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Scene Summary: Familiar Strangers

Familiar Strangers
DannyFace.png HopeFace.png
Chronicle DC Chronicle
Game Date November 17, 2015
Real Date December 30, 2015 — January 4, 2016
Characters Danny Wheyton
Hope Gutierrez
Locations Purgatory
Previous Scene Strong Medicine (Hope)
Next Scene Adventures in Babysitting (Danny)
Regrets of the Dying (Hope)
Content Warnings Ableism, Death
Original Scene Familiar Strangers

Familiar Strangers is a scene from the DC Chronicle featuring Danny Wheyton and Hope Gutierrez. It depicts Danny and Hope meeting again at Purgatory after not seeing each other for years.

Scene Summary

Danny arrives at Purgatory but is uncomfortable there, thinking that crowded bars full of people are always uncomfortable for him; he goes in anyway, wanting a drink after craving one for weeks. He rolls up his sweater sleeves and hides his hands in his pocket, shuffling inside and trying to avoid notice from anyone. He finds a table near the back and sits down, slumping over as he thinks that his sire Maxwell DeSoto would have liked the place. Realizing that he failed to order a drink, he gets back up and goes to the bar.

Hope also arrives at Purgatory, entering behind a group of mortals who are laughing at something on a phone; she steals one of their phones out of a purse and throws it away on principle. She reflects that she beat on a dumpster until she destroyed it last night but doesn't feel any different and pushes her way to the bar for a drink. She recognizes Danny and is glad to see him alive, walking up behind him and offering to pay for his drinks. Danny is startled to see her but also glad, asking her how she's been in the last thirty years. Hope pays for drinks and carries them to the table, where they both sit down and she says things have been poor but she's getting by.

Concerned, Hope asks Danny how he's been and he explains that his sire died recently and that as a Malkavian Anarch he is having trouble scraping by and interacting with other vampires. Hope feels bad for forgetting that Max died and commiserates before offering him some stolen money and credit cards. Danny is reluctant to take them, but Hope refuses to take the money back and leaves it on the table. Danny asks who is important to know in the city, and Hope describes Prince Marcus Vitel and Sheriff Amos, as well as suggesting that he might like the Brujah Primogen Bjorn Garinson or the eccentric Ventrue Dorian Adams, avoiding describing this last person since she believes he must be experienced in person. She also suggests Stephen Norton, making Danny laugh at the description of his clan as "kooks".

Danny reflects that he hates beer but doesn't want to be rude and needs to finish it, while also sighing that Hope will force him to take the money eventually. She laughs and agrees, finishing her own beer, and promises to give him a rundown on local Anarchs so he will know who to contact in the future. She asks what he's doing in DC and he replies that he isn't sure and is still trying to find his own way after the death of his sire. He then becomes anxious that he answered incorrectly and she meant to ask what he was doing at Purgatory, making Hope laugh in spite of her own memories of her journey east after her sire Ian Kross's apparent death. She tells him that both DC and Purgatory aren't terrible places to be and suggests that he stay a while, which he agrees to.

Danny describes his attempts to get by in DC and mentions that he is struggling to find a job, prompting Hope to offer to keep an eye out for anything for him. They bond over their mutual dislike of the Camarilla and Danny clarifies that he can't take any jobs related to cooking, mentioning that he almost burned down his and his sire's haven once. Hope accuses him of pretending to be more innocent than he is and suggests he lean into his accidental pyromania. He thanks her for her help and offers it in return if she ever needs it, and Hope tells him that she is helping him because she's glad he's still alive when so many other aren't. Danny promises to pay her back in the future and jokes that they just have to keep him alive until then.

Becoming distracted, Danny asks Hope why she thinks vampires are as selfish and cruel as they are, guessing that maybe living too long makes everyone eventually go crazy. Hope opines that all people are all terrible and selfish, and that vampires just have the power to realize that they can't be stopped by the social contract and show it more easily. She declares that being horrible isn't special and that being kind would be except that it's too hard for anyone to actually do it. Danny sits lost in thought for a while before asking where he should go to meet people, and Hope suggests here at Purgatory to meet Anarchs, Elysium to meet Camarilla vampires, or Limbo to hear Maeve Glaistig sing.

Danny notices the time and begins twitching in anxiety at how close it is to dawn, signaling that he needs to leave soon but pausing to ask if she wants to talk about anything first. Hope rejects his offer but takes his hand and writes her phone number on it in black marker so he can call her later. She tells him to call her if anyone tries to harass him and then leaves, leaving the pile of money on the table.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

Familiar Strangers Script Summary

Danny arrives at Purgatory. He rolls up his sweater sleeves and puts his hands in his pockets as he shuffles inside. He looks around and then slowly walks to a table near the back, where he sits down. He slumps over the table. After a moment, he gets up and goes to the bar.

Hope arrives and behind a group of laughing women. She steals a phone from one of their purses, then throws it into a trash can as she passes. She pushes her way through the crowd to the bar. Seeing Danny, she walks up behind him and puts her hand on his shoulder.


HOPE: This one's on me. And a pitcher of something cheap. Sup, Danny? Good to see you.

Danny gasps and jumps, then sighs and turns around.


DANNY: H-Hope? Oh, hey. Wow. Long time, no see. So how have you been? It's been, what... Thirty years, give or take? I don't really remember. Gets to be too much of a hassle over time to keep up with exact details.

He motions for her to join him at his table. Hope slams a handful of bills on the bar and brings the drinks to the table. Danny slumps and leans his chin on his hands.


HOPE: Pretty shit. Then better. And now recently pretty shit again.

She shrugs.


HOPE: Still kicking, so I can't complain.

She pours two glasses of beer and pushes one toward Danny.


HOPE: What about you? Anything interesting to report?


DANNY: Well...

He sits up.


DANNY: As you probably know, Max passed away a few years back, and of course, since he was my sire, lots of people don't really want to have anything to do with me. I mean, it's not like I'm terrible, but vampires are mostly just high and mighty asshole who call themselves tall because they're sitting on top of everyone else. You know how it is. And on top of that...

He looks around.


DANNY: I'm damn near hanging on a thread as far as finances go. I mean, it's not like I need much, but the point is that I'm in a city FILLED with Camarillas... And my dumb ass chose to come here.


HOPE: Yeah, same boat, same shit creek, same lack of paddles. It sucks. About Max, too.

She drinks from her bear and wipes her mouth.


HOPE: But if you need some money, I got that. It's not my money, but still... Pays the bills.

She pulls a wad of cash and credit cards from her pocket and pushes them across the table.


HOPE: Here.


DANNY: Really? Even if it isn't yours, I can't just take that. It just... I don't know. It doesn't feel right. It's not a pride issue, just... I'd feel bad. You've already paid for my drink.

He chuckles.


DANNY: Trust me, if I really get myself into a doozy, and God knows that's going to happen sooner or later, you'll be the first to know.

Hope shrugs.


HOPE: Fine by me. I'll just leave the big pile of money on the table then. Can't make you take it. I'm a King, remember? That's like, walking around money.

Danny looks around.


DANNY: So... Who are the big fish around here? I've been here like a month and basically don't know anything. I figure if I'm going to eventually be belittled or chewed out by someone, I might as well at least get an idea of who they are.

Hope finishes her beer.


HOPE: First person you need to know about is Vitel. He's old as hell and twice as creepy. Just stay away from him. It's not hard to do.

She pours another glass of beer.


HOPE: Everybody else, not so much. Amos is decent. He's the Sheriff. One of the ugly ones, but he's nice. Um... Bjorn is one of the punks, he speaks for them. He owns this place, so it pays to be polite. The other bars in town suck. The rest of the big fish I just steer clear of. Oh! And there's Dorian. He's just about the best thing about the Cam. You seriously have to meet him. It's the best. That's about it for the licks. Everybody else is either too boring to worry about or too much of a prick to be around.

She finishes her beer again.


HOPE: Maybe Stephen. Not a big fish, but he's not too bad either. He's a kook like you. Cam, but I don't think they like him very much. Could be good to know in general.

Danny chuckles.


DANNY: I'm definitely a kook. I mean, I'm a kook, yeah, but I was one before I became one, if that makes any sense.

He laughs, then waves his hand.


DANNY: I... Just... Never mind. I have no idea where I was even going with that.

He looks at the money on the table and sighs.


DANNY: You're just gonna leave that there and guilt trip me into taking it, aren't you?

He chuckles.


DANNY: You fuckin' suck... No pun intended.

Hope snorts.


HOPE: Yeah, well, I bet you say that to all the pretty dead girls. And hell yeah I'm just going to leave it there. It's working, isn't it? I like winning. And, ya know, helping people and stuff.

She drinks some more beer, then pushes her glass aside.


HOPE: Anyway, there are a couple of us here, too, if you want to get in contact. Nobody important, but it's good to know who's got your back. Besides me. What are you doing here, anyway? This place sucks.


DANNY: Good question. Honestly, I'm still trying to figure that out. After Maxwell died, I was on my own and wound up getting support for essentials from people who owed him for jobs. I never realized how rough it is to live out on the road until I basically had to do it myself. Or what felt like by myself. I knew I couldn't do it forever, though, so I started asking around about good places for someone like me to at least take a break for a while. Guess someone thought it would be real funny to recommend an absolutely terrible place. I eventually found out how bad it was, but decided to come here anyway. I guess I just felt drawn to it.

He sighs.


DANNY: Or I really am just that crazy. But either way, I'm here now.

He drinks from his beer, then looks confused.


DANNY: Oh... You meant the bar, didn't you?

Hope laughs loudly.


HOPE: Now I don't even know which one I was talking about. And you're definitely crazy. But... maybe this place sucks less than some other places. The bar or the city.

She sighs and finishes another glass of beer.


HOPE: Maybe... Maybe you should stay a few. Feel it out. Like I said, it sucks. Everything is literally the worst here. But it's not the worst. And it definitely beats the alternative.

Danny nods.


DANNY: Yeah, that's what I plan on doing. I mean, I at least managed to land a really small one bedroom apartment. Like really small, but since it's just me, it works.

He sighs and scratches his head.


DANNY: Now I'll just have to run around looking for a job of some sort. Of course, I appreciate you helping me out, even if it was slightly forced, but I need to do something to actually keep my head above water. You know how it is. I can survive for a small while on my own, so I plan on using whatever time I have to meet whoever I can and make connections. Or at least try to.

He finishes his beer.


DANNY: It's not much, but it's the best option I have.

He slumps forward, resting his chin and arms on the table.


DANNY: Of course... That means I'm desperate for a job. I hope those fuckers don't try to screw me over too badly. God knows they'll at least try, but eh. I'm not too worried about that. Damn, just listen to me drone on. I'm sorry. You came here to get away from this kind of bullshit.


HOPE: Nah, I came here to drink cheap beer and pickpocket drunk slumming Toreador. The theatrics are just a perk. And they always fuck you over. It's a given. Just fuck them over right back, then it evens out. That's what quid pro quo comes from. It's Latin for Fuck 'Em.

She pushes her glass away again.


HOPE: What sort of work are you looking for? Could listen out. Only perk of living in their shadow is that they fight like white chicks over the last pumpkin spice frappachino. It means good money if you can make yourself useful.

Danny leans back and groans.


DANNY: Well... I don't really have any specifics... I've never been particularly good or bad at anything. I also don't really have any preferences. I mean, at this point, I just need cash or else I'll be in deep shit, so I'm not picky.

He chuckles.


DANNY: Actually, scratch that. I can't do anything that has to do with cooking. Maxwell had the ability to actually eat food, and boy, it was interesting when he asked me to make something once. It was literally just once and then he was done. It scared the shit out of both of us when it caught fire.

He laughs for a few moments.


DANNY: Other than that, I should be fine. Nothing I can't do.

He traces the ring left on the table by his glass with a finger.


DANNY: Thanks for all the help, by the way. If there's anything you ever need, don't ever hesitate to let me know. You'd be surprised what even a crazy person like me can do.


HOPE: Okay, so no cooking, but you're good at setting shit on fire. That's what you gotta lead with, Danny. That's spin. And I'm not buying the innocent crazy act, you should know better. Cuz I know better. I remember the cows.

There is a short pause.


HOPE: Glad you're not dead. That's why. But don't worry about it. I'll find you a good lead. And you can just owe me.


DANNY: Yeah, of course I will. I won't leave you hanging, you know me. We just gotta hope I live long enough to actually pay you back.

He laughs, then sits silently for a moment.


DANNY: Hey, Hope... What do you think makes a lot of our kind what they are? Distant and... Well... Self-centered, I guess. Do you think being alive for so long just eventually drives them to the point of not caring? Or maybe they get so screwed over that they just go numb...

Hope sighs.


HOPE: People are dicks. All of them. Every single person. But there's all this shit in place, that keeps people in line. Then some people get turned, figure out they have super powers, and decide that they can be just as dickish as they want. There are no rules anymore, nothing to keep them in line... So yeah, some of us do some horrible shit and never seem to care who gets hurt. But I'm thinking most people given that amount of power would do the same damn thing.

She shakes her head.


HOPE: Being horrible is nothing special. Most people suck. Not being horrible is what is extraordinary, because it's hard and nobody fucking does it.

Danny nods. There is another long pause.


DANNY: So... What sort of place would you recommend for meeting people? Helpful people, I mean.


HOPE: Here's my sort of place. You don't as many of the high-brow types and you can knock someone on their ass if you need to, as long as you buy what you break. If you want to meet those sort of people, though, you gotta go to Elysium. Go watch Maeve sing at Limbo some night, or get fancied up and go to court.

Danny nods., then looks at the clock.


DANNY: Damn... It'll get close to dawn pretty soon... I should probably head out in a bit. I can spare a while longer, though. Anything you wanna ask me or that you wanna talk about? I'm open.


HOPE: Yeah, I'm not into sharing so...

She shrugs and stands up.


HOPE: Give me your hand.

Danny slowly raises his hand toward her, his fingers twitching with tics.


DANNY: What is it...?

Hope grabs his hand.


HOPE: Now you can't tell me this is the first time you've ever picked somebody up in a bar.

She digs through her pockets and pulls out a black marker, which she uses to write her phone number on the back of his hand.


HOPE: It's my phone number, dummy. Tattoo it in your brain. Or put it in your phone. Either way, call me if you need anything or if anybody fucks with you. Especially if anybody fucks with you.

She lets go of his hand.


HOPE: And the pin numbers are on the back of the cards. You got two days on them, tops, but I'd just cash them out ASAP.

She leaves the bar.


  • Danny and Hope know one another from having met in the Anarch Free States, where both of them lived until leaving when their respective sires died.

  • Hope refers to smashing a dumpster the night before; she uninvited Maeve Glaistig from this event in Strong Medicine.

  • Hope is unaware that her sire Ian Kross is still alive, allowing her to bond with Danny over their similar losses.

  • Danny's sire, Maxwell Desoto, died in the 2007 in a house fire; he actually died before Hope received word of her own sire's death, which was believed to have taken place in 2013, but the two of them were no longer in regular contact then due to Danny and Maxwell living a fairly mobile lifestyle.

  • Danny's tics and discomfort are due to his highly active anxiety derangement.

  • The Latin phrase quid pro quo translates literally to "something for something else"; Hope's translation of "fuck 'em" implies that she believes in making sure to always get the better half of any bargain.

  • Danny mentions not being able to work in food service; he is a pyromaniac, a very dangerous problem to have for a vampire, and avoids situations involving flame as a result.

  • Danny's joke that they just have to keep him alive long enough to pay Hope back turns out not to be very funny when he is discovered to have been killed later in Luck Runs Out.