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Scene Summary: Flashback: Genius

Flashback: Genius
IanFace.png James4Face.png
Chronicle DC Chronicle
Game Date September 5th, 1915
Real Date November 2, 2018
Characters Ian Kross
James Murphy
Locations Stratford-upon-Avon
Previous Scene Flashback: Meeting the Family (Ian, James)
Next Scene Flashback: Comforts (Ian)
What Happens in Vegas (James)
Content Warnings Racism
Original Scene Flashback: Genius

Flashback: Genius is a scene from the DC Chronicle featuring Ian Kross and James Murphy. It depicts Ian suspecting James of targeting him for crime due to his standing as a member of the nobility.

Scene Summary

Ian reads

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

Flashback: Genius Script Summary

Ian follows James and the other Irish Travellers into their camp, where several people peek out at him but do not emerge.


IAN: So that was your mother?


JAMES: Oh! Aye, that's my Ma. She smiles more once she knows you.


IAN: My father's the same. Judging by the gallery at the abbey, I come from a long and distinguished line of scowlers.


JAMES: Oh? Wouldn't've guessed it.


IAN: That's where I'm headed, actually. To Lamberhurst. Usually we're in London by now, though there's not much of a Season this year for obvious reasons. We only go to Andover for the hunt season.

There is a long pause.


JAMES: I bet Hampshire's gorgeous during the holidays.


IAN: It is! It is. How did you know we had a place there?


JAMES: Your name. Obviously. There's just the one Viscount Bayham, and it's the courtesy title of the Earl of Camden. And the seat of the Earldom is in Hampshire.


IAN: Ah! Yes. Obviously. Though actually it's Marquess Camden now. I imagine that hasn't made it to Burke's yet.


JAMES: Is that so? And here I am with the exclusive.

They arrive at a hand pump in the center of the camp.


JAMES: Good on him. See to that lever, would you?

Ian works the pump.


IAN: I never took you for one to keep up with such things.


JAMES: Oh, no, I read Burke's every year, soon as it comes out. It's a great work of fiction.

He laughs. They continue to work at the pump until they fill a bucket. There is a long silence as they begin to walk back.


JAMES: You don't believe me.

Ian stops.



  • The mention of Great Tom refers to the clock in Tom Tower, a seventeenth-century clocktower located in Christ Church College inside Oxford University.

  • James' mention of Humphrey's refers to Duke Humfrey's Library, a reading room at the Bodlein Library that houses theses written by Oxford students and faculty.

  • Stratford-upon-Avon, where James' family is camped, is also famously the home of William Shakespeare.

  • The sister James mentions is Rebecca Crosswell.