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Scene Summary: Shaken, Not Stirred
Shaken, Not Stirred
AndresFace.jpg CasperFace.png
Chronicle DC Chronicle
Game Date December 4, 2015
Real Date April 9-11, 2016
Characters Andres Lund
Casper Iversson
Locations Casper's House
Previous Scene Night Off (Andres)
Open Reading (Casper)
Next Scene In Want Of (Andres, Casper)
Content Warnings Ableism, Substance Abuse, Suicide, Violence
Original Scene Shaken, Not Stirred

Shaken, Not Stirred is a scene from the DC Chronicle featuring Andres Lund and Casper Iversson. It depicts Andres talking a drunk Casper down from his fears about the future.

Scene Summary

Casper is sitting on the roof of his house, drinking beers and throwing empty bottles into a nearby tree as he meditates on how hopeless his future feels and how hard it is to control his Beast. Andres arrives with more beer and scolds him for the mess he is making, but also offers to talk about it. Casper explains that Cassandra recently gave him a reading in which she predicted that he would hurt a woman and wonders aloud if he should commit suicide via sunrise to avoid it coming true. Andres argues that Cassandra is probably not a legitimate psychic and that Casper is far too gentle a vampire to do anything like it.

Casper isn't fully convinced, but is heartened by Andres' support. He goes on to talk about how difficult undead life is, to which Andres fatalistically replies that it's too late for that and all they can do is their best. Casper mentions Hope Gutierrez telling him that his plans for war are foolish and wonders if she was right, and Andres agrees that she is, internally angry that Casper's lover, Anne d'Arpajon, can order him to do it anyway thanks to their bloodbond. Casper is also secretly upset with Anne, but reminds himself that she is an elder and that he is lucky that she pays any attention to him at all.

Casper asks Andres if he thinks it was a mistake to come to DC, and Andres says that it probably was but that they're already there. He goes on to tease Casper that some of the local Toreador are nice, which reminds Casper of Maeve Glaistig and cheers him up. Casper thanks Andres for his help and staggers to bed, while Andres helps him and then goes outside to clean up the drinking debris and watch the sun rise.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

Shaken, Not Stirred Script Summary

Casper is sitting on the roof of his house, drinking beer out of bottles. He finishes a bottle and throws it against a tree, causing it to shatter. Andres climbs onto the roof with another case of beer and sits next to Casper.


ANDRES: You know, I have to clean that up in the morning.

He hands Casper a new bottle of beer.


ANDRES: Want to talk about it?


CASPER: Heh... Thank you old friend... I am sorry... just... fuck...

He opens and drinks from the beer.


CASPER: I met with Miss Cassandra... she looked into... the dream. It wasn't promising.

He rubs his hands over his face.


CASPER: She said I would hurt someone... a woman... badly... what if she's right Andres? What if I become one of those Kindred who... Jesus I should just lay out here until morning and let the sun take me away.

He lies down on the roof and covers his eyes with his arm.


ANDRES: Oh for fuck sakes Casper. Drop the dramatic bullshit will you.

He punches Casper's shoulder.


ANDRES: You gonna let some damned witch - who is probably faking the whole thing - really turn you into a goddamned wreck? You're one of the wussiest vamps I know, the last thing I can see you doing is devouring some poor innocent virgin.

He opens a beer. Casper laughs and shoves him, then sits up.


CASPER: Screw you! You know if I wanted to I could have you killed for talking to me like that!


ANDRES: Oh what are you going to do? Write a poem at me?


CASPER: I don't know... it's all just so... messed up, you know?


ANDRES: What about any of this isn't messed up? You're 90 years old and you look like you're 28. I am almost 50 . You're a vampire and I am your weird servant. It's messed up.

He shrugs and hands Casper another beer.


ANDRES: It won't ever not be messed up. It's like you told me before. Just gotta try our best.

Casper hangs his head.


CASPER: I just don't know what I am doing anymore Andres, this fight? Is it worth it? What if that Hope woman was right? Do you think I made a mistake coming here Andres?

Andres shrugs and throws an empty bottle to break against the tree.


ANDRES: Probably. Not sure who this Hope woman is, but if she is saying this fight is dumb as shit, then she is a goddamned genius.

Casper chuckles.


CASPER: A regular Einstein I am sure.


ANDRES: Doesn't matter though - We're here, job to do - might as well do it. It's not all bad though, some of these Americans don't seem half bad - for Roses that is.

Casper nods.


CASPER: Yeah... she was nice wasn't she? Thank you Andres. I don't know what I would do without you.

He pats Andres' shoulder.


CASPER: Maybe I will go play some music tomorrow, at that open mic place I found.


ANDRES: Sure. I'll call ahead.

He helps Casper stand and climb down the ladder into the house.


ANDRES: Remember you have that meeting though - with some union boss.

Andres follows him inside. Casper goes to bed and Andres goes downstairs to make himself a cup of coffee. He goes outside and sighs, then begins putting pieces of broken bottle into a bag. When he finishes, he leans against the tree and watches the sun rise.


  • This scene takes place entirely in Swedish, but is translated here for ease of reference.

  • Casper's meeting with Cassandra occurred in Open Reading.

  • The fight Casper refers to is his sire Ivar Ragnarsson and lover Anne d'Arpajon's joint plan to take territory in the Americas from the Sabbat, which he has been sent to coordinate.

  • Casper's conversation with Hope was seen in When in Doubt, Drink.

  • The unnamed Toreador Andres and Casper discuss is Maeve Glaistig.