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Clan Gangrel
Nicknames: The Outlanders, The Wanderers
Disciplines: Animalism, Fortitude, Protean
Sect: Independent
Status: OPEN for new characters

The Gangrel are still undead, but of all the clans they are the closest to the natural world in spite of the cold blood in their veins. Gangrel have a reputation for being close to nature, with an affinity for animals and a comfort in the wilderness that most Kindred can't claim. They tend to be nomadic, traveling from territory to territory, and are often loners, some even shunning all other Kindred for most of their lives. When they do associate with others, it's usually with other Gangrel, with whom they form small packs and family units that take care of each other in a mutually comfortable arrangement. Gangrel can function in the city and even in high society if they so choose, but for the most part they prefer not to; many of them were Embraced from the ranks of hunters, farmers, or indigenous peoples used to living off the land, and they see little point in learning the ways of civilizations that change at the drop of a hat. Clan Gangrel is unique in that it was one of the founding members of the Camarilla, but has since broken away and officially become Independent, refusing to take an official stance in the hostilities between the Camarilla and the Sabbat.

Clan Advantage and Weakness

Advantages: Gangrel are automatically a little bit better at the Animal Ken and Survival skills as a result of their naturalistic backgrounds and blood; they aren't necessarily all born hunters, but they do all right as long as the situation isn't too dire. They are also more attuned to those supernatural creatures more nature-connected than themselves - the Garou, whom they tend to be able to sense and work around when they are in the area. This doesn't make Garou like them any more - as a general rule, Garou hate Gangrel as much as any other Kindred clans - but it can help them avoid uncomfortable confrontations or dangerous scuffles. Because they so frequently wander in and out of various Princes' domains, Gangrel are not required to present themselves to a Prince unless they plan to remain in a city for more than one night (although doing so is always a nice gesture of courtesy).

Disadvantages: Because they are already so close to the inherent nature of the world - and by extension, their own inherent nature, the Beast - Gangrel have difficulty returning to normal if they succumb to their true natures. Whenever a Gangrel enters any kind of Frenzy, they gain a permanent bestial trait - it might be pointed ears, elongated teeth, patches of fur, slit pupils, or any other animal feature that would normally be out of place on a human being. These bestial traits are visible to others and make hiding their nature from humans problematic, and only high-level Discipline powers in Vicissitude or Thaumaturgy can attempt to permanently remove them.

The Gangrel in DC

The Gangrel are DC's greatest unknown quantity; officially, they have no opinion on anything and avoid city affairs as much as possible, even those that live within city limits. Because they tend to be more aware of outside beings influencing the city (especially Garou) than other clans, they consider the area too much of a hotspot of supernatural activity to be really advisable as a home base. Art Morgan, the local Gangrel elder, could wield considerable influence if he wanted to, however, so the movers and shakers of the city always have to take into account how the Gangrel might react to any major change to the status quo.


The Independent and Camarilla Gangrel, by far the largest part of the clan, are sometimes referred to as "Country Gangrel" in order to distinguish them from another bloodline - the City Gangrel, who are almost exclusively members of the Sabbat. City Gangrel are vicious hunters of the urban jungles of the cities, with the Celerity and Obfuscate Disciplines instead of the traditional Animalism and Fortitude. City Gangrel aren't exactly rare, but they are definitely less numerous than their country cousins, and almost never found outside the ranks of the Sabbat.

An extremely rare second bloodline are known as the Greek Gangrel, and possess Animalism, Obfuscate, and Fortitude. They are an incredibly ancient bloodline dating well back to the days of Babylon, and have become particularly adept at hiding from the mortal societies that surround them. Some rumors circulate that they are the ancestors of the City Gangrel, but while they share some features in common, both bloodlines still exist, and the Greek Gangrel seem to have little to do with the City branch of their clan.

More rare yet are the obscure bloodline known as the Lhiannon; old and confined only to the British isles, they were once powerful in the age of druids, but have slowly dwindled away as times changed and industrialization began to take over their homelands. Lhiannon are incapable of leaving their native soil (a small area of territory, usually where they were Embraced) for very long without becoming weak and ill, but use the specialty discipline of Ogham to great effect within the tiny lands they have left to them.

Found only in the United States, the Ahrimanes are another bloodline of Gangrel; like the Daughters of Cacophany, their blood only successfully embraces women, and their numbers are small and their customs poorly understood. They are largely spiritualists and seers, using a specialty discipline called Spiritus to connect to the natural world around them; rumor has it that they were an offshoot that split off from the City Gangrel and abandoned the Sabbat, although no one among their thin ranks is confirming.

Finally, the Noiad were a bloodline of Gangrel found in ancient Finland, with the Auspex Discipline in place of Fortitude. Very little is known about them and they are presumed to be extinct, although a few artifacts of their prehistoric presence can still be found. It is theorized that they may have been the first Kindred to enter and settle in Europe, crossing from Russian territories to the east.

Notable Gangrel

Art Morgan, unofficial "Justicar" for Clan Gangrel
Colin Thomas, the Hound
Damien Campbell, former frontline soldier
Melissa, street waif of DC
Tabitha Prester, "Archon" for Art Morgan