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Scene Summary: To Old Friends and New Beginnings

To Old Friends and New Beginnings
GinevraFace.png JacqueFace.png
Chronicle DC Chronicle
Game Date December 1, 2015
Real Date March 25-31, 2016
Characters Ginevra Bianchi
Jacque Beaumont
Locations Jacque's House
Thomas Circle Apartments
Previous Scene Nordic Fog (Ginevra)
A Midwinter Night's Tale (Jacque)
Next Scene Lullabye for a Stormy Night (Ginevra, Jacque)
Content Warnings None
Original Scene To Old Friends and New Beginnings

To Old Friends and New Beginnings is a scene from the DC Chronicle featuring Ginevra Bianchi and Jacque Beaumont. It depicts the two going on their first date next to the seaside.

Scene Summary

Jacque nervously gets ready for his date at his house, unsure what to wear or how to act, before driving to Thomas Circle Apartments, where he knocks on Ginevra's door. Ginevra, worried about her domitor but excited about the date, emerges and compliments him on his suit. He gives her a cup of coffee and struggles with knowing what to say or how to compliment her back, and is relieved when she begins a conversation about their destination, explaining that he likes the ocean and hoped to see it with her. The two of them get into his car and begin to drive toward the seaside.

On the way, Jacque offers for Ginevra to choose music from a selection of CDs and Jacque compliments Ginevra on her service to her domitor Maeve Glaistig, explaining that he was once a ghoul recruiter and therefore knows talent when he sees it. They discuss what it was like to first become a ghoul, with Jacque telling Ginevra the story of himself thinking that his domitor Julian Augustine was the devil and Ginevra reminding Jacque that he was actually present when she became a ghoul herself. She also remembers her friend Evelyn Summerfield, but sadly assumes she will never see her again after the recent death of her domitor.

The two briefly discuss religion, establishing that they are both Catholic but not very good at keeping up with it, before arriving at the pier, where they get out of the car. Jacque wraps a sweater around Ginevra, concerned that she will be cold, and they walk down the beach hand in hand, both enjoying the date and hoping not to do anything to spoil it. Jacque waxes philosophical about the ocean, causing Ginevra to close her eyes to listen to it, but they are interrupted when her phone buzzes.

Reading the message, Ginevra becomes panicked, explaining after Jacque calms her down that the Prince has requested her domitor's presence and that she won't be able to arrive in time to support her. Jacque offers to help and leads her back toward the car as she complains about the Prince's demands and worries that it was irresponsible to go on a date instead of remaining with Maeve all night.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

To Old Friends and New Beginnings Script Summary

Jacque showers at his haven and does his hair, then spends several minutes choosing a suit, tie, and cufflinks. He gets dressed and then cleans his car out before packing various items into it. He drives to Thomas Circle Apartments and goes to Ginevra's apartment, where he knocks. Ginevra is inside checking her phones and gets up to answer the door.


GINEVRA: Hi, there.


JACQUE: Good evening, Ginevra. I thought that you would like a coffee?

He hands her a paper cup of coffee.


GINEVRA: Thank you!

She leaves the apartment and closes the door behind her.


GINEVRA: You look very handsome.

They walk down the stairs toward the car.


JACQUE: Thank you. I — I hope you like the coffee.


GINEVRA: You're welcome. Oh, I do, thank you, it's nice and sweet. Although have you had caramel in coffee? It's heaven.


JACQUE: I have not. I will have to try that.


GINEVRA: So you said we're going to the beach?


JACQUE: Oh, yes. I, ah, this is where I was going, the night I— Well, the night you came to get me, I was on my way to the beach.

They arrive at the car and Jacque opens the passenger door for Ginevra. She gets in.


JACQUE: I like the ocean. I thought we could see it together.


GINEVRA: Oh, really? Okay, I'd like that.

Jacque gets in the driver's side and adjusts his mirrors. He turns on the seat warmer for Ginevra and then pulls out of the parking lot.


JACQUE: It is not a very long drive. Ah. And there is music. If you would like?

He waves at the glove compartment. Ginevra opens it and chooses a jazz CD, which she puts into the stereo.


GINEVRA: That's good. You know, I haven't actually gotten to go for a walk or anything since I got here? I've just been at work pretty much the entire time. You know I love Maeve, but it's nice to do something other than filing and sleep for a minute.


JACQUE: Yes, I would think so. I have only good to say, about my time, but ah...

He shakes his head.


JACQUE: I mean to say, that I would not trade my time in service. Not at all. But I will say that I did look forward to my vacations. Very much.


GINEVRA: I imagine so.


JACQUE: Would you mind if we spoke in Italian now? It would be easier, I think.


GINEVRA: Oh, of course! I never mind! I mean, it's my language. I spend all my time speaking English unless it's just Maeve and me anyway, so it's nice. I guess you're used to the same thing, though.

Jacque nods.


JACQUE: Oh, yes. I was lucky enough that not many people spoke to me, but it was still taxing. Though your English is obviously much better than mine was. Or is.


GINEVRA: Well, they teach it in all the schools now. It was probably different when you were younger.


JACQUE: Many things were different when I was younger. I try not to let it bother me too much. It was a nice change, when you came to Chicago. I did not feel so... Invisible.


GINEVRA: Oh. Well, it was nice for me, too. I mean, Ms. Summerfield and I sort of had each other, but it was nice to all be in it together.


JACQUE: That is important, having someone to talk to that is not kindred. But you have that here, yes? I am glad for it.


GINEVRA: Oh, yes, I suppose. I mean, Jonathan tries to be helpful, anyway, and he's good to talk to. He'd have to be, with what he puts up with down there. He probably needs a vacation even more than I do. Sean... well, I could do without him, honestly, but I'm sure he... does something. I mean, he's in the band, he does his best.


JACQUE: I am glad. It can be a very lonely job, even with the kindest of masters. Ms. Glaistig is lucky to have found you. I hope you know that.

Ginevra blushes.


GINEVRA: Oh, I was lucky to find her. I had no idea when the agency sent me over. I mean, who would? But I'm glad they did anyway. How did you start? I mean, helping with all this. I mean, they didn't have placement agencies then, probably?

There is a long pause.


JACQUE: No, I do not think they did. By the time I knew what Julian Augustine was, I had been working for him for many years. And through intermediaries for long before then. I did not understand, fully, what it meant when I joined his service. I do not think I could have understood, even if he had explained it to me. We can think in terms of centuries abstractly, but...


GINEVRA: It was a little like that for me. That I didn't know, I mean. For the first couple of months I thought I was just helping a normal client out, until... well, you remember, you were there.


JACQUE: There was a process, for finding and grooming new servants. In time, this became one of my duties. So I am not exaggerating when I say that I have an eye for talent. Whichever of you is lucky, I do know a good match when I see one.


GINEVRA: Well, coming from you that's worth something, then.


JACQUE: You handled it very well. I have seen much worse.


GINEVRA: I thought about handling it a lot worse, but it didn't seem like a good moment for that.

Jacque parks the car near the pier.


JACQUE: I thought my master was the devil. I thought he had come to take me to hell.

He shrugs.


JACQUE: You are much less superstitious, I think.


GINEVRA: Oh, man. Well, yeah, but most people are less superstitious nowadays. That must have been scary.


JACQUE: Come. It is a nice night.

He gets out of the car, then opens the door for Ginevra, who also gets out. Ginevra sighs. Jacque reaches into the back seat and removes a sweater.


JACQUE: Are you cold?


GINEVRA: Oh, a little. It's windier out here. So are you religious, then? I mean, still?


JACQUE: Hm. Religious, yes. I think so. But not in the same way as before. I... I am no longer a very good Catholic. If that is what you mean?

He puts a bag over his shoulder and wraps the sweater around Ginevra.


JACQUE: It is not as nice as your dress, I am afraid, but you will be warm.


GINEVRA: Oh, I mean, who is. I grew up Catholic, too, but I don't know, I drifted at some point. It's easy to believe in SOMETHING big, but the specifics always seem kind of fuzzy to me.

Jacque offers her his arm. They begin to walk down the beach.


JACQUE: I do miss it at times. The ritual of it, I mean. There was a sense of certainty that I would, well, that I would more than welcome.


GINEVRA: Well, you can always make new rituals. That's what I do. Like, you can pick other things that you do every day, even if nobody else decided they were important.

She shrugs.


GINEVRA: I like to go feed the park dogs once a week. It's nice, they get very excited. Thanks, by the way. I should have dressed more warmly, but I don't go out to the shore very much. But you do, I guess?


JACQUE: Ah, no. Not since I have arrived, at least. I...

They stop walking. There is a long pause as Jacque stares at the sea.


JACQUE: It is wonderful, isn't it?

Ginevra withdraws her arm, then takes his hand.


GINEVRA: Yes, it is wonderful. I mean, I can't see very much of it, but I can hear it. It's nice.

Jacque sighs.


JACQUE: Oh, you don't need to see it to feel that it's there. It is, ah... Like a magnet? It... It pulls at you. If you close your eyes, and walk along the beach, it will pull you in.



She closes her eyes and there is a long pause. Her phone vibrates and she jumps. She pulls it out and reads a message.


GINEVRA: Oh, no. No, no, no, NO.

She lets go of Jacque's hand and sends a text.


GINEVRA: I have to—I'm sorry, I have to go, where is—

She turns in a circle and Jacque takes her arm.


JACQUE: It will be all right. Whatever it is. Come.

He lets go of Ginevra and offers her his hand. She takes it while continuing to text with the other hand.


GINEVRA: Yes, of course it will.

She squeezes Jacque's hand.


JACQUE: It is this way. We did not walk too far.


GINEVRA: Just ONE WEEK where this didn't happen.

She uses her phone to light the ground in front of her feet.


JACQUE: Is there anything I can do to help? Aside from driving you back?


GINEVRA: Yeah, get the Prince to stop calling her out at all hours of the night, that'd help.

She sighs.


GINEVRA: No, sorry. I mean, yes, if we can get to Limbo quickly, that'll help, although from out here we probably won't make it in time. It's just... sorry, I just should have been there, that's all. She told me it was okay and I really wanted to come out tonight with you... but I should have been there.


JACQUE: You do not need to apologize. I really do understand.

He squeezes her hand.


JACQUE: I will get you there as quickly as I can. And you will let me know if there is anything else you think of that I could do.


  • This scene takes place primarily in Italian, but is translated here for ease of reference.

  • Jacque mentions not needing a mirror; as a member of Clan Lasombra, he has no reflection.

  • Ginevra's mention of Maeve being out with an axe-wielding Brujah refers to her current meeting with Casper Iversson in Nordic Fog.

  • Ginevra's mention of being hired through an agency refers to her original position as Maeve Glaistig's PR assistant; she was hired purely as a mortal agent and did not know Maeve's nature for over a year.

  • Ginevra's mention of Jacque being there when she learned about the supernatural world refers to the events of The Two of Us, We Wrote This Sonnet.

  • Jacque's fascination with the sea is another feature of his Lasombra clan, who are famously affected by the tides.

  • The text message Ginevra receives is from Delia Chambers.

  • The situation Ginevra and Jacque leave to deal with is described in Lullabye for a Stormy Night.