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Scene Summary: Damsels in Distress
Damsels in Distress
HopeFace.png MaeveFace.png SamanthaFace.png
Chronicle DC Chronicle
Game Date December 4, 2015
Real Date April 18-21, 2016
Characters Ginevra Bianchi
Hope Gutierrez
Maeve Glaistig
Samantha Gunnarsson
Locations The Murder Trailer
Previous Scene Phone Call: Ginevra to Sam (Ginevra, Sam)
Phone Call: Hope to Ginevra (Hope, Maeve)
Next Scene The Spill: Open Mic Night (Ginevra)
Ladies About Town (Hope)
In Want Of (Maeve)
Lost and Found (Sam)
Content Warnings Gore, Substance Abuse
Original Scene Damsels in Distress

Damsels in Distress is a scene from the DC Chronicle featuring Ginevra Bianchi, Hope Gutierrez, Maeve Glaistig, and Samantha Gunnarsson. It depicts Ginevra and Sam taking care of Hope and Maeve in the aftermath of their night out.

Scene Summary

Ginevra arrives at The Murder Trailer and is horrified by how badly in disrepair it and its neighborhood both are. She knocks, but arms herself with pepper spray and a rock in case of trouble, hoping that Hope and Sam are as friendly as they seem. Sam, half-asleep inside, hastily gets dressed and answers the door, agreeing to let Ginevra in after she begs to see Maeve and Sam recalls Hope giving her approval to let her inside. Ginevra is also horrified by the incredibly messy interior of the dark trailer, and by how easy it would be to attack the sleeping vampires inside it.

Ginevra and Sam peek into the bedroom to see Hope and Maeve, half-dressed and hugging, still unconscious in Hope's bed. Reassured, they return to the living room and sit down, where Ginevra thanks Sam for her help, explaining that she is overly paranoid since Maeve disappeared once in the recent past. Sam is sympathetic, thinking that she would be upset if the same thing happened to Hope although she also trusts that it probably can't, and offers to watch television with Ginevra since they cannot leave until the sun sets. Ginevra agrees, and the two begin to watch on a laptop only for both of them to fall asleep a few minutes later.

In the bedroom, Maeve wakes up heavily hungover; Hope cuddles her, mumbling that she doesn't want to get up yet, but this startles Maeve into breaking a lamp, waking Hope up enough to realize that it is Maeve and not Sam that she is holding. Hope gets up, grumpy and uncomfortable after last night, and fills a flask with alcohol and crushed painkillers, which she offers to Maeve for her hangover, but drinking it causes Maeve to vomit blood all over Hope's mattress. Hope goes to the living room, where she wakes up both ghouls and sends them to help Maeve while she goes to take a shower.

Ginevra rushes to Maeve and cradles her, upset that she didn't call her in time to bring her home last night and worried that she may be starving again. Maeve apologizes and Ginevra helps her get up and supports her out the door, thanking Sam on the way out and suggesting that Maeve will call Hope later.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

Damsels in Distress Script Summary

Ginevra arrives at The Murder Trailer in a taxi and gets out. She stares at the trailer for a few seconds, then tells the driver to wait for her. She goes to the door and knocks with one hand as she puts the other in her purse to hold a can of pepper spray. Inside, Sam is dozing on a couch in a dark room.


SAM: One second!

She gest up and puts on a shirt, then opens the door.


SAM: Oh. Oh, it's you! The assistant. Right?


GINEVRA: Yes, my name is Ginevra Bianchi, we spoke on the phone. You're Sam, right? Is my employer here? I'd really like to look in and make sure she's okay. If that's all right with you.


SAM: Okay. Cool. Come on in.

She steps aside and Ginevra enters the trailer. Sam points at a door.


SAM: They're in there. Oh! Wait. Gotta shut the door.

She closes the front door.


SAM: We have protocols. One door open, other door closed. Okay. Now you can go in.

Ginevra sneaks quietly down the hall and opens the bedroom door. Sam flicks the hall light switch, but no lights turn on. Sam returns to the living room, tripping over an extension cord on the way, and returns with her cell phone, which she shines into the crack of the open bedroom door. Inside, Hope and Maeve are unconscious, half-dressed and hugging on a mattress on the floor.


SAM: See? Still sleeping. I'd help you carry her to your car or whatever, but she'd explode into fire so...

Ginevra backs away and closes the door, then sighs.


GINEVRA: No, obviously she'll have to stay. Thank goodness. Thanks for making sure she got here safely.


SAM: You hungry?


GINEVRA: Yes, thanks, I'd love to have something. Sorry about calling you so much. It's just, she's... well, she's gone missing before, I was just worried, is all.


SAM: Okay.

Ginevra puts away her pepper spray as she begins to walk down the hall. Sam dashes ahead to the kitchen and opens the freezer. She points toward the couch.


SAM: Just throw those clothes on the floor. But don't throw them on the dirty clothes.

Ginevra shoves the clothes on the couch to one side and sits down next to them. Sam takes a half bag of pizza rolls out of the freezer and pours the contents onto a plate, which she puts in the microwave.


SAM: Don't worry about calling. That had to be super scary, her going missing. At least she was just drunk this time, right?

She takes a bag of chips and sits on the arm of the couch next to Ginevra.


GINEVRA: Well, I was obviously just being paranoid. I'm surprised about her getting drunk, though. She really doesn't do that much. She's going to be hung over in the evening, and I didn't bring anything for her to eat.

Sam plops down next to Ginevra and starts eating chips, offering her the bag.


SAM: Doesn't sound paranoid to me. Especially with her going missing before and all. Hope gets drunk all the time. Never saw her get a hangover though. Can dead people get hangovers? You think that'd be a perk, right? Of being dead?


GINEVRA: Well, I wouldn't think so, I don't think they get dehydrated, but she does. I've only seen it once, but she definitely feels the effects. She doesn't always eat enough, though, so maybe it's just something about that.

Sam shrugs.


SAM: I can go get her something if you want. Not a person, though. Because that's kidnapping.


GINEVRA: No, don't do that, no kidnapping, thank you. She can eat once I get her home.


SAM: You watch Orange is the New Black?


GINEVRA: Um, I've heard it's good?


SAM: Oh yeah, it's really good. Like, really really good.

She scrambles off the couch and retrieves a laptop from the floor, then sits back down. She opens Netflix and begins to play the first episode.


SAM: You'll probably cry. I did. It's really good.

The television show begins to play on the laptop. After several minutes, Ginevra falls asleep in Sam's laundry. Later, Maeve wakes up in Hope's bedroom and moans. She rolls off of Hope and moans again. Hope rolls over and wraps her arm around Maeve's waist, nuzzling her shoulder.


HOPE: Don't wanna get up.

Maeve gropes a hand at her and pushes away, bumping into a nightstand, from which a lamp falls to the floor and breaks. Hope groans and rolls away, then stretches her arms over her head.


HOPE: Still don't wanna get up.


MAEVE: I don't think I can get up.


HOPE: Cover your face.

Maeve covers her face as Hope gets up and turns on the light and goes to the bathroom, where she searches through several bottles of pills, throwing them over her shoulder into the bathtub, until she finds a painkiller. She shrugs, then returns to the bedroom, where she takes a flask out of her discarded boots. She pours more alcohol into it, crushes the painkillers into it, and then shakes the flask before thrusting it at Maeve. Maeve gets to her knees.


HOPE: Here. It's gonna taste like ass, but it might help.


MAEVE: Thanks.

She drinks from the flask, then bends in half and vomits blood on the matress. Hope digs through items on the floor until she finds a t-shirt, then takes it with her to the living room. She puts on the shirt.


HOPE: Babe! Wake up. There's blood all over the mattress.

She kicks the couch, startling Ginevra awake. Ginevra grabs her purse and pulls it into her lap.


HOPE: Who're you?



She starts edging along the couch toward the bedroom.


GINEVRA: Is she okay? Excuse me, I work for her, please don't hit me, where is she?


HOPE: Back there, barfing on my bed.

She helps a waking Sam stand up.


HOPE: She should probably not drink. Ever. Get some dirty towels and some of my clean clothes and go help, okay?

She begins to walk down the hall, then pauses.


HOPE: The towels are for the blood. The clothes are for Maeve.

She goes to the bathroom and begins to take a shower. Ginevra hurries down the hall and into the bedroom, where she drops her purse and rushes to hold Maeve.


GINEVRA: Oh, honey. Oh, honey, you should have called me last night, I could have gotten you home.

She brushes Maeve's hair back and uses her cardigan to wipe blood off her face.


MAEVE: I'm all right. Sorry. I should have called.


GINEVRA: Yes, you should have, but we're here now. Look, I had to get here in a hurry, but we can get you something to eat at home, all right? Take a deep breath.


MAEVE: Don't mention eating, please don't.


GINEVRA: Come on, let me help get you up.

She helps Maeve stand and then supports her toward the door.


GINEVRA: I'll call someone, we'll get you home, and you can rest. Rest. You have to do Limbo tomorrow, unless you're planning to finally take a night off, and you'll need all the rest you can get if the Prince is up to his usual lack of consideration for other people.

They enter the living room and head for the front door. Ginevra nods at Sam.


GINEVRA: I am so glad that you got her home last night, thank you so much. Can I have her... uh, call you later?


  • The recent kidnapping/emergency that Ginevra mentions several times in this scene is Maeve's disappearance in Paris for a year, Ginevra's experience of which is chronicled in The Ginevra Files.

  • Hope's and Maeve's drunken previous night is seen in Scream Therapy.

  • The television show Ginevra and Sam watch is Orange is the New Black, a story about the inmates at a womens' prison.

  • Ginevra and Sam are correct that Maeve having hangovers is abnormal; this is due to a Flaw.

  • Although Hope's attempt to ease Maeve's hangover is creative, taking even crushed pills would cause any vampire without the Eat Food Merit to vomit.

  • The Tremere ghoul Ginevra mentions trading information with is Kaitlyn Hammerstein.