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Scene Summary: Flashback: Meeting the Family

Flashback: Meeting the Family
IanFace.png James4Face.png BeckyFace.png
Chronicle DC Chronicle
Game Date June 22nd, 1915
Real Date November 2, 2018
Characters Esme Murphy
Ian Kross
James Murphy
Rebecca Murphy
Locations Stratford-upon-Avon, England
Previous Scene Flashback: Bad Poetry (Ian, James)
Next Scene Flashback: Genius (Ian, Percy)
I'll See You Again in My Dreams (Rebecca)
Content Warnings Racism, Violence
Original Scene Flashback: Meeting the Family

Flashback: Meeting the Family is a scene from the DC Chronicle featuring Esme Murphy, Ian Kross, James Murphy, and Rebecca Murphy. It depicts Ian meeting James' family and Irish Traveller community for the first time.

Scene Summary

Ian and James drive across England from Oxford, stopping for a picnic lunch along the way, and arrive at the Irish Traveller encampment in Stratford-upon-Avon in the late afternoon. Ian is taken aback by the obvious poverty and grime of the community, but James is proud, showing it off to him as they get out of the car. Before they can formally enter the area, James' sister Rebecca rushes out to greet him and the two hug and shout happily as they see one another, amusing Ian as he watches. James introduces the two of them, but his mother, Esme, appears shouting and Rebecca runs away to escape a scolding.

Esme and two members of the community arrive to confront Ian, who is extremely uncomfortable as he watches James greet everyone; a tense conversation takes place in Shelta, which Ian cannot understand, although he can tell that James is warning them about his title and position. The Travellers are suspicious about Ian's presence, but Esme agrees to let him stay for dinner at James' prodding, after which she tells them to go get ready and to send Rebecca back home if they see her.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

Flashback: Meeting the Family Script Summary

Ian and James drive across England, stopping for lunch along the way, and arrive at an Irish Traveller encampment in the late afternoon. Ian parks a short distance from the road. James jumps out of the car and fans at the dust with his hat.


JAMES: It's something, isn't it?

Ian gets out of the car.


IAN: Indeed.

He puts the car's roof up.


IAN: I'm quite looking forward to--

Rebecca shrieks and runs toward them, tackling James. He lifts her and spins her in his arms, shouting as well.


IAN: --to meeting your family.

James puts Rebecca back down.


JAMES: Well, let's not wait then, yeah? Becky, my girl, I'd like you to meet my friend from school, Lord Bayham. My lord, this is my sister, Becky.

Ian tips his hat.


IAN: Miss Becky. It's a pleasure. Your brother's already told me such an awful lot about you.


REBECCA: He never did!

She giggles.


REBECCA: He hasn't told us nothing 'bout the likes of you. I would'a remembered.

James laughs as well.


JAMES: Just don't know enough yet, is all.

He hugs Rebecca and rests his chin on her shoulder.


JAMES: Give me another term, I'll have all the good stories to share, mo stoirin.[1]

Esme shouts from up the hill as she walks toward them, two large men following her.


ESME: Rebecca Ann Murphy! Gheobhaidh tú ar shiúl![2]

Rebecca squeals, curtseys to Ian, and runs in the other direction. James rushes forward to greet Esme and several others as they arrive and explains the situation in Shelta. Ian takes off his hat.


ESME: So you're staying for dinner?


JAMES: Of course you are! You can't drive all that way back out to Hampshire on an empty stomach.

Ian nods.


IAN: Yes. I mean, I would love to, if it's not an imposition. How very kind of you all.

Esme nods, then turns to return to the camp.


ESME: Go get yourselves clean, then, you're carrying more of the road than the horses. And if you see that girl, you tell her there's washing needs to be done!


  1. "my sweetheart" (Irish Gaelic)
  2. "Get away from there!" (Irish Gaelic)


  • Although Ian refers to the encampment as being made up of "gypsies," they are actually Irish Travellers, an unrelated ethnic group native to Ireland that are often confused with the Romani due to being similarly traditionally mobile.

  • Esme's suspicious response is due to the fact that Ian is a member of the English peerage; the Irish Travellers have been oppressed by the English aristocracy for centuries.