, who gives him her number after flirting with him; he puts it away, thinking that he isn't interested but might call her some other night for a meal. He begins to play guitar and sing love songs for an appreciative crowd. Outside, Ginevra and Jonathan arrive after having met by chance on the street, and Jonathan suggests they stop in for a cup of tea, which Ginevra agrees to. They come inside and sit down at a table, and Jonathan, low on money, buys a pot of tea and a basket of chips to share.

Ginevra and Jonathan trade updates on their lives, Ginevra encouraged by her domitor Maeve Glaistig going out and making friends lately and Jonathan reassuring her that his own domitor Pieter Van Reise is doing all right. They briefly discuss why Pieter was so opposed to the idea of Maeve dating, but Ginevra refuses Jonathan's offer to try to find out, worried that Pieter might be violent about it. Onstage, Casper uses Auspex to gauge the crowd's reaction and continues to play more love songs, although he notices the two ghouls at their table. He encourages the coffee shop patrons to dance to the music, but Ginevra and Jonathan fail to notice him, instead trying to guess what happened to Maeve and Pieter in Paris that has caused them so much trauma. After more discussion, Ginevra resolves to ask Jacque Beaumont if he knows any more, although both she and Jonathan are uncomfortable about the idea.

Casper takes a break from his set and briefly chats with the same girl before excusing himself to go to the bathroom, greeting Ginevra and Jonathan on the way. Ginevra is startled and tells Jonathan that Casper is the same man Maeve saw recently, hiding Maeve's documents as she becomes worried by the idea that there was a vampire nearby without her knowledge. She and Jonathan discuss running away while Casper is in the bathroom, but decide that it would risk a political incident and remain at their table until Casper comes back out. Ginevra confronts him, asking if she can help him with anything, while Jonathan hovers concerned in the background, but Casper also does not recognize Ginevra.

Once introductions have been made, Casper is excited to talk to Maeve's assistant and apologizes for startling them, asking about whether or not Maeve has written back to him yet as he uses Presence to make sure Ginevra likes him. Ginevra becomes even more anxious that something may have gone wrong and returns to her table with Jonathan as Casper gets back onstage to continue his show, digging through her bag until she finds Casper's letter to Maeve, which she has not yet delivered. She and Jonathan again think about leaving, but worry about insulting Casper if they do. Ginevra offers to let Jonathan sneak out, but he refuses to leave her, although he also isn't sure what to do to help.

Casper attempts to finish his show, playing a sad love song as he thinks about his dead wife, but returns to play an encore as Ginevra and Jonathan try to guess what he wants. When he finally finishes, Casper arrives at their table, offering them free beer, and Ginevra apologizes to him as she explains that she has not yet delivered his letter. Casper reassures her and, recalling that Maeve offered to try a hobby with him, asks if she knows how to ice skate, which Ginevra enthusiastically confirms, excited by the idea of Maeve going out some more. They schedule a date for the end of the week, and Casper offers for Ginevra and Jonathan to come along as chaperones, which they both agree to.

Casper goes on to ask whether the ghouls want to know anything and the three discuss his recent arrival from Paris and the fact that he and Maeve must have missed one another there; when Ginevra asks about the situation there, Casper tells them that things have settled down since Maeve's departure. Casper explains that he is on a mission to recruit vampires for a military campaign, causing Ginevra and Jonathan to forcefully reject the idea of Maeve being involved. Casper tells them that he is only romantically interested in Maeve, going on to offer Ginevra a contact in Paris in case she wants to learn more while being privately embarrassed to having admitted his interest out loud.

After the second time his phone buzzes, Casper remembers that Jonas Lund is waiting in the car for him and excuses himself, sending Maeve his fond regards. As he leaves, he encourages Ginevra and Jonathan to enjoy their date, saying that such positive moments should be treasured.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

The Spill: Open Mic Night Script Summary

Casper is at The Spill, setting up a chair while he chats with a young girl. She gives him her phone number and sits down at a table with others, who whisper and laugh. Casper shakes his head and laughs, putting her number in his pocket. He speaks into the mic on the stage.


CASPER: Hello everyone - my name is Casper. I am new in town and going to play you some songs if that's alright?

There is scattered clapping. Casper sings a love song and plays guitar to accompany himself. Outside, Ginevra and Jonathan are walking down the sidewalk together.


JONATHAN: Hey, you feeling a hot tea? I'll treat you if it gets you off your feet for a few.


GINEVRA: Always. Or coffee. Surprise me, I'll start sorting this out, um, over here?

Jonathan holds the door open for Ginevra and they both go inside. Ginevra chooses a table and sits down, opening a folder of papers. Jonathan goes to the counter, where he orders tea with lemon and a basket of chips. He brings both back to the table and sits down.


JONATHAN: So... how's your lady, then?

He takes off his jacket. Ginevra shrugs.


GINEVRA: About the same. You know. Better now than a few nights ago, anyway. Which I'll thank you not to tell your boss if you don't mind, I really don't want him to freak out on us.

Jonathan nods.


JONATHAN: Och, don't worry, what he doesn't know won't ruffle any of his feathers. Just so long as you let us know there's something to be of a flutter over.

Ginevra sips from her tea.


GINEVRA: Actually, I got her to go out a couple more times, although after last time, I'm not sure if we should tell him that, either. What was up with him getting upset with her last time, anyway?

Jonathan shrugs.


JONATHAN: I think I've got all the same information you have there, sorry to say. He snarled about a bit after you ladies left, but gave it up soon after. Saw a pretty smile later in the night that wiped it clean out his head. I could try to hazard it up out of him, you like. Though I might have to have Sean on standby with some ice, just in case.

Onstage, Casper uses the Auspex discipline to gauge the audience's mood.


CASPER: This next song is about unconditional love... as so many are.

There is a smattering of laughter. Casper plays and sings another love song.


GINEVRA: Oh, god, don't do that. I'm sure you have enough to do on any given night without also poking at a sore spot. I'll just have to gossip about romance with you two when he's not there.

She eats some of the chips. Jonathan laughs.


JONATHAN: Well, thank you kindly for the reprieve. He's not a bad sort. He's just carrying something heavy, I'm thinking. And not too keen on sharing about it, either.


GINEVRA: How are you two doing, though? And Pieter? You're not the only one that has to double-check and make sure nobody's worried. Do you need anything... I don't know, sent over or something? She worries about him, you know.

Jonathan eats chips.


JONATHAN: Lass, you don't need to worry either of your heads about us. We're all together, down the Pit. One of us doesn't come up with something, the other two will. You, now, you have to talk to about a county's worth on the phone every night, you're the one we should be offering help to.

inevra snorts into her tea and waves a hand.


GINEVRA: I used to answer phones all the time even before I worked for Maeve. I mean, I'd rather I didn't have to talk to Victor twenty times a night, but it's not so bad. At least I know things are all in order by the time I fall asleep.

There is a short pause. Onstage, Casper finishes his song and begins to strum.


CASPER: Are we all having a good evening out there?

The crowd murmurs approvingly.


CASPER: Good good, now I want people to know that at my shows I encourage the audience to do a little so dancing should the moment strike. Now there are a few people who complain that I put them on the spot like that, but what I say to them is if you have an issue - just don't dance, that's your choice. Just consider me the cool teacher at the school dance.

He points at a person in the crowd.


CASPER: Emma, I see Jason doesn't have a dance partner...

Several people laugh and call out encouragingly.


CASPER: So I personally think this song is nice to slow dance to - so just move some of the tables up front here, great, thank you.

He plays and sings another love song.


GINEVRA: Carrying something heavy... yeah, they're both doing that. You know, I still don't know what happened in Paris. She won't tell me. I don't suppose he said anything, did he?


JONATHAN: Och. I wish I had better news for you, lovely girl, I do, but if you hadn't told me he'd been there, I'd never have guessed it.

He shakes his head.


JONATHAN: Like I said, he's just not the kind to go put his feet up in the evening and share his tales, you know? It's a bit of a potluck with him, you never know what he'll say.

He puts his hand over Ginevra's. She sighs and squeezes his hand.


JONATHAN: Maybe it's best, hey? She forgets about it, he forgets about it, and you're with her now, aren't you, lass?


GINEVRA: Yeah, maybe, I guess.

Onstage, Casper finishes his song.


CASPER: Alright everyone - gonna play one more then take a little break for a beer.

The crowd complains.


CASPER: Don't worry it'll just be five minutes and you can come say hi. This song is about finding that special person that helps you stay young, maybe some of you are with that person tonight.

The crowd oohs and talks. Casper plays and sings another love song.


GINEVRA: No, you know what, no. That's the problem, she's not forgetting about it.

She puts down her cup and holds Jonathan's hand.


GINEVRA: Okay, so... I know someone I think I could ask about it. I mean, that might know. But I don't know, that just seems like I'm... invading her privacy, I guess. But if I knew-- Do you think I should?


JONATHAN: Well... I'm not much of a one for being in someone's business, I'll admit. Ends in heartache, more often than you want. But I'm thinking you've got to keep yourself and your lady both, and if you don't know the lay of the moor, you're liable to trip. So, I guess I'm saying you should do what seems right by you.

Ginevra nods. Onstage, Casper finishes his song and gets up as the crowd applauds. He goes to the counter and gets a beer, then chats with several bar patrons before excusing himself. He walks toward the bathroom and passes Ginevra and Jonathan.


GINEVRA: Maybe it'll also help give you a little--


CASPER: Evening.

He goes to the bathroom, where he washes his face. Ginevra jumps and squeezes Jonathan's hand.


GINEVRA: That's that guy, the one that Maeve saw the other night-- I mean, he's management, I didn't know anyone was here.


JONATHAN: Management? You thinking we should do a runner?


GINEVRA: No, he already saw us. If he said hi to us, he wanted us to know he was here, so--

Casper returns from the bathroom and sits at the bar to drink his beer. Ginevra lets go of Jonathan and puts her papers away.


GINEVRA: All right, he saw Maeve the other night, so he's probably looking for me, which means you can stay here while I go check. Probably he just wants to ask something.

She gets up and puts her bag in her chair, then goes to the bar to stand behind Casper.


GINEVRA: Did you need something, sir?

Casper turns around.


CASPER: Pardon- Ah.... No? I am sorry miss, I don't mean to be rude... but do I know you?

Jonathan gets up as well, slings Ginevra's bag over his shoulder, and stands behind her. Ginevra offers a handshake to Casper.


GINEVRA: We haven't met, sir. I work for Ms. Glaistig, whom I believe you met the other night.


CASPER: Oh! You must be Ginevra! I am so sorry I didn't think we've formally been introduced. How rude of me!

He stands and shakes Ginevra's hand, then offers Jonathan a handshake as well.


GINEVRA: I was just making sure you didn't need something, since you said hello...?


CASPER: It's so nice to finally meet you... Oh yes I guess that would have been a little odd... I noticed you two in the background, and thought it would be polite to give my say hello - I had no intention of interrupting your evening.

He looks at his watch.


CASPER: I apologize if I startled either of you. Oh, Ms Glastig was able to get to her meeting alright? I have yet to hear back from her but I suppose I only wrote early this evening... Has Andres delivered it yet, oh but here I am talking about business, what a coincidence that we should both be here.

He finishes his beer and uses the Presence discipline to make Ginevra like him.


CASPER: Oh you must let me know - did the muffins turn out alright? I can never tell if I've added too much vanilla bean.


GINEVRA: Yes, they were fine.

The bartender gestures at the stage.


CASPER: Ah I will let you two get back to your date - but perhaps we can speak after?


GINEVRA: Um. Oh, yes, of course, okay.

She takes her bag from Jonathan and they return to their table to sit down. Casper returns to the stage and accepts a beer from a member of the crowd.


CASPER: Hey everyone, thanks for sticking around - for those of you who have just come in I am Casper and hopefully you all enjoy this next song.

He drinks from his beer, then puts it on a stool nearby.


CASPER: Now there are times in life that you might feel overwhelmed by it all, but with some good friends and a little belief in yourself you'll find it's a lot easier to get by from day to day. Cheesy I know - but hey I AM playing an acoustic guitar in a coffee shop after all.

He plays and sings an upbeat song.


JONATHAN: So are we staying now, then?

Ginevra digs through her bag until she finds a letter from Casper for Maeve.


GINEVRA: What? No, we can't leave now, he said he wanted to talk to us. He'd get insulted if we did. Oh, I mean, I think he actually mostly was just after me? So you could probably slip out if you want. I'll tell him you... had to go to a meeting.


JONATHAN: Nah, lass, I'm here with you. You know something happened to you, your lady would be a fine mess, and then he'd be on me not keeping you in one piece. So he does seem to know your lady, that's a little weight off your mind at least, right?


GINEVRA: Yeah, he saw her the other night, I guess he wants to... say hi?

Jonathan pushes the basket of chips toward Ginevra.


JONATHAN: Well, hey, he just wants to say hello, no one's in any bother then?

Onstage, Casper finishes his song.


CASPER: I think music is one of the most human expressions, it's our own little super power. It can change the way people think. It can put us to sleep, or it can waken us, or it can bring back memories from ages and ages go... This will be my last song for the evening - thank you all for listening.

He plays and sings a love song, laughing in the middle. At their table, Ginevra puts everything away in her bag except for Casper's letter and eats some of the chips.


GINEVRA: You're always behind us, aren't you? Okay, well, I don't think he knows who you are or work for unless his employees are very good researchers, so don't let on, at least that way you don't have to worry about Pieter. Oh, damn, we don't have anything to offer him.

Onstage, Casper finishes his song.


CASPER: Thank you very much, I will be playing here every so often so just ask Chuck at the counter when I am back and I'd love to see you again.

He leaves the stage to scattered applause, then returns.


CASPER: Alright thank you, I will send you off with next one - but I want you all dancing alright?

Several people cheer. Casper plays and sings an upbeat song. When he finishes, he puts his guitar in its case and takes his beer from the stool. He walks to Ginevra's and Jonathan's table.


CASPER: Sorry about the wait, can I get you two anything? Beer here is cheap and tastes like it - but I can probably snag a few free ones. They don't pay me so it's the least they can do.

He holds up two fingers to the bartender and points at Ginevra and Jonathan. The bartender shrugs and brings them each a beer. Casper offers a handshake to Jonathan.


CASPER: Casper Iversson by the way, nice to meet you.

He and Jonathan shake hands.


JONATHAN: Jonathan Stewart. Pleased to meet, have a seat with us, then? Beer'd be welcome if you've got it.


CASPER: Excellent, I am afraid it's not quite the quality that you must be used to back home but it gets the job done well enough.

Jonathan chuckles.


JONATHAN: Well, it's no creature but it'll do in the pinch.


GINEVRA: My apologies, Mr. Iversson, but I haven't yet taken the mail home to Ms. Glaistig yet, so she hasn't seen your very kind note. She'll get it this evening, though. Was there anything else you'd like me to tell her? She had a very nice time, she told me.


CASPER: Oh no rush, I had just thought since you came up to me you might have had a reply.


GINEVRA: Oh, I'm sure there will be a reply. Just as soon as she sees it.

Casper shrugs.


CASPER: Wishful thinking perhaps. I am certainly glad she enjoyed herself, she had to leave so early for other business I was concerned it might have dampened the experience.


GINEVRA: Yes! No. Um, I mean, not at all, she said... great evening, that's what she said. Everything was fine.


CASPER: Hmmm I wouldn't want to overwhelm her with too many questions... She did mention offhand that I should think of some sort of hobby that we might both take part in sometime...

He drinks from his beer and runs his hand through his hair.


CASPER: Say, does Ms Glastig know how to skate?


GINEVRA: Oh, yes! Yes, she does, she can skate. She loves to skate.


CASPER: Fantastic! Perhaps you could let me know an evening she isn't busy and she could teach me a thing or too. Its been awhile for me but its always a fun experience. If I recall there is a rink in downtown inside a sculpture garden... If Ms. Glastig wouldn't mind that is, I wouldn't want to inconvenience her. Though I did make a promise to Ms Glaistig that I would always act in a way to reassure you that I have the most honorable of intentions. So in that spirit I feel it is only fitting that the two of you join us to chaperone and make sure I meet your standards of proper conduct Ms. Bianchi.

Casper's phone buzzes and he ignores it.


JONATHAN: All right by me, so long as I can get away.

Ginevra pulls a datebook out of her bag and flips through it. She also opens her phone and looks through it.


GINEVRA: Let me see. She'll be at Limbo tomorrow night, obviously, and she has to see the Primogen... I think she might have a night free around, say, Friday? Of course, I'll have to confirm with her when I get home, but I'm pretty sure she's not doing anything else.


CASPER: Great, that sounds like fun, I have to say - in confidence - that I too enjoyed her company, it's always a blessing to find fast friends in a new place.

He winks at Ginevra.


JONATHAN: Well, as I said, she also said it was a very nice evening.


GINEVRA: Let me see. She'll be at Limbo tomorrow night, obviously, and she has to see the Primogen... I think she might have a night free around, say, Friday? Of course, I'll have to confirm with her when I get home, but I'm pretty sure she's not doing anything else.


CASPER: Now I suppose it's only fair, that if you have any questions for me on behalf of Ms Glastig that I answer them to the best of my abilities.


JONATHAN: So you're just coming in like she is, then?


CASPER: Yes, I just arrived earlier this week. I am still getting settled in, meeting my contemporaries at moment. Though I imagine I will be in the city for awhile, so don't be a stranger should you need to contact me.


GINEVRA: Well, I wouldn't presume, Mr. Iversson, but I'm sure she'd like to know a little more about why you came to visit DC. She mentioned you were from Paris, I think? We were just in Paris, but of course you probably knew that.


CASPER: Really? Huh, she had mentioned being in Europe before but I had not idea we just missed each other, though I had only been in Paris for a few days before my flight to DC - I had been in Stockholm visiting my sire before that so that's unfortunate we never had the chance to meet while I was there. At least I have the privilege here in DC.

Jonathan nods.


JONATHAN: Oh, aye. I mean, not that I was there, sad to say, but it was a recent thing, only a month or two, I ken. Something of a hurry, I gather.


GINEVRA: Oh, uh. Yes, we must have just missed you, as Jonathan says. We weren't really there very long. We were in Milan before that.

Casper nods.


CASPER: Ah yes she did mention Milan.


GINEVRA: Things are all right, though, in Paris? I mean... do you know?


CASPER: Well things were certainly tense, as I am sure you can imagine - left no time for anything but business I am afraid but from what I hear things have settled down to a point where the parties are back on... so there is that.


CASPER: I am afraid if you're looking for more information outside of writing my friends I have little gossip for you other than the Countess de Noailles has written to your mistress pledging her support should it be required. I do have a friend in Paris I could put you in contact with- they are particularly good at finding out information if you catch my drift. It doesn't come for free of course, I am sure he will ask for a favor or information in return but it may provide you and your lady with some information on the home front should you require it.

He writes a phone number and an email on a napkin and gives them to Ginevra. He sighs.


CASPER: Tell him... Cyrano sent you - Please, don't ask.

Ginevra takes notes in her planner.


GINEVRA: Oh, good. That's very good, actually, she'll be glad to know about the Countess. I wouldn't ask you for gossip, Mr. Iversson, just news.

He runs his fingers through his beard.


CASPER: At the behest of some of the more influential members of our European friends who feel like the New World campaigns have not been going as well as they should be, I have been asked to look into DC as a source of potential recruitment and training for some military action that may take part in the future. It's all still in the works - but you have to start somewhere. It is unfortunate that these things cannot be solved diplomatically but... There are those of my kind that see the world as their plaything, and I for one do not approve of such a mentality and fear that action may be our only recourse.


GINEVRA: Well, I hope you don't think Ms. Glaistig is going to be involved in anything... military.

Casper and Jonathan both laugh.


JONATHAN: You'd be out of luck trying to use her to put the shiver up any enemy soldier, that's for sure. She's a lovely girl but gentler than a heather field.


CASPER: You have nothing to worry about that Ms Bianchi, while I am sure Ms Glaistig is a regular valkyrie I could hardly allow her to show me up on the battlefield in front of the recruits - how would that look? I promise you, my interest in Ms Glaistig is not martial but purely out of my fondness for her... Ahem... of her good company.


GINEVRA: Well, of course it is. I wouldn't suggest you looked at her and thought anything martial, but just in case you thought she might have hidden talents, I'm here to tell you she doesn't. She is excellent company, though, and I'm sure she could use a friend.


CASPER: Well she certainly is that, it's an admirable trait for certain particularly in these nights.

His phone buzzes. He sighs and checks it.


CASPER: You must excuse me, I have seemed to lost track of time and my driver will give me hell if I keep him waiting.

He shakes both Ginevra's and Jonathan's hands again, lingering on Ginevra's.


CASPER: It was good meeting you two, should you need anything don't hesitate to contact my assistant Andres and he will make sure I get in touch. Send Ms. Glaistig my fondest regards. I hope you two have a pleasant evening, these kind of opportunities for a tender moment in an otherwise long and dull employment should be treasured.


  • Ginevra's and Jonathan's discussion about Pieter Van Reise not reacting well to the idea of Maeve dating Chas Voyager recalls the events of Don't Kiss, Do Tell.

  • Ginevra's mention of her conversation with a Harpy refers to the events of When the Cat's Away...

  • Jonathan's mention of Ginevra liking pretzels refers to their last one-on-one meeting in The More, the Merrier!

  • The Victor Ginevra mentions not wanting to talk to is Victor Carewe.

  • Maeve's previous visit with Casper, as well as Ginevra's mention of him holding an axe, refer to the events of Nordic Fog.

  • Casper misidentifies Ginevra and Jonathan as being on a date; while he is correct that Maeve told him Ginevra was on a date last time he saw her, it was with Jacque Beaumont, not Jonathan.

  • Casper's mention of being drunk the other night refers to the events of When in Doubt, Drink.

  • The Nora Casper remembers while playing is his deceased wife, Nora Lindholm.

  • Jonathan's reference to "creature" actually refers to whiskey, which is affectionately referred to as variations on the word in Ireland and Scotland. As a highland Scot, his pronunciation is probably closer to "craytur".

  • The contact Casper gives to Ginevra is Antonio Serpico. Casper calls himself by the nickname "Cyrano" in relation; this is a reference to Edmon Rostand's 1897 play Cyrano de Bergerac, which revolves around its ugly but eloquent main character helping a handsomer suitor court his doomed love by giving him suggested poetry and conversational lines, in some cases even performing ventriloquism for him. The details of Casper's interaction with Antonio are unclear, since theoretically Casper would be the handsome suitor to Antonio's Nosferatu Cyrano.

Songs Featured

1. Wait, Maybe Love, Craig Cardiff

5. Keep Your Head Up, Ben Howard

2. Agape, Bear's Den

6. Lover Come Back, City and Colour

3. Dirty Old Town, Craig Cardiff

7. When People Go, Craig Cardiff

4. Weathered, Jack Garratt