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Scene Summary: Phone Call: Ginevra to Sam

Phone Call: Ginevra to Sam
GinevraFace.png SamanthaFace.png SeanFace.png
Chronicle DC Chronicle
Game Date December 3, 2015
Real Date April 17, 2016
Characters Ginevra Bianchi
Samantha Gunnarsson
Sean Fallon
Locations The Pit
Previous Scene Phone Call: Hope to Ginevra (Ginevra)
Scream Therapy (Sam)
Night Off (Sean)
Next Scene Damsels in Distress (Ginevra, Sam)
In Want Of (Sean)
Content Warnings Substance Abuse
Original Scene Phone Call: Ginevra to Sam

Phone Call: Ginevra to Sam is a scene from the DC Chronicle featuring Ginevra Bianchi and Samantha Gunnarsson, with a cameo appearance by Sean Fallon. It depicts Ginevra calling Sam for help locating her missing domitor.

Scene Summary

At The Pit, Ginevra asks various other ghouls for Sam's phone number, failing until Sean grudgingly gives it to her when she threatens to involve his domitor, Pieter Van Reise, if he doesn't. Ginevra calls Sam, who is headed toward Purgatory in a taxi, and introduces herself as Maeve Glaistig's assistant. She asks Sam for help finding her, relaying that Sam's domitor, Hope Gutierrez, told her to ask her for help finding them. Sam is unclear what is being asked of her and waffles until Ginevra explains again, and then tells her that they seem to be near Purgatory but that she hasn't found them yet. She also mentions that both vampires are drunk and lost, causing Ginevra to become even more anxious.

Ginevra decides to come help look for them and asks Sam what she looks like so that they can meet up, but Sam is unsure whether to allow her to help, since she is a stranger and Hope did not mention her. She briefly describes her cab driver instead of herself while Ginevra wonders if she will have to call Pieter after all. Sam eventually admits that she isn't sure it's safe to bring Ginevra with her, and they two argue briefly before Sam arrives at Purgatory, where she tells Ginevra that she'll start looking and they can meet up when she arrives if she hasn't found Hope and Maeve on her own yet.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

Phone Call: Ginevra to Sam Script Summary

Ginevra asks the other ghouls at The Pit for Sam's number until Sean finally offers it to her. She calls the number and saves it in her phone. Sam is riding in a taxi and chatting with the driver when her phone rings.


GINEVRA: Is this Sam?


SAM: Hello. Yes. This is Sam. Who, uh, would I be speaking to? At this moment?


GINEVRA: Oh, good. My name is Ginevra Bianchi, and I represent Ms. Maeve Glaistig of the Roses. I apologize for contacting you out of the blue like this, but I was told you were the person to get hold of regarding tonight's... situation.


SAM: Uh. Right. That thing. Yeah, I'm totally on it. Don't worry. But, okay, just so we're clear... What was that thing again?


GINEVRA: My employer appears to have gone out with yours this evening, and I can't seem to find her, or get in contact with her. She said you could help me find her?


SAM: Oh! That thing. I am totally on that thing. I'm on my way to get them now. They're drunk and lost.

She checks her text messages.


SAM: Yup. That's what she said. Hold on. Lost at... that bar? Purgatory? I'm on my way over there now.


GINEVRA: All right, I can find that on GPS. I'll meet you there and we can look for them together. Two pairs of eyes will be better than one, especially if they're drunk enough to need help. What do you look like?


SAM: Like... A person. Generally person-shaped. Um, tan. Kinda tan. Dark hair. A comb-over?

She mouths an apology at the taxi driver.


GINEVRA: All right.

She pulls up Pieter Van Reise's number on her other phone.


GINEVRA: I'm about 5'5", dark hair, wearing a grey wool coat, I'll wait around the front door. It should take me about ten minutes to get there, I'm not far.


SAM: Uh... Okay? But... Okay. How about you let me find them and then I'll call you? Because Hope told me to come get her, she didn't say to bring somebody with me. And I don't know you.


GINEVRA: No, wait! I know you don't know me, but Ms. Glaistig is definitely my employer, and if something happened to her— She's my responsibility, and I would be very much obliged if you would help me find her. I wouldn't have involved you if she weren't with your employer, too. Obviously, if you find them first, please do call me, but I could help. I have extensive experience searching for missing persons.

Sam's taxi arrives in front of Purgatory.


SAM: So, uh, I just got here. How about I go look now and then if I haven't found them once you get here, we can team up. Call me when you get here!

She hangs up and pays the driver before getting out.
