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== Appearance Merits ==
== Appearance Merits ==
'''Alternate Identity:''' This character has a completely separate second persona, and no one knows the two are the same person.
'''Approachable:''' This character appears inviting and interesting to others who may wish to meet them.
'''Bruiser:''' This character looks like a menace and commands a healthy respect from others who find them intimidating.
'''Commanding Voice:''' This character can be heard from afar or over a crowd effortlessly without seeming to shout.
'''Cupid's Gift:''' This character is almost universally attractive to other people.
'''Enchanting Voice:''' This character has an exceptionally beautiful voice that others love to listen to.
'''Enchanting Voice:''' This character has an exceptionally beautiful voice that others love to listen to.
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'''Forgettable:''' This character is extremely average-looking and others have trouble remembering what they look like when they aren't around.
'''Forgettable:''' This character is extremely average-looking and others have trouble remembering what they look like when they aren't around.
'''Friendly Face:''' This character reminds people of someone they like, making them more positively inclined toward them.
'''Loud Voice:''' This character can be heard as far away as the howl of a wolf can (although it may not be much fun to stand next to them when they're shouting).
'''Mansion:''' This character owns a large mansion or estate with up-to-date security and servants.
'''Murderous Mien:''' This character looks like trouble and tends to intimidate anyone who would interact with them.
'''Nightclub:''' This character owns a thriving club that provides them with considerable money and cachet.
'''Physically Impressive:''' This character has an unignorably powerful physique that makes others likely to respect or fear them.
'''Sexy:''' This character is sexually attractive and easily attracts attention from others as a result.
'''Sexy:''' This character is sexually attractive and easily attracts attention from others as a result.
'''Soothing Voice:''' This character has a soothing, almost hypnotic voice, making others stop and listen.
'''Soothing Voice:''' This character has a soothing, almost hypnotic voice, making others stop and listen.
'''Soul of the Muse:''' This character is inspirational to creative people and often finds themself in the role of model or muse.
'''Unobtrusive:''' This character blends easily into the crowd and is overlooked as long as they stay within it.
'''Unremarkable:''' This character is easy to forget or fail to notice even when they're standing right in front of someone, and can usually get away with anything that doesn't cause a major upheaval with minor to no consequences.
== Charisma Merits ==
== Charisma Merits ==
'''Approachable:''' This character is easy to befriend or start a conversation with.
'''Approachable:''' This character is easy to befriend or start a conversation with.
'''Aura of Command:''' This character is seldom disobeyed when they give an order.
'''Bardic Gift:''' This character easily creates profoundly inspirational artwork.
'''Beast Affinity:''' Animals like and are drawn to this character.
'''Best Friend:''' This character has a best friend who loves them and will always come to their aid when they are in trouble.
'''Best Friend:''' This character has a best friend who loves them and will always come to their aid when they are in trouble.
'''Calming Presence:''' This character's serene attitude helps other living things around them relax.
'''Capable Assistant:''' This character has a go-to person who is utterly loyal and very good at helping and supporting them.
'''Dual Nationality:''' This character has parents from two different countries and enjoys dual citizenship and other privileges as a result.
'''Dual Nationality:''' This character has parents from two different countries and enjoys dual citizenship and other privileges as a result.
'''Dynamic Personality:''' This character exudes appeal and excitement and has far more friends and contacts than most.
'''Flirt:''' This character is excellent at flirting with others and at gaining their attention.
'''Flirt:''' This character is excellent at flirting with others and at gaining their attention.
'''Funny:''' This character is considered hilarious by others and is welcome in most social situations.
'''Funny:''' This character is considered hilarious by others and is welcome in most social situations.
'''Gall:''' This character is impressively plucky and others are impressed when they speak up.
'''Good Credit Rating:''' This character has an excellent track record of handling money and debts and is considered a good investment.
'''Good Credit Rating:''' This character has an excellent track record of handling money and debts and is considered a good investment.
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'''Gossip:''' This character is an entertaining gossip, leading others to tell them things at the drop of a hat.
'''Gossip:''' This character is an entertaining gossip, leading others to tell them things at the drop of a hat.
'''Harmless:''' This character is widely known to be no threat to anyone and is often ignored or indulged.
'''In Love:''' This character is in love with someone and is noticeably confident and happy.
'''In Love:''' This character is in love with someone and is noticeably confident and happy.
'''Infectious Courage:''' This character is so brave in the face of danger that they can inspire others to reach for the same, even helping them fight off mind-controlling powers to do so.
'''Laid-Back Friends:''' This character has a friend network that supports them without being intrusive into their life.
'''Laid-Back Friends:''' This character has a friend network that supports them without being intrusive into their life.
'''Local Hero:''' This character has done great things for their community in the recent past and is both famous and well-liked for it.
'''Loyal:''' This character has a devoted bond to another person, group, or cause and is difficult to force to do anything counter to their interests.
'''Made Man:''' This character is known to be a member of an organized crime group and inspires considerable fear and respect.
'''Made Man:''' This character is known to be a member of an organized crime group and inspires considerable fear and respect.
'''Natural Leader:''' This character has a compelling personality that makes others want to follow them.
'''Natural Leader:''' This character has a compelling personality that makes others want to follow them.
'''Notable Heritage:''' This character comes from a famous or powerful lineage that gives them extra social cachet.
'''Original Sin:''' This character is descended from someone infamously evil and has to deal with the stigma attached on a regular basis.
'''Paramour:''' This character has a long-term connection that loves them and will do their best to come to their aid if the need them.
'''Peacemaker:''' This character has a reputation for being a skilled diplomat and mediator.
'''People Person:''' This character loves being around others and is a fun acquaintance for everyone.
'''People Person:''' This character loves being around others and is a fun acquaintance for everyone.
'''Pillar of the Community:''' This character is liked and respected by others, who turn to them for leadership when unsure.
'''Pillar of the Community:''' This character is liked and respected by others, who turn to them for leadership when unsure.
'''Pitiable:''' This character is considered delicate and pathetic and causes others to want to instintively protect them.
'''Prized Patch:''' This character is part of a gang or coterie with a powerful reputation.
'''Regal Bearing:''' This character projects an aura of nobility and importance.
'''Religious Heritage:''' This character's family or ancestors are very important in a religion.
'''Reputation:''' This character is widely famous even outside their own social circles or political groups.
'''Rising Star:''' This character is known as a future mover and shaker in their social or political circles.
'''Sanctuary:''' This character has a powerful friend who will protect them if they flee to them for help.
'''Seductive:''' This character has a sensual quality that draws others to them with very little effort.
'''Seductive:''' This character has a sensual quality that draws others to them with very little effort.
'''Self-Confident:''' This character is so confident in their abilities that they can occasionally succeed at something that would normally require Willpower just by deciding they should.
'''Smooth:''' This character is good at fitting into social situations and is usually considered to belong by whomever else is there.
'''Smooth:''' This character is good at fitting into social situations and is usually considered to belong by whomever else is there.
'''Soapbox:''' This character has access to a special forum (such as a blog, podcast, or newspaper column) which they can use to spread their opinions and agenda.
'''Socially Networked:''' This character has a high profile as an online personality and can leverage their followers to do things.
'''Stand-Up Associate:''' This character is known to have taken a fall to protect someone else and has a reputation for being trustworthy and reliable.
'''Stand-Up Associate:''' This character is known to have taken a fall to protect someone else and has a reputation for being trustworthy and reliable.
'''Street Rep:''' This character is known on the streets for being a badass and commands respect for their exploits.
'''Student:''' This character is mentoring a student who they are responsible for, but who is also likely to help them with anything they ask.
'''Supporter:''' This character inspires those who follow or look up to them to greater heights than they could achieve alone.
'''Supportive Family:''' This character has a loving family who will support them when they call for it, even without knowing what's going on.
'''Supportive Family:''' This character has a loving family who will support them when they call for it, even without knowing what's going on.
'''Title:''' This character has an active hereditary title of some kind (for example, duke or chief).
'''Trusty Companion:''' This character is known for their unflagging loyalty to friends and family and is easily given the benefit of the doubt.
'''Unflappable:''' This character controls their emotions and seldom suffers from breakdowns or emotional struggles.
'''Unflappable:''' This character controls their emotions and seldom suffers from breakdowns or emotional struggles.
'''Well-Marked:''' This character has attractive or impressive scars related to their successful exploits in the past.
== Manipulation Merits ==
== Manipulation Merits ==
'''Airport:''' This character has ownership or major control over an entire airport.
'''Alimony Recipient:''' This character receives payments from an ex-spouse that help keep them supplied with necessities.
'''Alimony Recipient:''' This character receives payments from an ex-spouse that help keep them supplied with necessities.
'''Best Advocate:''' This character tells compelling stories about their own exploits, making others want to believe them (or at least enjoy the tale enough to not mind if they don't).
'''Black Market Ties:''' This character has ties to the underground marketplace and can get access to banned or dangerous materials now and then.
'''Castle:''' This character owns an actual castle, including a servant staff.
'''Church Ties:''' This character has clout in several local churches or other religious communities and can organize them to take action.
'''Corporate Savvy:''' This character understands the corporate world in and out and knows how to manipulate its power dynamics.
'''Corporate Savvy:''' This character understands the corporate world in and out and knows how to manipulate its power dynamics.
'''Corporate Ties:''' This character has considerable contacts in the business world and can influence local financial and business markets.
'''Corporation CEO:''' This character is the head of a major corporation and has enormous influence over what it does.
'''Debt of Gratitude:''' This character is owed a serious debt by a powerful person.
'''Diplomatic Immunity:''' This character has a position or responsibility that protects them whenever they are in a foreign territory.
'''Downey:''' This character is a practiced con artist and is seldom caught even by their victims.
'''Entertainment Ties:''' This character is famous in the local arts and etertainment scene and can seek information or set up events.
'''Entrepreneur:''' This character finds it easy to start new business ventures and successfully make money from them.
'''Extremist Group:''' This character has a great deal of influence in an extremist group of their choice and can attempt to use them for various tasks.
'''Eye for a Bargain:''' This character is a skilled haggler and often gets better prices on things they need.
'''Eye for a Bargain:''' This character is a skilled haggler and often gets better prices on things they need.
'''Favor:''' Someone owes this character a significant favor that may be useful to them in the future.
'''Great Liar:''' This character is excellent at lying and often does such a good job that others cannot convince anyone otherwise.
'''Great Liar:''' This character is excellent at lying and often does such a good job that others cannot convince anyone otherwise.
'''Hideaway:''' This character has a comfortable secret hiding place or home to retreat to in an emergency.
'''Holdings:''' This character has extensive properties that they own and have customized to their tastes.
'''Independent Income:''' This character has a large income that they do not have to work for.
'''Inspired Orator:''' This character is a passionate public speaker that others enjoy listening to.
'''Judicial Ties:''' This character knows judges and prosecutors in the area and can affect trials and sentencing if they wish.
'''Letter of Commission:''' This character has been appointed to represent a superior power and is allowed to use special powers or take actions usually forbidden to others.
'''License to...:''' This character has an unusual license not possessed by most people that allows them to do something normally illegal.
'''Long-Term Planning:''' This character excels at making long-term plans and always having a contingency strategy in place.
'''Master of Red Tape:''' This character is incredible at getting things done in bureaucracy, no matter how complex.
'''Media Savvy:''' This character is good at manipulating news media to their liking.
'''Media Savvy:''' This character is good at manipulating news media to their liking.
'''Media Ties:''' This character has contacts in the local media and can influence them to run (or not run) stories, or to put their own spin on them.
'''Mole:''' This character has an informant in some important group that is opposed to them.
'''Natural Aptitude:''' This character is especially good at a specialized innate skill, far more than most other people.
'''Natural Aptitude:''' This character is especially good at a specialized innate skill, far more than most other people.
'''Natural Politician:''' This character is excellent at politics and manipulating groups to get their way.
'''Natural Politician:''' This character is excellent at politics and manipulating groups to get their way.
'''Officially Dead:''' This character has been formally declared dead in their old life and successfully constructed a new identity, making them almost impossible to trace.
'''Perfect Protocol:''' This character is excellent at political and social rules and knows how to play the most complex courtly games.
'''Poker Face:''' This character is completely unflappable when hiding their emotions and deceptions.
'''Police Ties:''' This character has influence in the local police department and can encourage (or discourage) them in following certain investigations.
'''Political Mentor:''' This character has a helpful mentor who will give them advice and opportunities in a relevant organization.
'''Political Ties:''' This character has contacts among politicians and bureaucrats in the area and can call on them when they need favors.
'''Secret Stash:''' This character has hidden resources or followers that they can activate in case of an emergency.
'''Silver Tongue:''' This character is excellent at patter, lies, and other forms of deceit that leave their victims feeling friendly and amused.
'''Snitch:''' This character has an informant in an important bureaucracy or authority and gets relevant secrets from them.
'''Snitch:''' This character has an informant in an important bureaucracy or authority and gets relevant secrets from them.
'''Street Ties:''' This character has contacts on the mean streets who can help them when they are in trouble.
'''Underworld Ties:''' This character knows people in organized crime who can provide them with weapons and backup as needed.
'''University:''' This character has major control over a university and its administration are likely to serve their interests.
'''Upright Citizen:''' This character has a reputation for being a good and honest person, even if they don't act like it.
'''Upright Citizen:''' This character has a reputation for being a good and honest person, even if they don't act like it.
'''Valuable Secret:''' This character has secret knowledge that others would die (or kill) for.
'''Way With Words:''' This character phrases things perfectly in order to convince others to believe or agree with them.
'''Way With Words:''' This character phrases things perfectly in order to convince others to believe or agree with them.

Latest revision as of 17:43, 22 November 2021

Social Merits

Social merits refer to special skills, abilities, or aptitudes in interactions with others that characters may possess. These may range from very simple merits, such as those that indicate a character has a likeable face or instinctively grasps nuance easily, to very complex and supernatural ones, often possessed by only a few beings in the world at any given time. Merits always represent either an innate quality of a character, a situation they have encountered that has permanently affected them, or a skill they have worked hard to acquire.

Social merits are broken down into merits belonging in the realm of Appearance (merits involving what the character looks like or how they present themself), Charisma (merits involving the character's personality and aura), and Manipulation (merits involving social maneuvering or politics).

Appearance Merits

Alternate Identity: This character has a completely separate second persona, and no one knows the two are the same person.

Approachable: This character appears inviting and interesting to others who may wish to meet them.

Bruiser: This character looks like a menace and commands a healthy respect from others who find them intimidating.

Commanding Voice: This character can be heard from afar or over a crowd effortlessly without seeming to shout.

Cupid's Gift: This character is almost universally attractive to other people.

Enchanting Voice: This character has an exceptionally beautiful voice that others love to listen to.

Fashion Sense: This character instinctively dresses perfectly for every occasion.

Forgettable: This character is extremely average-looking and others have trouble remembering what they look like when they aren't around.

Friendly Face: This character reminds people of someone they like, making them more positively inclined toward them.

Loud Voice: This character can be heard as far away as the howl of a wolf can (although it may not be much fun to stand next to them when they're shouting).

Mansion: This character owns a large mansion or estate with up-to-date security and servants.

Murderous Mien: This character looks like trouble and tends to intimidate anyone who would interact with them.

Nightclub: This character owns a thriving club that provides them with considerable money and cachet.

Physically Impressive: This character has an unignorably powerful physique that makes others likely to respect or fear them.

Sexy: This character is sexually attractive and easily attracts attention from others as a result.

Soothing Voice: This character has a soothing, almost hypnotic voice, making others stop and listen.

Soul of the Muse: This character is inspirational to creative people and often finds themself in the role of model or muse.

Unobtrusive: This character blends easily into the crowd and is overlooked as long as they stay within it.

Unremarkable: This character is easy to forget or fail to notice even when they're standing right in front of someone, and can usually get away with anything that doesn't cause a major upheaval with minor to no consequences.

Charisma Merits

Approachable: This character is easy to befriend or start a conversation with.

Aura of Command: This character is seldom disobeyed when they give an order.

Bardic Gift: This character easily creates profoundly inspirational artwork.

Beast Affinity: Animals like and are drawn to this character.

Best Friend: This character has a best friend who loves them and will always come to their aid when they are in trouble.

Calming Presence: This character's serene attitude helps other living things around them relax.

Capable Assistant: This character has a go-to person who is utterly loyal and very good at helping and supporting them.

Dual Nationality: This character has parents from two different countries and enjoys dual citizenship and other privileges as a result.

Dynamic Personality: This character exudes appeal and excitement and has far more friends and contacts than most.

Flirt: This character is excellent at flirting with others and at gaining their attention.

Funny: This character is considered hilarious by others and is welcome in most social situations.

Gall: This character is impressively plucky and others are impressed when they speak up.

Good Credit Rating: This character has an excellent track record of handling money and debts and is considered a good investment.

Good Listener: This character encourages others to tell them secrets by being a comforting confidante.

Good Taste: This character instinctively identifies what most consider the "best" things in life and is considered an aesthete.

Gossip: This character is an entertaining gossip, leading others to tell them things at the drop of a hat.

Harmless: This character is widely known to be no threat to anyone and is often ignored or indulged.

In Love: This character is in love with someone and is noticeably confident and happy.

Infectious Courage: This character is so brave in the face of danger that they can inspire others to reach for the same, even helping them fight off mind-controlling powers to do so.

Laid-Back Friends: This character has a friend network that supports them without being intrusive into their life.

Local Hero: This character has done great things for their community in the recent past and is both famous and well-liked for it.

Loyal: This character has a devoted bond to another person, group, or cause and is difficult to force to do anything counter to their interests.

Made Man: This character is known to be a member of an organized crime group and inspires considerable fear and respect.

Natural Leader: This character has a compelling personality that makes others want to follow them.

Notable Heritage: This character comes from a famous or powerful lineage that gives them extra social cachet.

Original Sin: This character is descended from someone infamously evil and has to deal with the stigma attached on a regular basis.

Paramour: This character has a long-term connection that loves them and will do their best to come to their aid if the need them.

Peacemaker: This character has a reputation for being a skilled diplomat and mediator.

People Person: This character loves being around others and is a fun acquaintance for everyone.

Pillar of the Community: This character is liked and respected by others, who turn to them for leadership when unsure.

Pitiable: This character is considered delicate and pathetic and causes others to want to instintively protect them.

Prized Patch: This character is part of a gang or coterie with a powerful reputation.

Regal Bearing: This character projects an aura of nobility and importance.

Religious Heritage: This character's family or ancestors are very important in a religion.

Reputation: This character is widely famous even outside their own social circles or political groups.

Rising Star: This character is known as a future mover and shaker in their social or political circles.

Sanctuary: This character has a powerful friend who will protect them if they flee to them for help.

Seductive: This character has a sensual quality that draws others to them with very little effort.

Self-Confident: This character is so confident in their abilities that they can occasionally succeed at something that would normally require Willpower just by deciding they should.

Smooth: This character is good at fitting into social situations and is usually considered to belong by whomever else is there.

Soapbox: This character has access to a special forum (such as a blog, podcast, or newspaper column) which they can use to spread their opinions and agenda.

Socially Networked: This character has a high profile as an online personality and can leverage their followers to do things.

Stand-Up Associate: This character is known to have taken a fall to protect someone else and has a reputation for being trustworthy and reliable.

Street Rep: This character is known on the streets for being a badass and commands respect for their exploits.

Student: This character is mentoring a student who they are responsible for, but who is also likely to help them with anything they ask.

Supporter: This character inspires those who follow or look up to them to greater heights than they could achieve alone.

Supportive Family: This character has a loving family who will support them when they call for it, even without knowing what's going on.

Title: This character has an active hereditary title of some kind (for example, duke or chief).

Trusty Companion: This character is known for their unflagging loyalty to friends and family and is easily given the benefit of the doubt.

Unflappable: This character controls their emotions and seldom suffers from breakdowns or emotional struggles.

Well-Marked: This character has attractive or impressive scars related to their successful exploits in the past.

Manipulation Merits

Airport: This character has ownership or major control over an entire airport.

Alimony Recipient: This character receives payments from an ex-spouse that help keep them supplied with necessities.

Best Advocate: This character tells compelling stories about their own exploits, making others want to believe them (or at least enjoy the tale enough to not mind if they don't).

Black Market Ties: This character has ties to the underground marketplace and can get access to banned or dangerous materials now and then.

Castle: This character owns an actual castle, including a servant staff.

Church Ties: This character has clout in several local churches or other religious communities and can organize them to take action.

Corporate Savvy: This character understands the corporate world in and out and knows how to manipulate its power dynamics.

Corporate Ties: This character has considerable contacts in the business world and can influence local financial and business markets.

Corporation CEO: This character is the head of a major corporation and has enormous influence over what it does.

Debt of Gratitude: This character is owed a serious debt by a powerful person.

Diplomatic Immunity: This character has a position or responsibility that protects them whenever they are in a foreign territory.

Downey: This character is a practiced con artist and is seldom caught even by their victims.

Entertainment Ties: This character is famous in the local arts and etertainment scene and can seek information or set up events.

Entrepreneur: This character finds it easy to start new business ventures and successfully make money from them.

Extremist Group: This character has a great deal of influence in an extremist group of their choice and can attempt to use them for various tasks.

Eye for a Bargain: This character is a skilled haggler and often gets better prices on things they need.

Favor: Someone owes this character a significant favor that may be useful to them in the future.

Great Liar: This character is excellent at lying and often does such a good job that others cannot convince anyone otherwise.

Hideaway: This character has a comfortable secret hiding place or home to retreat to in an emergency.

Holdings: This character has extensive properties that they own and have customized to their tastes.

Independent Income: This character has a large income that they do not have to work for.

Inspired Orator: This character is a passionate public speaker that others enjoy listening to.

Judicial Ties: This character knows judges and prosecutors in the area and can affect trials and sentencing if they wish.

Letter of Commission: This character has been appointed to represent a superior power and is allowed to use special powers or take actions usually forbidden to others.

License to...: This character has an unusual license not possessed by most people that allows them to do something normally illegal.

Long-Term Planning: This character excels at making long-term plans and always having a contingency strategy in place.

Master of Red Tape: This character is incredible at getting things done in bureaucracy, no matter how complex.

Media Savvy: This character is good at manipulating news media to their liking.

Media Ties: This character has contacts in the local media and can influence them to run (or not run) stories, or to put their own spin on them.

Mole: This character has an informant in some important group that is opposed to them.

Natural Aptitude: This character is especially good at a specialized innate skill, far more than most other people.

Natural Politician: This character is excellent at politics and manipulating groups to get their way.

Officially Dead: This character has been formally declared dead in their old life and successfully constructed a new identity, making them almost impossible to trace.

Perfect Protocol: This character is excellent at political and social rules and knows how to play the most complex courtly games.

Poker Face: This character is completely unflappable when hiding their emotions and deceptions.

Police Ties: This character has influence in the local police department and can encourage (or discourage) them in following certain investigations.

Political Mentor: This character has a helpful mentor who will give them advice and opportunities in a relevant organization.

Political Ties: This character has contacts among politicians and bureaucrats in the area and can call on them when they need favors.

Secret Stash: This character has hidden resources or followers that they can activate in case of an emergency.

Silver Tongue: This character is excellent at patter, lies, and other forms of deceit that leave their victims feeling friendly and amused.

Snitch: This character has an informant in an important bureaucracy or authority and gets relevant secrets from them.

Street Ties: This character has contacts on the mean streets who can help them when they are in trouble.

Underworld Ties: This character knows people in organized crime who can provide them with weapons and backup as needed.

University: This character has major control over a university and its administration are likely to serve their interests.

Upright Citizen: This character has a reputation for being a good and honest person, even if they don't act like it.

Valuable Secret: This character has secret knowledge that others would die (or kill) for.

Way With Words: This character phrases things perfectly in order to convince others to believe or agree with them.

Wealthy Partner: This character has a romantic or business partner who makes a significant amount of money and shares it with them.

General Merits Mental MeritsPhysical MeritsSocial MeritsSupernatural Merits
Being-Specific Merits Demon MeritsFairy MeritsGhost MeritsHunter MeritsKuei-Jin MeritsMage MeritsMortal MeritsMummy MeritsShapeshifter MeritsVampire Merits